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Trump Assassination Attempt Discussion

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1 hour ago, Tom Gram said:

I’m not denying any of that, except for the bit about Cheatle. She 100% did this to herself. Watch the hearing. The Democrats on the committee were just as critical as the Republicans. This was not partisan grandstanding or “theatrics”. This was not “substandard job performance”. This was literally the worst Secret Service failure since the JFK assassination. 

The entire oversight committee agreed, which from my understanding is a rare occurrence. Cheatle resigned as a direct result of that hearing. It was an important, bipartisan event and it needed to happen. Like Jim D. said in another thread, “finally, someone was called to task…”.

I am not a Republican. I also recall Ornato prevaricating during the Jan 6th hearings. I just don’t know why you keep bringing up Jan 6th every time someone mentions the Trump assassination attempt. They are two entirely separate events. It comes across like your biggest concern about the assassination attempt is the sympathy it might garner for Trump’s campaign. We don’t need to be reminded every five minutes that Trump is Trump. 

I wouldn’t trust Trump to run a laundromat. That doesn’t mean I can’t discuss an assassination attempt on a presidential candidate without campaigning for his opponent. 

Who's campaigning, Tom?

Surely, you're not naive enough to imagine that Trump and his MAGA cult aren't using this lone nut assassination attempt for political purposes, are you?

I'm merely directing the attention of the forum to the larger historical and political context here-- the bogus narrative since 2017 that Trump is a victim of the Deep State, and the history of felony Secret Service complicity in Trump's J6 insurrection.

Have you, or others, ever expressed any moral indignation here about Secret Service malfeasance on J6?


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3 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Who's campaigning, Tom?

Surely, you're not naive enough to imagine that Trump and his MAGA cult aren't using this lone nut assassination attempt for political purposes, are you?

I'm merely directing the attention of the forum to the larger historical and political context here-- the bogus narrative since 2017 that Trump is a victim of the Deep State, and the history of felony Secret Service complicity in Trump's J6 insurrection.

Have you, or others, ever expressed any moral indignation here about Secret Service malfeasance on J6?


The only thing I’m “campaigning” for is to discuss the Trump assassination attempt in a thread titled “Trump assassination attempt discussion”. 

I’m interested in the evidence of this case. I’d like to know how a 20 year old kid pulled something like this off. I think that’s pretty reasonable. It’s a fascinating case, and we should able to discuss new developments in this thread without turning it into a partisan pissing contest.

Of course Trump will use the assassination attempt to help his campaign. What’s your point? He also got the best campaign photo op I’ve ever seen. How is that relevant to the facts of this case? Will discussing the evidence in a niche internet forum help Trump win the election? Of course not. 

Yes, Trump’s “stolen election” narrative was bull***t. Based on the Jan 6th hearings it was also a literal scam to make money off of gullible Trump supporters. Yes, the SS appeared complicit in the events of that day. Is that enough “indignation” for you?

Your persistent whataboutisms with Jan 6th are the epitome of the “orange man bad” meme. The people who like Trump REALLY like Trump. They don’t care about his transgressions. They don’t care about Jan 6th. They don’t care that he sounds like an inarticulate fool compared to the average politician. They LIKE that about him. You should know this already, but disparaging Trump over and over has absolutely zero effect on his base.

Instead of the “orange man bad” approach, Democrats should focus on building up a viable alternative for Trump voters. A ton of Trump voters don’t give a flying fart about politics. They just like Trump because he’s charismatic and different. Trump appeals to the average working class Joe for a reason, and party robots like Hillary Clinton do not. Clinton demolished Trump in the 2016 debates. Do you think that changed average Joe’s mind? Will Kamala Harris be any different? 

I guess what I’m getting at is the same principle applies to this forum. I’m pretty sure the American members and casual readers here already know whether or not we’ll be voting for Trump. Parroting “but what about Jan 6th”, or “Trump did this” or “Trump did that” in threads on the assassination attempt only “directs attention” to your own political biases. 

That’s fine, but for those genuinely interested in the Butler case like myself, it detracts from the discussion to have someone clobbering a dead horse and pushing a political agenda every other comment. We shouldn’t have to pledge our allegiance to the antiMAGAverse to have an open, honest, and objective discussion about an assassination attempt on a presidential candidate, IMO. 

