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Where was the pushback?

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On 8/24/2023 at 4:54 AM, Eddy Bainbridge said:

At first blush, it seems extremely unlikely that, if a group desired the success of the initial pretext that they would meekly accept the lone-note theory. If a group had the power to set up the pretext , then surely they would have the levers to reinforce the message?

It's a good question, Eddie.  I think what eventually happened might lead some credence to there not being those levers, and executive power holds supreme. And similar to the BOP, there was another attempt to push the executive in one direction that didn't materialize.

I think the government had to improvise rather quickly (as it did involve a world stage)with a few good theories but no concrete answers, and with the desire to contain to avoid further speculation, took the most blameless path, the lone gunman, to avoid any messiness and counter claims. 
The  intentions and the desire to set up Oswald as a pretext to invasion of Cuba was sniffed out and snuffed, and was considered prominent enough by LBJ and the higher echelons of government  that a complete scotching of regime change in Cuba ensues, and directions become focused toward Vietnam. However it's more correct to say the overall fear of JFK was more specifically about the continuance of the Cold War than it was specifically about Vietnam. IMO
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Mr. Metta, who wrote the recent book following up on Garrison’s investigation of Permindex, quotes an article in which an Italian journalist interviews Colonel Prouty. The Colonel never flat out says that Harriman was the puppet master behind the JFK assassination, but he does name him, and Prescott Bush, and Allen Dulles, Schroeder bank, calls the cabal something like supranational. He never mentions heroin, but the nice thing about your theory is that the military industrial complex and the worldwide drug trade both depend on the US Military and the CIA. 

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On 8/27/2023 at 1:12 AM, Cliff Varnell said:
On 8/26/2023 at 11:59 PM, Sandy Larsen said:

What was Harriman's motive for whacking Diem?

To maintain an American military presence in SE Asia, which was threatened by Diem and Kennedy both.

I’m of the view a pan-institutional international cabal sought to wrest control of global heroin production from the Corsican Mafia, to replace Turkey as the center for smack production with the Golden Triangle.  I strongly suspect this effort involved the Sicilian-American Mafia and their elite WASP allies like Harriman and the Bushes.


I think you might have something there Cliff. Have you any ideas as to who Harriman ordered to eliminate JFK? In my research I noticed that Harriman was on a first name basis with Allen Dulles.



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2 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:


I think you might have something there Cliff. Have you any ideas as to who Harriman ordered to eliminate JFK? In my research I noticed that Harriman was on a first name basis with Allen Dulles.

My best guess in the perp department is Carl Jenkins (AMWORLD).  In the 50’s he trained Thai Border Police to interdict opium caravans, and taught the Kuomintang (nationalist Chinese refugees in the Golden Triangle) how to keep their opium caravans from interdiction.

Who better to plan an ambush of a slow moving motorcade?


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Chain of command:

Averell Harriman to Prescott Bush to GHW Bush.

I posit George as the liaison to two separate operations:

Kill Kennedy —  Carl Jenkins and a perhaps unwitting Charles Siragusa

Kill Oswald — D.A. Phillips and Ed Lansdale

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Dulles?  I see him on the third separate crew — The Cover-Up.

Dulles had a personal reason to cover up the JFKA— the elder Ruth Paine was family friends with Mary Bancroft, Dulles’ girlfriend.

That puts Dulles two degrees of separation from proximity to the hostess of a Commie Kennedy Killer.

Is that something he signed up for?

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