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Trump Gunman Flew Drone Over Rally Site Hours Before Attempted Assassination

July 19, 2024

gunman who tried to kill Donald Trump was able to fly a drone and get aerial footage of the western Pennsylvania fairgrounds shortly before the former president was set to speak there, law-enforcement officials briefed on the matter said, further underscoring the stunning security lapses ahead of Trump’s near assassination.

Thomas Matthew Crooks flew the drone on a programmed flight path earlier in the day on July 13 to scour the Butler Farm Show grounds ahead of Trump’s ill-fated rally, the officials said. The predetermined path, the officials added, suggests Crooks flew the drone more than once as he researched and scoped out the event site.

The 20-year-old would-be assassin fired at least six rounds from the roof of the American Glass Research building roughly 400 feet away from where Trump spoke, killing one spectator, critically injuring two others and leaving Trump with a graze wound to the ear. A Secret Service sniper team shot back, killing Crooks, whose motive remains a mystery.

Multiple investigations are under way into how a gunman was able to climb onto a rooftop with a clear line of sight to Trump and open fire with an AR-15 rifle. Police had become suspicious of Crooks more than an hour earlier, when officers saw him milling about the edges of the rally with a range finder and a backpack.

The use of the drone was just one way in which authorities have said Crooks planned his attack. Crooks, described by friends as very smart yet withdrawn, began researching the site shortly after the Trump campaign announced the rally on July 3, and registered for the event on July 7, officials said. He visited the farm show grounds a few days later to scope it out.

On July 13, officials said, he returned with a pair of homemade bombs that appeared to be designed to be set off by remote control, as they were fitted with a receiver like the kind used to set off fireworks remotely. Investigators found the rudimentary explosives in Crooks’ car parked close to the grounds, along with a ballistic carrier, or vest, with three, 30-round magazines in it, an indication that he might have wanted to cause greater carnage.

Crooks in recent months had received several packages to his home marked “hazardous materials,” officials said. He did online searches for dates of Trump rallies, but also searched for information about next month’s Democratic convention and President Biden, providing a mixed bag of clues for investigators to sort through as they try to determine what, if any, ideology he ascribed to.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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9 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


     The "snafu" was that the kid was clever enough to hide his ladder behind some trees by the building, and he was able to conceal himself from the counter-snipers long enough to take AR-15 shots at Trump.

     As for comparisons with the professional Deep State hit on JFK, it's time to put that MAGA nonsense to rest.

     This was not a Deep State plot, and Crooks fits the common profile of angry white loners who commit mass shootings.

Trump shooter Thomas Crooks threatened to 'shoot up' his high school and 'put bombs in the bathrooms' years before his failed assassination attempt on the former president | Daily Mail Online



Dr WN,

He may have been clever enough to hide the ladder, but it appears the attendees and local police were clever enough to determine there was a guy on the roof with a rifle and there was apparently no adequate methodology to relay that information quickly enough to the Secret Service for appropriate action. Forgetting for a moment the issue of how many agents the Secret Service wanted to assign to this event, it is amazing to me that drones apparently were not used or considered. This is simple and cheap technology and I have not seen it mentioned whether or not the Secret Service uses it. 

I made no inference as to any deep state plot against Trump. None of us know enough to even make the wildest conjectures on that. It just isn't appropriate and I am hoping that we get the most thorough of investigations as to what occurred and recommendations as to what the Secret Service can learn from it and improve upon. I know you hate anything MAGA and I am not a gun loving enthusiast, nor do I even own any sort of weapon. The second amendment does allow for guns and that's what the reality is. I am troubled to read so many comments about the angry white loners and their propensity for violence, but what is your solution for that? Are you not troubled by the angry young Hispanic and black males who kill each other and innocent victims in the inner cities? Don't those cities have adequate or even very restrictive gun control laws? And if they do, then why has the inner city violence situation not improved?

The hateful rhetoric on both sides is easily available via search if anyone wants to take the trouble to look for it. I have seen some of the most despicable comments and videos about the attempt on Trump's life. Some are treating it like a joke and that is beyond disgusting and does nothing at all to create a better society. 


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 Water Tower 

Crooks was shot over the right eye after he had abandoned his gun and was crawling back from the ridge. The man on the water tower (captured on video) was in an ideal position to take him out. If he wasn't there to take out Crooks, he was in an ideal position to coordinate the assassination attempt, which failed by half an inch.



There were ten distinct bangs that could be identified thanks to cell phone audios: three bangs, followed by a pause, then five bangs in rapid succession, which sounded very different (indicating a different gun), followed by one bang. Then a long pause of 10 to 20 seconds occurred during which Crooks was able to crawl back, and finally, there was a last single bang that sounded different from the first three and the subsequent five bangs. Martenson said that this was the shot that took out the then-unarmed Crooks. 

