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Sandy Larsen

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17 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

Rumors about members of Congress being charged for 1/6 crimes have been abundant in recent weeks, but still we wait.

There's been some speculation that the ouster of McCarthy and the very quick decision by Trump to install the obviously unqualified Jim Jordan (a man described by former Republican Speaker John Boehner as a "terrorist") as a sign that something is close to happening, and they hope Jordan will somehow be able to stop it as Speaker.

Stay tuned.

The 1/6 Committee served a subpoena on Jordan to testify to which he refused to respond. Their thinking was that he knew in advance of what of about to happen at the Capitol. 

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24 minutes ago, Douglas Caddy said:

The 1/6 Committee served a subpoena on Jordan to testify to which he refused to respond. Their thinking was that he knew in advance of what of about to happen at the Capitol. 

You are 100% correct, Doug.

In fact, yesterday Liz Cheney spelled it out for all of us:

“Jim Jordan was involved, was part of the conspiracy in which Donald Trump was engaged as he attempted to overturn the election.”


I'm sure I sound like a broken record at this point, but we must all remind ourselves every day that we are living through history; a conspiracy bigger than Watergate, and, while not a murder mystery, equal in importance to the JFKA.

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37 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

You are 100% correct, Doug.

In fact, yesterday Liz Cheney spelled it out for all of us:

“Jim Jordan was involved, was part of the conspiracy in which Donald Trump was engaged as he attempted to overturn the election.”


I'm sure I sound like a broken record at this point, but we must all remind ourselves every day that we are living through history; a conspiracy bigger than Watergate, and, while not a murder mystery, equal in importance to the JFKA.

Bound to become a big issue is as he attempts to become Speaker or afterwards if he is elected to that post. 

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Donald Trump at a rally in Iowa on Saturday claimed that President Joe Biden would "go down" if the two were to physically fight.


"I have a much better body than him," the former president said at the rally.


"I could just... and he'd go down," Trump said while on stage, flicking the air.


Sounds like all of the qualities I'm looking for in a President.


Steve Thomas

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3 hours ago, Leslie Sharp said:

How are his supporters rationalizing his position on Jan 6?

It mirrors his curious position on Trump.

RFK, Jr. has been strangely reluctant to say anything bad about Donald Trump.

Meanwhile, in a change of subject, some people are wondering if Trump compromised Israeli security by sharing classified intelligence with Putin.  (Putin is aligned militarily with the Tehran-Damascus-Hezbollah Axis.)


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FLASHBACK: Trump Admitted to Sharing Classified Intelligence from Israel to Russia

In 2017, Trump bragged that he had an “absolute right” to share the classified intel. Israel was furious.
In 2017, Trump bragged that he had an “absolute right” to share the classified intel. Israel was furious. 

Following the attacks by Hamas against Israel on Saturday, it’s worth revisiting a foreign policy disaster by Donald Trump that has major implications on the events we are witnessing today.

In 2017, Donald Trump divulged classified intelligence about Israeli’s Mossad spy agency and ISIS to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak during a meeting at The White House. Trump admitted to sharing the confidential intelligence, tweeting that he had an “absolute right” to do so. While he may have had the right to share intelligence while he was president, that doesn’t mean that sharing confidential intelligence from Israel with our adversaries was the right thing to do.

Israel was furious.

ForeignPolicy.com noted in a 2017 article:

“Just days before President Donald Trump’s arrival in Tel Aviv, Israeli intelligence officials were shouting at their American counterparts in meetings, furious over news that the U.S. commander in chief may have compromised a vital source of information on the Islamic State and possibly Iran, according to a U.S. defense official in military planning. “To them, it’s horrifying,” the official, who attended the meetings, told Foreign Policy. “Their first question was: ‘What is going on? What is this?’””

The New York Times warned at the time that this intelligence could end up in the hands of Israel’s enemies such as Iran.

"Mr. Trump’s boasting about some of Israel’s most sensitive information to the Russians could damage the relationship between the two countries and raises the possibility that the information could be passed to Iran, Russia’s close ally and Israel’s main threat in the region,” the Times wrote in a contemporaneous article.

The Times also noted that Trump’s revelation of classified Israeli intel could expose the source of the information and the manner in which it had been collected, worrying intelligence officials.

In addition to meetings with Lavrov and Kislyak, Donald Trump met with Vladimir Putin at least 5 times without other officials present during his presidency. With no record of these conversations and Donald Trump’s penchant for sharing classified intelligence, experts worry about what was revealed during the course of these meetings and how they may have impacted our national security and that of the world in the time since.


