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JFKA Horshoe Theory: 'The Radical Left' and 'Extreme Right' come together to blame Israel, Zionism and Zionists for JFK's Assassination

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2 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:



But I saw this coming from Matt very soon. Which is why I put him on ignore.


Here is James with Ryan Dawson who cites James for his JFK Thesis 


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At the 58:00 mark Ryan Dawson's NUMEC doc is cited by UFC fighter Jake Shields as to why JFK was killed by Israel 



If you guys don't want to waste your time watching this Documentary..

the evidence cited is Israeli Spy hearsay that JFK was killed because he didn't want Israel to have the bomb. 


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Hey, this must be a new milestone in Education Forum devolution-- in lieu of scholarly books, articles, and complete English sentences, we now have Rumble commentaries by UFC fighters!

MAGA 2U2, Mateo Cocinero@X.com!

(I wonder what John Simkin would think.)

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Posted (edited)

The point of this thread is to

A.) show that the Israel killed JFK theory is rapidly gaining popularity amongst Left and Right extremists 

B.) provide a place for people to provide counter evidence that JFK's Death isn't a Zionist Conspiracy 

C.) show that people who express this theory or sympathy for this theory do so because of their own biases and not based on evidence and logic. 

But it seems that after looking at your Gaza thread that a lot of people on this forum do believe this conspiracy theory and do have sympathy for any theory that blames America and its "Fascist" allies like Israel 

You mention Richard Simpkin which is Ironic because he didn't allow criticism of Israel or the word for Zionists that people really mean. I think mostly because England has anti defamation laws and he was probably concerned of being taken to court. Earlier on this thread you mentioned Laurent Guyénot and that you haven't read his book. Well maybe you should because that part about Richard Simpkin not allowing Guyenot to post on this forum is in there.

If you remember, I posted Laurent's documentary that is linked via Twitter and a certain person who likes to say they have scholarly opinions because they were associated with the Fed Glow OP of Scholars for 911 truth. (Need to probably rewatch the Morgan Reynolds Fox News segment which is on my Rumble page https://rumble.com/v2itljh-dr-morgan-reynolds-starts-the-no-planes-on-911-conspiracy-theory.html to see why people no longer associate with that organization) a scholar usually reviews all the source material to form a "scholarly" opinion; )


William, as subscriber to this theory of Israel doing JFK and 911 makes you on par with Ryan Dawson and Corey Hughes (Whom, I posted his 6hr documentary that is basically a Everything is a Zionist Mans Trick, JFK to 911)  you should watch them since you basically agree with them and Jake Shields on Israel.

This theory is based on Michael Collins Pipers Book which I'm guessing you haven't read either..  










Piper is asscioted with the Spotlight and if you look closely you will see Jefferson Morley (who also now with Aaron Good is starting to subscribe to this theory) 

Edited by Matthew Koch
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Posted (edited)


     This is now your second, or third, erroneous, defamatory post today.  Is this kind of stalking/defamation consistent with Education Forum policies?

 1)   I never bought the arguments, by Michael Collins Piper or others, that the Mossad was involved in the JFK assassination, and I have stated that more than once.

 2)  James DiEugenio's Gaza and JFK thread, (from Substack) and a subsequent thread based on the analysis of a Canadian-American journalist, were not about the JFK assassination per se, although they included references to Ben Gurion's conflict with JFK over Dimona. 

    They were mainly about JFK, Nasser, policies regarding the Israeli-Palestine conflict, and post-JFK emergence of the Neocons and AIPAC.

3)  As for the scientific evidence that the WTC Twin Towers and WTC7 were demolished by explosives on 9/11, it's not even a theory at this point. 

    It's a fact.   The buildings abruptly collapsed to Ground Zero at near free fall acceleration-- i.e., against zero resistance.

    So, something abruptly demolished the steel substructures.  (And the serial explosions are visible on film.)

    The steel girders were also liquefied, and the concrete was explosively pulverized into high heat pyroclastic flows over Manhattan.

