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Who was Pierre Laffite?

Ron Bulman

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On 1/5/2024 at 11:44 PM, Ron Bulman said:

"Last and of significance, there was John Martino.  Martino's name is found in several of George Hunter White's address books and in Laffite's notes concerning his trips to Florida and Cuba.  . . . Laffite had known Martino for at least seven years prior to his arrest.  . . .  Laffite, operating under the alias Jean Pierre Martin, visited Martino on at least one occasion in 1961.  This is known only because of a notation made by George Hunter White:  "Pierre to see Martino Cuba - call Rene" [Rene being Pierre's wife]."  From Coup in Dallas, pgs. 106-7. 

Not the source for this but from the end notes.  John Martino:  author Larry Hancock, citing HSCA travel receipts provided by John Martino's wife: He was in New Orleans on September 27, and spoke in various Texas cities on October 1-3, . . .  As Hancock made clear, Martino's sole claim to participation in the JFK assassination was that he acted as a courier, moving money.  Given Martino's travel schedule, it is striking that Pierre Laffite, a long-time acquaintance of Martino's , jotted down in his datebook on September 30, 1963, "Money from Dallas".

"Beginning about 1955, Martino partnered with former CIC and CIA-TSS employee Allan Hughes in his Cuban electronics ventures.  As readers may recall, Hughes was present at the fateful Deep Creek Lake meeting where Frank Olson was dosed with LSD."

To summarize, in 2000 Albarelli asked (J) Gerry Hemming, You met [Allan] Huges in Cuba?  Yeah, I sure did.  What do you remember about Hughes?  Not a whole lot.  He was there in Havana with Martino . . ."

Same reference as above about Pierre to see Martino, GHW notebook, call Rene.

Last three paragraphs/sentence from A Terrible Mistake.

Sources.  Pg. 802.  

Laffite and Cuba: Cirules Enrique, The Mafia in Havana, Ocean Press , New York, 2004, p. 111-118.

Martino/Laffite/White: George Hunter White Papers, Perham Electronics Foundation, Sunnyvale California.  The author, courtesy of foundation manager Ms. Rachel Wager, spent three days reviewing and studying White's papers in 1999.  The papers were subsequently reorganized and transferred to Stanford University (which JFK attended!).

I've read somewhere recently that George Hunter White's wife Albertine donated all of his papers first to a small college or maybe even local library 2-3 years after he passed.  They then went to Perham, then now Stanford.

I have no idea about digital access, but I guess anyone wanting to check Hank's sources on this can go to Stanford and do so.  Not sure where to find the Enrique book, haven't looked.


Edited by Leslie Sharp
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36 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

FWIW, we of course asked why "John Martino" didn't appear in Lafitte's 1963 datebook, either corresponding initials or a code of some kind. We agreed that it was reasonable Lafitte was so close to Martino, even on a daily basis, that he had no reason to make notes related to their activities including movement of funds; it is also reasonable to argue that Martino was not used in this particular operation. I should add that Lafitte kept a ledger which appears to have been for the exclusive purpose of maintaining a financial account.


Edited by Leslie Sharp
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23 hours ago, Leslie Sharp said:

The Greenspun story is very interesting.  I believe Phelan and Lafitte recount it in a series published in True, The Man's Magazine.  The links may still be active on the net. I'll check.

I'd seen the True, Man's Magazine reference in the end notes.  Curiosity got me.  I wanted to know if more of the full story might be out there somewhere.

First, I found Hank Greenspun's editorial from 6/1/1954.  Which is excellent background for the more important (to me at least) second link.

Where I Stand: Hank Greenspun, June 1, 1954: Sheriff Jones tied to illegal prostitution in county - Las Vegas Sun News

The next link is gold to me, finding it on the second page of a search on msn for Hank Greenbaum, Sheriff Glen Jones, Las Vegas.  It mentions Pierre Laffite by name multiple times along with his alias and tells the full story.  This part is based in part on the other sources listed but is from the 2012 Masters Thesis at UNLV of Mary K Rowley, a Las Vegas Native.  Greenspun says "that guy cost us a fortune in little microphones alone".

