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John Hogue, who is close to the Russians, predicts the Ukraine will fall in June or July. He explains here how this will happen.


Free Excerpt from Article 11 of new April into May 2024 Hogue Prophecy Report 


The Ancient of Days (1794) by William Blake (1757-1827). Public Domian.

Dear Friends,

I want to share with you a segment from my 12-article sending that's just been sent to my subscribers of the HogueProphecy Report yesterday. It is an important message "from the past" that might illuminate what Russia is planning to do in this decisive chapter of the NATO Proxy Ukrainian war with the Russian Federation reaching its climax this spring into summer of 2024. It is from my 11th article that makes numerous bullet-point prophecies.

mail?url=https%3A%2F%2Fstaticapp.icpsc.c•When exactly will Russia undertake largescale offensives?

Everyone, including me has a prescient opinion. But I’ll try something new, let’s ask to presage an option the head of the Ukrainian Main Intelligence Directorate, the very spooky General Kirill Budanov:

“Armageddon will not happen, as many are now beginning to say. But there will be problems from mid-May,” forecasted Budanov to BBC-Ukraine, adding, “…the Russians will use an integrated approach. They are conducting a complex operation. We won’t talk about this for a long time, but this will be a difficult period. Mid-May, early June.” (Courtesy of Military Summary Channel Archive)

Why did Budanov have to mention Armageddon and stress that it isn’t coming in the guise of the Russian offensives?

If there is no Armageddon coming as a real concern, why mention Armageddon?

It reminds me of the Monty Python skit showing on TV a Royal Navy officer played by Graham Chapman stepping up to assure the reporter that there is absolutely no cannibalism in the Royal Navy. The camera strays to another Pythonite Royal Navy sailor eating a human leg.

“Jenkins?! NO!” yells Chapman.

I time Russian offensives exploding across the battlefronts any time between 15 May to 21 May—the latter date being the final day by Ukrainian law that President Zelensky is legally president of Ukraine.

[UPDATE, 14 May 2024]

How will the Russians do this? Their General Staff will do to entrenched Ukrainian lines what Union General Ulysses S. Grant did in the American Civil War to finally defeat the Confederacy in April 1865. They will end this war of attrition with the Ukrainians, elongating their 870-mile (1400-kilometer) trench line, stretching, and thinning the Ukrainians out while keeping them under massive pressure until the front suddenly unravels.

Grant first denied Robert E. Lee’s Confederate Army of Northern Virginia its advantage of maneuver to strike at his far larger forces by compelling Lee in June 1864 to dig in his smaller force by waging a race of picks and shovels building an entrenched front not dissimilar to what happened to both sides in the First World War on the Western Front in their “Race to the Sea” in the autumn of 1914. Over the following nine months, Grant forced Lee to extend his defensive line to match Grant’s expanding entrenchments along a front that eventually ran for 30 miles (48 kilometers) starting north at Richmond, Virginia, eventually running south, and making a southwest turn around Petersburg, Virginia.

Like the Russians against the Ukrainians, Grant had the advantage of marshalling a far larger army out of the far more populated and industrialized Northern States, backed by their superior industrial might. The Union army was well armed, well bunked, fed and richly supplied with a two-to-one superiority all along Richmond/Petersburg front.

Many battles in the no-man’s-land between earthen forts and trenches raged from the late spring of 1864, into summer, through autumn into winter, but with little territorial advantage, for either side, just like in Ukraine.

No matter.

Territorial gains to please the impatient press didn’t interest the stoic General Grant. By the new year of 1865, Lee’s right flank of trench works had been forced to follow the Union digging dangerously far westward from Lee’s Petersburg salient. Some quieter parts of his line were all but abandoned by Confederate soldiers, The Confederate logistical support began suffering breakdowns with their rations of food and ammunition becoming meager. In short, Lee’s defensive line as April and spring approached was losing the trenching tool marathon. Union cavalry with infantry support were making more daring forays west probing beyond the feverishly digging and famished soldiers of the Confederacy, scouting for a way to turn the entire Confederate right front.