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Within a year of the assassination of Pres. Kennedy in Dallas, conservative William F. Buckley whose family wealth depended on an unregulated oil industry, co-founded The American Conservative Union (ACU), the umbrella for the Conservative Political Action Conferences (CPAC) launched in 1974.  Conservative journalist M. Stanton Evans , author of Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy and His Fight Against America's Enemiesopined  "Historians may well record the decade of the 1960s as the era in which conservatism, as a viable political force, finally came into its own."

Today - October 9 -  from the late Bill Buckley's very own National Review announcing RFK Jr.s' scheduled appearance at CPAC following the announcement in PA that he will run as an "independent":

RFK Jr. Launches Independent Presidential Bid, Abandons Democratic Primary

. . . “Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has a unique voice in advocating for the defunding of the weaponized bureaucracy and ensuring the constitutional right of medical freedom,” CPAC chairman Matt Schlapp said in a statement. “Kennedy joining such an important event is a reflection of the splintering of the left-wing coalition that has gone full woke Marxist to the point that traditional liberals don’t feel welcome anymore.” . . . Kennedy, who is expected to abandon the race for the Democratic nomination next week in favor of an independent presidential run, will join GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, Arizona Senate candidate Kari Lake, Texas attorney general Ken Paxton*, and Newsmax CEO Chris Ruddy at the four-day conference, which will begin October 18.

Acorns, trees and American Ambassador to Britain Joe Kennedy's appeasement:

Captured German Documents Reveal . . .

“As an illustration of how wrong impressions regarding Germany were being spread, Ambassador Kennedy related that recently ‘Johnnie’ Reckefeller, a very influential and sensible man, had told him that according to a report by one of the leading professors of the Rockefeller Institute, the limited amount of food available in Germany was being reserved mainly for the army, with the result that the rest of the population had to suffer want. As far as knew, the professor who made the report was a Jew. He — Kennedy — had set Rockefeller right.”

Emphasizing in his report that when Kennedy spoke favorably of Germany, people had confidence in his statements “because he was a Catholic,” the German envoy added that he “repeatedly and emphatically” welcomed Kennedy’s intention “to enlighten” President Roosevelt about Germany. He then quoted Kennedy as stating: “The President was not anti-German, but desired friendly relations with Germany. However, there was no one who had come from Europe and had spoken a friendly word to him regarding present-day Germany and her government.

“When I remarked that I feared he was right in this, Kennedy added that he knew he was right. Most of them were afraid of the Jews and did not dare to say anything good about Germany; others did not know any better, because they were not informed about Germany,” von Dirksen reported. He added that when he brought up the question of the anti-Nazi attitude of the American press, Kennedy did not have much to say to these statements “and merely mentioned that the press on the East Coast was unfortunately predominant in the formation of public opinion in America and that it was strongly influenced by the Jews.” https://www.jta.org/archive/captured-german-documents-reveal-anti-jewish-views-of-former-ambassador-kennedy

And this, from a summary of Rogue Diplomats by Seth Jacobs (Boston College), Cambridge University Press, April 2020. 

Chapter 5 investigates my counter-example, the rogue diplomat whose indiscipline [emphasis added] harmed U.S. interests. Joseph P. Kennedy, a contributor to Franklin Delano Roosevelt's 1932 and 1936 election campaigns, demanded Embassy London as a reward, and FDR obliged. Upon arriving in Britain, Kennedy concluded that Adolf Hitler's Wermacht was invincible, that British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain's strategy of appeasement was correct, and that America had to remain neutral. Kennedy repeatedly misrepresented the Roosevelt administration's anti-fascist policy. Whereas FDR and Secretary of State Cordell Hull were endeavoring to bring American--and world - opinion around to a posture of resistance to Hitler, Kennedy proclaimed that America had no stake in the conflict and that, moreover, he expected Germany to win any war that might break out. No matter how often FDR ordered Kennedy to hold his tongue, he would not comply. Germany's 1939 invasion of Poland horrified the ambassador, who forecast an end to democracy in Europe and America. At the close of Kennedy's thousand days in London, Anglo-American relations were in tatters and Britain stood alone against the Nazi juggernaut. Few did more than Kennedy to bring about this hideous state of affairs.

