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Sometimes Miracles Happen and Documents Are Released

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Posted (edited)

Make of it what you will.  Probably won't convince any here to vote for him.  Haha.
But, at this  point, it's more than we've heard from the other guy.   



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1 minute ago, T Weier said:

Make of it what you will.  Probably won't convince any here to vote for him.   But, at this  point, it's more than we've heard from the other guy.   



He had his chance. He was president for 4 years, and it was supposed to come out in his watch. He punted. Why should anyone believe him now?

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22 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

Brace yourself, here comes the "Main Steam Water Cooler" brigade to derail your post. 


And why shouldn't they move it? There's nothing of substance being reported here. Trump had 4 solid years worth of time to release any remaining JFK documents. They were scheduled to be released under his watch, but he didn't do jack. And we're supposed to believe that this time he's really going to do it? Based on what?

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Denny Zartman said:

And why shouldn't they move it? There's nothing of substance being reported here. Trump had 4 solid years worth of time to release any remaining JFK documents. They were scheduled to be released under his watch, but he didn't do jack. And we're supposed to believe that this time he's really going to do it? Based on what?

People who used to post on here until it sorta turned into MSNBC eco chamber pointed out that Trump delayed records because actual intelligence related stuff. I agree with Tucker Carlson's take that Mike Pompeo manipulated Trump into making the delay. Now, he is where he would have been second term to release the other stuff that was under review, So I take Trump at his word. It is far more likely that Trump will do it. 

Meanwhile Biden Literally Reclassified those very records and you and your Water Boys don't really care because it aligns with your political biases. Here we are at a point where the Modern DNC Democrats DO NOT represent the same thing that JFK did such as Freedom of Speech and competition of ideas. You guys are now the party of censorship and show trials. And, all you guys hate RFK Jr so.. I don't understand how you guys that support Biden and Liz Cheney and the J6 Warren Commission think you are some how the "Good guys" who represent Democracy and what people like JFK's Generation stood for.. 

Edited by Matthew Koch
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Trump had already promised to release the "so interesting" information about the JFKA during his 2016-2020 term, then changed his mind at the last minute. I wouldn't take his word for it.

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1 hour ago, Matt Allison said:

I'm up for a fake golden toilet and some shoes.  I think they might become collectors items, eventually appreciate in value.  Oops, an admin can't say that.  Matthew's probably right, in a contentious election year anything on any of the three probably belong in the Political Discussions thread, thanks for the tip.

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9 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

I agree with Tucker Carlson's take that Mike Pompeo manipulated Trump into making the delay.

Why should anyone consider voting for a man who could be so easily manipulated by the likes of Mike Pompeo?

10 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

you and your Water Boys don't really care because it aligns with your political biases

Why are you going off subject and attacking me about what you imagine are my politics? I make it a point not to post about current political events here.

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9 hours ago, Denise Hazelwood said:

Trump had already promised to release the "so interesting" information about the JFKA during his 2016-2020 term, then changed his mind at the last minute. I wouldn't take his word for it.


      Trump also announced, during a 2016 Republican primary debate with Jeb Bush, "When I'm President, the American people are going to learn the truth about who really destroyed the World Trade Center on 9/11."  It was an astonishing statement.

      As a Manhattan real estate mogul, Donald Trump had firsthand knowledge about the construction of the WTC Twin Towers, and he announced, on camera, on 9/11 that, in his opinion, "The Twin Towers could only have been demolished by bombs"-- i.e., explosives.  He was correct.

      (That original 9/11 Trump interview has been deleted from YouTube, but someone posted an audio copy.*)

      But, after his election to the Presidency, Trump never uttered a single syllable about the explosive demolitions of the World Trade Center.

      Similarly, he never had a "terrific healthcare plan that will cover everyone and cost less."



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Posted (edited)

Slightly greater possibility that he will release more, if not all, JFKA records this time around.  No further election to worry about.  Of course, he might become a dictator for life!!! So say most on the boob tube.

Surely, he's heard more facts by now.  Even Alex Jones and Roger Stone, could help him out with SOME truth about JFKA.     

In the end, one can hate the man, but love the release of all those damn documents!



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Posted (edited)
15 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

Brace yourself, here comes the "Main Steam Water Cooler" brigade to derail your post. 


Yes, I expected triggering to commence!  But I hold out hope Trump will actually make it happen this time.  And also if he could please get us EVERY LAST BIT of original film/footage taken that day and weekend. 

And solve the damn Prayer Man mystery already.

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      Geez...  It will be a miracle if the clueless people in the MAGA cult ever finally realize that Donald Trump is a total fraud and a lifelong sociopath.  

       How many more blatant examples of Trump's habitual dishonesty and fraudulence do Mathew Koch and the MAGA Water Cooler boys need to see before they finally recognize the truth?  🙄


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2 hours ago, T Weier said:

Yes, I expected triggering to commence!  But I hold out hope Trump will actually make it happen this time.  And also if he could please get us EVERY LAST BIT of original film/footage taken that day and weekend. 

And solve the damn Prayer Man mystery already.

 I agree and it would be nice if people instead of fighting this could put their partisan politics aside to work for the greater good getting Donald Trump elected so that the JFK files have a chance to be released, lol. 

It would be nice to put that mystery to rest. 

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