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The Mystery of Kennedy's Brain Deepens

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3 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

How could Humes do "any" saw work on that mess?

They would've had to carefully remove the sharp broken pieces of skull bone before trying to do any sawing - all the more reason to doubt the HSCA's interpretation of the empty-cranium photos - the HSCA claims those photos show an undisturbed entrance and exit hole only 5 inches apart, even though it would be impossible and improper to try removing a brain through a skull cavity that is only a width of 5 inches or less.

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On 8/29/2023 at 6:57 PM, Pat Speer said:


How sure are we, really, that the Harper fragment has a part of an entrance hole in it? In your very same website, you talk about the 6.5 mm fragment potentially being a piece of lead that managed to get trapped between the outer surface of the skull and the inner surface of the scalp - are we sure an exit hole couldn't have lead on the outside of the bone? After the lead thing (a la the x-rays resurfaced by John Hunt), all we have are photographs of the Harper fragment, which merely "appears" to show no outward beveling around the part in question - and then there is "discoloration" on the outside part of the edge I guess too. Do I have all of that right?

A new look at the Harper fragment x-rays would be great, copied and studied with modern equipment, not whatever John Hunt had in 2004. The archives may also already have higher-quality digital scans of the photographs taken at the Christian hospital and the FBI, the ones which may show "lead" discoloration on the outer edge. But again, I'm not sure what's no provably weird about having a bit of lead on the outside.

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2 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

How could Humes do "any" saw work on that mess?

Oh my Joe,

I just watched some brain removal on Youtube & you have to saw cut threw the skull cap and other places.In some places they use a hammer and chisel.

This work takes some time & you are not removing the whole brain in time before the body appears at Bethesda IMHO.

I believe that the culprit only had time to remove bullet/s or fragments.

Like I say man,this medical evidence is a complete mess & very troublesome.



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Keep in mind fella's that Humes said something along the line of "scientifically sir,it is impossible for the bullet to have not entered from behind,or to have exicited from behind"

This tells me that JFK was hit in the head twice,and it's my belief that the bullet fired from behind,hit a split second before the frontal shot which partially obliterated the rear entrance head shot.Once again,this is only a opinion.

*The rear shot at the downward angle ruptured the cerebellum.

**Sorry for the thread hijack.This is a very interesting subject that I am interested in.

Edited by Michael Crane
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13 hours ago, Micah Mileto said:

How sure are we, really, that the Harper fragment has a part of an entrance hole in it?

I'm not sure,but this diagram looks correct IMO.The circular portion of the bone at the bottom supports my hypothesis of the rear entry location.





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2 hours ago, Michael Crane said:

I'm not sure,but this diagram looks correct IMO.The circular portion of the bone at the bottom supports my hypothesis of the rear entry wound.





Oh my. That's nonsense. As you can see, Mantik has placed the Harper fragment, which everyone agrees was missing at the autopsy, in the center of the back of the head. Well, how many witnesses--Parkland or Bethesda--said they saw a gaping wound directly in the middle like that, stretching well onto the left side of the occipital bone? This problem becomes more apparent when Mantik tries to match it up with the mystery photo. In order to have the large defect stretch to the left side, he has the presumed bullet hole on the left side. Hogwash. 


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10 hours ago, Michael Crane said:

[Brain removal] takes some time & you are not removing the whole brain in time before the body appears at Bethesda IMHO.

I believe that the culprit only had time to remove bullet/s or fragments.


I wouldn't be too sure about that.

IMO somebody took a whack at the top of Kennedy's head with a small sledge hammer, cut slits through the scalp to open the head up, and scraped the brain out with something sharp.

This could be completed in a couple minutes.

Upon seeing multiple unnatural slits in the scalp, Humes notes the "surgery." (One of the techs -- I don't remember which --said that that is what Humes meant by "surgery" to the head.)

Somebody else's brain was introduced at some point, and this is what fell into Humes' hands. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that brains never just fall out. The brain stem keeps them tightly in place.


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8 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

Upon seeing multiple unnatural slits in the scalp, Humes notes the "surgery." (One of the techs -- I don't remember which --said that that is what Humes meant by "surgery" to the head.)

To expand,

I firmly believe that Humes was careful in his wording when it comes to the autopsy report.

Humes used "words" that were curious in nature,but to the point.

Words like,damaged,broken,un-natural,tax satisfaction,lacerations,cranium unstable.Not these exact words per se,but hopefully you get my point.Take into consideration the Boswell face sheet that states "Vomer Crushed"

I will,right now,right here,admit that I am uneducated when it comes to a exploding bullet.I am familiar with hollow point,armor piercing & dumb dumb bullets.

To me,these are descriptions that are not caused by a bullet itself.

Like Boswell,Humes told some truths & some non-truths.

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Did Humes ever say he cut JFK's brain stem?

Perhaps he expressed astonishment when he stated to Jenkins and Boswell..."the damn thing just fell into my hands" because he didn't cut the stem himself?

How about cutting JFK's eye nerves and temporal muscles and tendons as well?

Corpsman Paul O'Conner described the need to cut the eye nerves and temporal tendons to free the brain from them so you could pull it out without it being held back by them...correct?

I'll look back at Humes's testimony to see if he ever did describe such cutting.

Just to get to the eye nerves and temporal tissues you have to cut and move the front half of the skull over the decedent's face...correct?

Edited by Joe Bauer
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Like I said earlier,

I am a firm believer that there was a rear head shot that hit almost simultaneously with the frontal shot.There isn't a very good place in the Zapruder film,so I chose this one.

While I believe that the Zapruder film has been tampered with past frame 313,I'm open to it being tampered with at 312 also.

There is not enough brain matter & blood spatter in the Zapruder film according to Dino Bruglioni or Homer McMahon.One or the other.

Blood spatter on the hood ornament on the X-100? Highly unlikely.


The downward head movement was NOT a result of braking when you watch the other movements.

Edited by Michael Crane
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