All the while, Crooks was on the roof of building number 9, seen by bystanders with his gun, crawling. A local sniper team in the adjacent two-story building (building number 13), which had some windows overlooking the roof where Crooks was for 20 minutes, did nothing. 

 Here is the Martenson video with the audio analysis of the shots once again. Remember: it took 15 years before someone did the first audio analysis of the JFK assassination. Martenson and Co. came out with an audio analysis in days. I can't find any error in it, except that when you analyze bangs, you can identify different guns but not who shot at whom and why.





Edited by Karl Kinaski
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8 hours ago, Karl Kinaski said:

 Water Tower 

Crooks was shot over the right eye after he had abandoned his gun and was crawling back from the ridge. The man on the water tower (captured on video) was in an ideal position to take him out. If he wasn't there to take out Crooks, he was in an ideal position to coordinate the assassination attempt, which failed by half an inch.



There were ten distinct bangs that could be identified thanks to cell phone audios: three bangs, followed by a pause, then five bangs in rapid succession, which sounded very different (indicating a different gun), followed by one bang. Then a long pause of 10 to 20 seconds occurred during which Crooks was able to crawl back, and finally, there was a last single bang that sounded different from the first three and the subsequent five bangs. Martenson said that this was the shot that took out the then-unarmed Crooks. 

All the while, Crooks was on the roof of building number 9, seen by bystanders with his gun, crawling. A local sniper team in the adjacent two-story building (building number 13), which had some windows overlooking the roof where Crooks was for 20 minutes, did nothing. 

 Here is the Martenson video with the audio analysis of the shots once again. Remember: it took 15 years before someone did the first audio analysis of the JFK assassination. Martenson and Co. came out with an audio analysis in days. I can't find any error in it, except that when you analyze bangs, you can identify different guns but not who shot at whom and why.





The building consensus on the location of the real assassin:


Below, Robert Barnes’ overview, which has the great merit of explaining the otherwise inexplicable attempt to link the patsy to Iran, a country now much, and entirely coincidentally, on Anthony Blinken’s mind 



An early, and appropriately, satirical take on the garbage served up by MSM:

"The Script" For Trump's Assassination Plot Needs Rewriting...



Edited by Paul Rigby
The International assassination scence added
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Trump on Taxes, Tariffs, Jerome Powell and More

He keeps circling back to William McKinley, who he says raised enough revenue through tariffs during his turn-of-the-20th-century presidency to avoid instituting a federal income tax yet never got the appropriate credit.


The gulf between Trump and the Wall Street establishment encapsulated!

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 There are already countermeasures taken by the other side to 'debunk' the two-shooter scenario. Without analyzing the audio recordings of the shooting, the following reasoning  is rather worthless, unless Crooks fired two different rifles from two different locations. :D

Posted 19.7. 2024 on X. 



Analysis of footage from the Trump assassination attempt shows that Trump and David Dutch were hit in Crook's initial 3 shot volley. Corey Comperatore and James Copenhaver were struck by Crook's follow-up volley a few seconds later. This wide angle recorded by the Right Side Broadcasting Network shows the entire event unfold and shows all 3 bystanders get struck by Crook's bullets. The first round fired by Crook's impacts the railing visible in the video quoted here causing a puff of smoke after grazing Donald Trump. Immediately after this, Crook's fires 2 additional rounds, which narrowly miss Donald Trump and strike David Dutch. He is seen reacting to being hit by turning and falling to the ground. After a short pause, Crook's fires off a second longer more uncontrolled volley of rounds. These rounds are further off target and the first of them strike Corey Comperatore and James Copenhaver. Corey Comperatore was struck in the head by the first round of this volley. He can be seen in the video below standing up against the railing prior to being hit. As he is hit, it also appears that the cap he was wearing flies off. Immediately following this James Copenhaver was also hit. He reacts to being shot by grabbing the rear railing and falling to his knees. As a bonus, this angle also shows that there was no one in the water tower during the shooting. It also shows that "Red Hat Guy" who is instrumental to the second shooter theory peaks up uninjured after the first volley before ducking again once the second volley starts.



And now, guess what? Written by: 




Analyst - Secret WEF Biolab Interior Decorator

WEF Biolab, Langley, Virginiaoalexanderdk.substack.com

Joined December 2021






Edited by Karl Kinaski
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Another Senator is getting angry:



@VigilantFox  on X. 


The Trump assassination attempt reeks of foul play, and now Senator Ron Johnson is getting angry. In an “infuriating” briefing, Director Kimberly Cheatle revealed that the Secret Service became aware of the shooter over an HOUR before he opened fire. Ron Johnson is now demanding answers: “How long were the sniper team aware of this individual? How long did they have him in their sights? Did they ask for permission, was permission not granted for them to take out this threat before he opened fire?” The “mistakes” and “gaffes” made that day led to “an American hero who died protecting his family, two other Americans grievously wounded, and a former president [and] presidential candidate almost assassinated.”




