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Sandy Larsen

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Geez...is this America, or what?  Only the black guy ends up in jail... 🤥

Judge denies bond to only Trump co-defendant being held in jail

August 26, 2023

Only one of former President Donald Trump's 18 co-defendants in the Georgia election interference case has been jailed as a result of the charges. On Friday, defendant Harrison Floyd was informed during his initial court appearance that he'd be spending more time at the Fulton County Jail since he was considered a potential flight risk.

Floyd, who's charged with racketeering, conspiracy and influencing a witness, turned himself in Thursday afternoon, ahead of Trump's 20-minute appearance at the jail that evening. Prosecutors allege that Floyd, the former leader of Black Voices for Trump and the only Black man among the defendants, was part of a scheme to pressure election worker Ruby Freeman into making false statements. Freeman had been falsely accused by Trump and his allies of election fraud.

Unlike the other defendants in the case, Floyd did not have a lawyer reach a bond agreement with prosecutors before surrendering.

During Friday's hearing, Richardson asked Floyd if he had an attorney and he said he did not. He said the ones he'd spoken to cost between $40,000 and $100,000, and “I can’t put my family in that kind of debt.”. He added that'd he'd requested a public defender and was denied one. The judge told him he did not qualify for one.

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I liked this presentation from this Russian guy Vlad Vexler who talks about how Putin fooled the Western left.

Chomsky, Jeffrey Sachs, Cornel West, Richard Wolfe and journalists  like Greenwald, Mate' , Taibbi and Tulsi Gabbard.

I know we can personally cite a few examples ourselves!


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5 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

I liked this presentation from this Russian guy Vlad Vexler who talks about how Putin fooled the Western left.

Chomsky, Jeffrey Sachs, Cornel West, Richard Wolfe and journalists  like Greenwald, Mate' , Taibbi and Tulsi Gabbard.

I know we can personally cite a few examples ourselves!


         Interesting stuff, Kirk.  I noticed that Vexler talked at some length about Putin's imperialist invasion of Ukraine being driven by a "mystical" sense of "mission," without explicitly mentioning Aleksander Dugin's textbook, The Geopolitical Future of Russia, and the open support for the bloody war by Moscow Patriarch Kyril Gundayev.  (It has also been a war about the hegemony of the Moscow Patriarchate in Ukraine.)

        I have some familiarity with the subject of Russian Orthodox Pan-Slavism, (promoted by such Russian cultural icons as St. Seraphim of Sarov and Fyodor Dostoevsky) and I think it is an unacknowledged aspect of Putin's war.   Call it a "mystical mission," or what-have-you.  It is an inherent aspect of the Russian Orthodox worldview and eschatology -- the belief that Moscow is "the Third Rome...and there shall not be a Fourth."

       Traditional Russian Orthodox "mystics" (e.g., the Optina Elders referenced by Dostoevsky) have been talking and writing about the fate of Russia and the imminent end of the world since the late 19th century.  Some Russian Orthodox startzi have even prophesized that the end of the world will arrive shortly after "the golden domes" of the Russian Orthodox churches re-appear in Russia, (which has been happening since the fall of the Soviet state 30 years ago.)

       The ecclesiastical dimension of the conflict in Ukraine has not really been discussed or understood in the West, because it is so alien to the secular West.  But it is important to many Russians, including Dugin and, possibly, Putin.  Of course, there's Realpolitik, NATO, etc., but the cultural/spiritual dimension of this disaster is part of the picture.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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@W. NiederhutJulius Evola: Evola (1898–1974) was an Italian Philosopher, an advocate of an elitist, idealist variety of Fascism, or some might say Nazism. Influenced by Plato, Nietzsche, Oswald Spengler, Evola espoused an anti-democratic and anti-Semitic return to semi-mystical forms of Medieval Chivalry. During the war Evola met Mussolini immediately after the latter was rescued by Skorzeny. He may also have met Skorzeny there, but this is unconfirmed. His vision inspired Count Valerio Borghese, who wrote an introduction to Evola's book Men Among the Ruins, and also international terrorist (still living today) Stefano Delle Chiaie.

In 2017 there was a resurgence of interest in Evola's work, and President Donald Trump's advisor Steve Bannon and also "Putin's Rasputin,” Aleksandr Dugin should be cited among the thinkers of the Right who have been influenced by Evola. Intriguingly, his name also appears in works of fiction such as Umberto Eco's Foucault's Pendulum and Peter Levenda's "Lovecraft Code" —Ran Daniel, researcher, writer and research associate of author H. P. Albarelli Jr.

