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Aaron Good, American Exception, and the 'Texas Shooter' fallacy

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5 hours ago, David Andrews said:

In Black Op Radio #1200, Aaron Good quotes Angleton's Church Committee testimony from a recently released copy with fewer redactions.  Where is that new document available, please?


It's at the 58:00 minute mark in the American Exception link above 

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Posted (edited)
On 5/30/2024 at 8:41 AM, David Andrews said:

In Black Op Radio #1200, Aaron Good quotes Angleton's Church Committee testimony from a recently released copy with fewer redactions.  Where is that new document available, please?


@David Andrews, I'm curious why they didn't provide this link as well.

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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41 minutes ago, David Andrews said:

Thanks.  That's the one with fewest redactions?

The same one I sent you today. 

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7 hours ago, Leslie Sharp said:

As David said, thanks for this link.  I'm only 30 pages in but it's fascinating and informative.

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Posted (edited)
14 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

The same one I sent you today. 

I wonder why this wasn't this included in the initial link for public consumption?

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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Lots of small but significant redactions. Who was Harvey’s Cuban connection, and who was the mediator?

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On 5/30/2024 at 1:30 PM, Matthew Koch said:

It's at the 58:00 minute mark in the American Exception link above 

I didn’t hear that, but the concept of neocon syndicates - drugs, weapons, oil - using jihadist networks like Al Qaida going back to 1991 - is interesting. 

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2 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

I didn’t hear that, but the concept of neocon syndicates - drugs, weapons, oil - using jihadist networks like Al Qaida going back to 1991 - is interesting. 

Hi Paul, I must respectfully disagree.. 

The Network starts before Neo Conservativism. So, I don't think it's a proper term for the JFKA because that also happens before Neo Con take over.  

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irving_Kristol#:~:text=In 1973%2C Michael Harrington coined,a new form of conservatism

Al Qaeda was not an independent jihad group. It was a network of people scattered in the Middle East out to Pakistan/Afghanistan into Indonesia aka Al CIAda. It is Gladio 2.0, and if you look into the history of it all. When Nassar kicked the people who had been with the Third Reich out of Egypt. Those people left and went to Saudi Arabia and started the OBL Wahabi Cult that was used as a Gladio 2.0 and narrative lead up to the 911 attacks. (Hence; like Gladio, it was synthetic Terror) Syrian Rebels were trained by CIA and came from Arab Gulf States in a proxy force similar to Brigade 2506

This network extends past 'American Exception' area into Israel, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and what was BCCI Bank. 

Dr. Good now is including Zionists and Zionism since Oct 8. and folding it into his Thesis. Which is what the Extreme Reactionary Right is now made popular (blaming Israel for JFK's assassination.)

So, basically what I'm getting at is; that if one is going to fold Demona and Israel into the mix and that Angleton could have been run by Mossad. This would go against the American Exception Theory, so what I'm trying to point out is that this theory is 'cherry picking' based on political biases. And when you begin to critically examine the theory it has contradictions.. which, I think illustrate that the theory is the 'Texas Shooter Fallacy' of taking data points and circling them and declaring that one subjective analysis (JFKA Theory) as science. 


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Posted (edited)

Angleton may also have been running the Saudi desk. 
Do you have links to Nasser kicking Nazis out of Egypt? 
I’m not sure we are disagreeing. I agree that it’s Gladio 2.0 whenever it starts and by whatever name you call it. 

Edited by Paul Brancato
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