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Dec. 15, 2021


OVER THE PAST YEAR, the number of reported U.S. drone strikes has plummeted. President Joe Biden did not authorize a single known strike for the first six months of his presidency before breaking his streak with a series of drone attacks against al-Shabab in Somalia in July. Despite the notable reduction, at least two of the strikes conducted under Biden have killed civilians, including the now-infamous August 29 attack in Kabul, Afghanistan, that killed 10 civilians, seven of them children. While Biden’s drone strike dataset is tiny, the outcome of his known strikes presents a ghastly civilian death rate. In the case of the Afghanistan hit, 100 percent of the victims were civilians.

So what is happening? Why has Biden apparently decided to pump the brakes on a tool of war that he and President Barack Obama embraced so enthusiastically? For nearly a year, the Biden administration has been engaged in a comprehensive review of the use of drone strikes as part of a broader evaluation of “counterterrorism” policy that is expected to be completed later this year or at some point in early 2022. “I think the White House is appropriately wary about drone strikes,” said Rosa Brooks, a former Obama administration official who worked for the Pentagon as counselor to the undersecretary of defense for policy from 2009 to 2011. “My sense is that they’re serious about the review and are trying to minimize drone strikes at least until there is complete clarity on internal policies.” </q>

Biden finalizes new rules for US drone strikes


Biden had quietly put in place many of the limitations that the new policy now formalizes when he took office. The policy now officially reverses a loosening of Obama-era rules under then-President Donald Trump, which had pushed authority for approving lethal strikes down the chain of command. </q>

Trump Ramped Up Drone Strikes in America’s Shadow Wars


Edited by Cliff Varnell
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I think it’s appropriate that I post this here on the “Dear Moderator” thread.

Moderator Sandy Larsen has issued a warning to me and imposed penalty points on me for allegedly belittling EF member William Niederhut.

I consider the allegation unfounded, since what I was doing was commenting on William’s posting habits, not on William himself. My being censured in this way implies that anyone who exposes the illogicality of a fellow member is guilty of belittling that member. That is unacceptable.

My comments related to William’s persistently perverse posting behaviour and to the likelihood that such behaviour reflected William’s occupation as a psychiatrist. I substantiated my observations in that regard by reference to cogent critiques of mainstream psychiatry by internationally acclaimed highly qualified mental health experts.

William was unable to logically rebut my comments in these respects. He instead resorted to his usual tactic of “shooting the messenger” by way of denigrating the mental health experts I cited and myself.

William’s default stance seems to be that of presumed intellectual superiority based on his academic credentials which he has frequently invoked. In this instance, he adduced his 40 years as a psychiatrist as supposed evidence that my comments and citations were spurious. I need not spell out the ironic import of such a disclosure.

I recently reported William for calling me an “anti-vaxxer” – a largely meaningless culture war insult – but the moderators seem to have ignored it. It’s hard to avoid the conclusion that at least some of the moderators are politically biased in relation to some subjects.

However, I would add that the fact that I was warned instead of being summarily banned is a welcome sign of some improvement in how the forum is moderated.

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Reality check about John Cotter's latest false claims, folks.

1)  I was, in fact, reprimanded by the mods here for accurately referring to John Cotter as an "anti-vaxxer" in one of our discussions about RFK, Jr.  His whining about this was puzzling at the time, since many people, including RFK, Jr. are known "anti-vaxxers."

     The term "anti-vaxxer" is standard parlance here in the U.S., and John Cotter has repeatedly posted about his opposition to the use of COVID vaccines during our pandemic.

      Nevertheless, John's whining about being called an "anti-vaxxer" was taken seriously by the mods.

2)  Cotter posted a recent ad hominem t-r-o-l-l slur suggesting that I had been "institutionalized"-- in the context of his off topic anti-psychiatry disinformation posts.  

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12 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:

And the price the American people have paid in blood and treasure is incalculable.  

I think I’ve outlined this effectively.

And now not popular.  The Neo-cons have been conned out of their natural home in the Republican Party.

This fact proves the Neo-con quest for world military domination is bankrupt.

This “soft power” was wielded by Obama in his second term and Biden in Afghanistan.  The Neo-con regime change policies are out of favor.

And this is your justification for denying Eastern Europeans the Human Right of self-determination?

Where was this “aggressive foreign policy” in Syria ‘14, Iran ‘15, Cuba ‘16 and Afghanistan ‘21?  Regime change policies are in disfavor because of their disastrous consequences.

Putin pursued regime change in Ukraine and ended up with 800 miles of NATO on the Finnish border.


Contrary to what you seem to be suggesting, Cliff, US foreign policy hasn’t essentially changed in recent years.

For example, during Obama’s regime from 2011 to 2017 there was US instigated regime change in Honduras, Libya, and Ukraine and attempted regime change in Syria. Last year there was US instigated regime change in Pakistan.

