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Pierre Lafitte datebook, 1963

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4 minutes ago, David Josephs said:

Really Ben?

You honestly cannot Google "WARREN CASTER" and look the darn thing up yourself?

Take you 5 minutes and then you do some reading.  You can probably search right here on the site and get your answers.

Why is it so hard for members to simply look it up for themselves instead of hoping someone spoon feeds it to them so they can then argue about it as if they knew what they were saying to begin with.



Sorry - forgot the spoon


I wrote a story for EF-JFKA, not only on Warren Caster, and the two cardboard boxes of rifles he brought into the TSBD on Nov. 20, and that the door to his second-floor office with a view to the motorcade was locked during the event, and a woman seen inside, who did respond to urgent knocking at the door (the woman seen to a gauzy curtain) in the immediate aftermath of the shooting.

That woman left the building 90 minutes later, unsearched, and may have been wearing a long coat. 

So... yes I know about Warren Caster.

What I am asking is why the mysterious word cited by Ms. Sharp has anything to do with Caster, other than it means "two."

(PS, try to be civil in your commentary).  

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12 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

and coincidently the same number of rifles brought into the building by Warren Caster on November 20.--LS

And this means....what? 

Please explain this and provide context. 

Then add in the story of Ralph Yates, also from Nov 20th if memory serves, and also relates to someone appearing to bring a rifle (in a paper bag )into the TSBD.  Someone hitchhiking, claiming to be Oswald and asking about Ruby and shooting the President from a window.

I don't expect everyone to know everything... with the world literally at our fingertips, there is no excuse for not getting a bit prepared for the conversation you wish to be having here, or to find out who we are talking about and in what context.

Sorry to be coming down on you specifically - but you do this a lot Ben.  You have a singular approach, with a "let's agree to disagree" fallback position yet you seem unwilling to familiarize yourself with the material before you stick to your guns with a conclusion based more on feelings and opinions rather than history and context.



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Just now, Benjamin Cole said:

OK, fill me in. 


I gave you direct links... read his testimony, read the few pages of docs...  how in the world can you come here and not even do the minimum amount of prep?

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Just now, David Josephs said:

Then add in the story of Ralph Yates, also from Nov 20th if memory serves, and also relates to someone appearing to bring a rifle (in a paper bag )into the TSBD.  Someone hitchhiking, claiming to be Oswald and asking about Ruby and shooting the President from a window.

I don't expect everyone to know everything... with the world literally at our fingertips, there is no excuse for not getting a bit prepared for the conversation you wish to be having here, or to find out who we are talking about and in what context.

Sorry to be coming down on you specifically - but you do this a lot Ben.  You have a singular approach, with a "let's agree to disagree" fallback position yet you seem unwilling to familiarize yourself with the material before you stick to your guns with a conclusion based more on feelings and opinions rather than history and context.




I wrote about Warren Caster for EF-JFKA, and related details. 

I am asking how the word "DUUM" various capitalizations in the unverified datebook, which might mean drum, or divide, or two, relates to Caster, in context. 


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1 minute ago, David Josephs said:


I gave you direct links... read his testimony, read the few pages of docs...  how in the world can you come here and not even do the minimum amount of prep?

I am prepped, I know all about Caster.

I asking you to explain how that word, in the unverified datebook (which I do not have), relates to Caster? 


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https://en.wiktionary.org › wiki › duum

An inflected form of duo (“two”) from Old Latin, where the use of -um instead of -ōrum (cf. Latin duōrum) at the end of second-declension nouns was an ...

‎Latin · ‎Numeral

OK, so the word "duum" is in the unverified datebook. 

And Warren Caster brought two cartons of rifles into the TSBD on Nov. 20, which he showed to associates and made no attempt to hide. 

Are you purporting the datebook entry of "duum" refers to the two rifles brought into the TSBD by Caster?

Can you explain why you contend that? Explain the datebook entry in context? 

Then, are you contending that Caster played a key role in perping the JFKA?

Was Caster an unwitting tool of Nazis, or a Nazi sympathizer himself? 

Are you contending one or both of the rifles brought in by Caster were in fact used in the JFKA, and that the datebook anticipated or confirmed that?   

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Just now, Benjamin Cole said:

I am prepped, I know all about Caster.

I asking you to explain how that word, in the unverified datebook (which I do not have), relates to Caster? 


Well then all my fault for reading your question as offered, and not seeing the above question being asked in what you posted.  My apology for jumping to conclusion (been that kind of day Ben, truly sorry, I shouldn't be posting when I feel like this)


I am not convinced it says DUUM.  The third letter looks like it could be a "w", and the first letter looks a bit like a "P" than the other "D"'s on the page...  but what do I know at this point.  I'm still trying to figure it out.

Nor do I see any connection to Caster's rifles.  Maybe Leslie can explain what she meant.

Question I have is who put the rifle on the 6th floor, and when.  Yates' story?



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Just FYI--

Here is what I wrote about Caster.


