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Harry Dean: Memoirs

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all this nonsense about the Mormon Church is a lie. I've been a member for 70 yrs and a member of both local and regional excutive committees and as a white Homicide Sgt would have been an ideal recruit for such a movement-it doesn't exist.

Additionally, I've been at the Nevada Test Site which is next door to Area 51-Yes, I saw alot of unusual things at night but I don't believe in UFO's, I believe in CFO's-classified flying objects.

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all this nonsense about the Mormon Church is a lie. I've been a member for 70 yrs and a member of both local and regional excutive committees and as a white Homicide Sgt would have been an ideal recruit for such a movement - it doesn't exist.

Additionally, I've been at the Nevada Test Site which is next door to Area 51-Yes, I saw alot of unusual things at night but I don't believe in UFO's, I believe in CFO's-classified flying objects.

With all due respect, Mr. Marshall, in all honesty, Harry Dean is only reporting what he saw, what he perceived. He does not claim (to the best of my knowledge) to have visited the inner sanctum of the Mormon Tabernacle or to have spoken with the Mormon leadership.

Harry Dean reported what he saw on the ground in Southern California, and he appears to me to be a sincere and honest man.

Perhaps one might argue that Harry over-generalizes his case based on the limited information he obtained while in Southern California in 1963 -- but it seems to be high-handed to call his report "a lie" when one really wishes to say that he over-speaks or over-generalizes.

Harry Dean evidently saw a disproportionate number of Mormons in his trek through the right-wing in Southern California during 1963. He probably heard some of the more right-wing, old-fashioned, patriarchal types of JBS members and Minutemen (who also happened to be Mormons) say some things about politics and JFK that made his hair stand up.

I feel confident, Mr. Marshall, that you admit that there are some right-wing extremists among the Mormons, correct? Or are all Mormons liberals? Did all Mormons support JFK in 1963?

We should remember that one of the Presidents of the Mormon Church, namely, Ezra Taft Benson (1985-1994) who was also President Eisenhower's Secretary of Agriculture for both of Ike's terms, was also an avid critic of Eisenhower, and an avid supporter of the John Birch Society, which accused President Eisenhower of being a Communist. A Communist !!

That accusation makes one as right-wing as one can possibly be. Now, to be President and also a Communist is treason, as everybody knows. And the penalty for treason is the firing squad, as everybody knows. Therefore, the John Birch Society, by calling every US President since FDR a Communist, was undermining the USA, as J. Edgar Hoover plainly stated (when he forbade any FBI agent from joining the John BIrch Society).

So, Ezra Taft Benson, by supporting the John Birch Society, proved himself to be more right-wing than J. Edgar Hoover -- and that's a fact.

We might easily expect, then, that many Mormons would follow his lead -- and so we should not be surprised to learn that many Mormons in 1963 held politics that were significantly to the right of the conservative center wing.

If this is correct, then Harry Dean's claims can be honestly based on his perceptions and conversations with Mormons in the right-wing circles in which he moved in 1963. One need not call his claim "a lie" to say one disagrees or has other information.

I myself am content to pursue a JFK-plot through ex-General Edwin Walker, the John BIrch Society and their armed militia, the MInutemen. I would welcome statistics to show how many members of the John Birch Society were Mormons, and what percentage and proportion that number represents in the USA.


--Paul Trejo

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  • 1 month later...

Harry - could you tell us how Oswald came to the attention of the JBS group that decided to set him up as the patsy? Did you ever meet Oswald?

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Harry - could you tell us how Oswald came to the attention of the JBS group that decided to set him up as the patsy? Did you ever meet Oswald?

Hi Paul B.

The important answer is on page 19, chapter two, of manuscript/book CROSSTRAILS.

No I never met LHO.

Well, Paul B., I believe Harry has responded to your questions frankly and plainly -- although he might have assumed that the reader has already perused his CROSSTRAILS manuscript, or one of his many threads on the Education Forum in which CROSSTRAILS came up in the past.

I'll summarize page 19 to keep things moving here. Various paramilitary organizations on the right were hopping mad in 1963, following JFK's various Presidential decisions about Cuba. Cuba was the main issue that the righists rallied around. There were other issues, but in 1961 (Bay of Pigs), and 1962 (Cuban Missile Crisis) it was all about Cuba.