During his visit to Poland last year, Biden inadvertently (apparently?) alluded to the desirability of regime change in Russia. In February 2022, Biden, like his henchwoman Victoria Nuland, also made it clear that the Nord Stream gas pipeline which supplied western Europe with gas from Russia would be destroyed if Russia invaded Ukraine.

Apart from the fact that we know the US was subsequently involved in the actual destruction of Nord Stream, what business is it of the US to threaten carry out such an act of economic and ecological terrorism?

Such a public threat in itself is proof of the US’s criminality and its presumed – and indeed actual in many ways – omnipotence and unaccountability in respect of its aggressive activities far beyond its borders.

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34 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

Reality check about John Cotter's latest false claims, folks.

1)  I was, in fact, reprimanded by the mods here for accurately referring to John Cotter as an "anti-vaxxer" in one of our discussions about RFK, Jr.  His whining about this was puzzling at the time, since many people, including RFK, Jr. are known "anti-vaxxers."

     The term "anti-vaxxer" is standard parlance here in the U.S., and John Cotter has repeatedly posted about his opposition to the use of COVID vaccines during our pandemic.

      Nevertheless, John's whining about being called an "anti-vaxxer" was taken seriously by the mods.

2)  Cotter posted a recent ad hominem t-r-o-l-l slur suggesting that I had been "institutionalized"-- in the context of his off topic anti-psychiatry disinformation posts.  


I wasn't informed that the moderators had reprimanded you for that insult. I commend them for that, and I retract the inference I drew from my not being informed in that regard.

As for the rest of your post, we'll have to agree to disagree.


Edited by John Cotter
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1 hour ago, John Cotter said:

I think it’s appropriate that I post this here on the “Dear Moderator” thread.

Moderator Sandy Larsen has issued a warning to me and imposed penalty points on me for allegedly belittling EF member William Niederhut.

I consider the allegation unfounded, since what I was doing was commenting on William’s posting habits, not on William himself. My being censured in this way implies that anyone who exposes the illogicality of a fellow member is guilty of belittling that member. That is unacceptable.

My comments related to William’s persistently perverse posting behaviour and to the likelihood that such behaviour reflected William’s occupation as a psychiatrist. I substantiated my observations in that regard by reference to cogent critiques of mainstream psychiatry by internationally acclaimed highly qualified mental health experts.

William was unable to logically rebut my comments in these respects. He instead resorted to his usual tactic of “shooting the messenger” by way of denigrating the mental health experts I cited and myself.

William’s default stance seems to be that of presumed intellectual superiority based on his academic credentials which he has frequently invoked. In this instance, he adduced his 40 years as a psychiatrist as supposed evidence that my comments and citations were spurious. I need not spell out the ironic import of such a disclosure.

I recently reported William for calling me an “anti-vaxxer” – a largely meaningless culture war insult – but the moderators seem to have ignored it. It’s hard to avoid the conclusion that at least some of the moderators are politically biased in relation to some subjects.

However, I would add that the fact that I was warned instead of being summarily banned is a welcome sign of some improvement in how the forum is moderated.


1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

Reality check about John Cotter's latest false claims, folks.

1)  I was, in fact, reprimanded by the mods here for accurately referring to John Cotter as an "anti-vaxxer" in one of our discussions about RFK, Jr.  His whining about this was puzzling at the time, since many people, including RFK, Jr. are known "anti-vaxxers."

     The term "anti-vaxxer" is standard parlance here in the U.S., and John Cotter has repeatedly posted about his opposition to the use of COVID vaccines during our pandemic.

      Nevertheless, John's whining about being called an "anti-vaxxer" was taken seriously by the mods.

2)  Cotter posted a recent ad hominem t-r-o-l-l slur suggesting that I had been "institutionalized"-- in the context of his off topic anti-psychiatry disinformation posts.  


The fact that both John Cotter and William Niederhut have been issued a warning should put to rest the unfounded idea that the moderators (i.e. the admin team) are politically biased.


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2 hours ago, John Cotter said:

Contrary to what you seem to be suggesting, Cliff, US foreign policy hasn’t essentially changed in recent years.

Curtailing the drone strike program was a major shift.  So was the withdrawal from Afghanistan.  

2 hours ago, John Cotter said:

For example, during Obama’s regime from 2011 to 2017 there was US instigated regime change in Honduras, Libya, and Ukraine and attempted regime change in Syria.

Biden opposed the operation in Libya.

Timber Sycamore in Syria was a pathetic waste.  Obama was condemned for not supporting it sufficiently.


2 hours ago, John Cotter said:


Last year there was US instigated regime change in Pakistan.

Shame on the Biden administration for interfering in Pakistani politics.  All attempts at regime change must be condemned.

Shame on the Trump Administration for pulling out of the Iran nuke deal and whacking Iran’s #2 leader.