Or, as the controversial Clive Irving opined: ' . . . The word appeasement was in itself a form of euphemism. It didn’t come close to describing the moral depravity of trying to appease those who were clearly evil. [emphasis added] And euphemisms, then and now, are the beginning of the political process of glossing over what is actually going on. . . .

' . . . In 1938 Joseph Kennedy had a solution to “the Jewish problem.” 
The New York Times
 reported that he had worked out with prime minister Chamberlain a plan to ship all German Jews to Africa and other places in the Western Hemisphere under the joint administration of Britain and the United States. That was news to the State Department, which Kennedy had not consulted, and to President Roosevelt for whom Kennedy had become an embarrassing loose cannon. . . . '

*Extreme conservative Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick (recall he played host to Trump in Waco for the formal announcement of his 2024 run) and disgraced AG Ken Paxton bring us full circle to Texas and the continuity of the coup in Dallas, 1963: 

The Texas Tribune:
Conservative PACs leader’s meeting with white supremacist Nick Fuentes leads to condemnations, escalates GOP infighting

The Tribune reported Sunday that Jonathan Stickland, the leader of Defend Texas Liberty PAC, hosted Fuentes, a white supremacist and antisemite, for nearly 7 hours on Friday. Phelan called on Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and other officials to redirect any money they received from the PAC.

Acting on a tip, a Tribune reporter and photographer on Friday observed Fuentes and others — including Kyle Rittenhouse, who was acquitted of homicide after killing two Black Lives Matter protesters in 2020 — enter the one-story office of Pale Horse Strategies near Fort Worth. Republican Party of Texas Chair Matt Rinaldi also was inside the office for about 45 minutes, though Rinaldi told the Tribune that he had no idea that Fuentes was there, condemned him outright and said he wouldn’t meet with him “in a million years.”

Defend Texas Liberty is funded by two West Texas oil billionaires — Tim Dunn and Farris Wilks — who are also Attorney General Ken Paxton’s biggest donors. Earlier this year, the group made headlines after it gave $3 million in loans and donations to Patrick ahead of Paxton’s impeachment trial in the Texas Senate, over which Patrick presided.



Orbán gets warm CPAC reception after ‘mixed race’ speech blowback

The Hungarian prime minister, under fire over a July 23 speech, highlighted a type of nationalistic populism taking hold on the American right. — 


08/04/2022. DALLAS — Viktor Orbán took the stage at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Texas with an invitation for the American right.

“I’m here to tell you that we should unite our forces,” said Orbán, the Hungarian prime minister who has found himself increasingly alienated from democratic countries in Europe, as he has opposed immigration and liberal views on family and gender — and increasingly close with the MAGA-aligned American right. . . .



Coup in Dallas, by Albarelli with Sharp and Kent, and the significance of OCTOBER 9:

. . . Between October 1st, when Lafitte says that he sent a cable to Madrid that all was ok, and to tell Tom D. (Davis), he then notes, O. says come to Madrid. Eight days later, in the most incriminating statement written by Lafitte to date reveals a recap of Otto’s strategy, worth repeating once again now that we have Otto’ Skorzeny's role as tactician in context: 


OSARN-get Willoughby-Litt- 

plus Souetre, others (Hungarians)

Lancelot proj - kill squads Dallas,

New York, Tampa-(Labadie) -T says 

called Oswald to purpose- weapons- 

Walker. Davis in N.O. with 

swamp groups Florida (Decker, 

Bender, Vickers, K of M)---

the Lafitte Datebook, October 9, 1963

To underscore the ideology driving Otto’ Skorzeny's choice for involvement in the plot to kill Kennedy, one that unites all those named on October 9 including Lafitte, the history of the Secret Organization of National Revolutionary Action (OSARN) as presented in Chapter 1 warrants repeating as well: 

OSARN was closely aligned with Benito Mussolini and Hitler. OSARN’s purpose was stated: “We want to build a new Europe in cooperation with national socialist German and all other European nations freed from liberal capitalism, Judaism, Bolshevism and French Masons . . . to regenerate France and the French race . . . to ensure that Jews who stay in France are subject to harsh laws, preventing them from infesting our race. . . . OSARN was also closely associated with Reinhardt Heydrich, head of the dreaded Nazi Gestapo.” 



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Republicans turn on Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as he launches independent bid

Donald Trump’s campaign joins the Republican National Committee in attacking his nascent bid, as Democrats outside his immediate family largely stay silent


October 9, 2023

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