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Which living person(s) knows the most about what actually happened in Dallas?

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In addition to Doug Horne and the others mentioned above, I would like to add Drs. Mantik, Chesser, and Costello—just to get their information on the record as sworn statements. I would also like to add myself, to demonstrate that all my work has been done in good faith. I tried to submit an Amicus Brief to the Mary Ferrell lawsuit, but it was rejected because I’m “just a researcher.”

 I don’t suppose there’s any chance of these testimonies ever actually being made for any sort of court case, is there?

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Let me also add both of the Newman’s (Bill and Gayle), but with some specific questions that I would like to ask them.

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At this point in time, I'd think the statements of children of possible participants might be something to pursue.  Maybe nieces or nephews, younger cousins, younger people they mentored.  Though some question it we have those of Saint John Hunt, Peter Janey, I think John Martino's son.  The CIA agent's daughter, something Kent (?) for the "useful idiot" reference to Oswald.  Food for thought.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Ron Bulman said:

At this point in time, I'd think the statements of children of possible participants might be something to pursue.  Maybe nieces or nephews, younger cousins, younger people they mentored.  Though some question it we have those of Saint John Hunt, Peter Janey, I think John Martino's son.  The CIA agent's daughter, something Kent (?) for the "useful idiot" reference to Oswald.  Food for thought.

Angleton had a daughter, correct?  I wonder but doubt he ever said anything to her.

Did David Atlee Phillips have any kids.  Allegedly, at the end of his life he admitted to being in Dallas on 11/22/1963 to his brother, but the story is they never spoke again after that phone call.

How about David Morales?  I seem to remember reading that he did, but like Angleton I wouldn’t think he’d open up much to his family.

If I remember correctly, Cord Meyer died fairly young of a sudden heart attack, so he probably never had the chance to say anything to his family.

Has anyone spoken to Oswald’s daughters since the 90s?  I know Marina has said she’s off the table, but maybe she said something to one of them at some point.

I mentioned this once before, but years ago, long before she wrote a book, I asked Zapruder’s daughter if she believed Oswald acted alone or if there was a conspiracy, and she said she thought Oswald acted alone.

Those are just a few names that come to mind.


This also popped up in the news a few years ago regarding Ricardo “Monkey” Morales…

Cuban exile told sons he trained Oswald, JFK’s accused assassin, at a secret CIA camp



Edited by Mike Aitken
Adding context to the link at the end of the post.
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1 hour ago, Ron Bulman said:

At this point in time, I'd think the statements of children of possible participants might be something to pursue.  Maybe nieces or nephews, younger cousins, younger people they mentored.  Though some question it we have those of Saint John Hunt, Peter Janey, I think John Martino's son.  The CIA agent's daughter, something Kent (?) for the "useful idiot" reference to Oswald.  Food for thought.

Saint John Hunt has written a couple of books but I’ve only read the one about his mother, Dorothy Hunt.  At the time I read the book I was interested in reading about her connection to Watergate and then untimely death aboard UA Flight 853.  I don’t recall if and what he said about the assassination in that book, but the stories he told mostly seemed plausible and genuine.

Has anyone here read the book he wrote about his father?  If so, did write about the assassination and did his story seem legitimate or embellished/fabricated?

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Just realized I mixed up Cord Meyer and Wistar Janney.  Wistar Janney died suddenly of a heart attack at 59.

I enjoyed Peter Janney’s book, Mary’s Mosaic but it seemed he was doing his research because he never had the opportunity to ask his father the hard questions in his old age.

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4 hours ago, Mike Aitken said:

This also popped up in the news a few years ago regarding Ricardo “Monkey” Morales…

Cuban exile told sons he trained Oswald, JFK’s accused assassin, at a secret CIA camp


This is an example of the anecdotal evidence that makes me wonder if LHO was framed by some organization / agency because he had infiltrated a camp or group and informed another organization / agency.

LHO would not have had to shoot in this scenario, just purchase the MC rifle or even just open the post office box.   That would have been enough to point the finger at him.

Anyway, just something I wonder about.

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8 hours ago, Mike Aitken said:

Has anyone here read the book he wrote about his father?  If so, did write about the assassination and did his story seem legitimate or embellished/fabricated?

I've read "Bond of Secrecy" Saint John Hunt's book about his father's confessions. Saint John seemed honest in his recounting. According to Saint John, it's clear that E. Howard knew his time was short and that he was looking for a sizeable amount of money for his confessions.

