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Harry Dean: Memoirs

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ANYWAY -- Getting back to the theme of the JFK assassination -- the real purpose of the Education Forum...

...We were speaking of Ex-General Edwin Walker, whom Harry Dean recalls as the lead person in the Southern California JBS to reveal a September 1963 plot to kill JFK and to frame Lee Harvey Oswald at the same time.

This is unique in JFK assassination research. For his contributions to history, Harry Dean has been trashed and abused for 49 years.

The FBI firmly tried to stop Harry Dean from going public in 1965 -- and we can still feel the aftershocks 49 years later -- right here in this thread.

What does the FBI have to hide with regard to this topic? Just ask any long-time JFK assassination researcher, and you will find the fingerprints of J. Edgar Hoover all over the deception of the Warren Commission.

That's the problem. Fans of J. Edgar Hoover simply hate for his name to be subjected to these sorts of doubts and questions.

The FBI has suppressed Harry Dean starting in 1965. When will Harry Dean finally get a full and complete hearing?

We must have access to the 63 FBI Serials on Harry Dean now available from NARA. Does anybody already have these?

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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Another reason I'm glad that Ernie Lazar is leaving this thread is that we can finally get back to the issues at hand (which have nothing to do with Harry Dean allegedly "inflating his credentials"). Perhaps the main issue is the core of Harry Dean's story, namely, the status of Ex-General Edwin Walker in the assassination of JFK.

Malcom shared the recent release of a CIA document about Edwin Walker on the Mary Ferrell site, only to see revealed that this document was merely Walker's resignation letter of November 1961.

In that resignation letter, however, Edwin Walker revealed many things, including: (1) his intense hatred for JFK; (2) his JBS conviction that JFK was a Communist; and (3) his desire to enter politics.

Walker also revealed that he was hot-headed enough to reject his US Army pension that he had built up over 30 years (even though he would later plead with the US Army to have it back). That's what happens when a US General resigns his post. It's not the same as retirement.

Although most documents about Ex-General Walker will describe him as "retired", that is merely being polite about it, in deference to his high post in the US Army. In fact, Walker was not "retired" nor was he asked politely to step down, but he aggressively "resigned" which means that he lost his US Army pension by doing so. Walker was the only US General in the 20th century to make that hot-headed move.

So, Walker revealed many things about himself in his resignation letter to the JFK Administration, which he referred to as "little men." Walker tried to compare himself with General MacArthur (who graduated from West Point at the top of his class, while Walker himself graduated West Point near the bottom of his class).

Walker also revealed in that resignation letter that he was very much a follower of the John Birch Society (JBS), which arose after Joseph McCarthy died, and took his place to accuse US officers in Washington DC of being Communists. Going further than McCarthyism, however, the JBS openly and boldly accused FDR, Truman and Eisenhower of being Communists themselves.

When Walker joined the JBS in 1959, while serving as a Major General overseeing Little Rock high school in Arkansas, he learned this crypto-treasonous doctrine, and actually resigned from the US Army in October, 1959 -- however Eisenhower refused to accept his resignation.

Yet the very first month that Walker landed in Augsburg, Germany to command 10,000 troops there, defending the Berlin Wall, he also began his so-called "Pro-Blue" training program, which included a stiff dose of JBS doctrines directed to the troops -- he had the nerve to teach his troops that sitting US Presidents were Communists taking orders from Moscow -- the ENEMY!

Then, Walker defended himself on grounds of Freedom of Speech and "truth dictated by conscience". Yet the US Army has strict rules about Officers in Politics, and the US Army itself (with the approval of JFK) demoted Walker from his command in Germany. He was an embarrassment to the US Military -- not in his heroism in WW2, or in Korea, but in his command in Augsburg, Germany in 1960-1961.

Walker does not admit all these details in his resignation letter -- he simply implies that the JFK Administration acted in favor of the Communists in getting him dismissed, because he and all Communists were afraid of the JBS message.

From one viewpoint, Walker was already showing some paranoia. His paranoia showed more clearly in his Senate Subcommittee testimony in March, 1962, when he read his resignation letter into the record, as well as two other speeches, and tried to explain why the US Army newspaper which tattled on him, the Overseas Weekly, was "subsersive." (I would note here the theory of Sigmund Freud about homosexuals who live in the closet too long -- they can easily become paranoid; afraid that people are trying to guess their secret, and so are "out to get them." It is significant in this context that Walker never married or had a girlfriend, and that late in life he was arrested twice for lewd, homosexual acts in public.)