Roxie raid in 1954 ends way of brothels in Las Vegas (8newsnow.com)

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22 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Roxie raid in 1954 ends way of brothels in Las Vegas (8newsnow.com)

IDK if anyone read this link or not.  I found it fascinating beyond Laffite himself though his participation is also.

But, a real Dick Tracy watch in 1953?  That floored me.  I read the comics in the 60's. 

Someone provided Laffite with a watch that contained a microphone, which could transmit conversations that were then recorded.  In 1953.  Just as Gottlieb had been hired and the TSS was being developed.  There was a "TSS" research department for many years before. 

The watch is how they were entrapped.  Pierre wore it.  He questioned them, they perjured themselves.

For Cliff and Cory, I've never been to Vegas.

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20 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

IDK if anyone read this link or not.  I found it fascinating beyond Laffite himself though his participation is also.

But, a real Dick Tracy watch in 1953?  That floored me.  I read the comics in the 60's. 

Someone provided Laffite with a watch that contained a microphone, which could transmit conversations that were then recorded.  In 1953.  Just as Gottlieb had been hired and the TSS was being developed.  There was a "TSS" research department for many years before. 

The watch is how they were entrapped.  Pierre wore it.  He questioned them, they perjured themselves.

For Cliff and Cory, I've never been to Vegas.

After 70 Years, a Working Dick Tracy Two-Way Watch Radio is Finally Here | Digital Trends

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More on Laffite in Cuba.

1953, 54, 55 and later.  Interviews with former associates  reveal he was well acquainted with Amleto Battisti. A Corsican, "Mafia Kingpin", member of Cubas House of Representatives, owner of a Bank and operator of Hotel Sevilla Biltmore.

Laffite had known and worked with Battisti in France . . .  Battisti was also very much involved in drug trafficking . . . some officials claiming he was a major dealer in heroin.  . . . Close to Meyer Lansky . . .  Battisti, who on occasion employed Laffite on sensitive missions once quipped "[Pierre] is a little too untrustworthy to deal with, except for when the need arises, and unfortunately it does on occasion."  "Often facilitating the uninterrupted flow of heroin to it's ultimate sales points on America's streets was Pierre Laffite, who played a brokering role in many of the larger shipments that were routed to Lansky's dealers."

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On 1/12/2024 at 5:44 PM, Ron Bulman said:

I hadn't thought of Dick Tracy in many many years.  Watched the Warren Beatty/Madona and more 1990 version tonight.  Funny.  Just came across this original.  Parking it here to remember to watch it tomorrow.


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On 1/9/2024 at 11:12 PM, Leslie Sharp said:

The Greenspun story is very interesting.  I believe Phelan and Lafitte recount it in a series published in True, The Man's Magazine.  The links may still be active on the net. I'll check.

The more I read, the more interesting.  I'm going to freelance here a bit tonight for the sake of continuity.  I'll mention some, but more details, references later.

Phelan states he read the Arizona Sun articles detailing the story and, as an investigative reporter knew there was more to it.  So, he interviewed Greenspun, who told him the story of Pierre's role.  Phelan asked how to contact Pierre, Hank (G) had to ask around and wait but they were connected.  And became friends, Pierre visiting Phelan, sending him postcards, a birthday card.  This starting in 1953-4-5? 

In March 1956 Phelan published per Hank (A's) notes in A Terrible Mistake in True Man's Magazine "Pierre Laffite, "Too hot to Handle" The Impersonator."  I couldn't find the full article, but here's the cover with it, him on it.

TRUE~THE MAN'S MAGAZINE ~ MARCH 1956, VOL. 36 ~ No.226 | #155838633 (worthpoint.com)

From it and pg. 415 of ATM, "Laffite often works hand in glove with the FBI But Even That Organization doesn't know the true story of his astounding background."  James Phelan, 1956.