At this point, radical rightists all across the USA found willing companions among Cuban Exiles who would give anything and do anything if only they could get Cuba returned to them. They were practically mad with grief over the fall of Free Cuba. Not a few blamed JFK for the fall of Free Cuba.

In any case, rightist paramilitary groups in the USA, like the Minutemen, of whom Harry was a half-hearted member (and who reported his findings to the FBI as any loyal American).found plenty of friends-in-need among the Cuban Exiles.

As I read page 19, I get the clear impression from Harry that many of these paramilitary types would gladly give their own lives if they could only ensure they could take JFK down with them. They were that obsessed with the death of Kennedy. Talk about motive.

Anyway, Harry directly names WW2 war hero, Guy Gabaldon, an active member of the Southern California John Birch Society near where Harry lived, as the principal sargeant in the organization of the ground crew that killed JFK. He took direction and orders from ex-General Edwin Walker, who was the first, says Harry, to "select" Lee Harvey Oswald as the patsy for their plans.

There was so much talk on a daily basis about killing JFK by so many radical rightists that these boasts might or might not have been serious, thought Harry at the time. But the scenario was plain. These paramilitary players (most likely Minutemen, since Harry was close to them, and they were close to the John Birch Society in Southern California) had recently heard a radio program on WDSU radio in New Orleans. This was in August, 1963. Lee Harvey Oswald was making noise in New Orleans that he was an active promoter of the FPCC (Fair Play for Cuba Committee) and it was well-known to all righists that the FPCC was purely Marxist-Leninist and Communist.

To the very best of Harry Dean's knowledge, based entirely on that radio program, Walker "selected" Lee Harvey Oswald to be the patsy in the plot that everybody in this group had been talking about for many months. So far nothing had ever come from these boasts and blusters. Everybody had a good laugh when they imagined a Communist being made into the patsy for killing another Communist like JFK.

After Walker announced to this gathering of the John Birch Society that Lee Harvey Oswald was their patsy, and after everybody stopped laughing about it, Guy Gabaldon stood up to assume the leadership of the ground-crew, says page 19. Again, Harry could never have been certain, at this time (September 1963) whether this was going to be a serious effort, or just one more of the many dream-plots that were voiced almost everywhere in the right-wing in Southern California and in the South generally.

According to Harry, this was the first time that he ever heard of Lee Harvey Oswald, and he probably would have forgotten the name, except that it suddenly erupted in the news again on the afternoon of 22 November 1963. When Harry heard that name again, he made the connection immediately.

Although there were probably dozens (or hundreds) of plots to kill JFK (from the Mafia, from Cuban Exiles, from disgruntled CIA contractors, from the KKK, from rightist paramilitary organizations all across the USA) we only know one thing with certainty -- the one that succeeded was the one that selected Lee Harvey Oswald to be the patsy.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

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...In 1962 I became a sincere member the new conservative movement as did a great number of other Republicans. The John Birch Society {JBS} was an invention and political extention of the Church {Latter-Day Saints {LDS}, Mormon}. The {JBS} infrastructure was an exact miniture of the Church designed to serve as it's political arm in reaching where the Church was forbidden to go by U.S. laws of Church-State separation...

Harry, I notice in your book/manuscript, CROSSTRAILS (1990) that you did not mention the fact that you were a member of the Minutemen organization. I was surprised when you announced that, and I think it is significant that you were a member, and equally significant that you withheld the fact from your manuscript.

I do not doubt that the John Birch Society (JBS) has roots in extreme rightist thinking that I never saw before in my life. Your perception (based on your experience) that the JBS doctrines are derivative of Mormon doctrines is a theory that should be researched further by those who are interested in that historical connection.

Yet for myself, I would be interested in following that connection solely and only if it were first proved that the JBS played a role in the assassination of JFK. Once that is proved, then an expensive dissection of the JBS would naturally follow. Until then, the Mormon connection to the JBS only distracts from the main goal, which is to prove (or disprove) a linkage between the JBS and the JFK assassination.