So, IMHO, Walker also reveals his paranoia in his resignation letter. Why do I bother go mention this? Harry Dean never mentions this. Yet for me, this goes to the heart of the matter -- Walker was just off-balance enough, although still functioning well enough, to carry off a paranoid scheme like the JFK assassination. (That is my opinion, and it will be interesting to see how history finally deals with my opinion.)

Walker refuses to admit that JFK is even an American; he says of the JFK White House, "They are not America!" And he blames them for losing his command in Germany.

Ex-General Edwin Walker's resignation letter is a clear example of right-wing extremism when it accuses US schools, universities and the entertainment industry of supporting Communism. And like the Tea Parties of today, Walker also accused the Free Press of being part of this vast left-wing conspiracy.

Walker's obvious support of the JBS shows in this letter when he stated that "30 years ago" the Communists invaded the US government. That was the time of the election of FDR to the White House, and the JBS has always claimed that FDR was the first Communist in the White House.

Walker wanted nothing more than to indoctrinate all US soldiers into the JBS web of lies -- because then a right-wing revolution to overtake the White House would have been inevitable. How could it be otherwise? If the President is the Communist Enemy, common sense dictates that a violent revolution is necessary to maintain the Constitution!

This was not rhetoric with Ex-General Walker -- he truly believed this in every fiber of his being.

That is why Walker ended his 1961 resignation letter as he did, saying, "My objective henceforth will be to try to do as a civilian what it is no longer possible for me to do wearing the uniform." WALKER DECIDED TO ENTER POLITICS. And his main target would be JFK.

Walker's concluding words: "War has been declared. Every man is a soldier," in my reading, flies directly in the face of JFK. Who declared war by dismissing Walker from his command in Germany? JFK! So, JFK declared war on Walker, and now Walker would seek to dismiss JFK from his command.

This is only the start. Matters become more interesting when Walker runs for the office of Governor of Texas in early 1962. He loses in May, 1962.

Yet matters really become interesting when Ex-General Edwin Walker leads a massive race riot at Ole Miss University on 29 September 1962, in which hundreds were wounded and two were killed.

And then the drama unfolds even more from that point forward. All JBS readers were aware of these events -- even Harry Dean himself. But the JBS didn't interpret these events the way normative Americans interpret them today.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

<edit typos>

As is Paul's custom, he manipulates evidence to conform to his personal bias even when his statements are patently false.

And, as usual, Paul does not provide ANY documentation to support his contentions. In fact, he often conflates two entirely separate matters apparently in the belief that nobody ever does rudimentary research.

For example:

Paul declares that Walker joined the JBS in 1959 (which is true) but then Paul states that Walker learned from the JBS "this cryto-treasonous doctrine" (which is Paul's reference to his previous sentence in which Paul declared that the "JBS openly and boldly accused FDR, Truman, and Eisenhower of being Communists themselves."

However, the JBS (as an organization) did not make such claims about FDR or Truman or Eisenhower in its formative years (1958-1962).

So what was the official JBS position about FDR, Truman and Eisenhower during its formative years -- i.e. the time period when Walker joined the Society?

If you review the JBS Blue Book (the founding JBS document which all prospective members were required to read because it presented what would become the official JBS position regarding our history), there are these references to each person:


1 reference to the "Truman administration" which Welch accused of ignoring the evidence presented by Arthur Bliss Lane in his book, I Saw Poland Betrayed


1 critical reference to Eisenhower's desire for a Summit Conference with Soviet leader Khrushchev

1 critical reference to Eisenhower's backroom deals which prevented Robert Taft from winning the 1952 GOP Presidential nomination


-several references critical of FDR's "internationalist" foreign policy

-one critical reference to FDR linking U.S. security to Europe's problems

-one critical reference strongly suggesting that FDR and George Marshall made decisions which benefited Communist countries

-one critical reference stating that FDR and Marshall bore responsibility for the Pearl Harbor fiasco

Contrary to Paul's belief, the JBS (as an organization), has not "always claimed that FDR was the first Communist in the White House."

Robert Welch's position (as he stated it in his 1954 private manuscript) was that Communists came to control the U.S. Presidency in three stages. The first two involve FDR and Truman.

Notice the difference between what Paul claims versus what Welch actually wrote in his manuscript. This is why Paul NEVER QUOTES anything and, instead, merely attributes positions or beliefs to someone. I bold type the operative relevant comment regarding FDR because it falsifies Paul's statement.