On 1 April 1865, a large force of Union cavalry and infantry clashed with a line of Confederate infantry making a desperate stand at a strategically important junction where five roads met, called Five Forks. The Confederate firing line furiously stood its ground but was finally broken by overwhelming firepower and a massive frontal Union cavalry charge.

Things for Lee’s army then started unraveling fast.

By 2 April, Grant ordered Union forces to roll up Lee’s entrenchments along the Confederate right flank, prompting the Army of Northern Virginia to abandon the entire Petersburg defenses that evening. By 3 April, Grant ordered Union attacks all along the 30-mile Confederate defense line up to Richmond. By nightfall on the 3rd, Richmond was on fire and all surviving Confederate soldiers abandoned the entire line of trenches to their dead and the jubilant Union soldiers.

Lee’s line, that had tenaciously held off the Union forces in a war of attrition for more than nine months, completely collapsed in less than three days!

That is what is waiting for the Ukrainian Army along its 1400-kilometer line starting at the mouth of the Dnieper River in Kherson then east through Zaparozhye Oblasts (provinces), into the Donbass line, taking a northeastern-to-northern bend up through eastern Kharkov Oblast.

In 1865 across the Union States, newspapers complained about Grant being bogged down in trench warfare. They wanted “big arrow” offensives, just like the Russian press wanted for two-years-and-counting. The pro-Ukrainian Western press mistakenly claimed that Russian forces were trapped in a stalemate.

Nothing of it.


A Dead Confederate soldier (center) in the trenches of Fort Mahone, on 3 April 1865, after the sudden breaking of the Siege of Petersburg. Source: US Library of Congress. (Public domain)

Down the last 1.5 years, I have been accurately preparing you for this new dimension coming in the war in Ukraine. The Russians are playing this like Grant’s Union army, making little headway advancing out of their entrenched front just like the Siege of Peterburg had done starting in June 1864 up to April 1865. At the end of 2022, I began predicting the same static attrition war between Ukraine and Russia would end with a sudden roll-up of the front by the Russians. Starting at the beginning of 2024, I further predicted the window of time when the unraveling would begin beginning no later than in the spring of 2024, most likely by mid-May at the latest.

As I write this, on 14 May 2024, Day Five of the Russian Kharkov offensive, what a few days ago looked like merely the Russians extending a buffer zone out of Belgorod region is beginning to look like something else. It looks somewhat like Grant extending his line, but in the Russians’, in this case doing it on a grander scale by establishing an entirely new, northern front on the Ukrainian frontiers of Kharkov with undisputed Russian territories. They are forcing the commander of Ukrainian forces, General Syrsky, into Lee’s dilemma, sorely hard pressing him to completely exhaust his last reserves of veteran troops, and pull squads and platoons of his half-trained soldiers off the Donbass line, like what Lee had to do to keep manning his new entrenchments running west from Petersburg, and likewise somehow muster a mobile striking force that could block each Union reconnaissance in force probing beyond where his line currently ended.

I’m already hearing from Dima of Military Summary Channel how thousands of Ukrainian soldiers have had to be plucked out of the line and hastily sent north in ad-hoc, pieced-together combat groups to stop the advancing Russian steamroller that is approaching Kharkov, Ukraine’s second largest city—a Russian city by the way—waiting for liberation. The Ukrainian forces left to man the thinning Donbass/Kharkov eastern front are also seeing their logistical support diminish as Syrsky must now direct most of it northwards. That means Ukrainians on the main defensive line, like the Confederates of the past, are watching their ammunition resupply diminish for artillery and infantrymen just when the Russians are pushing them hardest.

On this fifth day, Dima and other sources are reporting that the Russians will extend new northern front lines with an advance into Sumy and Chernigov Oblasts where there is next to no one guarding these Ukrainian frontiers.

Oh, but what about the promised prepared Ukrainian defensive trench lines, freshly dug, cement pillboxes at the ready?

It appears that the corrupt contractors mostly took the money and ran, leaving in one place, for example, along a road to Kharkov truckloads of triangular shaped cement tank obstructions called Dragon’s Teeth just dumped like trash alongside the road in a useless pile while the contractors and laborers drove away as fast as they could!

