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Sandy Larsen

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Can't help but notice Matthew Koch has been silent for over a week. Just like Trump; no public appearances.

Putin and MAGA will wait for Dems to finish chewing each other's faces off, then resume their campaign of lying to Americans, in their effort to finish off the United States.

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Report: Trump Campaign Wants Biden to Stay in Race as an Easy Target

One Trump super PAC leader said clips from the debate “would make for devastating campaign commercials.”

With momentum seemingly building  against President Joe Biden in the past week following his disastrous debate performance last Thursday, the Donald Trump campaign is reportedly hoping that Biden stays in the race, believing he is a uniquely weak candidate who they could easily beat in the general election.

The Washington Post reported Wednesday that the Trump campaign thinks it would be extremely easyto attack Biden using clips from the debate, in a time when right-wing media has been attacking Biden on the basis of his mental acuity for months. 

The debate clips “would make for devastating campaign commercials,” Trump super PAC chief Taylor Budowich said.

link to truth out article


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Could Trump Be Considering Divorcing Melania if He Wins?

By Nell Scovell  Jul. 07, 2024


“Melania Trump’s absence from her husband’s side has been conspicuous. Trump has vowed retribution in a second term. Could that include his wife?”


“The Supreme Court agrees. Led by Chief Justice John Roberts, a majority recently ruled that a president has absolute immunity for criminal prosecution for official acts.”


“Melania should be afraid. If her husband wins and decides he wants revenge for her lackadaisical campaigning, she’d better hope for a divorce. Because the Anne Boleyn option is a lot sharper.”


Steve Thomas

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Posted (edited)

Left-green alliance takes the lead: first projections

The polls are closed in France and the first projections have been published.

France’s national assembly has 577 seats, with 289 seats needed for an absolute majority.

Here is the first projected seat distribution, from Ipsos. It shows the left in the lead, in a major shift compared to opinion polls during the campaign.

Left-green New Popular Front: 172-192 seats

Emmanuel Macron’s allies: 150-170 seats

Far right National Rally and allies: 132-152 seats

LINK: Left Green Alliance in Shocking Win - Far Right in 3rd

The voter turnout in the second round of the French parliamentary election was at 59.71% as of 5pm local time, a drastic increase from a corresponding figure of 38.11% in the last election in 2022, the Interior Ministry said in a statement.

Edited by Bill Fite
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Maybe I can translate what I think is going on.'

In that interview Friday night , Biden did ok. He kept trying to make it about his record. I thought at the 5  minute mark he did well at listing his accomplishments. But with the subject of the interview he didn't do well, and that's his ability to keep being President.

Now we hear, a week later, he was so sick he told his doctor he suspected Covid? Why now?

"I get a neurological and cognitive test every day." So what do you think of that W?

I though the most terrible response is that he can't remember if he watched his debate tape back? Are you kidding? That's just the kind of response the sharks wanted! Of course apart from not remembering , which is the what the entire matter is about.. He didn't think he could learn anything from watching himself?

So he knows exactly what to do,  and thinks he would miraculously turn everything around in another debate ( did he say that he wanted another debate?) He's a stubborn old guy whose underestimating the situation he's in and doesn't know his limitations. It's taken me a long time to come to this conclusion that now, He could be dead wrong, and  he think he's dead right!

He breaks out into  grin whenever hes asked tough or introspective question. Most all of his smiles were defiant smiles, in complete denial.  I think he has a small very tight group of people around him who end up telling him what he wants to hear. They've made some huge blunders, such as making this debate.

Then when asked what if he loses he says at least he will have known he did his best. But this is way beyond him! That's little consolation  to us who believe in preserving  democracy. '

It's double down Joe. If a year ago, he had said he's done what he came to do, put the economy back on track after Covid and saved our Democracy, any one of say 4 candidates could have easily beaten Trump. Dissatisfaction with both these candidates is the worst in history! Biden would have been heralded historically as a great President. Now though no one can take away his accomplishments as President. He stands to lose it all, and he and his followers are doubling down, and possibility taking the House and Senate down with him. This is not just about Biden, the only sweep, in all probability could be Trumps.

I never believed Biden in the first place when he said he was only one who could win. Now the longer he holds out, the less he assures anyone else can win.

Regretfully, It could be seen in history as the reverse hubris of Trump. Biden modestly stated  hubris, but hubris nonetheless, and Trump wacko despot hubris.

In Biden's world, I fear we'll all be like Hunter, except desperately depending on him as the only person who can save Democracy!

But no one enjoys this. It's a heartbreak!

This idea that it has to be Harris to replace him because of money  and the wealthy donors pisses me off, because I don't think there should be big money in politics in the first place.

If Biden steps down, I think the Dems have to go for a representative ticket including at least the  VP from the those battleground states,Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. But after Biden, I think we're going to be told that the only practical choice  is Kamala Harris.

I even forgot she was our Attorney General in California, but now she has to become the chief prosecutor of Trump, daring him to debate her and exposing every felony and every lie.

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    I stopped watching boxing years ago, after Muhammed Ali developed severe Parkinsonism, but I used to notice that boxers would sometimes grin after taking one on the chin.  That's, more or less, what Biden did in the interview.

    But, what was he supposed to do?  Stephanopoulos wasn't pulling any punches, and Biden was trying to hang in there.

   There is a news story out today that Biden's physician consulted earlier this year with a neurologist from Walter Reed who is an expert in Parkinson's Disease.  My hunch is that Biden has prodromal Parkinson's.

    If Biden runs, I'll still vote for him.  If he doesn't, I'd like to see an old-fashioned Democratic Convention with delegates casting ballots for the best candidate.

    James Polk was a dark horse candidate who emerged from obscurity to become the Democratic POTUS back in the day.

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"I'm going to the store. Would you like a Coke or something?"

"Nah. I'm good, but you could pick me up a couple of rounds of 30-30 ammo, if you would."

"Okay. Be right back."


Ammunition Vending Machines Appear in Grocery Stores
Newsweek Published Jul 07, 2024 

Steve Thomas

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"We Demand Justice": People's Tribunal Finds Marcos, Duterte and Biden Guilty of War Crimes

The Philippine government, with U.S. support, has engaged in violent, extralegal repression of activists, the tribunal found. The verdict is one step toward justice.

On May 18th, 2024, the International People’s Tribunal found the U.S.-backed Philippine government guilty of human rights violations and war crimes against the Filipino people. 

Hundreds gathered in Brussels to hear two days of harrowing testimony, mostly from victims and their families. Witnesses described the willful murder and torture of civilians, arbitrary arrests and indiscriminate bombings of houses and schools, among other atrocities committed by the Philippine government in its ongoing armed conflict with the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP), a revolutionary group fighting for genuine democracy and self determination for the Filipino people.


Tribunal charges were brought specifically against the U.S. government, President Joe Biden, Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and former Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte. The verdict comes as Biden also receives continued criticism and a string of resignations in protest of Israel’s genocide of Palestinians in Gaza — another place where the United States has funded and furthered rampant human rights violations.


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