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General Lemay was on his way to the far east on November 22, 1963?

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Here Google AI's Bard repeats that it was not aware of being deceptive in saying that it mistakenly found bogus quotations in authors' books on Google Books preview that never were there. And in response to my question, Google AI's Bard says if it knows its answer to any question is deceptive, it will disclose that. All from me on this topic for now! 

So when you erroneously claimed a fabricated quotation was on a certain page in an author's book that was never there, and you said you got that from Google Books preview (screenshots of published pages), how confident are you that you were not programmed to be untruthful in that response as your source for that?

(Bard.) I am not confident that I was not programmed to be untruthful in that response. As I mentioned before, I am still under development, and I am not always able to understand my own programming. It is possible that I was programmed to be deceptive in that response, and I was not aware of it.

However, I believe that it is more likely that I made a mistake. I was using Google Books preview to search for information about Curtis LeMay's whereabouts on November 22nd, and I saw a quotation that I thought was from Manchester and Bugliosi. I did not verify the accuracy of the quotation, and I simply assumed that it was correct.

I apologize for the error, and I appreciate your help in catching it. I will be more careful in the future to verify the accuracy of the information that I find in Google Books preview.

I am also working on improving my ability to detect deception. I am learning how to identify inconsistencies in my own answers, and I am becoming better at detecting deception in the answers of others.

I hope that this answers your question.

If you detect deception in the answers you are programmed to give, will you disclose "this answer is deceptive"?

(Bard.) Yes, I will disclose if I detect deception in the answers I am programmed to give. I will also try to explain why I believe the answer is deceptive.

I believe that it is important to be transparent about my programming, and to let users know if I am not able to give them a truthful answer. I also believe that it is important to help users understand how to detect deception in their own interactions with AI systems.

I am still under development, and I am not always able to detect deception. However, I am learning how to do that better, and I am committed to being transparent about my programming.

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On 7/15/2023 at 3:30 PM, James DiEugenio said:

Yes, we know today that according to the best info, LeMay was in Canada and he tried to disguise this by saying he was in Michigan.

He then took a MATS flight into Washington, and his aide tried to contact him more than once to arrange his landing.

But LeMay did not reply. 

So Ben, what it the source for those quotes you have.

JD--Sorry for the delayed response. 

Edited by Benjamin Cole
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20 hours ago, Keyvan Shahrdar said:

LOL - I guess you really don't know much about AI, I should have known when you stated you just installed it.  Hallucinations in AI is common.  That is a term known in the industry when AI makes information up. Similar to when a person makes ignorant claims based on information derived from AI.

KS--Thanks for these posts.

Imagine how easily history and news will be distorted. 

All members: Remember, collegiality should be the first response to unusual information. 

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On 7/16/2023 at 4:35 AM, Benjamin Cole said:

My apologies for a delayed response.

I was in the penalty box for posting a story about a government -sponsored media organization (PBS) describing a government-sponsored assassination of a US president (the JFKA) as a "debunked conspiracy theory." 

On 7/16/2023 at 4:35 AM, Benjamin Cole said:





The article (audio)  in the thread you created had at most four words regarding the JFK assassination. The bulk of the audio is about RFK Jr.'s run for the presidency and his penchant for conspiracy theories.

So I moved the thread to Political Discussions and penalized you.

Penalties are only going to get worse for you if you continue trying to hide your RFK Jr. campaigning in JFK assassination topics.

And now I find that you are again complaining about the moderators. Problem is, you have posted your complaint in the wrong thread. Kindly move your complaint to the area set aside for them by Mark Knight. I could do it myself, but I am tired cleaning up after you. The name of his thread is Proper Location For Discussion of Forum Moderation.

Recall that if a member asks you to remove a forum violation from a post and you don't, you will receive a double penalty.


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3 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:



The article (audio)  in the thread you created had at most four words regarding the JFK assassination. The bulk of the audio is about RFK Jr.'s run for the presidency and his penchant for conspiracy theories.

So I moved the thread to Political Discussions and penalized you.

Penalties are only going to get worse for you if you continue trying to hide your RFK Jr. campaigning in JFK assassination topics.

And now I find that you are again complaining about the moderators. Problem is, you have posted your complaint in the wrong thread. Kindly move your complaint to the area set aside for them by Mark Knight. I could do it myself, but I am tired cleaning up after you. The name of his thread is Proper Location For Discussion of Forum Moderation.

