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VIDEO: Boone admits he could not identify CE 139 as rifle he found

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21 hours ago, Denis Morissette said:

Boone had seen the rifle the previous year, a rifle he did not even hold.  Of course, he cannot say  that it is the same rifle. That's just logic. No big deal. But he said it looks like the one he saw. 

"Looks like" is not a positive identification. Boone couldn't identify the rifle because he never marked it.

I don't know the way you do it in Canada, but in the States we mark evidence for positive identification at a later time and date, like at a trial.

We don't use logic and we don't take guesses.

That's the way we identify evidence. We mark it ON DISCOVERY.

And yeah, it IS a big deal when you're talking authenticating the evidence.

Edited by Gil Jesus
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2 hours ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

"The way you do it in Canada" ? Take your holier-than-thou, xenophobic nonsense somewhere else.

Denis' profile says he's from Canada so I was comparing the Canadian justice system with the American justice system.

It has nothing to do with being "holier than thou" or being xenophobic.

Might I suggest that it's YOU who should take your blind hatred for me somewhere else ?

Maybe someplace where you can spew your hatred ?

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Lt. Day "lifted the rifle"... "before" he dusted it for prints?

Did he do this only by holding it up by it's strap?

A Dr. Pepper soda pop bottle was "brought up from the 5th floor?"

To be dusted for prints?

Why bring up an item from the 5th floor to be dusted for prints?

One assumes that all those deputies were instructed to look for a rifle because by the time everyone got up on the sixth floor their supervisors had been made aware of eyewitnesses on the streets below telling them they saw at least one person holding a rifle in the 6th floor windows?

It must have crossed their minds that a sniper might have had a plan of getting their rifle completely off the 6th floor and hiding it somewhere else or even having an accomplice taking the rifle out?

Or even tossing it out a back of the building window to someone below as Tom Aleya did with his film cannister to someone on the street below?

How stupid could Oswald be to think the police wouldn't find his rifle as it wasn't hidden well? And knowing that his rifle would tie him into the shooting in the most obvious incriminating evidence way, ie  finger prints and ownership trace?

What has always been so illogically confounding to me is the lack of rational thinking on Oswald's part regarding his Jr. High kid level lack of planning in his shooting of the "President of the United States" and his simply walking away escape from the scene.

He defeats an army of security who are all around the scene and just feet from him, and even walks through their ranks to catch a city bus and taxi home?

Also, Oswald's success at making a bullseye hit upon a 9 inch wide 3 direction moving target 265 feet away, his simply walking away seconds after doing so, his worst plan for getting his incriminating evidence rifle away from the scene, and everything else about that one hour in the worked-up beehive of frantic gun drawn activity just seems so impossibly implausible ... it's nonsensical to a disturbing even haunting dream degree.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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By the way...did the police ever look for and find the soda pop bottle that Oswald was drinking from as Dallas motorcycle officer Marion Baker described him doing in the second floor lunch room just minutes after the shooting?

To check it for prints as well?

Sounds as if Oswald didn't have the pop bottle in hand when he gave journalist Jim Lehrer directions to the nearest phone in the lobby area.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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