I say there is a linkage, because I take seriously Jack Ruby's sworn testimony to Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren to that effect. I also take seriously the FBI report of ATF agent Frank Ellsworth to the Warren Commission, naming ex-General Edwin Walker and the Minutemen as suspects in the JFK assassination. I also accept your witness, Harry, about the JBS in Southern California, where you saw ex-General Edwin Walker in late-August/early-September 1963 announce that Lee Harvey Oswald was his selected "patsy" for a JFK assassination plot.

Yet the linkage must be completely and finally proved using scientific methods. This is our key concern today, IMHO.

Now, in CROSSTRAILS you don't mention your membership in the Minutemen organization, but in your FORUM threads and correspondence you do mention your membership. Further, the more I read about the Minutemen (to whom Walker belonged, and also Guy Banister belonged) the more I'm convinced that they had all the prerequisites necessary for a massive and coordinated plot in Dallas, which would also include a plot in New Orleans.

Here is where we should start digging, I say. Not the Mormons, but the Minutemen.

If I were to guess today, I would guess that you said nothing about your membership in the Minutemen in CROSSROADS because you were still wary of the revenge they might take against somebody who broke the oath of silence and secrecy -- after all -- they were a secret organization.

However, in the 21st century you have increasingly spoken about your membership in the Minutemen, and offered details (which can be independently confirmed). In this way, your Memoirs have grown beyond your CROSSTRAILS manuscript, and the Education Forum is now a key part of your legacy to JFK research.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

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Harry , in an article in the Berkley Barb,1965, there was a mention of an incident in san fransisco called the 'Reagan Ruckus' involving the JBS. Apparently the JBS was offering to support Reagan by either opposing or promoting him according to which might be more helpful, Any info on this? JohnD

John D.

Yes, it was Rousselot of {JBS} making the offer to Reagan in the way you decribe. Rousselot was then Western Director of {JBS} at the time.


Documanted JBS MO

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Harry , in an article in the Berkley Barb,1965, there was a mention of an incident in san fransisco called the 'Reagan Ruckus' involving the JBS. Apparently the JBS was offering to support Reagan by either opposing or promoting him according to which might be more helpful, Any info on this? JohnD

John D.

Yes, it was Rousselot of {JBS} making the offer to Reagan in the way you decribe. Rousselot was then Western Director of {JBS} at the time.


Documented JBS MO

John, that's a clear message. The John Birch Society (the forerunner of today's Tea Party) was so right-wing in 1965 that they already knew the majority of Americans would never vote for them in an open and honest contest -- so they twisted the truth any way they could.

In this case, Congressman John Rousselot (from the San Gabriel Valley, where I grew up) approached Ronald Reagan in 1965 and told him: "We want you to win, so if you prefer, we'll oppose you so that all our enemies (the majority) will vote for you!"

That's shrewd, all right. So how did the Berkeley Barb end the story?

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

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  • 2 months later...

I'm increasingly impressed by Harry Dean's willingness to clarify his account in his manuscript/book, Crosstrails. Here's what Harry clarified for me yesterday:

(1) Harry met with Walker, Rousselot, Gabaldon, Hall and Howard in Pasadena, California, where Walker identified their patsy, Lee Harvey Oswald, by name. Rousselot donated a huge amount of cash to the cause.

(2) This same group met again at the San Marino, California offices of the John Birch Society. (Harry had known Hall and Howard since 1962 in the context of Cuban Exiles and the paramilitary Minutemen organization.)

(3) Harry, Gabaldon, Hall, Howard and David Robbins later met at Guy Gabaldon's home in El Monte, California. The purposes of these meetings was to firm up details of the plan to transform Lee Harvey Oswald into a patsy.

(4) The rationale they used was Oswald's self-avowed leadership role in the FPCC. Although Harry was himself a secret, former officer of the FPCC (and a personal acquaintance of Fidel Castro), and he could not reveal this, Harry knew from his own experience that the FPCC was indeed a Communist organization, and that it was exploited toward violent ends by Fidel Castro.

(5) Now that Harry had converted to the other side -- that is, he was an informant for the FBI regarding all FPCC and Communist activities -- he would not defend the FPCC.

(6) Harry was also informing to the FBI about the John BIrch Society and Minutemen in California. This fact was also kept secret, obviously, from the men at these meetings.

