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RFK's Influence on Ruby's Nerves, October - November 1963.

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Let's dive right in.  The start of chapter 8, page 51.

"I'll tell you one thing: we're . . . not on . . . a fishing expedition."  -U.S. Attorney Arnold Stone, Organized Crime Task Force.  Dallas, Texas, October 2, 1963.

In early January 1963, at Robert Kennedy's Directive, Assistant U.S Attorney General Herbert Miller instructed the regional office of the IRS in Dallas to investigate Joe Civello's largest bookmaker, John Eli Stone for tax evasion".  Hoover was aware of all of this.

pg. 52.  "John Eli Stone and his brother James used the phone lines of a downtown Dallas cleaners, the Enrique Shine and Press shop, owned by the Miller brothers Isadore and Dave, as the "wire" to coordinate the handling of bets in their illegal bookmaking operation.  Each day John Stone got the "line" through a Mob contact in Las Vegas.  He then relayed the information to Isadore at the Enrique.  Stone then called Bosco and provided the same." "Operatives used the Enrique to place bets and pick up winnings.  The IRS discovered this and placed both physical and electronic surveillance on the operation." "It was quickly learned that Dave Miller worked closely with bookmaking operative Jack Ruby.  The latter owned a strip club called the Carousel, located two doors down."

"Ruby directed customers wishing to place bets to Miller.  Ruby also placed bets directly for customers and was observed by federal investigators entering the Enrique on a regular basis in 1963."

Wife says come watch this movie and eat(!).   More tomorrow. 

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1 hour ago, Ron Bulman said:

Let's dive right in.  The start of chapter 8, page 51.

"I'll tell you one thing: we're . . . not on . . . a fishing expedition."  -U.S. Attorney Arnold Stone, Organized Crime Task Force.  Dallas, Texas, October 2, 1963.

In early January 1963, at Robert Kennedy's Directive, Assistant U.S Attorney General Herbert Miller instructed the regional office of the IRS in Dallas to investigate Joe Civello's largest bookmaker, John Eli Stone for tax evasion".  Hoover was aware of all of this.

pg. 52.  "John Eli Stone and his brother James used the phone lines of a downtown Dallas cleaners, the Enrique Shine and Press shop, owned by the Miller brothers Isadore and Dave, as the "wire" to coordinate the handling of bets in their illegal bookmaking operation.  Each day John Stone got the "line" through a Mob contact in Las Vegas.  He then relayed the information to Isadore at the Enrique.  Stone then called Bosco and provided the same." "Operatives used the Enrique to place bets and pick up winnings.  The IRS discovered this and placed both physical and electronic surveillance on the operation." "It was quickly learned that Dave Miller worked closely with bookmaking operative Jack Ruby.  The latter owned a strip club called the Carousel, located two doors down."

"Ruby directed customers wishing to place bets to Miller.  Ruby also placed bets directly for customers and was observed by federal investigators entering the Enrique on a regular basis in 1963."

Wife says come watch this movie and eat(!).   More tomorrow. 

There it is RB!

The real Ruby!

Connected to higher ups way more than the WC stated.

Lewis McWillie ( Ruby's mentor friend) was up there with the big boys.

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20 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Let's dive right in.  The start of chapter 8, page 51.

"I'll tell you one thing: we're . . . not on . . . a fishing expedition."  -U.S. Attorney Arnold Stone, Organized Crime Task Force.  Dallas, Texas, October 2, 1963.

In early January 1963, at Robert Kennedy's Directive, Assistant U.S Attorney General Herbert Miller instructed the regional office of the IRS in Dallas to investigate Joe Civello's largest bookmaker, John Eli Stone for tax evasion".  Hoover was aware of all of this.

pg. 52.  "John Eli Stone and his brother James used the phone lines of a downtown Dallas cleaners, the Enrique Shine and Press shop, owned by the Miller brothers Isadore and Dave, as the "wire" to coordinate the handling of bets in their illegal bookmaking operation.  Each day John Stone got the "line" through a Mob contact in Las Vegas.  He then relayed the information to Isadore at the Enrique.  Stone then called Bosco and provided the same." "Operatives used the Enrique to place bets and pick up winnings.  The IRS discovered this and placed both physical and electronic surveillance on the operation." "It was quickly learned that Dave Miller worked closely with bookmaking operative Jack Ruby.  The latter owned a strip club called the Carousel, located two doors down."

"Ruby directed customers wishing to place bets to Miller.  Ruby also placed bets directly for customers and was observed by federal investigators entering the Enrique on a regular basis in 1963."

Wife says come watch this movie and eat(!).   More tomorrow. 

Well, I guess I should have posted the source of this last night.  I didn't at the start of the post thinking maybe a few more people would actually read it instead of dismissing it out of hand because it comes from a mafia did it book, Betrayal in Dallas by Mark North.