    So, who planted the thermitic explosives in the WTC Towers before 9/11?

    Who controlled security and access to the WTC prior to 9/11?

    Cui bono?

    Those are theoretical questions about 9/11 for the intellectually curious few.


Edited by W. Niederhut
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6 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


     This is now your second, or third, erroneous, defamatory post today.  Is this kind of stalking/defamation consistent with Education Forum policies?    

Actually it's a response to your prior post calling it stalking is quite the grasping at straws and illustrates the bad faith behavior that I believe you and your watercooler cohorts do against people like Ben and John Cotter and I because you aren't Liberals like JFK 

And it's quite fair to point out you share the same views as these people, because you do.. 

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3 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

Actually it's a response to your prior post calling it stalking is quite the grasping at straws and illustrates the bad faith behavior that I believe you and your watercooler cohorts do against people like Ben and John Cotter and I because you aren't Liberals like JFK 

And it's quite fair to point out you share the same views as these people, because you do.. 


Sadly, you haven't changed a bit since the last time you got suspended from the Education Forum for MAGA spamming.

And here you have posted a third or fourth false, defamatory xxxxx post in one day.  You're on a roll.

I have no reasonable choice but to put your MAGA spam back on ignore.

(It's something I have in common with Monty Python.  I don't like spam.)  


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Thanks so much for carrying on with this guy. Whatever his name is.

In his universe, one cannot even talk about Kennedy's Middle East policy without somehow implying that the Mossad killed Kennedy?

I mean wow. 

I discovered Kennedy's attempted relationship with Nasser while doing a years long in depth study of the totality of JFK's foreign policy designs and goals, outside of Vietnam and Cuba.  While doing that  long and difficult examination I discovered many things that I really did not know about before including, for example, his attempt to liberate Angola and Mozambique from Portugal, and his diplomatic initiatives against Francophone Africa. So I was not looking for his relationship with Nasser.  Other people had found out about it, Like Robert Rakove, and Phil Muehlenbeck. 

Far from agreeing with Piper, I believe today what I talked about in Pittsburgh at the late Cyril Wecht's conference. If Kennedy had lived, there would have been no 1967 war. And I explained why in my Powerpoint there (prepared by Matt Crumpton) which was entitled "The Death of Kennedy and the Rise of the Neocons."  This was not just based on Nasser's admiration and affection for Kennedy but also JFK's pursuit of the Joseph Johnson Plan about Palestinian repatriation.

I will be adapting that for a two part Substack series soon.


Edited by James DiEugenio
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5 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


Sadly, you haven't changed a bit since the last time you got suspended from the Education Forum for MAGA spamming.

And here you have posted a third or fourth false, defamatory xxxxx post in one day.  You're on a roll.

I have no reasonable choice but to put your MAGA spam back on ignore.

(It's something I have in common with Monty Python.  I don't like spam.)  


Yes, he has changed a bit, thus far.  For the sake of transparency on the forum.

I thought he had been banned at one point as opposed to suspended.

Over a year ago he contacted me by Personal Message to tell me F Y old man, you White Knight POS.  I promptly copied and posted his PM preceded by a F Yourself.  Mark Knight promptly penalized me for my language.  Mark then PM'd me asking if the rest of my post was in fact a PM from as it turns out Mateo.  When I replied yes. He promptly removed my penalty and penalize  M/M.  Shortly after he came back he argued with other members including Sandy as a moderator and administrator then disappeared.

Several months back I was asked if I would consider becoming a moderator.  After a couple of days consideration questioning my own qualifications and the dedication necessary, I said I would be proud to, it would be an Honor.  A few months after that in a moderator discussion about a penalty on another member Sandy asked if I remembered MK(MC).  Yes.  After multiple vulgar and personal PM's Sandy had given him multiple extensive suspensions, resulting in at least part of his long absence and new avatar.

So, I guess he's improved on vulgar PM's.  Which he ought to do.  I remember how James dealt with one poster many years ago who was not quite so offensive on the vulgarity.

