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Sandy Larsen

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Bob Woodward is right here. He is suspicious that something is not right here. He does not articulate what is on his mind but I believe he is thinking that Biden was secretly drugged by someone in the hours before the debate.

Bob Woodward brands Biden debate performance a ‘political h-bomb’ (aol.com)

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18 minutes ago, Douglas Caddy said:


Bob Woodward is right here. He is suspicious that something is not right here.


Hi Doug- this is why I posted the CNN screenshot on the previous page.

A lot of stuff is still being sussed out; there are other indicators that point to there being a rat in the Biden nest.

I’m traveling, so more later

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4 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Hi Doug- this is why I posted the CNN screenshot on the previous page.

A lot of stuff is still being sussed out; there are other indicators that point to there being a rat in the Biden nest.

I’m traveling, so more later

I think it was done on Air Force One while Biden was flying to the debate. It might have been in the food he ate or the water he drank on the plane or in the air transmission into the part of the plane's cabin that he occupied.

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Was Biden drugged?  Possibly.

I'm going to toss in a few clinical observations here, folks, from my neurology training.

Biden looked somewhat Parkinsonian to me during the debate.

He exhibited bradykinesia, with a blank, masked facies, and very faint speech.

Recall his blank, bewildered staring around the room.

The most affect he exhibited was a kind of goofy grin.

Denial has never been one of my defense mechanisms.

He needs to step down and hand the torch to Gavin Newsom.


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Hi W.- the symptoms Biden presented with on debate night could have been caused by more than a few other things besides Parkinson’s, correct?

At minimum, there are numerous cold medications available that can cause quite a wallop.

It’s my understanding that what happened with Biden at the beginning of the debate the other night is not a common behavior for him. That was a reaction to something, IMO.


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18 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

He needs to step down and hand the torch to Gavin Newsom

Outside of an address to the nation by Biden detailing a severe personal medical crisis, a change atop the ticket just isn’t going to happen.

And there is no possibility such a scenario occurs with Kamala Harris being shoved to the sidelines. None.

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I don't buy that he was drugged! Almost all the film of Biden over the last year lead up to this result! Staring vacantly, looking down, and too much time spent with his mouth open and not talking!  That's huge!

I always wondered why none of his aides ever confronted him about this. If they were clueless, they at least could have hired a media consultant! I was wondering if it was because they saw that he was very lucid in his dealings with them, and could easily overcome the low expectations that people were drawing from his appearance.

To me his first excuse for his poor performance was so Trumpian, blaming the other guy. Saying he was so astonished at Trump's lies it froze him! He knew from his previous debates that Trump is a pathological liar, and he handled it well before! Biden asked for the format, and it only made Trump look more self disciplined, and Biden  unable to fend off Trump lies as they happened. A bad calculation!

We should know how stiff the resistance is when polls come out this week. Unless he slides  precipitously, which I doubt because the undecided are such a small % of the overall number of voters. There's too much inertia standing in the way of  switching candidates.

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14 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

I don't buy that he was drugged! Almost all the film of Biden over the last year lead up to this result!

4 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Kirk, if your claim that what we saw Thursday night was the new normal for Biden, we would have heard about it long before the debate performance. That’s not something that could be hidden.

Matt, what i said in my first sentence is, it was never hidden!

W., Doug and I gave you these observations a year ago. Obviously we were praying we would end up being wrong and this wouldn't happen.

If you didn't see it, you certainly weren't going to hear about it from his aides!



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3 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Matt, what i said in my first sentence is, it was never hidden!

W., Doug and I gave you these observations a year ago. Obviously we were praying we would end up being wrong and this wouldn't happen.

If you didn't see it, you certainly weren't going to hear about it from his aides!



    You and I both agreed last year that Biden needed to step down.  I wanted a Democratic primary season with some younger Democrats competing for the nomination-- including Newsom, Harris, and Buttigieg.  Whitmer is also a quality candidate.

     Harris was not that popular in the 2020 Democratic primary debates.  She was Biden's choice-- not the people's choice.

     If I recall correctly, Bernie, Elizabeth Warren, Buttigieg, then Biden, were the 2020 primary favorites-- in roughly that order-- leading into Super Tuesday in 2020.  Harris dropped out early.  Then Biden eked out a narrow nomination victory over Bernie and Warren, with the help of the DNC, Wall Street, and the black vote in SC and beyond.  

     Biden should have put Warren on the ticket as VP-- but the Wall Street moguls didn't want a Progressive.

     As for the current Democratic Party denial about Biden needing to step down, it reminds me of the Democrats who were defending Biden while he continued to ship bombs to Bibi Netanyahu for the Gaza genocide.

     Biden was dead wrong on the Gaza genocide, but many Democrats have remained in denial about his collusion in Netanyahu's war crimes.  And some of the Progressives who told the truth have been targeted by AIPAC.



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New Report Suggests Reason Biden Appeared Sluggish At Debate

Biden is typically at his sharpest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., according to Axios, which cited discussions with eight current and former Biden aides.

Thursday night’s debate was five hours after that window. Quite simply, it might have been too late in the day for him to present his best self.

Axios reported that the staffers have seen “flashes of an absent-minded Biden” akin to the version who took long pauses and delivered meandering sentences in a low, hoarse voice onstage this week. But they reportedly dismiss these moments because he is alert and engaged at other times.

International travel is also particularly tiring for the president, the outlet said.
Edited by W. Niederhut
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