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Posted (edited)


If i were going to try to frame a "sixth floor shooter" in the TSBD i would set up my rifle in this position.

This would equate with the TSBD angle so there would be no questions asked come autopsy time.

Also while the cops are searching the TSBD that would leave me time to make a clean exit from the Dal-Tex roof.


The roof shot also equates with the angle of the James Tague bullet.



Edited by Robin Unger
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From a similar post of mine on another forum.


Good Day Robin.... Absolutely.

On my detailed DP map I have located a theorized Dal-Tex roofline

shooter (labeled "DRS" in red) about 30' more south than in the

following map. The purple line is a DT roofline sourced Zf-223

trajectory (a vertical study taking into account the height of the

warrenatti-posnerian "magic-limbed-ricochet-tree" would need to be


The green line on the following map equals a Zf-313 theorized

trajectory fired from the same Dal-Tex roofline point (probably

the "magic-limbed-ricochet-tree" could have been fired over from the

Dal-Tex roofline at Zf-313)....


Again, for both of those theorized trajectories the vertical,

horizontal and lateral trajectory angles to President KENNEDY would

be nearly identical as from the warrenatti, supposed, "lone

nut" "snipers lair." As some people might say, "close enough for

government work" would be all three angles from the Dal-Tex

roofline as compared to the, supposed, "snipers lair" as determined

during the inevitable autopsy completed by the chosen

--possibly pre-assassination-selected-- relatively forensically-

gunshots-inexperienced Bethesda doctors.

Thanks Don.


I'm totally with you on this one, Robin. The roof of the Dal-Tex was the best spot in Dealey, as it had a look straight down Elm with no panning. By merit of its altitude it also insured the sniper's ability to shoot over the secret service men in the follow-up car.

When one looks at the shot at 224, and properly aligns Kennedy and Connally, the shot leads back to the Dal-Tex. When one projects the 25 degree angle through Connally backwards, it leads straight to the roof.

I'm totally with you on this one, Robin.  The roof of the Dal-Tex was the best spot in Dealey, as it had a look straight down Elm with no panning.  By merit of its altitude it also insured the sniper's ability to shoot over the secret service men in the follow-up  car.

When one looks at the shot at 224, and properly aligns Kennedy and Connally, the shot leads back to the Dal-Tex.  When one projects the 25 degree angle through Connally backwards, it leads straight to the roof.

Thanks Pat.

It was Don Roberdeau who started me think about the Dal-Tex roofline, the more i thought about it, the more sense it made as a Snipers location.



These 2 images below were taken from a high floor of the Dal-Tex. It's not the roof but it does give one a good idea on what the field of vision was (TSBD can be seen on the extreme right).

This exercise was conducted by the DPD a day or so after the assassination. It makes one wonder what they were doing up there given that they supposedly had their man.

Maybe they knew something that we didn't? :blink:



These 2 images below were taken from a high floor of the Dal-Tex. It's not the roof but it does give one a good idea on what the field of vision was (TSBD can be seen on the extreme right).

This exercise was conducted by the DPD a day or so after the assassination. It makes one wonder what they were doing up there given that they supposedly had their man.

Maybe they knew something that we didn't?  :blink:


Thanks James.

Yes, it does indeed make you wonder exactly what there intention was by re-enacting this scenario.

quote=Ryan Crowe,Apr 21 2005, 12:33 AM]

Excellent stuff guys, and great picture James.

Anyone have a roof top photo of the records building??

One thing I noticed when I was there in November was that there were fire escapes from the roof down the North side of the building onto a lower roof. I was wondering if anyone has ever tracked whether there were fire escapes from this roof to the East. If so, someone could have climbed down on the far side without being seen. Of course there was a mysterious character discovered on the INSIDE of the building: Jim Braden.


Hey Robin,

Good to see you to buddy...Thanks for that photo, now its time for me to put on my shooting cap and think for a while...

I just cant get the records building out of my mind when it comes to the shooting, I wish I could stand on these roof tops and get a shooters eye view......

Hey Robin,

Good to see you to buddy...Thanks for that photo, now its time for me to put on my shooting cap and think for a while...

I just cant get the records building out of my mind when it comes to the shooting, I wish I could stand on these roof tops and get a shooters eye view......

Posted (edited)

Good Day Robin.... http://img214.imageshack.us/img214/8651/dtroofcopiestsbd.gif

Over three decades ago, it was while reading the warrenatti-testimony of D.P.D. motorcyclist & presidential escort MARION LEWIS BAKER that first started me thinking about the considerations of a Dal-Tex roof line or high floor located assassin.

When BAKER was initially asked where he heard (or could hear) "his" remembered first audible muzzle blast (or "his" remembered first mechanically-suppress-fired bullet bow shock wave) shot origin, his very first answer was....

"Well, to me, it sounded high, and I immediately

kind of looked up, and I had a feeling that it came

from the building, either right in front of me, or,

of the one across to the right of it."