F U CK YOU white knight piece of Texas trash!!! OLD PIECE OF s h I it , you are pathetic seriously  F/O


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Thanks for that Ron, "white knight piece of Texas trash?" 😀

Boy is that rich.  Ron comes off like a southern gentleman, Leslie Howard out of GWTW.

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I agree that it is absolutely shameful and embarrassing that some people in the research community claim that Israel was involved in JFK's death. This is patently ridiculous and inexcusable. Claims like these are the reason that so many academics and journalists do not take the case for conspiracy seriously.

And it certainly does not help matters when we have some people in this forum repeating Hamas and Iranian propaganda about Israel and whitewashing the long history of Arab attacks on Israel. 

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2 hours ago, Michael Griffith said:

I agree that it is absolutely shameful and embarrassing that some people in the research community claim that Israel was involved in JFK's death. This is patently ridiculous and inexcusable. Claims like these are the reason that so many academics and journalists do not take the case for conspiracy seriously.

And it certainly does not help matters when we have some people in this forum repeating Hamas and Iranian propaganda about Israel and whitewashing the long history of Arab attacks on Israel. 

When in doubt, blame the Jews. 

I wish I was a Jew. The 10 million Jews in Israel are exploiting the 8 billion people on Earth, from what I read in alt-left publications. 

That's some savvy! 

No wonder Israel is a first-world nation, and Lebanon and Gaza and Egypt and Libya and Syria and Iran worse than crap-holes--especially for women, gays, and racial and religious minorities. 

The Jews' secret?

I asked an Israeli once, "What is the secret?"

He whispered, "Don't tell anyone. Freedom, love and hard work."  



Edited by Benjamin Cole
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Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Yes, he has changed a bit, thus far.  For the sake of transparency on the forum.

I thought he had been banned at one point as opposed to suspended.

Over a year ago he contacted me by Personal Message to tell me F Y old man, you White Knight POS.  I promptly copied and posted his PM preceded by a F Yourself.  Mark Knight promptly penalized me for my language.  Mark then PM'd me asking if the rest of my post was in fact a PM from as it turns out Mateo.  When I replied yes. He promptly removed my penalty and penalize  M/M.  Shortly after he came back he argued with other members including Sandy as a moderator and administrator then disappeared.

Several months back I was asked if I would consider becoming a moderator.  After a couple of days consideration questioning my own qualifications and the dedication necessary, I said I would be proud to, it would be an Honor.  A few months after that in a moderator discussion about a penalty on another member Sandy asked if I remembered MK(MC).  Yes.  After multiple vulgar and personal PM's Sandy had given him multiple extensive suspensions, resulting in at least part of his long absence and new avatar.

So, I guess he's improved on vulgar PM's.  Which he ought to do.  I remember how James dealt with one poster many years ago who was not quite so offensive on the vulgarity.

F U CK YOU white knight piece of Texas trash!!! OLD PIECE OF s h I it , you are pathetic seriously  F/O


Ron.. Please delete the part of your post that does not conform to forum rules.

Thank God🙏 someone came to their senses and took you off being a Mod.

This is what? The 4th time you have reposted this since Sandy took both our comments down. But, I guess that is what makes us different. I'm willing to forgive people and allow for water under the bridge and you obviously are stuck in the past. So...why don't you go fetch us a classic rock music video like you like to do and put it on this thread, since a music video is better than telling us how you read a book and learned something... Maybe something of Sheik Your Booty since the topic is Middle East.

My Last Long suspension was for "Outrageous Behavior" or something like that and it fits the description of what I did which basically was 8 or 10 messaged vulgarities to the Mod team thinking that my account would be deleted since I had literally requested that weeks earlier. Instead my suspensions just doubled until it was 8 months, so like a horror movie the Monster is back, muhahahahaha. Now my behavior was unbecoming and I should not have said mean and hurtful things to Sandy and the mod team.. but I will add that You, Niederhut, Matt, Kirk are malicious and the mods political biases let you and your gang's poor behavior slide.