(7) Knowing that the FPCC was indeed Communist, and believing that Lee Harvey Oswald was indeed an officer of the FPCC, Harry did not object to or obstruct this plan. He did, however, inform the Los Angeles FBI of the plan.

(8) The FBI told Harry that they believed this account was merely "wishful thinking" on his part.

(9) On 22 November 1963 Harry Dean was in Arcadia, California when he heard the news about the JFK assassination. When he learned that day that Lee Harvey Oswald was JFK's killer, Harry knew that this was the plot (among many others) that succeeded.

(10) In early 1964 the Agent-in-Charge of the Los Angeles FBI office (Wesley G. Grapp) interviewed Harry for several hours about his earlier reports.

(11) Harry neglected to mention the Minutemen in Crosstrails, because he feared for his and his family's safety.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

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  • 4 weeks later...

Continuing research into the career of ex-General Edwin Walker (the only US General to resign in the 20th century) further validates the historical plausibility of Harry Dean's Memoirs.

Harry Dean makes a vital connection in JFK assassination research -- he links Edwin Walker to Lee Harvey Oswald before the JFK assassination.

This is controversial, but it isn't unique. Dick Russell made two such connections in his well-known 1993 book, The Man Who Knew Too Much, namely: (1) Bradford P. Angers linked Walker's chauffer, Robbie Schmidt, directly with Lee Harvey Oswald in April 1963; and (2) the butler of H.L. Hunt told Russell that he once overheard H.L. Hunt and Edwin Walker talking about Lee Harvey Oswald before the JFK assassination.

Also, The Jack Martin Film (a copy of which I continue to try to obtain) is a home movie that begins with the bullet holes in General Walker's house from the Oswald shooting in 10 April 1963, and ends with Lee Harvey Oswald getting arrested in New Orleans for his fight with Carlos Bringuier. This film is a material link between Walker and Oswald.

Jack Martin has eluded every effort of mine to contact him. This leaves Harry Dean as the only living eye-witness willing to come forward to explain how ex-General Edwin Walker was connected with Lee Harvey Oswald before the JFK assassination. Harry Dean further makes the direct connection that Walker deliberately strove to make Lee Harvey Oswald into the patsy of a plot to kill JFK.

There were many plots to kill JFK -- from rogue elements in the CIA, the FBI, ex-military, the Mafia -- from those who called JFK a traitor, like the John Birch Society, the Minutemen and the KKK -- to the Cuban Exiles who blamed JFK for losing their control of Cuba.

However -- we can say with considerable certainty that the one and only JFK plot that actually succeeded was the plot that made Lee Harvey Oswald into its patsy.

That was the plot of Edwin Walker. Harry Dean witnessed this with his own eyes -- indeed, Harry acted as a willing participant in the plot as it occurred (although he also kept the FBI informed about the details).

This makes Harry Dean the most important living witness to the truth about the JFK assassination, IMHO.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

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Hi Paul B.

The important answer is on page 19, chapter two, of manuscript/book CROSSTRAILS...

I highly recommend Harry Dean's manuscript because I believe one day it will be recognized to be one of the earliest authentic confessions of a true member of the JFK conspiracy.

One of the most important aspects of Harry Dean's manuscript is his personal confession that he was personally involved in the plot to frame Oswald and kill JFK. It was the right thing to do, according to his comrades in arms, the John Birch Society, the Minutemen -- and Harry. The radical elements in the John Birch Society (ostensibly a white-collar group) along with the everyday elements of the Minutemen (a paramilitary group) would speak on a daily basis of the necessity of killing JFK. It was considered the patriotic thing to do.

Yet for Harry Dean, who went along with the crowd, it was mostly a lot of talk and hot air. People liked to talk big -- he had heard this for two years.

One day, at an exclusive, small meeting of the most radical and trusted elements of the Minutemen and the John Birch Society in Los Angeles, Harry sat down with Congressman John Rousselot, war hero Guy Gabaldon, his protoges Loran Hall and Larry Howard, and the talented liaison David Robbins. Harry further alleges that ex-General Edwin Walker attended that meeting, and he proudly announced that a Communist named Lee Harvey Oswald was sufficiently prepared to be made into the patsy of the Main Event.