This developing situation prompts me to give the Battle of Five Forks scenario a whole new metaphorical definition about what is coming next for Ukrainian arms: not a hub of five roads, but literally the Russian General Staff’s plan to strategically poke through the Ukrainian lines like they were a pie being deflated by the trusts of five forks into it.

The following will be the five-fork offensive breakthrough points the Russians will attempt, so I predict.

Three of these will be the new and expanding buffer zones in the northern front: one at Kharkov, the second at Sumy and the third poking Ukraine through Chernigov.

Fork four and five, so I predict, will be the killer blows overwhelming the Ukrainian trenches at points in the central and northern Donbass line. Fork four is the Russian advance to spread in south, north and western directions from the village of Ocheretyne axis, west of the Adeyevka breakthrough that made this possible in late February.

I predict the Fifth and most fatal fork will poke the line farther north of Ocheretyne at Chasiv Yar, opposite last year’s Russian conquest of Bakhmut. At Chasiv Yar, Sysrky for the last month had already thrown all his reserve units he could scrape together to slow down the Russian advance. Now in May he can do no more than strip the Chasiv Yar line, despite being heavily attacked by the Russians so he can send some units north to Kharkov at present. He will have denuded the Donbass line of any reasonable chance to hold fast while trying to stop Russian invasions of undefended Sumy and Chernigov Oblasts coming over the Russian frontiers within the next week!


I’m going to begin releasing this HogueProphecy Report tomorrow, 15 May.

I’ve been predicting that the buckling of the Ukrainian line would most likely happen between 15 May and 21 May. I have now five reasons—five forks—in play to punch and deflate that pie.

Some very dramatic changes are about to take place in this war. By the time June comes around, the Ukrainian forces and Syrsky will be repeating what the Army of Northern Virginia and Lee were doing once their line broke. They’ll replay what happened to Lee’s Confederate army, making a rapid retreat to the west, trying to reach safety while right on their heels is an overwhelming Union force. Six days after the Army of Northern Virginia pulled out of their Petersburg/Richmond trenches, they couldn’t get to promised supplies waiting for them at Lynchburg on the James. They couldn’t put the James River between them and the Union host. They had been surrounded 25 miles from the east bank of the James and had to surrender. Lee sought terms from Grant at the Appomattox Court House on 9 April 1865.

In Syrsky’s fate, there will be no peaceful end with generous Union terms in the disbanding of Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia. All the fronts and perhaps two thirds of what Ukrainian forces remain in the fight will find themselves suddenly on the wrong side of the Dnieper River—the Russian side—after they abandoned their rolled-up font.

I’d predict that no earlier than sometime later in June, definitely in July, the Ukrainians will be racing east down roads that—unlike Lee’s army—will be hunted down by a horrendous Russian array of mobile and armored forces, air forces and artillery. There will be swarms of Kamikaze drones marking their human and rolling targets down highways of death. It will be a race of the defeated hounded by the victorious to the west, to the Dnieper River bridge crossings.

Will the Ukrainians reach them first?

Will the bridges across the Dnieper still be standing?

We will see, as June ends and July begins.



Top: Ukrainian flag-waving US House of Representatives, after they voted to throw another $61 billion dollars into the money-pit-turned-grave-pit that Ukraine is becoming with already a half-million men killed, with many more to fall for this war is lost. And despite what the mainstream media tells you, Ukrainians are dying at a rate of 10 Ukrainians to 1 Russian. Not the other way around. That's the Real News, that I report to my readers. Photo courtesy of modernity.news. Bottom: Ukrainian flags flutter on one of many vast military cemetery fields across Ukraine with a fresh grave ready for more.

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Russians lie about everything. Every Thing.

In fact, they lie so much that you can usually predict the future by assuming the opposite of what they predict.

Russia is not going to win the war in Ukraine next month.

Not next month. Or the month after that. Russia will never win the war in Ukraine.

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        WaPo ran a major, front-page feature story on this two days ago.  

        Here's Al Jazeera's reprise.

Pro-Israel billionaires urged New York crackdown on Gaza protests: Report | Israel War on Gaza News | Al Jazeera

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