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On the 60th Anniversary of the Warren Report

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I'm just catching up, again.  Just now read the article.  It's very thorough, dealing with key points throughout.  CBS/Time-Life, Clark and Perry at Parkland early afternoon of 11/22.  Specter and the Magic Bullet, or a 2nd shooter.  Sibert, they moved it up. Burkley, 3rd thoracic vertebrate, downward.  544 Camp Street.

The initial cover up at the time of release had to be orchestrated at a high level near if not at the top.  This wasn't just some agents in Mockingbird calling a few reporters.  Owners were telling editors and producers to cooperate.  Starting two, three or more months in advance of the release, to monitor its progress.  I've read Dulles and Angleton in particular were associates, even friends with some of the owners.  Was Cord Meyer still in charge of Operation Mockingbird? 

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Given all the new evidence from released files and from new research over the last 30 years, I cannot understand how anyone who knows about this evidence, especially the medical evidence, can still believe that a lone gunman shot JFK, much less that Oswald was that lone gunman. 

For example, we now know there were two fragments deposited in the back of JFK's skull, along with some metallic particles near them. Where in the world did those fragments come from if the offending bullet was an FMJ missile? The scenarios that WC apologists offer to explain those fragments are a mix of laughable speculation and bizarre theories about FMJ behavior that have never been seen in the history of forensic science. 

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Perhaps Allen Dulles' thinking was not far short of being accurate, when he proposed people would not read the W.R. Certainly the 26 volumes.

Yet, in those volumes are testimonies, printed in black and white, that should ring alarm bells inside the heads of all readers!

Vol. VII contains the testimony of DPD's Capt. Lawrence (pgs.577-589). Where Lawrence states quite plainly how the Secret Service stripped back JFK's limousine motorcycle protection with a blatant untruth. Telling DPD officers on Thursday 21st that JFK did not want motorcycles alongside. The next morning in Fort Worth there were four cycles on each side of JFK's car. Capt Lawrence had this set up (8 motorcycles) escorting the limo, (see Vol XX p.482) in his original plan.  Not only was the protection stripped by 50%, the instruction was emphasized at Love Field on the morning of the 22nd., for the four jockeys to ride behind the car.

How does the lone nut disgruntled Marxist assassin fit with these nefarious S.S. instructions?



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Nice one Peter.

Let us also not forget, the Commission printed the flyer that Oswald stamped with 544 Camp Street, I think its in Volume 25 or 26.

The FBI did everything they could to cover up the importance of that info.

Jim Garrison, one of the maybe 25 people in the country who read the volumes, walks down there and a giant light bulb went on in his head, probably 10 k magnitude.

What the heck was Oswald doing here?

Wesley Liebeler called a press conference in 1967 and did all he could to go along with that cover up.

Ray Marcus called him up and said: Why can't you just admit you were wrong on this?

Liebeler stopped. He then said, "Ray, sometimes we get involved with things that are bigger than ourselves."


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2 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Nice one Peter.

Let us also not forget, the Commission printed the flyer that Oswald stamped with 544 Camp Street, I think its in Volume 25 or 26.

The FBI did everything they could to cover up the importance of that info.

Jim Garrison, one of the maybe 25 people in the country who read the volumes, walks down there and a giant light bulb went on in his head, probably 10 k magnitude.

Yes, first reading about this in I believe On the Trail of The of the Assassins then or maybe Destiny Betrayed then it (?) made a light bulb go off for me.  The FBI a block away from Bannister.  CIA, ONI, INS across the street In the Post Office.  Riley Coffee and the garage behind it where Oswald hung out while working?  Too coincidental.  Regis Kennedy of the FBI given Presidential immunity during the Shaw trial?  

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Garrison had to call the AG in Washington in order to question Kennedy as Mitchell would only let him reply to certain questions.


According to Garrison's files, Kennedy was at 544 Camp Street.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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6 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Nice one Peter.

Let us also not forget, the Commission printed the flyer that Oswald stamped with 544 Camp Street, I think its in Volume 25 or 26.

The FBI did everything they could to cover up the importance of that info.

Jim Garrison, one of the maybe 25 people in the country who read the volumes, walks down there and a giant light bulb went on in his head, probably 10 k magnitude.

What the heck was Oswald doing here?

Wesley Liebeler called a press conference in 1967 and did all he could to go along with that cover up.

Ray Marcus called him up and said: Why can't you just admit you were wrong on this?

Liebeler stopped. He then said, "Ray, sometimes we get involved with things that are bigger than ourselves."


Old Jim DiEugenio post kind of on this topic:

DiEugenio on Oswald and Fair Play for Cuba



 RC: He supported Fair Play for Cuba and like many people he was an admirer of JFK.

He supported the FPCC?

Oh really?

By being the only member of the committee in a southern conservative city like New Orleans?

By leafleting on busy streets like Canal, and outside the International Trade Mart? (Which, BTW, is where he purchased his ticket on a freighter to Europe.)

By having a room at 544 Camp Street.

By stupidly putting down that address, home of Guy Banister, on his Corliss Lamont flyer.

Thereby sending Banister into a rage when he learned of it.

By calling the FBI once he was arrested for leafleting for FPCC and getting into a tussle with DRE agent Bringuier.

By doing a 2 hour interview with FBI agent Quigley, after he called for DeBrueys originally.

During which the Lamont flyer was confiscated and placed in the WC.

Which reveals that Oswald had the first edition of the flyer which sold out in a couple of months upon its original publication--which occurred WHEN OSWALD WAS IN RUSSIA! It had gone thought at least five more printings since. But we know the CIA had the first edition since they ordered 15 copies from Lamont when it first came out.

And as John Newman reveals, the CIA started a campaign against the FPCC in 1961. It was run by McCord and Phillips and consisted of surveillance and infiltration.

The FPCC collapsed in December of 1963 after the JFK assassination.

Think that was just a coincidence Ray? Or did Phillips kill two birds with one stone?

Some support of the FPCC.

You are with Dennis Ford all the way. 



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