Skip to the latter 1960's, Clay Shaw's Pilimsol Club at his New Orleans Trade Mart with Pierre Martin as head (renowned) chef. 

Post Shaw trial, Martin arrested by FBI.  CIA TSS Director Sideny Gotlieb alerts CIA meeting, Director Helms says eliminate all references, photograph's.

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We can go back to Phelan, there is more. 

But regarding this last part I find it interesting, Laffite was working in New Orleans as a "Manager-(head) Chef" at the restaurant in the World Tade Mart developed by Clay Shaw/Bertrand at or near the time of his arrest and ultimately trial regarding the assassination of JFK.  Pierre (using the name Martin) had been there long enough to develop a reputation as an excellent chef, reputedly Shaw's favorite and receiving compliments from former first lady Ladybird Johnson. 


Skip to the latter 1960's, Clay Shaw's Pilimsol Club at his New Orleans Trade Mart with Pierre Martin as head (renowned) chef. 

Post Shaw trial, Martin arrested by FBI.  CIA TSS Director Sideny Gotlieb alerts CIA meeting, Director Helms says eliminate all references, photograph's.

"On December 22, 1969, alarm bells went off at the CIA.  TSS chief SIDNEY GOTTLIEB announced at a staff meeting the that the FBI Had arrested Laffite in New Orleans where he was working as manager-chef at the posh Plimsoll Club in the World Trade Mart.  Unbelievable came the response, how could that be.  Doesn't he sometimes work for the FBI?

Find out what's going on, ordered Richar Helms, now director of the CIA.  And make certain there are no photos of him in the newspapers or magazines, instructed Helms.

Apparently the bureau had little choice but to pick Laffite up.  Six years earlier he had swindled an unfortunate speculator named Ralph L. Loomis out of nearly $400,00.  Ironically the elaborate scheme, involving diamond mines in Africa, had originated out of an FBI sting operation, which the FBI had called Laffite in on to do undercover work. Laffite had mad investments under the Alias Anthony Shillitani while in the Belgian Congo in 1960 on another deep cover assignment for the CIA.  . . .

According to FBI documents, during its six-year "search" for Laffite the notorious agent had used dozens of aliases, including Jean Martin, Peter martin, John Martin, Jack Martin, Paul MARTINO, Pau MERTZ, Louis HIDELL . . . 

Within weeks of his arrest by the FBI in 1969, Pierre Laffite was quietly released, and quickly vanished for another five years."

Not the article I remembered or was looking for, but, for now,

Nation: The Gourmet Pirate - TIME



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The stint in the Congo fueled speculation Pierre was WIROGUE found in early govt. documents. 

If you haven't, you might appreciate The Siege of Jadotville, an Irish film based on events in Katanga following the murder of Lumumba and just days prior to Dag Hammersjkold's plane crash. 


Irish UN troops were sent to Jadotville by Conor Cruise O'Brian who was instrumental in securing permanent Irish visas so that Otto and Ilse could buy property.... which just happened to be next door to Baldonnel military training camp. 

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1 hour ago, Ron Bulman said:

We can go back to Phelan, there is more. 

But regarding this last part I find it interesting, Laffite was working in New Orleans as a "Manager-(head) Chef" at the restaurant in the World Tade Mart developed by Clay Shaw/Bertrand at or near the time of his arrest and ultimately trial regarding the assassination of JFK.  Pierre (using the name Martin) had been there long enough to develop a reputation as an excellent chef, reputedly Shaw's favorite and receiving compliments from former first lady Ladybird Johnson. 


Skip to the latter 1960's, Clay Shaw's Pilimsol Club at his New Orleans Trade Mart with Pierre Martin as head (renowned) chef. 

Post Shaw trial, Martin arrested by FBI.  CIA TSS Director Sideny Gotlieb alerts CIA meeting, Director Helms says eliminate all references, photograph's.