As Harry explains it, everybody at the meeting laughed and joked about the Communist who was going to take the fall for killing the Main Communist, JFK. Congressman Rousselot approved the idea, and then handed Guy Gabaldon a huge wad of cash to be the executive of this plan. His soldiers would be Loran Hall, Larry Howard and Harry Dean. David Robbins would be their liaison with the leaders -- Walker and Rousselot.

Harry Dean played along -- as he had played along with dozens of other schemes in the John Birch Society, most of which came to nothing. So, when JFK was successfully killed, and when none other than Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested for the crime -- Harry's jaw dropped. It really happened!

This is American History, IMHO. It may be another quarter century before Harry's account is accepted as genuine American History, but I'm convinced that the future is here today for those who take a good look.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

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Yet it must be emphasized that even though Harry Dean was personally invovled in the one plot that succeeded in killing JFK, nevertheless he was not the leader of the plot, nor was he accountable, because Harry Dean reported all his findings to the FBI as they occurred.

This is critical. What can we make of this situation? Did the FBI then know the JFK plot was brewing, but did nothing to prevent it? Or was J. Edgar Hoover personally involved, as many have charged, and wanted it to proceed?

There is another, more benign scenario, namely, that the FBI was so busy watching so many plots to kill JFK, that they didn't have the manpower to control them all. It is at least possible that this plot took the FBI by surprise.

If so, then J. Edgar Hoover had to quickly decide -- on the very day of the JFK assassination -- what his response would be. One quick glance at the players involved would tell him that the radical rightists were to blame -- but would he prosecute them and risk a Civil War in the USA? The was also the worry of LBJ, sitting on the powder keg of the Cold War and the nuclear button.

By all means, it was mandatory to bring calm to the USA -- and the truth would most likely bring Civil War. Therefore -- in the interest of National Security, the FBI, the CIA and the Johnson Administration had to conceal the truth for 75 years. This was decided on 22 November 1963 -- that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone nut assassin -- and the Warren Commission would simply have to repeat this formula with a straight face. There was no other way.

And Harry Dean would simply have to accept this as his American Fate.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

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One of the most important contributions that Harry Dean makes to JFK resaarch, IMHO, is that he highlights the revolutionary and subversive nature of the John Birch Society (JBS) in 1963.

Jack Ruby named "the John BIrch Soicety and its leader in Dallas,General Walker" when asked by Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren to get to the point of what he knew about the JFK assassination.

In fact, ex-General Edwin Walker was a well-known leader of the JBS from 1960 to 1963, not only in Dallas but also in Augsburg, Germany. The Pentagon, along with JFK, dismissed Walker from his command over 10,000 troops in Germany in 1961 because (besides more serious misdemeanors) Walker's Pro-Blue program allegedly indoctrinated soldiers with JBS reading materials and JBS public speakers.

The rightists of the time -- from Kent Courtney to Robert Welch to William F. Buckley Jr., -- decried the dismissal. What is wrong with teaching US soldiers about Anticommunism? Why is JFK attacking Anticommunists instead of Communists? That was the buzz in 1961.

But it was a lie. It was incorrect to characterize the JBS as Anticommunist -- because the JBS was really Anti-USA. The way they confused the issue was this: they accused all USA Presidents from Franklin D. Roosevelt forward, of being Communist! In that way they could attack the USA and claim that they were attacking Communism!

By the way, the JBS still exists, and they still repeat these lies to this very day. (IMHO, the ultimate origins of the JBS will probably be found among the anti-England political forces in the USA which hoped that the USA would back Germany during WW2. If we had, they would argue, the USA would not avoided the long Cold War with the USSR.)

By the way, General Walker was not censored for circulating JBS literature, as many writers report. I've read the US Army reports on Walker, and I can tell you that the reasons were very specific, and they specifically cleared the Pro-Blue reading list of any fault.

Instead, there were two major errors that Walker made, according to the US Army: (1) Walker held a large meeting in which he told US troops and their wives that President Harry Truman was "definitely pink." He repeated the same for former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, and for Walter Cronkite; and (2) Walker used Kent Courtney's ACA Voting Index to try to control the votes of US troops in the 1960 election. (That was a violation of the military Hatch Act.)