Anyway, in summary: E. Howard Hunt pointed the finger at LBJ as being at the top of the pyramid, and implicated others such as Cord Meyer (often misspelled as "Myer" in the book), William Harvey, Frank Sturgis, David Morales, and Antonio Veciana. He has Lucien Sarti shooting from the grassy knoll. I believe E. Howard didn't confess to any of his own personal involvement in the actual assassination day.

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Posted (edited)
29 minutes ago, Denny Zartman said:

I've read "Bond of Secrecy" Saint John Hunt's book about his father's confessions. Saint John seemed honest in his recounting. According to Saint John, it's clear that E. Howard knew his time was short and that he was looking for a sizeable amount of money for his confessions.

Anyway, in summary: E. Howard Hunt pointed the finger at LBJ as being at the top of the pyramid, and implicated others such as Cord Meyer (often misspelled as "Myer" in the book), William Harvey, Frank Sturgis, David Morales, and Antonio Veciana. He has Lucien Sarti shooting from the grassy knoll. I believe E. Howard didn't confess to any of his own personal involvement in the actual assassination day.


Legendary CIA spy and convicted Watergate conspirator E. Howard Hunt.
Before his death in January 2007, CIA master spy and convicted Watergate conspirator Howard Hunt confessed to being peripherally involved in the assassination of President Kennedy, and named several other participants.
In notes and conversations with his son Saint John, and in an audiotape he created in 2004 to be played after his death, Hunt described being invited into the "big event" at a Miami safehouse in 1963. Others named in the plot:
  • Frank Sturgis, an anti-Castro paramilitary closely associated with Hunt. Sturgis was one of the Watergate burglars.
  • David Morales, Chief of Operations at the CIA's JMWAVE station in Miami. Morales himself told a few close associates of his involvement.
  • David Phillips, CIA propaganda specialist and later Chief of Western Hemisphere Division. Phillips was assigned to Mexico City during the mysterious trip of Lee Harvey Oswald, or someone using his name, to that city in the fall of 1963.
  • Antonio Veciana, Cuban exile leader of Alpha 66. Veciana told the HSCA that a "Maurice Bishop," thought by many to be Phillips, pointed out Lee Harvey Oswald to him.
  • William Harvey, a CIA officer who ran the ZR/RIFLE "executive action" program. Harvey fell out of favor with the Kennedys when he sent sabotage teams into Cuba during the 1962 Missile Crisis.
  • Cord Meyer, a high-level CIA officer whose ex-wife Mary Meyer was having an affair with JFK.
  • French Gunman Grassy Knoll. Hunt's chart included an unnamed French hit man on the infamous grassy knoll.
  • Lyndon Johnson, Vice-President.
Hunt says he declined active participation but did have a "benchwarmer" role in the plot. In the tape excerpt made available so far, Hunt made no claims which would prove his allegations. However, the people he names have all been suspects in the assassination for some time, and many of them worked closely together in anti-Castro operations.
In the "smoking gun" tape which helped drive him from office, President Richard Nixon said this of Hunt: "You open that scab there's a hell of a lot of things..." He then instructed Chief of Staff H.R. Haldeman to take a message to CIA Director Richard Helms, asking Helms to intervene in the FBI's early Watergate investigation because "the President believes that it is going to open the whole Bay of Pigs thing up again." In his book The Ends of Power, Haldeman described Helms' reaction: "Turmoil in the room. Helms gripping the arms of his chair leaning forward and shouting, 'The Bay of Pigs had nothing to do with this. I have no concern about the Bay of Pigs'." Haldeman came to believe that the "Bay of Pigs" referred to the Kennedy assassination.
Federaljacktube | Published on Feb 10, 2010 | https://youtu.be/98OSYceGvWA

Crime Magazinehttps://www.crimemagazine.com/blowing-smoke-grave-e-howard-hunt-and-jfk-assassination

Blowing Smoke From the Grave: E. Howard Hunt and the JFK Assassination

Oct 2, 2009 - by Don Fulsom - 0 Comments

June 6, 2007 updated Jan. 25, 2010

E. Howard Hunt

E. Howard Hunt

Howard St. John Hunt, the son of super-spook E. Howard Hunt is now peddling a story that his father rejected an offer to take part in plot by rogue CIA agents to kill President Kennedy. Isn't it about time a congressional committee finds out what the CIA's role was in the assassination?