"In the first stage, Roosevelt thought he was using the Communists, to promote his personal ambitions and grandiose schemes. Of course, instead, the Communists were using him; but without his knowledge or understanding of his place in their game."

The beliefs which Paul attributes to the Birch Society (which supposedly informed Walker) were actually private statements made by Robert Welch in a manuscript he wrote starting in 1954 (4 years before the JBS was founded).

If Paul had written that Walker read and was influenced by Welch's unpublished manuscript -- that would certainly be a plausible argument. But it would be desirable if Paul would present substantiation for this -- such as referencing letters from Walker to Welch or vice versa which acknowledged that Walker had received a copy of Welch's private manuscript.

Then Paul makes another astonishing (and false) statement about Walker's Pro-Blue program:

"Yet the very first month that Walker landed in Augsburg, Germany to command 10,000 troops there, defending the Berlin Wall, he also began his so-called "Pro-Blue" training program, which included a stiff dose of JBS doctrines directed to the troops -- he had the nerve to teach his troops that sitting US Presidents were Communists taking orders from Moscow -- the ENEMY!"

Notice, that once again, Paul does not QUOTE anything verbatim from the Pro-Blue training program to support his contentions nor does Paul cite any reference which supports his contention -- so an interested party can check it out.

Notice, also, that Paul never quotes any soldier who actually attended the Pro-Blue training program -- and who verifies Paul's accusation. In fact, has Paul EVER CONTACTED any of those soldiers? I did! And they universally DENY Paul's accusation.

This is the difference between Paul and myself.

* Paul makes all sorts of allegations but he never documents ANYTHING.

* He never QUOTES anything.

* He never cites ANYTHING in support of his statements.

Paul thinks that if he makes a statement, that, BY ITSELF, is sufficient "proof" or "evidence".

Edited by Ernie Lazar
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ANYWAY -- Getting back to the theme of the JFK assassination -- the real purpose of the Education Forum...

...We were speaking of Ex-General Edwin Walker, whom Harry Dean recalls as the lead person in the Southern California JBS to reveal a September 1963 plot to kill JFK and to frame Lee Harvey Oswald at the same time.

This is unique in JFK assassination research. For his contributions to history, Harry Dean has been trashed and abused for 49 years.

The FBI firmly tried to stop Harry Dean from going public in 1965 -- and we can still feel the aftershocks 49 years later -- right here in this thread.

What does the FBI have to hide with regard to this topic? Just ask any long-time JFK assassination researcher, and you will find the fingerprints of J. Edgar Hoover all over the deception of the Warren Commission.

That's the problem. Fans of J. Edgar Hoover simply hate for his name to be subjected to these sorts of doubts and questions.

The FBI has suppressed Harry Dean starting in 1965. When will Harry Dean finally get a full and complete hearing?

We must have access to the 63 FBI Serials on Harry Dean now available from NARA. Does anybody already have these?

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

How did the FBI "suppress" Harry starting in 1965? They answered some inquiries. The journalists then ignored the FBI replies and published their articles anyway!

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In case you missed this message by Paul:

Oh my gosh, I thought Ernie was going away. But no. Instead, he seems to have
made it his mission in life to write some giant post to contradict everything I
This makes me very suspicious -- it might even seem as though the FBI is paying
for Ernie's services. Does anybody else here get that feeling?
--Paul Trejo
As previously noted, Paul has a severe reading comprehension problem. I never said I was "going away". I said I would not share in EF the FBI files which I receive in the future because Paul has made it clear that he does not consider any FBI file to be credible or valuable.
Paul, when you post falsehoods, you should expect push-back from someone who notices those falsehoods. Unlike yourself, I welcome any corrections to what I write. Of course, it is always more helpful when verifiable evidence can be provided -- not just personal opinions.
In the interest of brevity, you should probably have limited your message to one sentence, i.e. ("This makes me very suspicious") because it reveals everything one needs to know about your approach to debate/discussion:
Your paranoid delusions and routine brain freezes make any possibility of you recognizing your grievous errors virtually impossible.
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ANYWAY;...Getting back to the topic of the JFK assassination, which we all know is the real purposes of the Education Forum...

There is another character whom Harry Dean interacted with while a member of the John Birch Society in Southern California, namely, LORAN HALL.

