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The Present state of the EF and how it can be improved

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Posted (edited)
14 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:


IMO, this thread should be UNPINNED from the very top of the forum (at least for a certain period of time---perhaps one month or so).

The reason I say that is because I didn't even see this interesting thread for two whole days after its creation, due to the fact that I never even bother to glance up at the Sticky threads at the top of the forum (as I nearly always assume, incorrectly in this instance, that there's nothing new in the Sticky/Pinned posts).

And if there are other people who have developed that same "Skip The Sticky Threads" habit, then a lot of members (and other visitors) are going to completely miss seeing this discussion.


Good point David. The same thing happened to me. I didn’t know the thread existed until yesterday. 

Edited by Tom Gram
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2 hours ago, Mark Knight said:

This thread isn't about current politics. This thread is about improving the current state of the Education Forum.

If you want to discuss the Biden Administration, please start a separate thread.

If you want to discuss former President Trump, please start a separate thread.

If you have suggestions about improving the forum, you can discuss them freely on this thread.


Couple quickies---

1. Is the topic of the JFK Records Act appropriate for the EF-JFKA?

2. The RFK1A strikes me as part-and-parcel of the EF-JFKA, and has been treated as such for decades, AFAIK. Is the RFK1A topic appropriate for the EF-JFKA? 

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Mark Knight said:


The EF has had those forums for quite some time. Some people simply refuse to use them. Check 'em out:

Forums - The Education Forum (ipbhost.com)

There are all kinds of forums here. Most initially were for educators to discuss topics in their subject matter. But there are separate forums to discuss NON-JFK assassination political conspiracies, and many other topics not related to the JFK assassination.

So when a moderator moves a thread to its correct forum, it's usually followed by "great wailing and gnashing of teeth" because the proper forums don't generate the volume of traffic that the JFK assassination does. But a good moderator does what's right, despite the complaints, because that's how the EF is supposed to work. It's a big ol' world, both "out there" as well as "in here" at the EF.


   No teeth gnashing here.

   Members should post threads on the appropriate boards.

    But we have a member who has started numerous, redundant threads attacking Joe Biden for not releasing the JFK records.  Should those anti-Biden threads be posted on the Political Discussion board, the JFKA board, or the MAGA Water Cooler board?

    To jog your memory, I started a rare thread in 2020 on the JFKA board about Trump's historic 2017 decision to block the release of the JFK assassination records.  You, or one of the mods, moved it to the JFK Deep Politics board.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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1 hour ago, David Von Pein said:


IMO, this thread should be UNPINNED from the very top of the forum (at least for a certain period of time---perhaps one month or so).

The reason I say that is because I didn't even see this interesting thread for two whole days after its creation, due to the fact that I never even bother to glance up at the Sticky threads at the top of the forum (as I nearly always assume, incorrectly in this instance, that there's nothing new in the Sticky/Pinned posts).

And if there are other people who have developed that same "Skip The Sticky Threads" habit, then a lot of members (and other visitors) are going to completely miss seeing this discussion.


I disagree David.  It's about the most transparent thing the forum has ever done.  As Mark has pointed out before it's not a Democracy.  Which wouldn't work on a forum like this.  It's a debate, moderated by human beings.

Relegated to the normal forum threads it might well disappear as all others eventually do.  It's important to the survival of the thread imo.  I do think current politics should be kept out of the main JFK Forum threads, at least during the elections at a minimum.

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2 hours ago, Pat Speer said:

As a former moderator, I can assure you that deciding what does or doesn't belong in the JFKA forum is a difficult task. At one point a certain someone assured us that every conspiracy for the last 50 (now 60) years pointed back to the Kennedy assassination, and filled the forum with thread after thread on the moon landing "hoax", the 9/11 "hoax" and so on. This individual got very angry and insulting when the moderators moved his threads to other sections of the forum. He even admitted that he thought his posts were so important that every member of the forum should be forced to look at them, even if they had almost nothing to do with the Kennedy assassination. So it's a slippery slope. IF people want to talk about our current political situation, there are places to do that. But people should be able to come here and see if there are any recent developments or thoughts about the Kennedy assassination, without having to sift through threads about Princess Diana's death, the Liberty Incident, Jack the Ripper, Hilary Clinton's sex life, etc. That was the original thought behind the forum. And we should respect those parameters. 

Now, the thought occurs that those other topics might gain more traffic if they were all combined into one, so the forum would have two main discussion groups: one purely on the assassination of President Kennedy and one on any and all other conspiracies. But that would be up to the administration team. 

Pat, it seems you are again a moderator although you have not been active as such in several years.  Why I am no longer I have no idea, I thought I tried to be fair and open minded.  Maybe it was the videos.  I know I'm no James Dean.


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2 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Relegated to the normal forum threads it might well disappear as all others eventually do.  It's important to the survival of the thread imo. 


I agree. Which is precisely why I said this in my previous post (emphasis added in bold):

"...this thread should be UNPINNED from the very top of the forum (at least for a certain period of time---perhaps one month or so)."

Meaning: I think it should definitely be a pinned thread again after a month or so. Once it drops to page 2, then it should be pinned (IMO).


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4 hours ago, Pat Speer said:

As a former moderator, I can assure you that deciding what does or doesn't belong in the JFKA forum is a difficult task. At one point a certain someone assured us that every conspiracy for the last 50 (now 60) years pointed back to the Kennedy assassination, and filled the forum with thread after thread on the moon landing "hoax", the 9/11 "hoax" and so on. This individual got very angry and insulting when the moderators moved his threads to other sections of the forum. He even admitted that he thought his posts were so important that every member of the forum should be forced to look at them, even if they had almost nothing to do with the Kennedy assassination. So it's a slippery slope. IF people want to talk about our current political situation, there are places to do that. But people should be able to come here and see if there are any recent developments or thoughts about the Kennedy assassination, without having to sift through threads about Princess Diana's death, the Liberty Incident, Jack the Ripper, Hilary Clinton's sex life, etc. That was the original thought behind the forum. And we should respect those parameters. 

Now, the thought occurs that those other topics might gain more traffic if they were all combined into one, so the forum would have two main discussion groups: one purely on the assassination of President Kennedy and one on any and all other conspiracies. But that would be up to the administration team. 


IMHO you are serious, talented  and longtime JFKA researcher, and who has put together a formidable JKFA website.

I cannot fathom the slurs people are making against you, or why the EF-JFKA has become such reservoir of petty hatreds. 

BTW, we have disagreed on the LHO-cheek GSR issue, and then that was that. 

I spoke my part, you did yours. The conversation was even and collegial. 

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Posted (edited)


Somebody contact CNN and all other news outlets! History has just been made! James R. Gordon and DVP actually agreed on something!

I'll get the champagne! Jim Gordon can get the balloons and confetti!



Edited by David Von Pein
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Martin Nee said it quite well,  to my recollection as a long time member the forum is supposed to be about exploration and education - not advocacy and not evangelism. I sincerely hope to see it return to that mode of operation and moderation.

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2 hours ago, Larry Hancock said:

Martin Nee said it quite well,  to my recollection as a long time member the forum is supposed to be about exploration and education - not advocacy and not evangelism. I sincerely hope to see it return to that mode of operation and moderation.

I agreed with Mr. Née as well. Thanks Larry.

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