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William Pawley

John Simkin

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Sheffield Edwards, Director of Security, generated this report on July 13, 1954:

1. Forwarded herewith are the Security Office files concerning the captioned individual.

2. In January 1952, the Subject (deleted) information to be given information classified up to and including Secret provided discretion were exercised in his development as a source. At that time National Agency name checks were conducted which disclosed no unfavorable information regarding the Subject's loyalty, although some allegations were disclosed regarding his honesty. The Subject's investigative file at the State Department was not available for review at that time.

3. In July 1952 (deleted) which request was then canceled on December 30, 1952. At that time the Subject's State Department Security File was made available and contained derogatory information alleging black market activities, income tax difficulties, possible misuse of lend lease material, and questionable money transactions. It was also shown the Subject's wife had written the President of the United States questioning the legality of Subject's Cuban divorce from her, after which he married his secretary.

4. In March 1953, the Subject's Treasury Department file was reviewed and reflected the Subject was investigated for income tax evasion for the years 1934 to 1944 and found to have been a non-resident citizen during that period and not guilty of tax evasion.

The Secret Service had conducted an investigation of Subject's first wife, following her letter of complaint to the President, and found her sane, although suffering from severe mental strain. Considerable derogatory information was contained in this file relative to Subject's business reputation and ethics." [CIA Sheffield Edward to D/CI 7.13.54]

5. Pawley's PW Efforts: Pawley is not in agreement with the Administration of President Kennedy on matters effecting the U.S. position relative to Cuba and the Caribbean. As a result, Pawley occasionally engages in propaganda activities of his own which are designed to bring the Cuban issue and Pawley's disagreement with President Kennedy's Administration to the attention of the U.S. public. [CIA 18460]


One just may want to read the FBI File on William Pawley, which also references his ethics/honesty, as well as read up on his "back stabbing/back door" method of doing business in obtaining the CAMCO contract with China.

Perhaps one would also care to elaborate on Lt. John Birch, (killed in China) as well as his relationship (cousin) to Annie Hahr Dobbs Pawley, first wife of William D. Pawley.

Anyone care to take an "Education Forum" guess as to who put up the money behind the "John Birch Society"?

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A) En 1904 las autoridades americanas de la Base Naval de Guantánamo permitieron al negociante americano E.P. Pawley poner una tienda dentro del territorio americano algo prohibido por los acueros de 1903.


----------- Machine Translation ----------------

A) In 1904 the American authorities of the Naval Base of Guantánamo they permitted the American businessman AND.P. Pawley to put a store inside the American territory something prohibited by the acueros of 1903.

----------- Original Text ----------------

A) En 1904 las autoridades americanas de la Base Naval de Guantánamo permitieron al negociante americano E.P. Pawley poner una tienda dentro del territorio americano algo prohibido por los acueros de 1903.


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A) En 1904 las autoridades americanas de la Base Naval de Guantánamo permitieron al negociante americano E.P. Pawley poner una tienda dentro del territorio americano algo prohibido por los acueros de 1903.


----------- Machine Translation ----------------

A) In 1904 the American authorities of the Naval Base of Guantánamo they permitted the American businessman AND.P. Pawley to put a store inside the American territory something prohibited by the acueros of 1903.

----------- Original Text ----------------

A) En 1904 las autoridades americanas de la Base Naval de Guantánamo permitieron al negociante americano E.P. Pawley poner una tienda dentro del territorio americano algo prohibido por los acueros de 1903.



Algo que no debe pasar desapercibido es que en 1908 una rama de la tienda comercial propiedad del negociante americano E.P. Pawley con base en Caimanera, en territorio cubano, fue abierta en Cayo Toro (sur) en territorio americano cerca del embarcadero "El Deseo". La tienda vendía mercancías en general, mobiliarios y servicios. Resultando ser el primer negocio de civil en territorio americano ( rompiendo así los acuerdos de 1903 entre USA-CUBA). Mr. Pawley a partir de 1904 había montado su negocio en el poblado de Caimanera. Tenía 5 hijos, y uno de ellos fue embajador estadounidense en el Perú y Brasil.


Algo que no debe pasar desapercibido es que en 1908 una rama de la tienda comercial propiedad del negociante americano E.P. Pawley con base en Caimanera, en territorio cubano, fue abierta en Cayo Toro (sur) en territorio americano cerca del embarcadero "El Deseo". La tienda vendía mercancías en general, mobiliarios y servicios.