Edited by Tom Gram
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Huh?  Orange man bad meme?  As in, "Me Tarzan.  You Jane?"

That's not a "meme," Tom.

It's reality.

Trump is a sociopath, and the worst POTUS in American history, by informed, scholarly consensus.

The amazing thing to me is that 30-40% of Americans are still, apparently clueless about those basic facts.

The man incited a violent mob attack on the U.S. Congress, and organized slates of False Electors, in a felonious effort to cling to power.  He belongs in prison.

Forget the parrots.  The MAGAs are pretending these things never happened.

In any case, I hope that I haven't offended you by my efforts to discuss the Trump assassination attempt-- and the associated Deep State conspiracy theories-- in their historical and political context.

Meanwhile, enjoy your favorite Trump cult photo op.  No doubt, it appeals to Trump's MAGA All-Star Wrestling crowd.

Do you like this one?  It should be entitled, "Profiles in Cluelessness."







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16 hours ago, Karl Kinaski said:

Photos of the casings would be nice at some point. Also, was the ammunition bought from a store or did Crooks do the handloading/reloading himself? If it is a combination of purchased and handloaded ammunition, and if the amount of powder in the casings is significantly different, could that account for the distinct differences in the sound of the first three rounds versus the next five? 
PS  I hope that the casings evidence here is much more clear than with the Oswald handgun and rifle.... 

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 Did it ever occur to anyone that Trump's favorite term is 'crooked Joe' and they chose some kid named Crooks to play the patsy in the attempt to kill him, which he survived because of a slight movement of his head and a gust of wind?


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1 hour ago, Matt Allison said:

Oh man…

Trump will NEVER, EVER live it down if it turns out he lied about being hit by a bullet.





By: Liz Landers , Cameron Couvillion , Nick Refuerzo

Posted at 1:53 PM, Jul 18, 2024

Just moments after a gunman fired shots at former President Donald Trump at a Pennsylvania rally Saturday, conspiracy theories started swirling, many of them related to how the president ended up with a bloody ear.

Widely shared social media posts showed a doctored photo of a shattered teleprompter in support of a theory that it was flying glass that injured the former president, not a bullet.

But, when playing verified footage of the assassination attempt, Scripps News could clearly see the two teleprompters still intact following the gunfire.


 Another wet dream gone? To be hit by  a  shrapnel a bullet must hit something prior ... 

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13 minutes ago, Karl Kinaski said:

Another wet dream gone? To be hit by  a  shrapnel a bullet must hit something prior ... 

You seem to have a lot invested in this subject; any particular reason why?

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Jul 24, 2024  NASHVILLE

I finally get it now. Lawfare, the early debate, the assassination attempt on Trump, the ouster of Biden and the insertion of Harris...it's all part of the same operation. Plan A to disqualify Trump for public office and/or assassinate him failed spectacularly. The debate mortally wounded their candidate. Plan B to switch candidates, replacing Biden with a candidate with a more believable shot at winning preserves the vote-laundering scheme they perfected in 2020 (Biden was losing so badly no one would believe the 2024 election if he suddenly won). Hence the "fake-donor" money-laundering through ActBlue and the incessantly positive media coverage since Kamala Harris replaced Biden - all with the intent to create momentum and convince Americans she has a legitimate chance to win. If we get to the Democrat Convention and her campaign hasn't broken through sufficiently, foreclosing on the "fake voter" strategy, Plan C will involve replacing their candidate for a third time. Meanwhile, don't be shocked if they don't return to the Plan B scenario and try again to take out Donald Trump. It turns out Trump is not an existential threat to democracy. Rather, he is an existential threat to their power.

Fascinating segment on the attempt to put Trump on a stretcher & the fate of a gut-shot LHO

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12 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

Oh man…

Trump will NEVER, EVER live it down if it turns out he lied about being hit by a bullet.



Oh damn. Maybe Pat was right. There was that bullet that hit one of the railings by the bleachers and fragmented, but I thought that was well behind the stage.

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