"On December 22, 1969, alarm bells went off at the CIA.  TSS chief SIDNEY GOTTLIEB announced at a staff meeting the that the FBI Had arrested Laffite in New Orleans where he was working as manager-chef at the posh Plimsoll Club in the World Trade Mart.  Unbelievable came the response, how could that be.  Doesn't he sometimes work for the FBI?

Find out what's going on, ordered Richar Helms, now director of the CIA.  And make certain there are no photos of him in the newspapers or magazines, instructed Helms.

Apparently the bureau had little choice but to pick Laffite up.  Six years earlier he had swindled an unfortunate speculator named Ralph L. Loomis out of nearly $400,00.  Ironically the elaborate scheme, involving diamond mines in Africa, had originated out of an FBI sting operation, which the FBI had called Laffite in on to do undercover work. Laffite had mad investments under the Alias Anthony Shillitani while in the Belgian Congo in 1960 on another deep cover assignment for the CIA.  . . .

According to FBI documents, during its six-year "search" for Laffite the notorious agent had used dozens of aliases, including Jean Martin, Peter martin, John Martin, Jack Martin, Paul MARTINO, Pau MERTZ, Louis HIDELL . . . 

Within weeks of his arrest by the FBI in 1969, Pierre Laffite was quietly released, and quickly vanished for another five years."

Not the article I remembered or was looking for, but, for now,

Nation: The Gourmet Pirate - TIME



Laffite was in New Orleans when Shaw/Bertrand was being prosecuted.  He knew Phelan, among others.

His mother may be descended from Marie Laveau for all we know.


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On 12/24/2023 at 12:31 AM, Ron Bulman said:

Was he real?  Yes.  More on his background later.  For now, did he have any established connections with known US intelligence persons?  Yes.

"White's first meeting with Gottlieb took place in Washington DC in early May 1952 . . . White actually invited Gottlieb to New Haven to observe narcotics work up close.  Gottlieb's flight into New York's Idlewild airport on June 9 was met by Pierre Laffite, White's "special employee' at the time.  On the drive to Connecticut Gottlieb was intrigued to hear Laffite tell about his involvement in the FBI's attempts to solve the January 1950 robbery of over $1.2 million from the headquarters of the Brinks armored car company in Boston . . . "he was a natural story teller  said Gottlieb, able to make every detail come alive without invention...a fascinating person".  Pgs. 409-410, A Terrible Mistake.

"In June 1952, according to a letter by George White, the CIA officially recruited Laffite as a "special employee" after he was summoned to Washington, DC, to meet with CIA officials Dr. Sidney Gottlieb and James Jesus Angleton."  Expecting to be there only a day he was held over to meet Security Chief Sheffield Edwards, Frank Wisner and Richard Helms.  Gottlieb later:  "I'm not sure he exists in the epistemology of the CIA.  He gives a whole new meaning to the label 'spook'."

"There would be dinners with Angleton, who would become a close friend . . ."  Pg. 95, Coup In Dallas.

There is a lot more to this.  In the Congo when Lumumba died, as was Gottlieb.  Visiting Martino in prison in Cuba, knowing him seven years before that.

I just hope that a new book is written about the Lafitte datebook, one that is not laced with egregious tar-brush attacks on conservative political figures and their supporters. 

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20 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

We can go back to Phelan, there is more. 

But regarding this last part I find it interesting, Laffite was working in New Orleans as a "Manager-(head) Chef" at the restaurant in the World Tade Mart developed by Clay Shaw/Bertrand at or near the time of his arrest and ultimately trial regarding the assassination of JFK.  Pierre (using the name Martin) had been there long enough to develop a reputation as an excellent chef, reputedly Shaw's favorite and receiving compliments from former first lady Ladybird Johnson. 


Skip to the latter 1960's, Clay Shaw's Pilimsol Club at his New Orleans Trade Mart with Pierre Martin as head (renowned) chef. 

Post Shaw trial, Martin arrested by FBI.  CIA TSS Director Sideny Gotlieb alerts CIA meeting, Director Helms says eliminate all references, photograph's.