----------- Machine Translation ----------------

Something that should not pass unnoticed is that in 1908 a branch of the store commercial property of the American businessman AND.P. Pawley based on Caimanera, in Cuban territory, was open in Key Bull (south) in American territory near the pier

----------- Original Text ----------------

Algo que no debe pasar desapercibido es que en 1908 una rama de la tienda comercial propiedad del negociante americano E.P. Pawley con base en Caimanera, en territorio cubano, fue abierta en Cayo Toro (sur) en territorio americano cerca del embarcadero


Resultando ser el primer negocio de civil en territorio americano ( rompiendo así los acuerdos de 1903 entre USA-CUBA). Mr. Pawley a partir de 1904 había montado su negocio en el poblado de Caimanera. Tenía 5 hijos, y uno de ellos fue embajador estadounidense en el Perú y Brasil.

----------- Machine Translation ----------------

Resulting to be the first business of civilian in American territory (breaking thus the agreements of 1903 among USES-CUBA). Mr. Pawley from 1904 had mounted its business in the populated of Caimanera. Had 5 children, and one of them was American ambassador in Peru and Brazil.

----------- Original Text ----------------

Resultando ser el primer negocio de civil en territorio americano ( rompiendo así los acuerdos de 1903 entre USA-CUBA). Mr. Pawley a partir de 1904 había montado su negocio en el poblado de Caimanera. Tenía 5 hijos, y uno de ellos fue embajador estadounidense en el Perú y Brasil.



Agreement Between the United States and Cuba for the Lease of Lands for Coaling and Naval stations; February 23, 1903

Art 1 Art 2 Art 3

Signed by the President of Cuba, February 16, 1903; Signed by the President of the United States, February 23, 1903



The grant of the foregoing Article shall include the right to use and occupy the waters adjacent to said areas of land and water, and to improve and deepen the entrances thereto and the anchorages therein, and generally to do any and all things necessary to fit the premises for use as coaling or naval stations only, and for no other purpose.

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Sheffield Edwards, Director of Security, generated this report on July 13, 1954:

1. Forwarded herewith are the Security Office files concerning the captioned individual....

.....5. Pawley's PW Efforts: Pawley is not in agreement with the Administration of President Kennedy on matters effecting the U.S. position relative to Cuba and the Caribbean. As a result, Pawley occasionally engages in propaganda activities of his own which are designed to bring the Cuban issue and Pawley's disagreement with President Kennedy's Administration to the attention of the U.S. public. [CIA 18460]


Regarding the degree of research done on this Education Forum....seems rather odd that, in a report allegedly generated in 1954, the "Administration of President Kennedy" would be discussed. Did Nostradamus ghost-write this report, since it was "generated" some 6-1/2 years before a Kennedy Administration existed?

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Sheffield Edwards, Director of Security, generated this report on July 13, 1954:

1. Forwarded herewith are the Security Office files concerning the captioned individual....

.....5. Pawley's PW Efforts: Pawley is not in agreement with the Administration of President Kennedy on matters effecting the U.S. position relative to Cuba and the Caribbean. As a result, Pawley occasionally engages in propaganda activities of his own which are designed to bring the Cuban issue and Pawley's disagreement with President Kennedy's Administration to the attention of the U.S. public. [CIA 18460]

Regarding the degree of research done on this Education Forum....seems rather odd that, in a report allegedly generated in 1954, the "Administration of President Kennedy" would be discussed. Did Nostradamus ghost-write this report, since it was "generated" some 6-1/2 years before a Kennedy Administration existed?

Just when I thought it was again "safe" to pull one!

Mark wakes up and joins us!



On July 25, 1963, the CIA reported on Pawley's activities with JMWAVE.

5. Pawley's PW Efforts: Pawley is not in agreement with the Administration of President Kennedy on matters effecting the U.S. position relative to Cuba and the Caribbean. As a result, Pawley occasionally engages in propaganda activities of his own which are designed to bring the Cuban issue and Pawley's disagreement with President Kennedy's Administration to the attention of the U.S. public. [CIA 18460]



The Pawley/JFK comment comes from information relative to Operation Red Cross.

I just "threw" it in there, hoping that many would read the entire scenario as well as to demonstrate that Pawly & JFK had somewhat "crossed swords" in regards to Cuba.