Harry Dean heard Loran Hall make his standard speech, "Cuba Betrayed," before the John Birch Society in 1961-1963, and Harry also purchased Hall's recording of himself giving this speech. Harry shared this recording with me, and I digitized it to share it on YouTube as follows:

LORAN HALL: Side One: www.youtube.com/watch?v=6daWtQYlydQ

LORAN HALL: Side Two: www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kLVVHQ_Myg

Listen to Loran Hall's speech when you have a spare hour sometime. This will take you right back to 1963, to the year in which JFK was assassinated, and perhaps even to the very group that organized the JFK assassination under the leadership of Ex-General Edwin Walker. This theory still has energy.

Harry Dean was a close and personal friend of Loran Hall. If you wonder how Harry Dean could have been the friend of Fidel Castro in 1959, and then the friend of a radical right-wing speaker for the JBS like Loran Hall in 1962-1963, this recording will explain it all.

See, Loran Hall was also a close associate of Fidel Castro and Che Guevarra. That's right. Loran Hall, in association with Larry Howard, also fought side by side with Gerry Patrick Hemming in Cuba, fighting for Fidel's victory. Yet we all know that Gerry Patrick Hemming was a right-wing fanatic!

How is that possible?

It is possible because the CIA at one point encouraged Americans and mercenaries to help Fidel Castro, so that the USA could play both sides in case Batista lost his hold on power in Cuba. So other rightist Americans, like Frank Sturgis and David Ferrie, were also part of a large number of Americans who supporte Fidel Castro in 1959 -- just like Harry Dean.

We should not let ourselves get side-tracked by the continuing suppression of Harry's story. It deserves more and more of our attention.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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ANYWAY;...Getting back to the topic of the JFK assassination, which we all know is the real purposes of the Education Forum...

There is another character whom Harry Dean interacted with while a member of the John Birch Society in Southern California, namely, LORAN HALL.

Harry Dean heard Loran Hall make his standard speech, "Cuba Betrayed," before the John Birch Society in 1961-1963, and Harry also purchased Hall's recording of himself giving this speech. Harry shared this recording with me, and I digitized it to share it on YouTube as follows:

LORAN HALL: Side One: www.youtube.com/watch?v=6daWtQYlydQ

LORAN HALL: Side Two: www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kLVVHQ_Myg

Listen to Loran Hall's speech when you have a spare hour sometime. This will take you right back to 1963, to the year in which JFK was assassinated, and perhaps even to the very group that organized the JFK assassination under the leadership of Ex-General Edwin Walker. This theory still has energy.

Harry Dean was a close and personal friend of Loran Hall. If you wonder how Harry Dean could have been the friend of Fidel Castro in 1959, and then the friend of a radical right-wing speaker for the JBS like Loran Hall in 1962-1963, this recording will explain it all.

See, Loran Hall was also a close associate of Fidel Castro and Che Guevarra. That's right. Loran Hall, in association with Larry Howard, also fought side by side with Gerry Patrick Hemming in Cuba, fighting for Fidel's victory. Yet we all know that Gerry Patrick Hemming was a right-wing fanatic!

How is that possible?

It is possible because the CIA at one point encouraged Americans and mercenaries to help Fidel Castro, so that the USA could play both sides in case Batista lost his hold on power in Cuba. So other rightist Americans, like Frank Sturgis and David Ferrie, were also part of a large number of Americans who supporte Fidel Castro in 1959 -- just like Harry Dean.

We should not let ourselves get side-tracked by the continuing suppression of Harry's story. It deserves more and more of our attention.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

We are now operating upon Paul's recently stated criteria for "proof" or "facts".

Paul states that Harry was a close and personal friend of Loran Hall. Where is the "proof"? Does Paul have a document (a letter, a note, a card) from Loran to Harry acknowledging their "friendship"? If not -- then according to Paul's criteria, we cannot accept his statement regarding Hall and Harry's "friendship" because there is no "proof" of it.

Ditto for every other personal association claimed by Paul in his message. Where is the "proof" regarding Loran Hall being a "close associate" of Fidel and Che? Where is the document we can read which establishes their "association"? Ditto re: Gerald Patrick Hemming.

Paul also states that Harry heard Loran Hall make his "standard speech before the JBS". Where is the "proof"? Can Paul supply us with some documentary evidence which establishes that Harry attended any speech by Loran Hall? IF NOT -- then according to Paul's stated criteria, this is nothing more than an "allegation" but not "fact" or "proof"

Edited by Ernie Lazar
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ANYWAY...Getting back to the JFK Assassination...and to Harry Dean's account of the events that led up to it...