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14 hours ago, Nick Bartetzko said:

Dr WN,

He may have been clever enough to hide the ladder, but it appears the attendees and local police were clever enough to determine there was a guy on the roof with a rifle and there was apparently no adequate methodology to relay that information quickly enough to the Secret Service for appropriate action. Forgetting for a moment the issue of how many agents the Secret Service wanted to assign to this event, it is amazing to me that drones apparently were not used or considered. This is simple and cheap technology and I have not seen it mentioned whether or not the Secret Service uses it. 

I made no inference as to any deep state plot against Trump. None of us know enough to even make the wildest conjectures on that. It just isn't appropriate and I am hoping that we get the most thorough of investigations as to what occurred and recommendations as to what the Secret Service can learn from it and improve upon. I know you hate anything MAGA and I am not a gun loving enthusiast, nor do I even own any sort of weapon. The second amendment does allow for guns and that's what the reality is. I am troubled to read so many comments about the angry white loners and their propensity for violence, but what is your solution for that? Are you not troubled by the angry young Hispanic and black males who kill each other and innocent victims in the inner cities? Don't those cities have adequate or even very restrictive gun control laws? And if they do, then why has the inner city violence situation not improved?

The hateful rhetoric on both sides is easily available via search if anyone wants to take the trouble to look for it. I have seen some of the most despicable comments and videos about the attempt on Trump's life. Some are treating it like a joke and that is beyond disgusting and does nothing at all to create a better society. 



     A thoughtful post.

     As a psychiatrist, I have long been very interested in the subject of mass shooters in modern U.S. history-- going back to the 1999 Columbine High School shooting here in Colorado.  I also knew two of the professors at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center who were in contact with James Holmes before the 2012 Aurora theater (Batman) massacre.  So, I have tended to view these cases from the perspective of the history and psychology of American mass shooters. 

      I tend to think of individual gun homicides as a separate issue from domestic terrorism. 

      Statistically, the overwhelming majority of mass shootings and acts of domestic terrorism in the modern U.S. have been committed angry white males.  (The Virginia Tech shooter, Cho, was a notable exception, in addition to the black D.C. assassin, and the young black guy in Oregon.)  Off the top of my head, I can't think of any cases of angry Hispanic males engaging in mass shootings of Anglos in the U.S.

     Obviously, we're still in the process of trying to get the facts about the assassination attempt on Trump, and conspiracy theories abound.  Reading some of the MAGA media references here on the forum (from Dan "Own the Libs" Bongino, Vigilant Fox, "Jesse on Fire," et.al) has been an education in itself for me!

      No wonder MAGA guys are so angry!  Some of these MAGA media stars-- like "Jesse on Fire" -- sound, frankly, hypomanic, perhaps as a result of taking anabolic steroids.  The guy is seething with so much rage that I found it stressful to watch more than a few seconds of his YouTube video.

      As for your claim about "hateful rhetoric on both sides," it's false equivalence.

      Donald Trump surged ahead in the 2016 Republican primaries after he started actively denigrating Hispanic and black Americans, and he has been fomenting racial hostility and violence ever since.

      There is nothing comparable coming from liberal Democrats.

      Hate crimes have surged in the U.S., beginning in 2016, in sync with Trump's white supremacist rhetoric.  He has normalized and incited white racist violence.  The El Paso Walmart Massacre and Buffalo grocery store massacre are the worst examples.

       Let's recall that Trump told Jerry Jones and the NFL owners that, "It lifts me," to attack the Black Lives Matter civil rights protesters.

        But, getting back to Crooks, one of my professors at Harvard Medical School, the forensic psychiatrist, Dr. Thomas Gutheil, once said, "Psychiatrists have expertise in treating mental illnesses, not in predicting what mentally ill people will do."  As an example, I once treated a patient at the Colorado State Hospital who shot a stranger in a local library because she heard voices of "the village people" telling her to shoot the man.

       We still don't know what motivated Crooks to shoot Trump.

Lack of motive in Trump attack frustrates public, but fits a pattern

Terrorism analysts say Trump’s would-be assassin is among a string of high-profile assailants with unknown or murky reasons for turning violent.

Lack of motive in Trump attack frustrates public, but fits a pattern - The Washington Post

July 20, 2024

Edited by W. Niederhut
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4 hours ago, Paul Rigby said:

Trump on Taxes, Tariffs, Jerome Powell and More

He keeps circling back to William McKinley, who he says raised enough revenue through tariffs during his turn-of-the-20th-century presidency to avoid instituting a federal income tax yet never got the appropriate credit.


Fascists don't know what a tariff is.

Trump brags about all the billions of dollars the Chinese paid in tariffs.  That's a lie, of course.

Domestic wholesalers pay the tariffs, not the producers.  In the US it's Amazon, Walmart, Target and Best Buy who pay the tariffs, the cost passed down to the consumers. 

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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