Well, the forum needs to return to research and I know that is a weak point for you, and maybe you and your crew should abide by the old forum decorum which was that the post was informative and contained information that someone else could use as a basis for searching for more information and this post above and your classic rock music or rants about Allen Dulles don't do any of that. This is not Face Book and I suggest grandpa that you go there to post your silly TIL messages about books and Music videos that haven no relationship to the topic. FYI when you bully me, it brings out the warrior in me just so you know, and I am always wiling to come out and play ; ) 

SPAM has a definition and I am not spamming, and I am conforming to the rules about Bumping threads something you'd think someone who was elevated to being a position of authority on the forum should be able to recognize, guess not.. and I guess that could be a reason you are not a mod anymore..

Earlier on this thread you tried to derail it by bring up that I spell my name in Spanish and the Mods should look into suspending me. And on the Jeffery Sachs thread that Jim currently has no response for other than to run away because I mention Ira Stoll's JFK conservative concept which is becoming more true as the Overton Window continues to go left to the point that RFK Jr is called a White Supremest by @W. Niederhut meanwhile you guys voted for Joe "Racial Jungle" Biden.. but Orange man bad right?! You were going to move it on the basis of being a Political conversation.. Meanwhile Murphy's law dictates that Jim was doing it for that same purpose to pat himself and Jeffery Sachs on the back when Oliver he and Sachs support Russia's war. 



Have I changed?

The only way I've changed is that last October I was confirmed into the Catholic Church. So, I will take responsibility for my actions when they are unbecoming like when I insulted Sandy and Mark to get my suspension. because I did lose control of myself and did say hurtful things that I shouldn't have and for that I am sorry and am at least willing to take responsibility for my own actions. 

 Understand, I am willing to create peace with any member

I do follow the golden rule and I am a mirror effect person. That being said just like JFK mentioned with his foreign policy in the 1961 State of Union Address that the American Eagle carries an Olive branch and Arrows and that his Administration will make use of both. I will counter back, so if you want peace I would recommend not bring up the past like you are filling in for someone's naggy mother or wife.. And your pathetic attempt to say that because I use my name in Spanish on Twitter I should be suspended has cased me to view people like you, Oliver Stone and Co as the Weak Men Who Created Hard Times and that JFK and my Grandparents really were exceptional and their exceptionalism created Good Times. So, basically I have decided to become a better and more extreme version of myself and pretty soon here on rumble I will be starting a Christian Gang based on the Mexican Cristeros and will be posting under Mateo Cocinero on rumble and the theme of the Gang is 'Peace through strength' and we will be praying the rosary, reading books, and working out to counter the pussifcation and Obamanation the the country has been turned onto from the Overton window shifting left by your generation that IMHO ruined the country. 

Since, my suspension I have completed; 1 documentary in my 7 part JFK documentary film series called: ''And, the truth shall make you free" I am looking to put part 7 "American Requiem" out on Amazon and Youtube in September.

I have about 4hrs of Free stuff that I will be putting out on Youtube starting next month. Basically, my content is going to be made for Conservative and is going to take the externalized blame game on America out that Leftist Radicals and Lolibertarian Radials (both groups are what this thread is about)

JFK loved America thus he's conservative imo because how do you "Make America Great"? by "Asking Not What Your Country Can Do For You, Ask What You Can Do For Your Country" Which If I was Forrest Gump I think I'd say something like "I'm not a smart man but that's not what Jeffery Sachs, Aaron Good, or Oliver Stone think about America"