I hope some folks have had a chance to actually hear Loran Hall's speech, "Cuba Betrayed," as he tells about his relationships with Fidel Castro, Che Guevarra and many other Cuban revolutionaries in 1959. It's free on YouTube now, as I posted it on YouTube:

LORAN HALL: Side One: www.youtube.com/watch?v=6daWtQYlydQ

LORAN HALL: Side Two: www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kLVVHQ_Myg

In that speech, Loran Hall tells about how he changed his own attitude from pro-Castro to anti-Castro -- and this was about the same time that Harry Dean changed his own attitude.

This was also about the same time that Gerry Patrick Hemming, and David Ferrie, and Frank Sturgis all changed their attitudes.

This was an American phenomenon, people. It was a common event in 1960-1961, and actually not a few American citizens lost their lives in that undertow. We should strive to remember them -- their struggle and the reasons that they fought and died the way that they did in Cuba.

The story told by Loran Hall to right-wing groups across the USA is now available for all to see.

Oh, yes, and I also told you about Dave Robbins who is the only one in that whole group that is still alive today, aside from Harry Dean. Dave Robbins told me personally that he did arrange for many speeches for right-wing groups in Southern California, including the JBS, and that Loran Hall was one of his speakers, and that Harry Dean was also one of his regular attendees as well as one of his speakers.

Among his other speakers were Ex-General Edwin Walker and Guy "Gabby" Gabaldon. Dave Robbins is a mild-mannered Christian gentleman who still subscribes to Human Events and the Schwarz Report, after all these years. He is believable.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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ANYWAY...Getting back to the JFK Assassination...and to Harry Dean's account of the events that led up to it...

I hope some folks have had a chance to actually hear Loran Hall's speech, "Cuba Betrayed," as he tells about his relationships with Fidel Castro, Che Guevarra and many other Cuban revolutionaries in 1959. It's free on YouTube now, as I posted it above.

In that speech, Loran Hall tells about how he changed his own attitude from pro-Castro to anti-Castro -- and this was about the same time that Harry Dean changed his own attitude.

This was also about the same time that Gerry Patrick Hemming, and David Ferrie, and Frank Sturgis all changed their attitudes.

This was an American phenomenon, people. It was a common event in 1960-1961, and actually not a few American citizens lost their lives in that undertow. We should strive to remember them -- their struggle and the reasons that they fought and died the way that they did in Cuba.

The story told by Loran Hall to right-wing groups across the USA is now available for all to see.

Oh, yes, and I also told you about Dave Robbins who is the only one in that whole group that is still alive today, aside from Harry Dean. Dave Robbins told me personally that he did arrange for many speeches for right-wing groups in Southern California, including the JBS, and that Loran Hall was one of his speakers, and that Harry Dean was also one of his regular attendees as well as one of his speakers.

Among his other speakers were Ex-General Edwin Walker and Guy "Gabby" Gabaldon. Dave Robbins is a mild-mannered Christian gentleman who still subscribes to Human Events and the Schwarz Report, after all these years.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

Paul writes....."David Robbins told me personally..."

But. according to Paul, that type of "evidence" is, nothing but "hearsay" and, consequently, has no value.

Where is the "proof"?

Does Paul have a letter or email from David Robbins or perhaps a tape recording in which David Robbins acknowledges whatever he supposedly told Paul? IF NOT, this is nothing more than what Paul describes as an unsubstantiated allegation.

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Evidently Erne Lazar is still smarting because I told him that he can no longer claim that Harry Dean pretended to be an FBI Agent until he shows documented proof from Harry Dean himself -- that would be the only proof.

SInce Ernie Lazar fails to present that proof, he is frustrated beyond belief. He cannot present such a document, because he cannot find it anywhere, no matter how many HUNDREDS of FBI serials and files he sorts through.

It doesn't exist. The lie was first put into public print by W.R. Morris -- but Harry Dean never at any time said any such thing. Harry flatly denies saying such a thing, again and again.

Ernie Lazar, however, is on record -- countless times -- for alleging that Harry Dean is guilty of this behavior. WITHOUT PROOF. (And of course this is the same as saying that Harry is a xxxx.)

So, because Ernie's lost that argument -- and he has no recourse but to keep searching (in vain) for a document that doesn't exist, he's now evidently committed to interrupting my freedom of expression on this thread.