Walker evaded these truths in his speeches and interviews -- he continually repeated the JBS lie that he was dismissed for being an Anticommunist. What a lie. (This remains politically relevant today. The JBS is still active in rural America, and they still influence various Tea Parties around the USA. That is why we heard such bizarre talk about Communists and Marxists during the 2012 Presidential Election.)

My point is that we must carefully weigh the combined testimony of Jack Ruby and Harry Dean. They both agree on one solid point -- that the JBS and General Walker were deeply involved in the conspiracy to kill JFK.

Insofar as the HSCA announced in 1979 that JFK was "probably killed as a result of a conspiracy," but were deliberately prevented from accessing classified files to identify the conspirators, it remains critical for JFK researchers to identify the conspirators. The evidence continues to mount to increasingly reveal that Jack Ruby and Harry Dean knew what they were talking about.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

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Another major aspect of the Harry Dean Memoirs is his confirmation that the testimony given by Sylvia Odio to both the Warren Commission and the HSCA about Loran Hall was substantially correct.

That is, Harry's personal connection with ex-General Edwin Walker is important for history; yet Harry's personal connection with Loran Hall is equally important for history.

The Sylvia Odio episode was never solved by the Warren Commission -- they left it open because they ran out of time -- they had to go to print. But it is very interesting to me that from her account to the FBI in September 1964, from her recollection of the visit by "Leopoldo," "Angelo" and Leon Oswald -- and what they said -- but nothing else -- that the FBI straightaway picked up Loran Hall for questioning.

Sylvia Odio did not have a name, and she could not identify the men at her home on 25 September 1963 from FBI photographs. Yet the FBI quickly picked up the correct man (according to Harry Dean) and at first, Loran Hall admitted to the FBI that he and two friends did indeed visit Sylvia Odio in September of 1963.

That is pretty amazing to me.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

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  • 2 weeks later...

Harry Dean recently shared with me three vinyl LP artifacts that he collected during his period of membership in the John Birch Society in 1962-1963 in Southern California.

(1) A recording of a Loran Hall speech to the John Birch Society in Southern California, entitled, "Cuba Betrayed." In it he attacks what he calls the "three K-brothers" (meaning JFK-MLK-RFK) and he justifies his plea for funds on the claim that Communists control Washington DC. That was the standard JBS line. It is interesting that Loran Hall also admits (as Harry Dean also admitted) that he supported Fidel Castro in 1959.

(2) A recording of Billy James Hargis, who bought the rights from Bill Stuckey to re-release his interview of Lee Harvey Oswald, but then Hargis overlaid his own voice over Stuckey's voice. In this way the listener hears Billy James Hargis interviewing Lee Harvey Oswald -- very dramatic. The record is entitled, "The President's Assassin Speaks". It is another feeble attempt to make Lee Harvey Oswald appear to be a genuine officer of the FPCC. Hargis also calls for the USA to invade Cuba immediately. (In my theory, Billy James Hargis was a confidante of ex-General Edwin Walker, and knew everything that Walker was up to.)

(3) A recording of Congressman John Rousselot and his attacks on Martin Luther King and the NAACP, charging them with Communist conspiracy. It is entitled, "The Third Color -- Red." This speech firmly ties the Southern California Congressmen with the ideology of the White Citizens' Council, so active in the South. The speech also aligns Rousselot with the Mississippi and Louisiana State Sovereignty Commissions, and with various States Rights Parties -- all of which were organized after 1954 to oppose the Supreme Court Brown decision to racially integrate US public schools. Rousselot argues passionately to roll back Brown -- not on the honest basis of white supremacy, but with the dishonest strategy of charging Washington DC with Communism.

The reality of 1963 comes burning back in our ears as we listen to the screeching screed of these zealots of the reactionary right. The weakness of their fanaticism is that anything and everything that disagrees with them is simply called, Communist. I thank Harry Dean for sharing these artifacts. (As soon as I learn how to add video to these sound tracks, I'll upload them to Youtube.)

It was not because of backwards-thinking men like these that the USSR finally fell, but despite them. Now that Hall, Hargis and Rousselot are gone, the USA celebrates MLK day every year.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

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