by Don Fulsom

Was a key Richard Nixon cohort in past and future covert intelligence operations – then-CIA agent E. Howard Hunt – in Dallas the day President Kennedy was killed in 1963? During a 1985 libel trial brought by Hunt against Spotlight – a newsletter owned by rightwing Liberty Lobby – for publishing an article in August of 1978 written by former CIA agent Victor Marchetti entitled "CIA to Admit Hunt Involvement in Kennedy Slaying," CIA operative Marita Lorenz swore she saw Hunt in Dallas the night before the assassination; Hunt co-worker Walter Kuzmuk at the CIA said he could not recall having seen Hunt between November 18th and sometime in December of 1963; and Joseph Trento, a reporter for the Wilmington News & Journal, insisted he had once seen an internal CIA memo that said, "Someday we will have to explain Hunt's presence in Dallas on November 22, 1963." Hunt, by the way, lost the case.

Most notorious for directing Nixon's Watergate burglary, Hunt died at 88 in January, 2007, in Miami. But Hunt's son – Howard St. John (known as "St. John") Hunt of Eureka, Calif., – is now peddling a story that his dad rejected an offer to take part in plot by rogue CIA agents to kill President Kennedy.

In an interview with the Los Angeles Times, St. John Hunt does admit to telling previous lies about his dad's whereabouts on that fateful day. He says he was instructed by Hunt in 1974 to back up an alibi for his whereabouts. "I did a lot of lying for my father in those days," St. John confessed. E. Howard Hunt's most frequently used alibi for that day was that he was at his Potomac, Maryland home watching TV with his children.

Yet, asked in a Slate interview in 2004 about "conspiracy theories about your being in Dallas the day JFK was killed," E. Howard Hunt nervously replied "No comment."

St. John Hunt, now 52, says his dad left him with enough juicy material about the JFK assassination to fill a book – and that he hopes to do just that. The material, St. John says, was cut from his dad's recent memoir, American Spy: My Secret History in the CIA, Watergate and Beyond, because the elder Hunt's attorney was worried he could face perjury charges if he recanted sworn testimony.

Does St. John think his planned book will reflect badly on his father? "I don't think it was terrible that he was approached (with the assassination plot) and turned them down," he told the newspaper. In his memoir, E. Howard Hunt suggested that Vice President Lyndon Johnson might have headed the plot to murder JFK.

Though Johnson disliked the Kennedys – especially Bobby – and profited most from President Kennedy's murder, few scholars believe LBJ was in on the conspiracy. Not long ago, the History Channel was forced to yank from its lineup, and apologize for, a program supporting that theory.

In the Los Angeles Times and, later, in Rolling Stone, St. John said his dad definitely alleged that LBJ led the plot. And Rolling Stone printed the names of the men Hunt identified as the main conspirators:

  • David Atlee Phillips, a Hunt friend and CIA propaganda expert who first worked with Hunt in helping to overthrow a leftist government in Guatemala in 1954. He was the chief of covert action in Mexico City in 1963. Phillips later ran President Nixon's successful CIA-led campaign to overthrow Chilean President Salvador Allende.
  • Cord Meyer, a CIA agent and disinformation specialist. Meyer's beautiful bohemian ex-wife, Mary Pinchot Meyer, had had an affair with JFK. At age 43, Mary was killed by two professionally placed bullets, fired from up close, as she jogged on a canal towpath near the Potomac River in Washington.
  • Bill Harvey, a CIA veteran with connections to the failed CIA-backed Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961, and to Mafia godfathers Santos Trafficante and Sam Giancana.
  • Frank Sturgis, a CIA operative and Hunt pal who once boasted to another CIA operative Marita Lorenz that "We killed Kennedy." In 1972, Sturgis was arrested as one of Nixon's Hunt-supervised Watergate burglars.
  • David Morales, a CIA agent who helped train Cuban exiles for the Bay of Pigs. He also ran CIA-assassination programs in South America and Vietnam. In a drunken tirade in 1973, he said to his close friend Ruben Carbajal, "We took care of that son of a bitch (President Kennedy), didn't we?"
  • Antonio Veciana, a Cuban exile and the founder of the militant CIA-backed "Alpha 66." Veciana told a Senate investigator he once saw alleged JFK assassin Lee Harvey Oswald talking with a CIA man he knew as "Maurice Bishop" – widely believed to have been David Atlee Phillips's CIA code name.