I therefore call for a Moderator to intervene. I think this is within my right to do so.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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I hadn't been following this thread. So I apologize to Paul and Ernie for not stepping in earlier.

Now, please cool it. No more personal attacks. Keep in mind that these are not private emails, but posts presenting ideas and information that will hopefully be read by students and researchers in years to come.

Now, that said. I have a bit to offer. It appears to be Ernie's position that it is unfair to say the John Birch Society accused Eisenhower of being a communist.

While it is not 100% accurate, I believe it is more than fair.

It is my understanding that the public face of the JBS, Robert Welch, wrote a book entitled The Politician. This was a thinly-veiled assault on Eisenhower, in which the unnamed politician was a secret communist. It is my understanding that the JBS never denounced this book, or even sought to separate itself from Welch. It is my understanding that the JBS paid a heavy price as a result, and that a significant number of its members jumped ship shortly afterward.

And this brings me to another point...the military's attitude towards Kennedy. Within my stacks of books I have some Government Printing Office transcripts from 1962-1963. The hearings for which these transcripts were created were an investigation into the Kennedy Administration's purported abuse of the military. It seems the administration was trying to control the public statements of...EGADS...Generals, and that a Senate Committee led by, if I recall, James Eastland and Strom Thurmond, was out to get to the bottom of this.

From today's perspective, this is CRAZY! I mean, just think of it...in 1962--the height of the Cold War--Military leaders were making public statements criticizing the administration all over the country. In churches...at Rotary Clubs...at Lyons Clubs, Moose Lodges, etc... And confound it! The administration was trying to put a clamp on the free speech of these "heroes"!

Well, today, most everyone accepts that Generals don't bad-mouth their civilian superiors and expect to get away with it. Not so then...

Is it reasonable to wonder, then, if this disrespectful attitude towards Kennedy had something to do with his death?

If it was a movie, or a play by Shakespeare, the answer would be "of course." And yet we have many many historians and journalists claiming such speculation is ridiculous.

There will come a time, however, when the dramatists and historians see eye to eye.

Edited by Pat Speer
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Thank you, Pat, for moderating.

ANYWAY -- as I was saying...we were speaking of Ex-General Edwin Walker, whom Harry Dean recalls as the lead person in the Southern California JBS to reveal a September 1963 plot to kill JFK and to frame Lee Harvey Oswald at the same time.

This is unique in JFK assassination research.

Of course it needs to be proved -- yet before it can be proved, it must first be allowed to be heard. Starting with a 1965 objection by the FBI spoken to Harry Dean, warning him not to appear on the Joe Pyne Show in January of that year (49 years ago), Harry Dean has met opposition ever since.

Part of that opposition came in the form of books and boolkets by the fiction writer, W.R. Morris, who embellished Harry Dean's story in a shameless manner, making Harry an FBI agent and a CIA agent at the same time -- and claiming that he had the right to speak for Harry.

Harry broke off relations with W.R. Morris with a few months of meeting him, but W.R. Morris was relentless -- and he even hired an actor once, to pretend to be Harry Dean, to go out on a road tour with him and spread his fiction coast to coast.

When newspapers and radios across America heard the story of Harry Dean, it was usually corrupted by the menace of W.R. Morris. Was Morris working for the FBI in this? Only time will tell.

In any case, the light was unfairly turned away from Ex-General Walker and these JBS members whom Harry identified, and placed back onto Harry Dean. But my research into Walker's personal papers has shown that researchers have barely scratched the surface with regard to Ex-General Edwin Walker. Harry Dean's story is the key to unlock this riddle. Harry is the last living witness of these events -- to the very best of my knowledge.

Those who try to waste Harry Dean's time and obscure his message on this thread are only carrying forward the same suppression that Harry Dean felt in 1965 -- forty-nine years ago.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

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Evidently Erne Lazar is still smarting because I told him that he can no longer claim that Harry Dean pretended to be an FBI Agent until he shows documented proof from Harry Dean himself -- that would be the only proof. SInce Ernie Lazar fails to present that proof, he is frustrated beyond belief. He cannot present such a document, because he cannot find it anywhere, no matter how many HUNDREDS of FBI serials and files he sorts through.

NOPE---I did provide you with "proof" but you do not accept a verbatim transcript of answers by Harry to questions he was asked during an interview program. You probably are the only person on Planet Earth who does not accept written transcripts as "proof" of what people say.