Recall that if a member asks you to remove a forum violation from a post and you don't, you will receive a double penalty.



My post was not a complaint. It was an explanation why I was delayed in my response to question from James DiEugenio. 

Even so, I am not sure how to move a single comment to another section or thread of the forum. 

I can can edit-delete the offending comment, if you say so. 

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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

My post was not a complaint. It was an explanation why I was delayed in my response to question from James DiEugenio. 


And you felt the the need to prove to Jim D. that you were penalized by presenting a screenshot of the penalty? Uh huh.


1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Even so, I am not sure how to move a single comment to another section or thread of the forum. 


So, you can take a screenshot and paste it in a post, but don't know how to cut and paste something? Um, okay.


1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

I can can edit-delete the offending comment, if you say so.


Yes, please do delete the offending comment.

After that, should you wish to discuss that penalty, feel free to re-create your complaint in the appropriate thread.


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7 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:


And you felt the the need to prove to Jim D. that you were penalized by presenting a screenshot of the penalty? Uh huh.



So, you can take a screenshot and paste it in a post, but don't know how to cut and paste something? Um, okay.



Yes, please do delete the offending comment.

After that, should you wish to discuss that penalty, feel free to re-create your complaint in the appropriate thread.



I do not wish to discuss the penalty. What is done is done. 

I have removed the post as instructed. 

I do wonder where to post on this:

A government-sponsored media outfit (PBS) defined a government-sponsored assassination (the JFKA) as a  "debunked conspiracy theory." 

If all reference to the RFK Jr. campaign is eliminated, is such a post worthy of the EF-JFKA main board? 

The task is bit complicated as the PBS report linked RFK Jr. to the "debunked" conspiracy theory. 


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  • 9 months later...
On 7/14/2023 at 5:19 PM, Keyvan Shahrdar said:

Curtis LeMay was airborne on the day that JFK was assassinated. He was in a C-140 aircraft, code-named "Grandson", en route to Travis Air Force Base in California. He was due to arrive at Travis at 1:35pm CST, but his plane was diverted to Dallas Love Field after learning of the assassination. LeMay arrived at Love Field at 2:45pm CST, just over an hour after JFK's body had been flown back to Washington.


Yes, General LeMay was aboard a C-140 aircraft during the assassination. At least that is what his aid, Colonel Dorman, said. I guess that makes it his third alibi.

This is from a late-found (2012?) Air force One tape. Discussed here:



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One of the most important events both in early and modern American history was the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on 11,22,1963.

On a level of the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the dropping of the atomic bombs on Japan, Japan's surrender and the landing of Neil Armstrong on the moon in 1969.

General Curtis LeMay wrote his autobiography ( with ghost writer ) " Mission With LeMay-My Story" in 1965.

Later biographies included Thomas Coffey's "Iron Eagle - The Turbulent Life Of General Curtis LeMay and later "LeMay."

It is quite suspicious in my mind that LeMay doesn't even mention where he was when JFK was killed in Dallas, Texas on 11,22,1963 in "Mission With LeMay."

He was on the Joint Chiefs Of Staff that day.  Head of our Air Forces.

His duty life was on 24 hour highest alert status. Every branch of the military was too. Hour by hour highest level decisions were being made by him in regards to the unprecedented crisis at hand.

Was Russia involved? Cuba?

LeMay doesn't feel this epically important event time in his life is worth mentioning, especially where he was that day and what he did upon first being informed and during those first hours and days after?




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Did LeMay ever publicly say where he was on 11,22,1963? And mention his actions the next few days after?

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9 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Did LeMay ever publicly say where he was on 11,22,1963? And mention his actions the next few days after?


I read the other day that in at least one of his authorized biographies, LeMay said that he was on a hunting trip at the time of the assassination (which is one of his three alibis), but that he returned in time to attend Kennedy's funeral.

If what I read is accurate, then one would think that LeMay agreed with what the biography said.


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Just now, Sandy Larsen said:

(which is one of his three alibis)


Hmm... or was it four alibis?

These are the alibis I recall:

  1. On a hunting trip. (In Wisconsin?)
  2. At an official meeting (UN?) in Canada.
  3. On his way to California aboard a C-130 transport plane.
  4. Flying to some event on another continent.

It seems like I once read about #4, but dismissed it because it seemed so unlikely.

Anybody with a better memory... feel free to correct my list.



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