I plan to expand someday. It turns out, many ear witnesses inside the TSBD,, above the second floor, thought the shots had come underneath them in the building. 

And the second-floor window is a better angle to explain JFK's wounds. 

This is hardly dispositive. I tell readers when I am speculating, and when something seems nailed down (by my lights). 

OK, so the word in the datebook may not be DUUM, or variation thereof. 

This whole thing may be a wild goose chase. A snipe hunt. 

Well, I have been on more than a few of those....


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1 hour ago, David Josephs said:

Question I have is who put the rifle on the 6th floor, and when.  Yates' story?


Going beyond the DUUM meaning the datebook is pretty clear.  IDK about the 6th floor, but in the building . . . how does the DPD relate, someone there involved in getting it in? on November 30th?

Rifle into building —

yes/ok/DPD —

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6 hours ago, Leslie Sharp said:

I think even you will admit that yours is an embarrassingly unscientific argument, and possibly an unconscious projection of an early experience during your own education or career? You seem obsessed with conmen; growing up in Texas there was no greater religious conmen than the radio evangelists Herbert and Garner T. Armstrong. 

I've been reticent to provide an essay on East Texas which addresses the socio-political-religious ethos and how that spirit fueled the assassination of John Kennedy.  Specifically, and briefly, it can be argued that the heart of the Texas branch of the Military - Industrial Complex was East Texas = Lone Star Steel, Le Tourneau Mfg., Delta Drilling, and the munitions plant at Daingerfield.  Big Sandy was/is a pivot point in the geographic setting.  Armstrong found it fertile soil for his satellite college, and you apparently were drawn there for some reason. 

LOL!!!!!!!!!! Why be reticent?

I always knew Big Sandy was the center of something. I wrote a book about Big Sandy. It is titled Showdown at Big Sandy: Youthful Creativity Confronts Bureaucratic Inertia at an Unconventional Bible College in East Texas (2006). You can look it up on amazon. 

Here is my description of what you term this "pivot point in the geographic setting" of the "Texas branch of the Military-Industrial Complex", opening words of Chapter 1:

To get to the Big Sandy campus of Ambassador College in the early 1970s, you would go about a hundred miles east from booming Dallas on Highway 80. After you journeyed beyond the effects of Dallas's wealth and sprawl, Highway 80 gradually turned into long stretches of sometimes rolling but mostly flat, rural countryside. You would see cows by the side of the road, oil derricks here and there, lean old men in ten-gallon hats who waved, women in faded print dresses, children playing. Your drive would be punctuated by passing through sleepy, old-timey towns. After feeling that civilization had been left behind and the clock turned back, you would finally come to the site--former site, now--of Ambassador College on the left two miles after passing through the bustling metropolis of Big Sandy (population 1600). If you continued further on Highway 80, you would come to the larger cities of Gladewater and Longview. The city of Tyler, meanwhile, is nearby to the southwest. This is east Texas, the atmosphere of which is portrayed so well in the Sam Shepard movie, Paris, Texas.

The name "Big Sandy" did not come from soil type (though cotton growing of earlier times had depleted the soil, requiring heavy fertilization to restore it), and the nearest beach is hundreds of miles away. Nor did the name come from any local misconception of the town's size or degree of importance.

Rather, the town received its name from its first sheriff, a big man named Sandy, hence "Big Sandy." It was an area of Texas where the custom of openly carrying guns on downtown streets had survived well into the twentieth century. Now (early 1970s) Big Sandy consisted of a drug store, a bank, a Dairy Queen, Howard Clifton's barber shop, a general store, miscellaneous other shops and offices, a couple of filling stations, a disreputable hotel, and a cantankerous and atrociously-printed Big Sandy weekly gazette with all-capitals, badly-misspelled, smudgily printed headlines and articles.

To the oasis-like Ambassador College campus, tucked away in a setting of lakes, woods, and acreage in this unlikely locale, I had come for the purpose of obtaining an education over the next four years: a liberal arts college education with emphasis on attaining true values unavailable in worldly universities.

Chancellor Herbert Armstrong frequently said all three of his Ambassador Colleges "mutually excel one another". (His other two campuses were at his headquarters in Pasadena, California, and in Bricket Wood, England) ... The Big Sandy campus, however, the youngest of the three, was the favorite of Herbert Armstrong's son Garner Ted. Garner Ted Armstrong was the voice of the "World Tomorrow" radio broadcast heard across America and, to repeat an over-used expression, Herbert Armstrong's "heir-apparent" ... None of the Ambassador Colleges were accredited ...

Chancellor Herbert Armstrong flew in to Big Sandy to greet the incoming freshmen and to give an orientation address. Though he had just turned eighty, he was filled with energy and humor. He warmly welcomed us. Then he launched into practicalities: There was to be No Necking.