In Rolling Stone, St. John Hunt also said dad his told him there was a "French gunman" firing from the famed grassy knoll in Dealey Plaza. And he clearly recalled his mother telling him, on Nov. 22 1963, that his dad was on a business trip to Dallas.

Does St. John's tale ring true? Perhaps in that last crucial area – his dad's whereabouts on that dark day. For the most part, however, it could just be that E. Howard Hunt was practicing what was known during Watergate as a "modified limited hang out." John Ehrlichman, the Nixon aide who dealt with the CIA, coined that term. It has come to mean a reluctant partial release of information.

This is only slightly different than what is known at the CIA as a "limited hangout." Former CIA agent Victor Marchetti once defined that term as "spy jargon for a favorite and frequently used gimmick of the clandestine professionals. When their veil of secrecy is shredded and they can no longer rely on a phony cover story to misinform the public, they resort to admitting – sometimes even volunteering – some of the truth while still managing to withhold the key and damaging facts of the case."

Both hangout tactics were used by Hunt many times before. Even while facing death, it seems, his old habits were hard to kick. He appears to have released to his son heaping helpings of disinformation carefully mixed with small portions of the full and true story – a mixture that would paint him in heroic and patriotic hues for the benefit of his family and his own legacy. "E. Howard Hunt Rejected Kennedy Conspirators"! That's the way he might have written the headline. Hunt was a talented writer – the author of scores of spy novels and the ghostwriter of the memoirs of CIA boss Allen Dulles.

The real E. Howard Hunt, however, was a CIA loyalist, a gun-toting super-spook and propaganda expert who was close to Richard Nixon, and to top CIA officials, including Dulles, Richard Helms and James Jesus Angleton. Was he still protecting such men – as well as himself? That seems more reasonable. Even on his deathbed, Hunt was not likely to make a full display of what the agency calls "the family jewels." He was too much of a Company man.

It seems likelier that the old master of disinformation was now blowing a little post-mortem smoke to deflect suspicion away from the real major players behind the JFK murder.

Until his final "confession," E. Howard Hunt was destined to be remembered by history mainly as President Nixon's chief White House spy – a former senior CIA officer who served 33 months in prison for his role as a leader of the Watergate burglary. Now, however, it becomes much easier to at least believe that Hunt was in Dallas on Nov. 22 1963 – just as the jury at the libel suit concluded in that 1985 trial.

What could have been the purpose of Hunt's "business trip" to Dallas? To stop the plot? It seems more logical to believe that Hunt was among the collaborators. The following little-known links between E. Howard Hunt and the JFK assassination seem to support that line of thinking:

  • In New Orleans in the early 1960s, Hunt worked out of the same office building – perhaps even the same office – as Lee Harvey Oswald. On behalf of the CIA, Hunt had set up a dummy organization called "The Cuban Revolutionary Council" at 544 Camp Street – the same address Oswald put on pro-Castro leaflets he handed out. That very building, which was close to the local offices of both the CIA and the FBI, also housed the detective agency of former FBI agent Guy Banister, who associated with leaders of the CIA, the Mafia, Cuban exile groups, and with suspected JFK assassination plotter David Ferrie. According to a business acquaintance, Banister himself remarked "on several occasions that someone should do away with Kennedy."
  • Banister and all those with whom he rubbed elbows blamed JFK for the failure of the 1961 CIA-backed invasion of Cuba. They felt the president acted in a cowardly fashion in not providing adequate air cover for the exile invaders. Future president Richard Nixon said Kennedy's behavior was "near criminal." All parties were keenly interested in ousting, even killing, Castro.
  • Then, there's the handwritten "Dear Mr. Hunt" letter. Famous among JFK assassination researchers, it is dated "Nov. 8, 1963." It reads: "I would like information concerding (sic) my position. I am asking only for information. I am suggesting that we discuss the matter fully before any steps are taken by me or anyone else. Thank you. (signed) Lee Harvey Oswald." The letter, which bears a Mexican postmark, was sent to assassination researcher Penn Jones. According to three handwriting experts, the letter was indeed written by Oswald. Was E. HowardHunt the Hunt addressed in the letter?

It is highly likely that he was. It just so happens that Hunt was the acting CIA station chief in Mexico City at the time Oswald is supposed to have turned up there, according to Hunt's biographer. In Compulsive Spy: The Strange Career of E. Howard Hunt, Tad Szulc also reported that Hunt probably knew something about why the CIA destroyed its audio tapes and photos of a mystery man in Mexico City who purported to be Oswald, but who turned out not be him.