"On December 22, 1969, alarm bells went off at the CIA.  TSS chief SIDNEY GOTTLIEB announced at a staff meeting the that the FBI Had arrested Laffite in New Orleans where he was working as manager-chef at the posh Plimsoll Club in the World Trade Mart.  Unbelievable came the response, how could that be.  Doesn't he sometimes work for the FBI?

Find out what's going on, ordered Richar Helms, now director of the CIA.  And make certain there are no photos of him in the newspapers or magazines, instructed Helms.

Apparently the bureau had little choice but to pick Laffite up.  Six years earlier he had swindled an unfortunate speculator named Ralph L. Loomis out of nearly $400,00.  Ironically the elaborate scheme, involving diamond mines in Africa, had originated out of an FBI sting operation, which the FBI had called Laffite in on to do undercover work. Laffite had mad investments under the Alias Anthony Shillitani while in the Belgian Congo in 1960 on another deep cover assignment for the CIA.  . . .

According to FBI documents, during its six-year "search" for Laffite the notorious agent had used dozens of aliases, including Jean Martin, Peter martin, John Martin, Jack Martin, Paul MARTINO, Pau MERTZ, Louis HIDELL . . . 

Within weeks of his arrest by the FBI in 1969, Pierre Laffite was quietly released, and quickly vanished for another five years."

Not the article I remembered or was looking for, but, for now,

Nation: The Gourmet Pirate - TIME



Laffite sure had some interesting aliases including John and Jack Martin, Martino, Mertz and Hidell… Great info once more

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Lafitte’s Arrest

According to FBI documents, during its six-year “search” for Pierre Lafitte, the notorious operative had used dozens of aliases, including Louis Romano, Frank Maceo, Paul Maceo, Jean Martin, Peter Martin, John Martin, Jack Martin, Paul Martino, Paul Mertz, Jean Mondolini, Louis Hidell, Paul Jehan, Jean Jehan, Louis Mancuso, Jacques Montaine, Peter Orsini, and Louis Tabet.

Lafitte had been arrested by a team of five FBI agents at his home in Gretna on December 8, 1969, charged with being a fugitive from justice, and then was transported to Boston, Massachusetts for arraignment before US District Court Judge Francis J.W. Ford for allegedly defaulting on bail posted seven years earlier. Lafitte had been indicted in 1962 in Boston on fifteen counts of mail fraud and transportation of stolen property after he allegedly swindled an investor, Ralph L. Loomis of Kittery Point, Maine, out of $350,000 through an alleged scheme aimed at financing mineral mining rights and diamond mines in Africa, as well as nickel mining rights, and fraudulent stock transfers involving Canadian Javelin Ltd., a conglomerate that will be considered in greater depth later in this book. Convenient in assisting Lafitte’s plea of innocence was that Loomis had died about one-year earlier.

When the FBI team arrested Lafitte at his New Orleans home, another team of agents visited and searched the relatively new and hugely popular Plimsoll Club where Lafitte had been hired as manager and executive chef under the alias of Jean M. Martin. Local newspapers on the Lafitte/Martin arrest stated, “Lafitte has developed a wide reputation for the food served at the Plimsoll Club in the International Trade Mart in downtown New Orleans. He has received [written] compliments from Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson and numerous state and city officials for the French cuisine served at the club, and was made a Louisiana ‘colonel’ by Gov. John J. McKeithen.” It was not long after joining the Plimsoll that Martin was inducted into the Confrérie de la Chaîne des Rôtisseurs, the elite gastronomic society whose international roster boasted social and diplomatic luminaries including David K.E. Bruce, then Ambassador to the Court of Saint James. Other newspaper articles underscored that Lafitte/Martin’s cuisine had been a favorite of Clay LaVerne Shaw, the International Trade Mart’s founder and managing director who had by then had retired from his post as director of ITM. In March 1967, Shaw would be arrested and charged with conspiracy to assassinate President Kennedy by New Orleans District Attorney James Garrison. — Coup in Dallas, by H. P. Albarelli Jr.

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