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URGENT BULLETIN 🚨: Armed Gunman Arrested at RFK Jr. Event in Los Angeles

Lori Spencer

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On 9/22/2023 at 8:07 PM, Paul Jolliffe said:


Well, assassination may not be the "first choice" of the Deep State, but I wouldn't rule that tactic out as a last resort for the Deep State.

The bizarre and still unexplained death in 2018 of President Trump's Health and Human Services Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Drug Pricing Reform, Daniel Best, was quickly ruled a "suicide."

Daniel Best, a former drug company executive, "was in the nation’s capital leading the U.S. Health and Human Services Department’s efforts to reduce prescription drug prices".


Best’s violent death came one week after President Donald Trump announced a new drug pricing initiative which would allow Medicare to determine how much it pays for drugs based on what those pharmaceuticals sell for other countries, according to Cleveland.com.

At long last, the drug companies and foreign countries will be held accountable for how they rigged the system against American consumers,” President Trump said.

Trump Announces Plan to Lower 'Unfair' Prescription Drug Prices | RealClearPolitics


So just as the president announced a policy that would have reduced the profits of American pharmaceutical companies by billions of dollars, his point man somehow jumped out a 16th story window at 5 in the morning of a major apartment building in Washington.


Well, don't married 49-year-old husbands and fathers of three kids (with no known history of depression or anxiety or anything else) always fall victim to the "sads", and just throw themselves out of windows in Washington? Happens all the time, right?

But what is truly mind-blowing is that Best's death received exactly zero, as in none, as in "nothing at all to say or see here, folks" coverage from the following mainstream organizations:

The Washington Post, CBS, NBC, ABC, NPR, Fox News, CNN and the New York Times.

A complete blackout on the suspicious, violent death of a major Trump official in Washington, D.C. by the entire MSM!

That is the surest sign that this man was assassinated by some very powerful Deep State forces.






Sometimes it seems we are all "conspiracy nuts." 

Then you read a headline, 

The Defunct Disinformation Governance Board Sought to Censor Opposing Views on Racial Justice, the Afghan Withdrawal and Other Political Subjects

---add on---

New documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests show that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) argued that the agency could regulate speech related to “the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic and the efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines, racial justice, U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, and the nature of U.S. support to Ukraine” as well as “irregular immigration.”


The above is from Jonathan Turley's blog. He is a well-regarded professor of law at George Washington in DC. Oh, I know some will say, "But he is a right-winger." 

Like that matters. If the government is censoring information about C19, I don't care if Satan says it---I want to know if it is true.

My point here is exactly what you point out: Why no coverage of certain events, such as Daniel Best's demise, or Biden's snuff job on the JFK Records Act?

Why. Because the media is Op Mocked, that is why. 

And having legacy media under control, the federal government is now turning its guns on social media.

Every government in history has wanted to control, or has controlled media. 

No government says, "We are controlling media to cement power of elites." 

They always have virtuous reasons for censorship. 

There is a Deep State and they have more resources and technology than ever before. 

Think about it: Did Liz Cheney identify with the people of Wyoming and their values, traditions and economic needs, or with DC elites? 




Edited by Benjamin Cole
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I’m covering the trial of Adrian Paul Aispuro and have some new information that will knock you out, guys! 

Will be hosting a Twitter Space tonight reporting on these new developments and a lot more details we didn’t know before. 

Please tune in at 8:30 PM Eastern, 5:30 Pacific. 

There will be a Q&A portion in the last hour if anyone has questions or wants to speak. 

The Space is being recorded so if you miss it live, you can catch the replay later. 

You will not want to miss this. The information I’ve gathered is SHOCKING. 

We will also be talking about Bobby’s big announcement coming up Oct. 9th, and plans to divorce the Democratic Party. 

link to join the Space:




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9 hours ago, Lori Spencer said:

I’m covering the trial of Adrian Paul Aispuro and have some new information that will knock you out, guys! 

Will be hosting a Twitter Space tonight reporting on these new developments and a lot more details we didn’t know before. 

Please tune in at 8:30 PM Eastern, 5:30 Pacific. 

There will be a Q&A portion in the last hour if anyone has questions or wants to speak. 

The Space is being recorded so if you miss it live, you can catch the replay later. 

You will not want to miss this. The information I’ve gathered is SHOCKING. 

We will also be talking about Bobby’s big announcement coming up Oct. 9th, and plans to divorce the Democratic Party. 

link to join the Space:




Thanks for your work in this topic. 

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7 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Thanks for your work in this topic. 

Don't know how to access Twitter.

Ms. Spencer, could you share this "knock your socks off" news about this guy A. P. Aispuro on the forum?

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Thx Lori for sharing new facts and your thoughts.The first hour of her 3h Twitter-spaces audio deals with Aispuro. 

Here is a little teaser of Spencers audio. 

A few things Adrian Paul Aispuro claimed to the authorities, according to Lori Spencer. 

- My family is part of the Illuminati, a dark group ruling the world and drinking babies blood .. 

- I have not have all my memories yet. The MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging?) I received from my medical injuries (which injuries? ...he was injured in 2018 ... stopped working in 2019) "activated" my memories. ??? 

- He is part of QAnon. and RFK jr is behind QAnon ...  

- He was told by QAnon via cellphone/ sms to attend the RFK jr. speech ... 

- He has no ill will against RFK jr. / RFK jr is admirable ... he is not here to kill anyone ...

- He brought all his weapons to protect himself ...


Acc. to ChatGPT, QAnon is:


QAnon, often stylized as QAnon or simply Q, is a disproven and widely discredited conspiracy theory that emerged on internet forums in the late 2017. It gained significant attention and a following, particularly in the United States, over the following years. The central claim of QAnon is that a secret cabal of Satan-worshipping pedophiles and deep-state operatives control the world and are being opposed by former President Donald Trump. The conspiracy theory is named after an anonymous user on an online forum who goes by "Q," who claimed to have insider knowledge and regularly posted cryptic messages, known as "Q-drops," that followers interpreted and discussed.


Edited by Karl Kinaski
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On 10/4/2023 at 2:17 AM, Joe Bauer said:

Don't know how to access Twitter.

Ms. Spencer, could you share this "knock your socks off" news about this guy A. P. Aispuro on the forum?

I’ve released the Twitter Space as a podcast episode so anyone who doesn’t use Twitter can listen. Here ya go:


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So now I’m covering 2 trials involving 2 individuals who are stalking RFK in Los Angeles. It’s getting weird, folks… 

Here’s what we know about the guy arrested at Bobby’s house last night: Jonathan Macht. 

I will post updates in this Twitter thread below as new information becomes available:


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Thanks so much for this Lori.  

This Macht incident is really something since they had to detain him twice on the same day?

He is a real estate agent?  But Bobby's house is not for sale.

That is some real wild stuff about Aispuro.



Edited by James DiEugenio
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Its starting to look like that.

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr  on  X today ....
DHS Secretary Mayorkas has twice refused to grant Secret Service protection for our campaign. For full transparency, here are all the details, including the 3rd formal submission letter to Sec. Mayorkas.
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8 hours ago, Karl Kinaski said:
Robert F. Kennedy Jr  on  X today ....
DHS Secretary Mayorkas has twice refused to grant Secret Service protection for our campaign. For full transparency, here are all the details, including the 3rd formal submission letter to Sec. Mayorkas.

This looks like sheer, vicious pettiness on the part of President Biden. 


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