So as a Millenial who feels that my Generation was screwed over by the Classic Rock Boomers who made all those Vietnam movies in the 80's and 90's rewriting history so that they were the winners. I was 10 yrs old when JFK the Movie came out and I remember the media controversy because my mother used to watch Entertainment Tonight when she made dinner and they talked about the movie every night and we watch the news at dinner and people like Connie Chung, whould talk about the movie in the news.. But, you know what? I went to Highschool in Littleton Colorado and I knew alot of people at Columbine Highschool who got shot and I can say that it is a fact that the two shooters got the Idea from Natural Born Killers which is the movie that Oliver put out against the media and alot of people cited the movie as being inspirational in their choice to act out their violence.. So there is this self idolatry narcissism that your generation got wrapped up in and part of that is blaming Allen Dulles and Co for anything that happened in the past so they they can justify hurting modern day America. Maybe look in the mirror, and let's not forget that Oliver is a Yale rich boy that didn't portray Skull and Bones accurately in W.  The fact that you guys think you represent JFK is hilarious that this point it's like when people who don't change their behavior say they've found Jesus (It's funny because the martyr stood for something and the followers doesn't seem to get that) What Stone, Sachs, and Good do if it was Christianity would say that since Jesus was killed by Zionists we must tear down Zion and give it to the Caninanites. It's like Obama honoring MLK on MLK day while the USA was still in two wars, lols the Martyr was anti war. Sachs Good and Stone all changed their tone on war and justified Russias war instead of calling for peace. Again, they don't understand JFK and if they maybe listened to the part in the Peace Speech where JFK says" The Scriptures tell us" because the Peace Speech is based on the Vatican Document. HENCE JFK's Morality comes from the Bible not Libealism [EMPHASIS ADDED] 

As a JFK conservative, I will be teaching people younger than me about how the country used to operate before 911 the war on terror and our lose of morals as a country that parallels the rise and fall of Israel in the Bible. How the 'New World Order' we live in that Sachs, DiEugenio, Good Stone and Ironically George HW Bush advocate for isn't what JFK wanted.

Do any of these people ever cite 'JFK's A Nation of Immigrants'? NO, because it is about white immigrants that wanted to be American and assimilate to being American the belief was that other cultures would do this. LBJ and his backers who put the immigration bill through didn't follow what JFK wanted and now they are bringing people into America in a way that has Ceased Chavev spinning in his grave.

JFK didn't want America to become the UN he wanted the UN to work as a peace negotiator.. But, we know now a days that the UN is run by the same  unnamed Oligarch Globalists (whose names are like Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, WEF etc) that Sachs and Good complain about so un fortunetly people are too biased to see that their circular logic shows their belief is a fallacy! Ironically, Oliver Stone is on the same side as Klaus Schwab and Pope Francis who is a Jesuit and the Jesuits are the ones that are CIA and other intelligence agencies.. I love the irony; )

So, once again, if Jim or others would like to make peace I am willing to make peace. 

And unlike you Ron, I won't bring the past up if it has been forgiven.

Until then, I would recommend rewatching the Movie 'Unforgiven or Conan the Destroyer' because that is the vibe you and the weak men who ruined the country are going to get from me💯

Because, just like JFK and Trump I am America First 🇺🇸  ; ) 


Edited by Matthew Koch
I have a chronic issues of posting before proof reading, so it's for grammar and punctuation
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Griffith is up to his old tricks.

Can anyone here find one person in the critical community who postulates that the Mossad killed Kennedy, or say Israel was behind it?

No.  Because there is no one who does so.

If anyone should know about that it would be me.  Because I am in the middle of it all.

People like the late Mr. Piper, and the current Mr. Guyenot are not part of the critical community and Mike knows that.

I have attended nearly every major conference from back in 1991 until the last Duquesne conference last year. I have never seen any such presentation.

So this is just BS. Its one reason I have Griffith  (and whatever his name is, Koch or Cucino or whatever) on ignore, but when people quote him I have to read this rubbish. It surprises me that Ben actually falls in line with this junk.

Kennedy's policies in the Middle East were a stark revision of Foster Dulles, plain and simple. And to not face up to that is simply a matter of ignorance or bias.  His design of reaching out to Nasser--by far the most influential and charismatic of all Arab leaders--and seeking the Joseph Johnson Plan for Palestinian repatriation, these were original executive decisions.  And he vigorously pursued them both. These were both dropped by Johnson. And it was LBJ who began the big military programs to Israel which Nasser protested and eventually caused the Egyptian president to break relations with the USA.