Right after stating that, the warrenatti-commisars and attorneys present for BAKER's testimony very quickly called "time out," and immediately huddled together for the first of five or six off-the-record "discussions" that took place during BAKER's warrenatti-testimony.

Of the 180 degrees of direct and peripheral vision and hearing in front of BAKER's eyes and helmet-covered ears at the point about 80' north of Main on Houston where BAKER stated he remembered hearing "his" first of 3 blasts and/or shock waves, the horizontal directional difference between a Dal-Tex roofline/high floor sourced "shot" and the warrenatti, supposed, "lone nut" high floor "snipers lair" was less than a 20 degrees. (if you extend your raised-to-horizontal arm in front of you with your fingers splayed apart to their widest, 20 degrees would be the approximate distance between your thumb and smallest finger)

As shown on my DP map that you referenced, the horizontal difference between a Dal-Tex roofline/high floor assassin stationed sourced "shot" trajectory and the warrenatti, supposed, "lone nut" high floor "snipers lair" sourced "shot" trajectory could have been less than 5 degrees to President KENNEDY from Zf-223 to 313.

An autopsy afterwards was inevitable.

The conspirators knew an autopsy was inevitable, so they actually tried to use that to their advantage.

Matching the angles as near as possible to the warrenatti, supposed, "lone nut" high floor "snipers lair" sourced "shot" trajectory with a Dal-Tex assassin would have been uppermost in the conspirators military minds. (even if HOOVER's micro-managed F.B.I. regime would be, predictably, forecast to ultimately become the main investigative agency)

I am still amazed that in the 1998 DP laser recreations that --as far as we were shown in the video documentary final, edited cut-- GRODEN did not have the limousine dummies rotated the very insignificant amount needed to also determine if there was a feasible laser trajectory to the Dal-Tex roofline. (GRODEN did have the dummies rotated 3 degrees ((if I recall the number correctly)) that showed a Dal-Tex second floor alignment for an SBT, but, the laser team did not (((nor did DALE MYERS))) decide/want to include any standing 6.5' to 7' above Elm Street Secret Service Agent replica dummies to replicate the Agents following close behind JFK)

BAKER had been on vacation and had gone hunting just a week prior to the attack, so, the warrenatti-commisars knew, full-well, the implications of BAKER's very first statement.

There are several additional considerations for the Dal-Tex, also.

Best Regards in Research


Donald Roberdeau

United States Navy

U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, plank walker

Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges Clearly

For your key considerations....

Homepage: President KENNEDY "Men of Courage" speech, and Assassination Evidence, Witnesses, Suspects + Outstanding Researchers Discoveries and Considerations....http://droberdeau.bl...ination_09.html

The Dealey Plaza Map Detailing 11-22-63 Victims precise locations, Witnesses, Films & Photos, Evidence, Suspected bullet trajectories, Important information & Considerations, in One Convenient Resource.... http://img835.imageshack.us/img835/3966/dppluschartsupdated1111.gif

(new info, 2012 updated map)

Visual Report: "The First Bullet Impact Into President Kennedy: while JFK was Still Hidden Under the'magic-limbed-ricochet-tree' ".... http://img504.images...k1102308ms8.gif

Visual Report: Reality versus C.A.D. : the Real World, versus, Garbage-In, Garbage-Out....http://img248.images...ealityvscad.gif

Discovery: "Very Close JFK Assassination Witness ROSEMARY WILLIS

Zapruder Film Documented 2nd Headsnap: West, Ultrafast, and

Directly Towards the Grassy Knoll"....


T ogether

E veryone

A chieves

M ore

For the United States:



Edited by Don Roberdeau

Good Day James.... Thank You for providing those photos. A quick triangulation of the camera with elements seen in the fuzzy DP backround indicates to me it was probably captured from the highest Dal-Tex floor, probably the southernmost west face window. Were did you find them? If they were captured by the D.P.D. then it seems to me that these photos *should be* in the D.P.D. archives.

*Somewhere* I have a photo taken from the Dal-Tex roofline, west face. I have been looking for it for quite a while and it is starting to look like it was on a computer I had that munched itself several years ago. *When* I find that view again I will definately provide it.

Don Roberdeau

U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John" Plank Walker

Sooner, or later, the Truth emerges Clearly



T ogether

E veryone

A chieves

M ore



"In contrast to the testimony of the witnesses who heard and observed shots fired from the Depository, the Commission’s investigation has disclosed no credible evidence that any shots were fired from anywhere else."

- warrenatti canard


Hi Don,

The photos I posted came from a private collector who likes to remain anonymous. He secured them from a contact in the DPD.

I can only guess that the reason these images are not in the DPD archives is that this study contradicts the party line that Oswald was the lone gunman firing from the TSBD.

This collector also has DPD photographs taken from the roof of the County Records building. I think is it safe to assume that some members of the DPD did not buy the official story.

Here is another image taken from a high floor of the Dal Tex.


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