Researcher Joan Mellen argues persuasively in A Farewell to Justice that Oswald was a CIA employee who also worked for the New Orleans FBI office, as well as for U.S. Customs. She claims Oswald was closely connected to CIA-sponsored anti-Castro figures in New Orleans, and with JFK assassination suspects Clay Shaw and David Ferrie.

Back when Nixon was vice president, he and the CIA's Hunt secretly plotted an invasion of Cuba, and favored the murder of Castro. The CIA eventually brought the Mafia into those assassination plots.

In addition, Hunt "helped run operations for Nixon against (Greek shipping tycoon) Aristotle Onassis in the late 1950s, when Nixon was vice president under Eisenhower," according to researchers Robert Groden and Harrison Livingstone. Robert Maheu – a man connected to the CIA, the Mafia, and to Nixon – also took part in those secret anti-Onassis schemes. Maheu later disclosed that Vice President Nixon whispered to him at the time, "If it turns out we have to kill the bastard, just don't do it on American soil."

Guy Banister's secretary and Lee Harvey Oswald's brother are among those who said Oswald was a frequent visitor to Banister's office. Ex-CIA agent Victor Marchetti has linked Hunt (and Hunt's old CIA buddy and fellow future Watergater, Frank Sturgis) to David Ferrie.

Hunt's CIA-connected pal Bernard Barker – known as "Hunt's Shadow" because the two men were so close – was also spotted in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963. Assassination witness Seymour Weitzman identified Barker as the man on the grassy knoll who posed as a Secret Service agent and kept people out of the area. Nine years later, under Hunt's supervision, Barker and four other CIA men broke into the Watergate on behalf of President Nixon.

In Mafia Kingfish, Carlos Marcello and the Assassination of John F. Kennedy, Mafia expert John Davis notes that Bernard Barker "had been very much involved with the Cuban Revolutionary Council in Miami, a Cuban exiles group that was closely linked to the Cuban Revolutionary Democratic Front in New Orleans." Davis says New Orleans Mafia godfather Carlos Marcello supported the New Orleans group – with money funnelled to the group through his jack-of-all-trades David Ferrie. Davis adds there are "credible links" between Barker and Jack Ruby, the Dallas striptease club owner who killed Oswald two days after the JFK assassination.

As we have seen, Watergate burglar Frank Sturgis also had JFK assassination links. At the 1985 libel trial involving Hunt's links, CIA operative Marita Lorenz – a former Castro mistress and a friend of Sturgis – placed Sturgis, as well as Hunt and Jack Ruby, at a Dallas CIA "safe house" the night before the assassination.

Sturgis himself admitted being questioned by the FBI shortly after the JFK slaying. He recalled agents telling him, "Frank, if there's anybody capable of killing the President of the United States, you're the guy who can do it."

Believe it or not Richard Nixon was in Dallas on Nov. 22nd. Was he really there for his stated purpose – a PepsiCo convention (Nixon was Pepsi's chief lawyer at the time)? Or could his presence have been some sort of signal to his friends in the Mob and the CIA and among the Cuban exiles – the eventual chief suspects of JFK assassination conspiracy theorists? Chicago Mob boss Sam Giancana proudly told relatives that – as the mastermind of the JFK assassination plot – he was also in Dallas at the time. He claimed he and Nixon had a pre-assassination meeting there to discuss the plot.

Why did Nixon later try to cover up his presence in Dallas that day? Why did he lie to the FBI about it? Why did he express fear to an aide Stephen Hess that he would be blamed for JFK's murder? Why did he tell at least four different versions of how he heard of the assassination? Did he meet with Giancana in Dallas? Or with Hunt? Did he meet there with Jack Ruby – an informer for a young California Congressman Richard Nixon in 1947? Why did Nixon hold a conference of top GOP leaders at his New York apartment about his political future the day after the assassination?

Shouldn't some congressional committee or sharp prosecutor question St. John Hunt under oath? After all, we're talking about the greatest unsolved political crime in American history. What kind of proof does he have to back up his claim? The Los Angeles Times describes as "inconclusive" the materials he produced for them. These materials apparently include a videotape of E. Howard Hunt. Why not subpoena the tape?