Pawley had grown to the extent that he held in contempt the political process, and he also had the monies to fund, as well as the connections to support, about any type operation that he so desired.


However, there can be little doubt that within the Quatrains, the answers can be found to all things.

Now, if one could only make sense of some of them!

Kind of like the JFK mess, is it not?


P.S. You can go back to sleep now!

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I appreciate that various people here are reading my book--in one case very carefully--yet I am astonished at how difficult it seems to be for people to distinguish what it does and does not say, even to the point of ascribing accusations to me that I did not make.

While I found William Pawley a most interesting figure and unearthed a great deal of new data about him and his activities, at no time did I state that he was definitely involved in the conspiracy to kill the President. I identified John Martino, Santo Trafficante, Carlos Marcello, and of course Ruby and Oswald as participants. For the record, I did not so identify Loran Hall either, although I did say that he is the link (because of the Odio incident) between Oswald on the one hand and Martino and Trafficante on the other. I have no way of knowing what Hall might or might not have known about the events of NOvember 22 before they took place. Because Martino had so many connections to so many people (including Pawley), his involvement opens the way to speculation about a lot of other folks, too, and Pawley is one of them. Pawley's suicide (there is not a shred of evidence that it was anything else) is somewhat suspicious because the HSCA was trying to interview him at that time, but his family said he was very ill and in great pain. I took great care in The Road to Dallas not to go beyond the evidence I had, and to make definite statements only when clear facts supported them. There is no such evidence linking Pawley to the assassination, and thus, I did not say anything to implicate him. Perhaps my practice of distinguishing between what might be true and what pretty clearly is true is so unusual among JFK authors that seasoned veterans of the case have trouble recognizing it for what it is.

David Kaiser

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I appreciate that various people here are reading my book--in one case very carefully--yet I am astonished at how difficult it seems to be for people to distinguish what it does and does not say, even to the point of ascribing accusations to me that I did not make.

While I found William Pawley a most interesting figure and unearthed a great deal of new data about him and his activities, at no time did I state that he was definitely involved in the conspiracy to kill the President. I identified John Martino, Santo Trafficante, Carlos Marcello, and of course Ruby and Oswald as participants. For the record, I did not so identify Loran Hall either, although I did say that he is the link (because of the Odio incident) between Oswald on the one hand and Martino and Trafficante on the other. I have no way of knowing what Hall might or might not have known about the events of NOvember 22 before they took place. Because Martino had so many connections to so many people (including Pawley), his involvement opens the way to speculation about a lot of other folks, too, and Pawley is one of them. Pawley's suicide (there is not a shred of evidence that it was anything else) is somewhat suspicious because the HSCA was trying to interview him at that time, but his family said he was very ill and in great pain. I took great care in The Road to Dallas not to go beyond the evidence I had, and to make definite statements only when clear facts supported them. There is no such evidence linking Pawley to the assassination, and thus, I did not say anything to implicate him. Perhaps my practice of distinguishing between what might be true and what pretty clearly is true is so unusual among JFK authors that seasoned veterans of the case have trouble recognizing it for what it is.

David Kaiser


Although I normallyl consider it hardly worthwhile to continue to invest in JFK assassinattion related books, I must also admit that your work appears to be something which I would not only learn from, but could be another of the "keys" to making the ties between the money and the event.

LHO was, beyond any reasonable doubt, engaged in a course of action which was designated to get him into Cuba.

Which by all available information appears to have been for the same reason as others before him, who had failed.

Since LHO was not truely a political fanatic, then this pretty well leaves the motive(s) for his actions undefined.

Which generally leads to "money".

Personally, I have little doubt that LHO, for money, was clearly being manipulated into a position in which he could possibley take Castro out.

However, after the Mexico City event, LHO's actions demonstrate a clear and concise change in actions which also demonstrate that his "target" had now become JFK.

The only question remaining in my mind would be was this a "directed" course of action which changed the target from Castro to JFK, or did LHO, due to not being able to accomplish his originally designated task, lose out completely on some large monetary "bonus", and thusly blame JFK.

In which his retaliation was to assassinate JFK as a result of his loss, and without the "direction" of whoever was behind his prior actions which had been targeted directly at Castro.

Within those parameters, I can easily acccept that Pawley was at least a part of the plan and the money behind any plan to take out Castro.