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2 hours ago, Leslie Sharp said:

@W. NiederhutJulius Evola: Evola (1898–1974) was an Italian Philosopher, an advocate of an elitist, idealist variety of Fascism, or some might say Nazism. Influenced by Plato, Nietzsche, Oswald Spengler, Evola espoused an anti-democratic and anti-Semitic return to semi-mystical forms of Medieval Chivalry. During the war Evola met Mussolini immediately after the latter was rescued by Skorzeny. He may also have met Skorzeny there, but this is unconfirmed. His vision inspired Count Valerio Borghese, who wrote an introduction to Evola's book Men Among the Ruins, and also international terrorist (still living today) Stefano Delle Chiaie.

In 2017 there was a resurgence of interest in Evola's work, and President Donald Trump's advisor Steve Bannon and also "Putin's Rasputin,” Aleksandr Dugin should be cited among the thinkers of the Right who have been influenced by Evola. Intriguingly, his name also appears in works of fiction such as Umberto Eco's Foucault's Pendulum and Peter Levenda's "Lovecraft Code" —Ran Daniel, researcher, writer and research associate of author H. P. Albarelli Jr.


      I read Foucault's Pendulum years ago, but I don't remember the details about Evola.  In terms of how Italian Fascism and the Vatican relate to the traditional Russian Orthodox worldview, most Westerners don't realize that the Russians have traditionally viewed the Papacy (and allied Western fascists) as spiritually corrupt apostates.

     A classic example is the depiction of the evil Papal legate accompanying the German Teutonic knights in their invasion of Russia in Sergei Eisenstein's film, Alexander Nevsky. *  Of course, Stalin commissioned the film to mobilize popular support for resistance against the Nazi invasion of Russia.  But, in a similar vein, Tolstoy depicted the Russian view of the spiritual corruption of the RC in War and Peace-- where Helene Bezhukov commits suicide after converting from Orthodoxy to Roman Catholicism.

     The spiritual problem in Putin's Russian Federation today, in my view, is that the Soviet government seized the Moscow Patriarchate in 1921, and turned it into a corrupt tool of the secular Soviet state.  And the KGB (FSB) never relinquished control of the MP.   Patriarch Alexey II was KGB agent "Drozhdov."  And Patriarch "Tobacco" Kyril Gundayev has long been aligned with Putin's KGB.  So the "revived" Russian Orthodox Church (MP) in the 21st century is basically being used to buttress Putin's nationalist/fascist police state, in a manner similar to the way conservative Catholics aligned with fascism in Western Europe in the 1930s.

     The MP priests and bishops under Putin have been blessing bombs and missiles, and defrocking conscientious Orthodox priests who have prayed for peace in Ukraine!

Edited by W. Niederhut
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- Donald Trump -

"I have the Staysure Senior PGA Championship in Aberdeen, Scotland, on my great course, and I can't go. I have to stay around and fight off the Crazed Radical Left Lunatics, Communists, Marxists, and Fascists. I wouldn't want to be in Europe and watch this COUNTRY DESTROYING Scum work their disgusting and illegal 'magic' on unsuspecting Republican 'leaders' who just don't think it is appropriate to Fight Fire With Fire."


Um.... Didn't they take his passport?

Steve Thomas 

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Well of course  with your background W. You know better than anybody about this historic tendency toward a  morbid national psyche that I first gleaned when I was young just through reading Crime and Punishment.

I don't know if you checked out Vexler's shorter excerpts now regarding the deaths of Prigozhin and Dugin's daughter. I didn't realize that I had seen her as a newscaster, commentator perhaps on RT.

 At the end of the Dugin clip, he does warn of the susceptibility of the right and the  gradual erosion of Democratic principles in the West.

He gets a little dark and hypnotically a little "vexing" himself, heh heh,   but I like him.

Didn't Cotter call Putin "a  great man" or maybe it was "a great leader?"




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- Trump lawyer, Alina Habba -


“Yeah. If it was a normal person, honestly, Shannon, I could understand the concern. President Trump is not your average person,” Habba replied. “He’s incredibly intelligent and he knows the ropes. He also knows the facts because he lived them.”

“What is going to have to be prepped for? The truth?” Habba added. ”You don’t have to prep much when you’ve done nothing wrong, so that I’m not concerned with.”

That's why we can't go to trial until 2026, three years from now.


Judge Chutkin must have agreed with her. She just set the trial date to begin March 4, 2024.

"I don't care if he wants to go to Scotland to play golf. I don't care if he wants to run for President. The man is a criminal defendant charged with 91 felonies. He's going trial."

Steve Thomas

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