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Wade: Oswald Planned Assassination Weeks and Months in Advance

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Dallas DA Henry Wade attempts to portray Oswald as a calculating, blood thirsty murderer who planned the assassination well in advance, while the facts show that that was a lie.



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I guess the "well in advance" part wasn't completely accurate.

Btw, kudos to Helmer Reenberg for having uploaded so many rare clips over the years.

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He planned the assassination for months, but forgot that he could buy guns for cash and not leave a paper trail.

And for all that planning of his, someone else just happened to find him a job in a tall building along the motorcade route. Lucky for him.

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5 hours ago, Denny Zartman said:

Planning the assassination: weeks & months

Planning his getaway: not one single second


Makes total sense!

RIGHT ON Grand Master Flash DZ!

A life and death fearing Oswald walks ( or runs ) down to the 2nd floor employee lunch room, buys and casually drinks a Dr. Pepper ( his favorite soda pop and mine too ) then saunters down to the first floor main entrance lobby where he calmly directs journalist Robert McNeil to a wall pay phone, then walks ( not running ) to the nearest city bus stop, gets on and sits for a few minutes until a stopped in traffic delay inspires him to get off and hail a cab ( 2nd one after gentlemanly allowing a woman to have a first available one ) for a ride back to his little rented room back in Oak Cliff. The cab ride was 95 cents and running for his life LO actually told the driver to keep the nickel change.

Then it was off to the races down residential streets ( to where no one knows ) and eventually ending up in a local movie theater where he skips past the entrance ticket booth without paying, yet shells out a quarter for a box of popcorn and settles down in a theater seat albeit initially jumping from one to another to find just the right comfy one.

Henry Wade tells the press this equates into weeks and months of planning on Oswald's part?

Yes, and Wade also pretended to not know Jack Ruby when a reporter at the first night news conference told Wade at the second news conference ( after Ruby shot Oswald ) it looked like he and Ruby were old friends when the reporter noticed Wade talking one on one with Ruby seconds after the first news conference on 11,22,1963.

To which Wade only gave a sheepish childlike "hand caught in the cookie jar" guilty grin. Not even answering the reporter's curious question.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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But the killer is this:

He uses two forms of public transportation to escape the scene of the crime?

And he was willing to give up the cab to an old lady? 

Some planning.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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8 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

But the killer is this:

He uses two forms of public transportation to escape the scene of the crime?

And he was willing to give up the cab to an old lady? 

Some planning.

And yet in the Tippit killing, he flees on foot, even though he has $13.87 in his pocket.

He has the money to hail a taxi or jump on a bus when he gets to Jefferson Ave., but he flees on foot.

Different M.O.

He discards his jacket, but keeps the gun that ties him to the murder.

Then he beats the Texas Theater out of 90 cents to hide inside.

I agree, some planning. A criminal mastermind.

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@Larry Hancock made a really good point in his latest appearance on Robbie Robertson’s show with Gary Hill regarding the Walker shooting. Oswald supposedly stalked Walker, took photos, wrote down a plan, left Marina a note etc. 

I’m a bit more skeptical of Marina than Larry, but even if all of the above is true, it suggests a completely different M.O. than the JFKA.


Edited by Tom Gram
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Tom, what I will say about Marina, as I have about other figures such as Nagell, is that as a source she had to be approached with a situational and chronological study of her remarks - which changed over time, and depending on who was questioning her under what circumstances (and for that mater her own legal exposure, which was quite serious).  I will be discussing that in an upcoming book which offers a broad and relatively contrarian view of Oswald, innocent and as a patsy-  but also as someone who was a lot more than the cardboard cutout we have often made him .  

He had his own character, his own agendas and his worldview - we (and I) have written too much about him without fully considering that he was not at all one dimensional.  The rest on that, and an exploration of Marina and others as sources, I'll leave to the book.

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