I've quoted portions of it before in other threads but never started one on the topic (RFK's task force investigation) for the same reason.  After reading the book, rereading portions many times, I still do not believe the books premise, that the mafia killed JFK, with LBJ's blessing or at his urging (hence the subtitle LBJ, The Pearl Street Mafia and the Murder of President Kennedy).

Like the mafia did it books Contract on America by David Schiem and Mafia Kingfish, by John Davis, which didn't convince me the mafia did it either, Betrayal has some valuable information (and documentation!) relating to JFK's assassination and the bigger picture so to speak, at the time.   

So, let's see if I can present this in a little more concise and focused version than the whole book.  First a little background on a couple of important figures maybe somewhat familiar to some readers.  We will skip Henry Wade at this point as many know of him, though maybe not a few important points.  

Judge Sarah T Hughes.  Yes, the U S Judge of the North Texas District Court called on by LBJ to administer the Oath of Office on Airforce One at Love Field.  She was appointed by JFK in October 1961, at LBJ's urging, with problems involved.  Interesting story, read the Federal Judicial service and Circumstances of appointment sections in her wikipedia page.  She lived in a "tent home" on the Potomac commuting to night classes at George Washington University by canoe to get her law degree.  Then moved to Dallas in 1922 to take a position at a law firm as a receptionist, who was given a few cases, as women were not welcome in the field at the time.  She worked her way up.  A long time supporter of LBJ.  She liked to gamble.

Sarah T. Hughes - Wikipedia

Barefoot Sanders was another Dallas lawyer who supported LBJ, a former state congressman.  He was appointed U S Attorney of the North Texas District in 1961 by JFK, again, supported by LBJ.  In LBJ's administration in 1966-67 he became a U S Assistant Attorney General, then Whitehouse Director of Legislative Affairs 1967-69.  Appointed U S District Judge in 1979 when Sarah Hughes died by President Jimmy Carter.  In 1963, through Phil Bosco and the Anonymous/Zuroma club he was affiliated with Joe Civello.


Pg. 13 "Attorney General Robert Kennedy arrived in Dallas in mid-November 1961 to launch the Justice Department's Organized Crime Task Force investigation of the Civello mob," 

Pg. 17.  "RFK remained in Dallas less than twenty-four hours.  But while there, he briefed Barefoot Sanders about his plans . . ."  "Within a few days he had alerted Civello, possibly through his lieutenant Phil Bosco . . ."

More in a bit.

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Page 33.  "From 1961 on, Sanders had been briefed regularly by the SAC of the FBI's Dallas field office regarding RFK's growing investigation."

Pg. 57.  "Sanders regularly reviewed the Justice Department's Crime Condition Reports . . . " And may well have discussed them with friends of LBJ, Hoover, Wade.

I didn't realize Hoover replaced the Dallas Special Agent In Charge in April 1963 with a trusted long time Washington agent, Gordon Shanklin.  Interesting.

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As stated in my first post, "In early January 1963, at Robert Kennedy's Directive, Assistant U.S Attorney General Herbert Miller instructed the regional office of the IRS in Dallas to investigate Joe Civello's largest bookmaker, John Eli Stone for tax evasion".

To summarize, the Dallas mob realized the Enrique Press and Shine shop telephone lines were being monitored. J E Stone started using pay phones to get the line on bets for the day from Vegas, and then to call Izzy Miller and Phil Bosco.  The IRS was following him.  They tapped the pay phones.  E.G., pg. 54.

"RFK's task force agents put a tap on pay phones used by the mafiosi.  Charles Bus, an ATF investigator, began following John Stone. On June 19, while Stone was using a pay phone outside a grocery store, Bus heard him arranging the line from Las Vegas".  Then he called Izzie, said he would call Bosco.  Bus prepared an affidavit.".  With it and more search warrants were issued for the Enrique and apartments rented for gambling operations on June 27.  48 hours later arrest warrants for both Stone brothers and Izzy Miller were issued.


Edited by Ron Bulman
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The DPD was aware that RFK's task force was building a case against Civello's other top bookmaker, Phil Bosco.  Knowing for years what was going on but never arresting any of these guys they arrested Bosco on July 17.  While in custody the FBI came to interview him, "enraged, he refused to talk".

Pgs. 54-55. "In early September, the task force's investigation widened with federal grand jury hearings in Wichita Falls northwest (about 100 miles) of Dallas.  Robert Kennedy, knowing he could not get indictments in Dallas because of the pro-Mob mindset, had chosen the smaller conservative city." . . . "Barefoot Sanders, infuriated by Kennedy's tactic, tried to prevent the hearings by going directly to RFK's assistant Herbert Miller.  But his demands were dismissed, and the hearings went forward.  All was not lost, however, as Johnson made sure his loyal servant, U.S. Fifth Circuit Court Federal Judge Sarah Hughes, Northern District of Texas, was appointed to preside in the case.  A gambler overseeing a case against gamblers.

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@Ron Bulman are you saying these excerpts are from North's book?