And shouldn't some investigative entity grill Hunt's old White House boss, Charles Colson? After all, Colson was present when President Nixon declared in May 1972 that the Warren Commission staged "the greatest hoax that has ever been perpetuated" in finding that Oswald was Kennedy's lone killer. What does Colson know about that particular Nixon comment on a White House tape released in 2002?

And what might Colson know about Nixon's 1972 attempt to gain CIA help in the Watergate cover-up by trying to blackmail CIA chief Richard Helms over the secrets that E. Howard Hunt might blab? Secrets about the CIA's links to "the Bay of Pigs?" Top Nixon aide Bob Haldeman later revealed that "the Bay of Pigs" was Nixon/CIA code for the JFK assassination. Haldeman maintained that the CIA pulled off a "fantastic cover-up" of its role in the JFK assassination.

In 1972, shortly after the Watergate burglary, on Nixon's orders, Haldeman tried to get CIA boss Helms to tell the FBI to stop investigating the break-in on grounds that it could hurt CIA operations. Helms lost his composure when Haldeman mentioned that Hunt's connection to the burglary could re-open "the whole Bay of Pigs thing." According to Haldeman, Helms, "a typically cold-as-a-cucumber, icy, super-spy type guy, came totally unglued … He leaped up in enormous excitement, concern and panic and said, 'This has nothing to do with the Bay of Pigs.'" After calming down, Helms did agree to talk to the FBI.

On Nixon's behalf, aide John Ehrichman made several futile attempts to pry agency "Bay of Pigs" files out of Helms. Ehrlichman's notes show the president wanted the CIA chief to turn over the "full file" because Nixon himself was "deeply involved."

Though he hated confrontations, Nixon had pressed Helms for the "Bay of Pigs" secrets at a meeting back on October 8, 1971. Ehrlichman sat in. His notes quote Nixon as telling Helms: "Purpose of request for documents: must be fully advised in order to know what to duck; won't hurt Agency, nor attack predecessor." Helms answers: "Only one president at a time; I only work for you." Yet the CIA boss never did comply with that particular presidential directive.

A statement made later by Watergate burglar and former CIA operative Frank Sturgis supports the possibility that the "Bay of Pigs" phrase, when used in Nixon's White House, was a euphemism for the JFK assassination. Sturgis said Nixon asked Helms "several times" for "the files on the Kennedy assassination but Helms refused to give it to him, refused a direct order from the president." Sturgis even claimed the Watergate break-in was a CIA operation designed to topple Nixon because the agency felt he was becoming overly interested in the JFK murder.

Backing Sturgis's assertion that the CIA failed to obey Nixon's order is a new Watergate tape of a May 18, 1973 conversation in which Haldeman tells Nixon: "(Helms says the CIA) has nothing to hide in the Bay of Pigs. Well, now, Ehrlichman tells me in just the last few days that isn't true. CIA was very concerned about the Bay of Pigs, and in the investigation apparently he was doing on the Bay of Pigs stuff. At some point, there is a key memo missing that CIA or somebody has caused to disappear that impeded the effort to find out what really did happen on the Bay of Pigs."

There's yet another reason to believe Haldeman's take on the "Bay of Pigs." The CIA's own top-secret report on the invasion – when it was finally declassified in 1998 – disclosed major agency blunders and criticized the failure to inform President Kennedy "success had been dubious." But the report contains absolutely nothing that could be interpreted as sensitive to national security.

"The Bay of Pigs" gets frequent mention on those new Watergate tapes. And the term is usually employed in ways that coincide with Haldeman's decoded translation.

The new tapes are also studded with deletions – segments deemed by government censors as too sensitive for public scrutiny. "National Security" is usually cited. Not surprisingly, such deletions often occur during discussions involving E. Howard Hunt, the Bay of Pigs and John F. Kennedy. Isn't it long past time when these censored sections of the tapes are declassified?

The forewoman of the jury that ruled against E. Howard Hunt in 1985 – Leslie Armstrong – told reporters afterwards that the jurors had faced a "very, very difficult" task because the attorney for the defense, Mark Lane, "wanted us to say our own government had killed our president. We listened to the evidence very carefully. We discussed it. We concluded that the CIA killed President Kennedy; and I call upon the United States government to do something about that."

More than 20 years later, the government still has not done anything about that.


Update 01/25/2009:

After this article was originally published, St. John Hunt conceded that his dad had not told him the entire truth about the JFK assassination.