2 hours ago, John Cotter said:

During his visit to Poland last year, Biden inadvertently (apparently?) alluded to the desirability of regime change in Russia.

Hardly egregious.

2 hours ago, John Cotter said:


In February 2022, Biden, like his henchwoman Victoria Nuland, also made it clear that the Nord Stream gas pipeline which supplied western Europe with gas from Russia would be destroyed if Russia invaded Ukraine.

A terrible decision , if true.

2 hours ago, John Cotter said:

Apart from the fact that we know the US was subsequently involved in the actual destruction of Nord Stream, what business is it of the US to threaten carry out such an act of economic and ecological terrorism?

This James Bamford article casts doubt on that conclusion.


2 hours ago, John Cotter said:

Such a public threat in itself is proof of the US’s criminality and its presumed – and indeed actual in many ways – omnipotence and unaccountability in respect of its aggressive activities far beyond its borders.

Omnipotence??  More than a slight exaggeration.

So the sordid history of US regime change policies justifies Putin’s regime change policies?

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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On 6/15/2023 at 9:21 AM, John Cotter said:

Meanwhile, the carnage in Ukraine caused by the proxy war-mongering of you and your fellow travellers continues.

To what avail?


Egor Kotkin:
"Reading the local channels of Moscow and the  Moscow region, they are literally preparing for the battle of Moscow"    June 24th, 7:14 AM
Somebody was taking this very seriously.
 Of course the quintessential forum Ukraine war military strategists are Cotter and Di Eugenio. Cotter a few days ago goads those who are in favor of the Ukrainian resistance with his keen military insight into the war, essentially saying to us, "We're going to whup yur ass reeeal good!"  (Something we, who are for the resistance have never stooped to!) and posts this  article that leads with "Now that the Global West seems finally to understand that the war in Ukraine is going terminally badly for Kiev", Then goes on to say "I’m not going to say much about the current Ukrainian “offensive,” because I’m not a military specialist, and anyway it may already be mostly over by the time you read this." And Jim, eager to expand his "punditocracy" into Ukraine War strategist matters, chimes in approvingly. 
 heh heh

Thanks for that link, an insightful and objective appraisal of the status of the war on the ground.

Where Aurelian says:
"I’m not going to say much about the current Ukrainian “offensive,” because I’m not a military specialist, and anyway it may already be mostly over by the time you read this."
And then goes into a lengthy treatise of military strategy where he does presume to know everything about military capability and strategy that  got John and Jim so jacked up I assume they went down to the local surplus and bought the newest style camouflage battledress!
We wait with bated breathe at further prognostication. So things going right according to schedule boys?
Prigozhin:Ukraine has not bombed Donetsk for 8  years, only Russian positions. The armed forces of Ukraine were not going to attack Russia with Nato soldiers. The Russian Ministry of Defence is deceiving the public and the President.
So what do you think of that quote boys? A statement you absolutely know to be false. Right? Is he just a vicious malcontent who won't fit into your system?
heh heh


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17 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:
Egor Kotkin:
"Reading the local channels of Moscow and the  Moscow region, they are literally preparing for the battle of Moscow"    June 24th, 7:14 AM
Somebody was taking this very seriously.
 Of course the quintessential forum Ukraine war military strategists are Cotter and Di Eugenio. Cotter a few days ago goads those who are in favor of the Ukrainian resistance with his keen military insight into the war, essentially saying to us, "We're going to whup yur ass reeeal good!"  (Something we, who are for the resistance have never stooped to!) and posts this  article that leads with "Now that the Global West seems finally to understand that the war in Ukraine is going terminally badly for Kiev", Then goes on to say "I’m not going to say much about the current Ukrainian “offensive,” because I’m not a military specialist, and anyway it may already be mostly over by the time you read this." And Jim, eager to expand his "punditocracy" into Ukraine War strategist matters, chimes in approvingly. 
 heh heh

Thanks for that link, an insightful and objective appraisal of the status of the war on the ground.

Where Aurelian says:
"I’m not going to say much about the current Ukrainian “offensive,” because I’m not a military specialist, and anyway it may already be mostly over by the time you read this."
And then goes into a lengthy treatise of military strategy where he does presume to know everything about military capability and strategy that  got John and Jim so jacked up I assume they went down to the local surplus and bought the newest style camouflage battledress!
We wait with bated breathe at further prognostication. So things going right according to schedule boys?
Prigozhin:Ukraine has not bombed Donetsk for 8  years, only Russian positions. The armed forces of Ukraine were not going to attack Russia with Nato soldiers. The Russian Ministry of Defence is deceiving the public and the President.
So what do you think of that quote boys? A statement you absolutely know to be false. Right? Is he just a vicious malcontent who won't fit into your system?
heh heh


You seem to find my posts very diuretic.

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