In addition, Harry has repeatedly stated in writing that he was an "undercover informant to the Federal Bureau of Investigation". Significantly, YOU are frustrated because you cannot find "documented proof" from ANY source which establishes that Harry's claim is accurate and truthful! Instead, the precise opposite is what all available documentary evidence reveals.

I am not "frustrated". If anything, I am bemused by your semantic ploys because it reveals how un-serious a person you are. Everybody understands why you demand that we limit ourselves to "only proof" which suits you.

As I have stated repeatedly from the very beginning of our debate, the ultimate problem here is EPISTEMOLOGICAL. You DO NOT accept or apply any normal rules of logic or evidence, so, instead, you want to fabricate your own idiosyncratic rules.

It doesn't exist. The lie was first put into public print by W.R. Morris -- but Harry Dean never at any time said any such thing. Harry flatly denies saying such a thing, again and again.

There are only so many times you can use W.R. Morris as your whipping boy and all-purpose excuse. During the Snyder interview, Harry was asked a very simple and direct question. He gave a very simple and direct 2-word answer. He then subsequently answered another question by accepting its predicate that he was "an employee" of the government.

Ernie Lazar, however, is on record -- countless times -- for alleging that Harry Dean is guilty of this behavior. WITHOUT PROOF. (And of course this is the same as saying that Harry is a xxxx.)

The only person who constantly refers to Harry as a xxxx is yourself. I have made that observation one time and I explained my reasoning. All of the subsequent references to "lying" came about exclusively because I attempted to answer to your repeated questions about my original comment. I even offered you an alternative, if you thought it might better describe the situation, i.e. that Harry is very confused and often exaggerates to inflate his credentials. I also offered a third option, i.e. that one has to carefully examine FBI protocols for handling legitimate informants and then determine if any evidence exists to substantiate Harry's claims (which none does). But you continually go back to "lying" as the only possible explanation for the lack of corroborating factual evidence to support Harry's narrative.

So, because Ernie's lost that argument -- and he has no recourse but to keep searching (in vain) for a document that doesn't exist, he's now evidently committed to interrupting my freedom of expression on this thread.

I am not "searching" for any document. I already provided relevant evidence which any normal person would accept. You constantly have a need to fabricate stories. Literal truth is never good enough for you.

I therefore call for a Moderator to intervene. I think this is within my right to do so.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

My replies appear underneath yours

Edited by Ernie Lazar
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Thank you, Pat, for moderating.

ANYWAY -- as I was saying...we were speaking of Ex-General Edwin Walker, whom Harry Dean recalls as the lead person in the Southern California JBS to reveal a September 1963 plot to kill JFK and to frame Lee Harvey Oswald at the same time.

This is unique in JFK assassination research.

Of course it needs to be proved -- yet before it can be proved, it must first be allowed to be heard. Starting with a 1965 objection by the FBI spoken to Harry Dean, warning him not to appear on the Joe Pyne Show in January of that year (49 years ago), Harry Dean has met opposition ever since.

Part of that opposition came in the form of books and boolkets by the fiction writer, W.R. Morris, who embellished Harry Dean's story in a shameless manner, making Harry an FBI agent and a CIA agent at the same time -- and claiming that he had the right to speak for Harry.

Harry broke off relations with W.R. Morris with a few months of meeting him, but W.R. Morris was relentless -- and he even hired an actor once, to pretend to be Harry Dean, to go out on a road tour with him and spread his fiction coast to coast.

When newspapers and radios across America heard the story of Harry Dean, it was usually corrupted by the menace of W.R. Morris. Was Morris working for the FBI in this? Only time will tell.

In any case, the light was unfairly turned away from Ex-General Walker and these JBS members whom Harry identified, and placed back onto Harry Dean. But my research into Walker's personal papers has shown that researchers have barely scratched the surface with regard to Ex-General Edwin Walker. Harry Dean's story is the key to unlock this riddle. Harry is the last living witness of these events -- to the very best of my knowledge.

Those who try to waste Harry Dean's time and obscure his message on this thread are only carrying forward the same suppression that Harry Dean felt in 1965 -- forty-nine years ago.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

Nobody cares about what W.R. Morris wrote or said.

The only pertinent evidence is

(1) contained in FBI files which can help us determine if Harry's statements about his alleged relationship with the FBI are accurate and truthful and

(2) Harry's answers to (or his refusal to answer) questions which would help us separate fact from fiction in Harry's narrative about FPCC, JBS, MM, etc.