Quoting Monica Wiesak: "Lyndon Johnson would cut the economic aid to Egypt and boost the aid to Israel.  He lifted the embargo on offensive military equipment and sent US made tanks and aircraft to Israel.  JFK had sold only defensive weapons, not offensive weapons, and only did so when refugee negotiations appeared to be progressing, in hopes of finalizing those negotiations.....The 92 million in military assistance provided in fiscal year 1966 was greater than the total of all official military  aid provided to Israel cumulatively in all the years going back to the foundation of that nation in 1948." (America's Last President, pp. 203-04) 

Johnson's administration did not just break with Kennedy on these issues, including also Dimona, but LBJ approved the sneak attack on Egypt which started the 1967 war. I can safely say that none of this would have occurred under Kennedy. But this tilting toward Israel continued under almost all future administrations. Which culminated in the absolute mess we have there now.  And the Neocons, going all the way back to Henry Jackson and the rightwing nuts on his staff--Perle, Abrams, Wolfowitz, Gaffney and Kirkpatrick--were a part of this.  The very idea that Kennedy would have been in league with  this kind of neocon nuttiness is both a bit mad and ludicrous.

As I said, Kennedy was the last president who was trying to talk and negotiate with the last great Arab leader, and who was really trying to find a solution to the refugees of the Nakba.  Which is saying something considering what is going on there now: the destruction of Gaza and 34,000 dead civilians. This is why the right has to smear his legacy and disfigure who he was.

Rabin was the last great hope for Israel.  And John F. Kennedy Jr knew it.  See his article on the Rabin murder which he wrote himself in George.



Edited by James DiEugenio
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Posted (edited)
49 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

Can anyone here find one person in the critical community who postulates that the Mossad killed Kennedy, or say Israel was behind it?

No.  Because there is no one who does so.



The CIA and Zionism: A Complex History

Why the spy agency’s infamous James Angleton midwifed modern Israel—and its bomb—into existence



MAY 01, 2024

SUDDENLY, “ZIONISM” IS A FIGHTING WORD. The term for the nationalist movement to build a Jewish state in Palestine has not often figured in American political debate over the half century since the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Patrick Moynihan, denounced a 1975 United Nations resolution asserting that “Zionism is a form of racism.” Now Zionism has returned as epithet and issue in the 2024 election.

Anti-Zionism is “incontestably” anti-Semitic, argues Bari Weiss of the Free Press, an online news site devoted to the ideals that were once the bedrock of American journalism.” Anyone who doesn’t support the existence of a Jewish state, she asserts, is a hater of Jewish people. “We need an exodus from Zionism,” counters Naomi Klein in the Guardian. She calls political Zionism “a deeply immoral path that now has them justifying the shredding of core commandments: thou shalt not kill. Thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt not covet.” And so, like “genocide” and “anti-Semitism,” “Zionism” is now a flash point in Jewish conversation and American politics.

This is the lexicon of a seismic political conflict. The generationally solid consensus behind Israel in the Democratic Party has fractured over Gaza. The conflation of anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism distills a potent pro-Israel Republican talking point. The issue has defenestrated two female Ivy League university presidents and prompted a third to order the massive arrest of student protesters. The result: campus demonstrations proliferating across the country—and ever more widespread debate about the meaning of Zionism.

Nowhere is the story of Zionism in America more influential, and less well known, than that of the Central Intelligence Agency. As the siege of Gaza continues with U.S. supplying the bombs and the bullets for Israeli forces, the CIA is deeply implicated in the war, providing intelligence on Hamas leadership and taking the lead in the hostage negotiations.  (Prior to Oct. 7, the CIA relied on Israel for intelligence on Hamas.) 


Edited by Matthew Koch
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