This was in keeping with a book Armstrong had written, The Missing Dimension in Sex. Armstrong explained that amorous kissing or necking is the first stage of lovemaking and belongs only in marriage, not before. Socializing between the sexes was encouraged at Ambassador College, but was to be chaste. Chaste meant non-contact, except at dances where contact was compulsory. The elder Armstrong's rule against premarital necking was enforced on campus. Students were responsible for self-enforcement of the no-necking rule when they went off-campus on dates. College officials often did not inquire too closely on the matter of forbidden kissing in cases of engaged students or those imminently expected to become engaged. The college administrators did not have hearts entirely of stone. But no college official could admit this openly.

After his prohibition of Student Necking, our chancellor then asked a trick question. "How many of you men here want to become ministers?" Two hands were innocently raised by young men obviously unfamiliar with Worldwide Church of God cultural mores. This was not the right response to give to Chancellor Armstrong's question.

"Well, you two men probably won't become ministers," Armstrong replied. God called men to the ministry. It was not something that someone could just choose to be on one's own.

Actually, at least half of the young men present, by conservative estimate, did hope to become ministers. And a good number of the young women hoped, secretly or otherwise, to marry ministers. Being selected as a ministerial trainee after graduation and then becoming ordained meant status and material perquisites in the Worldwide Church of God. The ministry was the privileged elite. But it was not considered becoming or appropriate to say one wanted to become a minister. That was supposed to come four years later, as it were, as a complete surprise...

During my freshman year two enterprising coeds, fellow students, went to Dallas and personally visited H.L. Hunt, the man himself, and wrote an article about it in the college newspaper when they returned. How he was a gentleman, and had given a homeless woman who had turned up in his business building when they were there a week's free motel lodging.

Last time I was there, the population of Big Sandy had declined to about 1200 and my former beautifully landscaped campus looked windswept and like a ghost town.

The college when I was there had an airstrip (where I learned to fly) which with intentional self-parody had a sign calling itself "Big Sandy International Airport".

You are probably right there was a lot going on in east Texas in proximity. It was where HL Hunt started his oil fortune.

Anything you can contribute to showing how Big Sandy and my alma mater was pivotal on the world stage, I am all ears. 


Edited by Greg Doudna
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2 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:


I wrote about Warren Caster for EF-JFKA, and related details. 

I am asking how the word "DUUM" various capitalizations in the unverified datebook, which might mean drum, or divide, or two, relates to Caster, in context. 


(Duum), Latin for the French word two (2), is noted  under a phrase  referring to rifle(s)* into building  on the same date that Warren Caster brought two rifles into the depository building.

Instead of sticking around on November 22 to watch the motorcade of the president of the US pass directly in front of his office at 411 Elm, Caster opted to keep an appointment with Vernon Payne at North Texas U in Denton?  

*David, can you see if you identify an s? 

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2 hours ago, David Josephs said:

Well then all my fault for reading your question as offered, and not seeing the above question being asked in what you posted.  My apology for jumping to conclusion (been that kind of day Ben, truly sorry, I shouldn't be posting when I feel like this)


I am not convinced it says DUUM.  The third letter looks like it could be a "w", and the first letter looks a bit like a "P" than the other "D"'s on the page...  but what do I know at this point.  I'm still trying to figure it out.

Nor do I see any connection to Caster's rifles.  Maybe Leslie can explain what she meant.

Question I have is who put the rifle on the 6th floor, and when.  Yates' story?




As you know, many FBI and police interviews conducted after Nov. 22-24 were of people who said they saw LHO, or interacted with LHO. 

But LHO had been on TV, and parts of the LHO myth made to the public. 

I do not know how to verify, or refute, many of these witness statements. 

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2 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:



https://en.wiktionary.org › wiki › duum

An inflected form of duo (“two”) from Old Latin, where the use of -um instead of -ōrum (cf. Latin duōrum) at the end of second-declension nouns was an ...

‎Latin · ‎Numeral

OK, so the word "duum" is in the unverified datebook. 

And Warren Caster brought two cartons of rifles into the TSBD on Nov. 20, which he showed to associates and made no attempt to hide. 

Are you purporting the datebook entry of "duum" refers to the two rifles brought into the TSBD by Caster?

Can you explain why you contend that? Explain the datebook entry in context? 

Then, are you contending that Caster played a key role in perping the JFKA?

Was Caster an unwitting tool of Nazis, or a Nazi sympathizer himself? 

Are you contending one or both of the rifles brought in by Caster were in fact used in the JFKA, and that the datebook anticipated or confirmed that?   

I'm asking you to explain the coincidence.

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Just now, Leslie Sharp said:

I'm asking you to explain the coincidence.

It is possible the datebook was fabricated later, as in the 2000s. 

That remains an explanation for everything in the datebook until the document is authenticated, or debunked, by an expert (seriously expert) panel of independent examiners. 

I take it at present there are parties, who may have conflicts of interest, who have access to the datebook.  The datebook can thus be "updated" as we speak? 

That is to say, the datebook has not been placed under lock-and-key at a secure location chosen by independent experts, and careful records kept of all who come into contact with the datebook. 

It has been written in this forum there are items of information in the datebook not revealed to the general public, until the recent 2023 partial JFK doc release. 

I have asked for two examples of this. 




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