@Benjamin Cole Yes- Ruby was mobbed up. Several good books on this including Schein's "Contract on America and Davis' books. I've always thought Marcello was behind the assassination and not simply to get rid of LHO. Otherwise no reason to to use their guy to rub out LHO. 

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44 minutes ago, Lawrence Schnapf said:

@Ron Bulman are you saying these excerpts are from North's book?

@Benjamin Cole Yes- Ruby was mobbed up. Several good books on this including Schein's "Contract on America and Davis' books. I've always thought Marcello was behind the assassination and not simply to get rid of LHO. Otherwise no reason to to use their guy to rub out LHO. 

Well, that could be, Marcello arranged the JFKA. 

But...how does Marcello tie into LHO?  Yes, I know about Dutch Murret...but that is a little thin. Far more connections between LHO and the US military. 

The whole LHO biography build? This went on for years. 

The autopsy suppression? Why the heavy interference in the autopsy if Marcello did the JFKA? Remember that was within 12 hours of the JFKA. 

The 60-year-old suppression of JFKA records? 




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1 hour ago, Lawrence Schnapf said:

@Ron Bulman are you saying these excerpts are from North's book?

@Benjamin Cole Yes- Ruby was mobbed up. Several good books on this including Schein's "Contract on America and Davis' books. I've always thought Marcello was behind the assassination and not simply to get rid of LHO. Otherwise no reason to to use their guy to rub out LHO. 

Yes, the excerpts and much documentation are from North's book.  I was holding off going into the documents/exhibits until I finished "the rest of the story".  But if you want to jump ahead see Warren Commission Exhibit 1754.

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Barefoot Sanders issued a public statement about the Dallas mafia.  There was none.  He knew different.  "Sanders regularly reviewed the Justice Department's Crime Condition Reports, which flatly stated that the Civello crime family consisted of twenty-five members.  (pg. 57)

Both Dallas newspapers had reporters in Wichita Falls.  "Investigators from two federal agencies told how they sat a block away and listened to conversations of a bookmaker then under surveillance as he talked with gamblers in Las Vegas.  . . .  Reporters were there when Phil Bosco was called into the Grand Jury room."  He took the fifth.  "Brought before Judge Sarah Huges who "exempted him from prosecution and instructed him to return to the grand jury room an answer questions."  Bosco again refused.  "Reluctantly "Judge Hughes scheduled a contempt of court hearing" to placate RFK's prosecutors."  (pg. 62)

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@Benjamin Cole  Marcello didnt build LHO's profile. he exploited it.  John Davis suggested the LHO ran errands for his uncle who you know worked for Marcello. In the CAMTEX sting operation, Marcello is recorded as saying he knew LHO and his family.   Marcello had experience killing politicians and using patsies. 

Marcello he didnt have to worry about the autopsy. That was an unexpected gift from the government. He knew Hoover would not pursue the mafia because they had him by the shorthairs. Hoover had a pony problem. He knowingly bet on fixed races that NY mafiaso Frank Costello told him about.  And when the the local FBI officer began sniffing around Marcello associates, Hoover shut down the investigation.     

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@Benjamin Cole are you using North's Pearl Street Mafia book?  Or the earlier one?  I think the former deserved much more attention than it got. I still go with Hancock&Boylan, but North's last JFK book is another that gets you into Dallas in Oct and Nov 63--  which to me has become the key separator between theories worth considering and not. They really need to get you into Oswald's orbit, because whether you believe he was a total dupe or you believe he was some kind of lone, hired gun, no group trying to kill JFK is logically going to use Oswald without at least *thinking* they can control his actions. 


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8 hours ago, Lawrence Schnapf said:

@Benjamin Cole  Marcello didnt build LHO's profile. he exploited it.  John Davis suggested the LHO ran errands for his uncle who you know worked for Marcello. In the CAMTEX sting operation, Marcello is recorded as saying he knew LHO and his family.   Marcello had experience killing politicians and using patsies. 

Marcello he didnt have to worry about the autopsy. That was an unexpected gift from the government. He knew Hoover would not pursue the mafia because they had him by the shorthairs. Hoover had a pony problem. He knowingly bet on fixed races that NY mafiaso Frank Costello told him about.  And when the the local FBI officer began sniffing around Marcello associates, Hoover shut down the investigation.     


If you were his defense attorney, and Marcello said he knew the Oswald family (which he did, through Dutch Murret), wouldn't your answer be, "So what?" 

Guilt by (10-foot pole) association? 

AFAIK, LHO never worked for Marcello. Instead, he went into the Marines. 

Even when enduring financial straits, Oswald never turned to crime or joining rackets, numbers-running, the N.O. mob, etc. No hint of that. 

I have to say, the connections between LHO and the military-intel are thick and many...but between LHO and Marcello?

Obviously, we cannot rule out Marcello. I suppose one could posit that Marcello was used by the intel community somehow. 

Interesting topic. 

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