In what he termed "probably the last interview I'll do," E. Howard Hunt's son said the longtime CIA spy had disclosed only "some of what he knew," and that "it's quite possible" his dad did "minimalize (sic) his role the JFK hit."

"If only I had been able to stay with him longer and we were able to keep our project a secret from the rest of the family I would have been able to get the whole story," St. John told "Waking the Midnight Sun," a Web site devoted to "magic and realism, high weirdness and everyday life."

St. John Hunt blamed his sisters, his father's second wife, and the senior Hunt's lawyer—who kept raising the prospect of lawsuits—for putting pressure on the legendary spy, which "resulted in him withdrawing his efforts to bring the truth out." The junior Hunt called his father's lawyer "a snake and quite possibly a 'handler' for the (CIA)."

Aside from possibly hiding his own role in the JFK assassination, E. Howard Hunt may have "left out" the involvement of CIA Director Richard Helms, St. John said. "My father's loyalty to Helms is well known, and of course we all know that Helms was a master at getting the dirty work done while keeping his own involvement above suspicion."

St. John Hunt also confirmed that his father set up a CIA front called The Cuban Revolutionary Council in New Orleans, and said his father might have met Lee Harvey Oswald in the office building both men reportedly used in there. "Certainly their paths crossed very closely and my father was training Cubans for the invasion in Guatemala around New Orleans."



Don Fulsom covered the Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Reagan and Clinton presidencies as a reporter. He has written articles about Richard Nixon and Watergate for a number of publications, including The Washington Post, The Chicago Tribune, Esquire and the online magazine Crime.



Edited by Keven Hofeling
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17 hours ago, Mike Aitken said:

Angleton had a daughter, correct?  I wonder but doubt he ever said anything to her.

Did David Atlee Phillips have any kids.  Allegedly, at the end of his life he admitted to being in Dallas on 11/22/1963 to his brother, but the story is they never spoke again after that phone call.

How about David Morales?  I seem to remember reading that he did, but like Angleton I wouldn’t think he’d open up much to his family.

If I remember correctly, Cord Meyer died fairly young of a sudden heart attack, so he probably never had the chance to say anything to his family.

Has anyone spoken to Oswald’s daughters since the 90s?  I know Marina has said she’s off the table, but maybe she said something to one of them at some point.

I mentioned this once before, but years ago, long before she wrote a book, I asked Zapruder’s daughter if she believed Oswald acted alone or if there was a conspiracy, and she said she thought Oswald acted alone.

Those are just a few names that come to mind.


This also popped up in the news a few years ago regarding Ricardo “Monkey” Morales…

Cuban exile told sons he trained Oswald, JFK’s accused assassin, at a secret CIA camp



David Phillips had several children. One of his daughters was killed in a car accident in Maryland in the 1970s. I have read that several researchers have approached a son of his with no success. The son is adamant that his father had nothing to do with the assassination.  

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19 hours ago, Bill Fite said:

This is an example of the anecdotal evidence that makes me wonder if LHO was framed by some organization / agency because he had infiltrated a camp or group and informed another organization / agency.

LHO would not have had to shoot in this scenario, just purchase the MC rifle or even just open the post office box.   That would have been enough to point the finger at him.

Anyway, just something I wonder about.

Here’s another one that we discussed briefly a few months ago that I forgot to add to the previous post.  This story came from one of Loren Hall’s sons:


A Florida tie to the JFK assassination shows why secret records need releasing




Weeks after the president’s assassination, John recalls, Skip brought a rifle to him. Considering all the guns that Skip had, this one did not seem obviously valuable or special. “John, take this rifle,” Pappas says Skip told him. “Put it away. Don’t touch it. Don’t talk about it.” And when John asked, “What’s this all about?,” Skip replied, “You’ll know.”

The Carcano was the same make as the rifle Oswald got through the mail from a sporting goods company in Chicago. The rifles are poorly regarded as inconsistent and unreliable; Oswald happened to get one that shot straight. It was adapted so it could take a telescopic sight. So had the one that Skip Hall gave his stepson.”

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On 5/9/2024 at 2:57 AM, Mike Aitken said:

Quick question: As of 2024, now that most of the people involved in or around the Kennedy assassination are deceased, which living person or people do believe has the most insider information about what actually happened in Dallas?  Who would you like to see interviewed, grilled, subpoenaed, etc?

Just curious about your answers.

The most definite inside information, probably Hillary Rodham Clinton...but I can't prove it. Most of them are dead, as you say.

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