The FBI answered inquiries about Harry's status when they received questions from journalists and TV programs. The FBI did not "warn" Harry to not appear on the Joe Pyne Show and Paul has no evidence of any kind to support such a claim --- which is why he never produces any. Instead, as is Paul's custom, he thinks making an accusation is the same thing as proving it.

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Nobody cares about what W.R. Morris wrote or said.

The only pertinent evidence is

(1) contained in FBI files which can help us determine if Harry's statements about his alleged relationship with the FBI are accurate and truthful and

(2) Harry's answers to (or his refusal to answer) questions which would help us separate fact from fiction in Harry's narrative about FPCC, JBS, MM, etc.

The FBI answered inquiries about Harry's status when they received questions from journalists and TV programs. The FBI did not "warn" Harry to not appear on the Joe Pyne Show and Paul has no evidence of any kind to support such a claim --- which is why he never produces any. Instead, as is Paul's custom, he thinks making an accusation is the same thing as proving it.

(1) You say, Ernie, that nobody cares what W.R. Morris wrote or said, but that's simply incorrect. In fact, W.R. Morris first invented the fiction that Harry Dean claimed to be an FBI agent, and it is this very fiction that is part of the very FBI record that you keep citing -- and promoting as Truth.

In fact, if anybody goes to NARA today, and does a search for Harry Dean, what do you know -- the fiction by W.R. Morris is among the records that come up first! So, the fictional account about Harry Dean is still promoted from within NARA -- the US Government -- itself!

(2.1) You say, Ernie, that "the only pertintent evidence is contained in FBI files" about Harry. Yet those same FBI files have already shown this bias that conforms to the fiction of W.R. Morris. It would seem that not only NARA, but the FBI itself has been thoroughly misled by W.R. Morris.

In the absence of further information, this is the only explanation that matches all available data.

And if that turns out to be the case (which still remains to be seen) then your faith in the FBI, Ernie, on the topic of Harry Dean, is really a dependence upon W.R. Morris -- and in that case you are really believing in W.R. Morris and all his fiction without even realizing it.

Yet you say that "nobody cares what W.R. Morris wrote or said."

In fact, because neither you nor the FBI has -- after hundreds of documents, shown conclusively that Harry Dean claimed to be an FBI agent -- in his own writing -- then I can justly argue that everybody cares what W.R. Morris wrote or said, because W.R. Morris apparently has the last word on Harry Dean to this very day.

(2.2) You say, Ernie, that Harry's answers to your questions about the FPCC, JBS, MM, and so on would be pertinent -- and surely they would be -- but somehow this doesn't inspire you to ask him kindly and courteously Instead, your tone has been accusatory -- and everybody who has been reading your posts for the past several months here has seen few exceptions to this.

The plain fact is that Harry Dean doesn't like your tone. No reasonable person wants to be grilled and accused. So, that's why Harry doesn't rush to answer your questions. Surely you must see that.

(3) You say, Ernie, that the FBI did not "warn" Harry to not appear on the Joe Pyne Show. Yet you have no evidence to support your claim. None at all. Harry Dean was there. Harry Dean says that the FBI did warn him.

But although you have no evidence, you still insist that the FBI didn't warn him. That is tantamount to calling Harry Dean a xxxx, Ernie, and you know it.


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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Pat, I have noted this before, but there is still a problem that exists on the Spartacus pages regarding Harry Dean's name.

Since we're discussing W.R. Morris, I decided to raise this issue again.

Last year, 2013, John Simkin (I presume) kindly listened to Harry Dean's plea for a correction of the record, and changed the Spartacus pages for the Harry Dean entry. For more than ten years that page repeated the fiction of W.R. Morris, that Harry Dean was a former "FBI undercover agent." Last year that page was kindly corrected.

However, the job isn't done. Even today, in 2014, the Spartacus page on the John Birch Society still posts these sentences:

------------------------ BEGIN SPARTACUS ENTRY ON THE JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY -------------

In 1975 Harry J. Dean claimed he had been an undercover agent for the Federal Bureau of Investigation who in 1962 infiltrated the John Birch Society. He later reported that John Rousselot and General Edwin Walker had hired two gunman, Eladio del Valle and Loran Hall, to kill President John F. Kennedy.

------------------------ END SPARTACUS ENTRY ON THE JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY ------------------

That is the fiction by W.R. Morris, and not the account told by Harry Dean. Harry Dean never even heard of Eladio del Valle until W.R. Morris wrote this fiction!

Please, Pat, do what you can to help change this Spartacus page.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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