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Need honest explanation for "Stare of Death" autopsy photo

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11 hours ago, Dave Chrisman said:

I have read many books covering the autopsy photos, but I don't recall any giving a simple reason for the mutilated throat wound in the autopsy photo. Did it look like this when the body left Parkland? Have the attending Parkland doctors or nurses said this is how the throat looked when the body left? Is the autopsy photo pre or post dissecting?

"Some people have even said 'Oh, that tracheostomy has been altered; it's too big a wound'. Well, I can speak for that -- no, it had not been altered. That's exactly the way it was made at Parkland. It's just that people expected it to be smaller." -- Dr. Robert N. McClelland; Via this 2009 interview (at 41:25)

Edited by David Von Pein
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On 6/2/2023 at 3:16 AM, Pete Mellor said:

Away from trach incision etc., what I have wondered about the 'stare of death' photograph is just that...the open eyes stare.

Not certain where I read this some time ago, but didn't some member of the Parkland hospital nursing staff, or perhaps Aubrey Rike, close JFK's eyes before he was placed in the casket at Parkland?

Bingo Pete.  This has all been discussed here before, with no firm conclusion though I have kind of reached one myself.  Anyone truly interested should read these two old threads.   Kudos to Myra Bronstein for raising the question originally.  Dr. Crenshaw said he closed the eyes at Parkland.  I've read somewhere, can't find It, that Father Huber who gave the last rights said the eyes were closed when he moved the sheet over JfK's face to administer oil to the forehead as part of that process.  

Rigor Mortis sets in between 1-7 hours after death, depending on circumstances.  On the borderline for the start of the autopsy.  Autopsy Dr's can't remember if they were open, while they were examining his head.  One assistant remembers the right eye failing to close completely.  Humes noting fracturing of the bone around it looking from the rear.  Father Huber noting a wound above it.  The eye being sewed shut to fully close it in the preparation for burial process after the autopsy.  It all makes the official (non) stories questionable.  

Imo, staged for effect, 1" to 4" sliced entry wound as well, or part of digging for a bullet.

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On 6/2/2023 at 7:54 PM, Micah Mileto said:

Yes, Kennedy's eyes were closed at Parkland.

Thanks Micah. Yes, as I thought.  Apparently by Father Huber, Dr. Crenshaw (I treat his testimonies with a pinch of salt) or the TR1 nurses i.e. Diana Bowron.

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On 6/3/2023 at 4:54 AM, Ron Bulman said:

Bingo Pete.  This has all been discussed here before, with no firm conclusion though I have kind of reached one myself.  Anyone truly interested should read these two old threads.   Kudos to Myra Bronstein for raising the question originally. 

Good man, Ron!  I really should use the search facility prior to asking questions/requesting info.  Myra's thread covers this issue fully.

I did think after posting that the eyes would logically be opened at Bethesda to look for bullet damage, but I also could not recall any testimony from morgue witnesses speaking of this procedure.

Anyway, I don't wish to hijack this thread from the other disturbing issue raised of the gaping throat wound.

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