Which does not mean that he was behind the ultimate actions of LHO.

Lastly! Where is your book available?


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You Unckle was in no way involved in the assassination of JFK. I knew him and he was a very honorable man. He worked in behalf of the Cubans to overthrow Batista and later Castro. He was dedicated to the Cuban peoples early fight for domocracy. He put his money where his mouth was and he helped many who were in need. Over the years I have spoken out to those who put words and deeds in deadmen's mouths. I viewed them then, as now, total cowards. You can't fight or reason with them or their type.., they hide in the shadows and speak in raspy whispers spreading their falsehoods. They use lies and slight of hand to support their theories and bloster their egos. They manipulate truth to ad to their worth. Its best to leave them alone so as their slim does not rub off on you. Your Uncle was a good man. His record of service to his country cannot be matched. He is missed...... from an old covert soul who walked in dark places and is still alive. The Fish is Red and he knew it.

You take care.... I remember the old house near the beach and the trips to 'Sloopy Joes" and the rides to the Keys.... remember? Tosh Plumlee

Mr. Plumlee,

Thank you for your kind words on behalf of my Great Uncle. Yes, he was a very honorable man who reached his hand out to many people (even those not deserving of it). ALthough he did not like JFK, he ABSOLUTELY had nothing to do with his assassination.

Are you referring to the boat rides on the old 60' Berger appropriately named "The Flying Tiger"? What a great boat that was. I sailed on it many times myself as a child (Pleasure cruises and Fishing).

Thanks again. It's nice to hear someone defending the true Patriot that William Pawley was.

Take care.

Cash Pawley

Edited by Cash Pawley
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Thanks for your words. I do get a bit upset at times when I see things written about my Great Uncle, that I know to be false or misleading. He was a great family man, business man and politician; and he and Edna (his wife) were the backbone of the Pawley's in general. He strived for nothing less than greatness in everything he did (and always for the good of the people).

I will be writing a Biography on him sometime in the next few years, which also should shed a lot of light on his life as a whole.

BTW - Pawley's Island is in South Carolina (between Myrtle Beach and Charleston). It bears the name of my family as they were the original settlers and owners of the land there and surrounding; dating back to the 1600's. No Pawleys have an interest in any of the land there anymore, but the name Pawleys Island has remained.







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Cash, Welcome to the Forum and thanks much for being here and helping us out. You and Tosh and maybe one other forum member knew your uncle - for the rest of us, he is just a historical figure - and to all of us, I think, an important one. I can't speak for all, but I know I am desirous to get to the truth, wherever it lies. Please don't be put-off by some thinking things quite different from your own views. Please just help us sort it all out and get to the truth. I know bits and pieces on Pawley are on other threads here on the Forum, as well. They are probably most easily found using the google search engine + education forum, but you can try the internal search function [i find not very selective]. I know Tosh well and know he sometimes gets a bee in his bonnet about researchers and their agendas. Tosh, some do have a point of view and won't move from it, though they differ, others are honestly looking to try to approximate the objective truth. Bear with us both of you. Again Cash, thanks. Can't help but see you list your location as Pawley's Island. I assume a family owned one in Florida. Let's carry on and dig deep for the truth - wherever it takes us. History demands it. Thanks all. James, ifyou are watching this thread, I'm sure we'd all appreciate some nice photos - as they don't last long on the old threads. Cash, perhaps before getting into all the missions and speculations as to his [alleged] funneling of money to those who might have been in the mix or made to later look like being in the mix, I'd appreciate your own memories of him and those of your immediate family - both as to him as a person, and his career and political [overt and covert] activities, deeds and connections - at any time, but especially in the years just prior to the events in Dallas - when the war with Cuba was most intense. Thanks again.

Can't help but see you list your location as Pawley's Island. I assume a family owned one in Florida.

About like most of your other assumptions!


Pawley's Island

Pawley's Island is a town in Georgetown County South Carolina, USA


Anyone who has paid the least bit of attention would be aware that the "Pawley" family is from South Carolina and that "Pawley's Island" is named after this family.

The family owned large plantations throughout this area prior to the Civil War, and were primarily engaged in the business of rice farming utilizing slave labor.

After the Civil War, the family lost most of it's land and holdings.

Most of which information is readily available to any true researcher, and most of which was also posted here long ago.

Which happens to demonstrate the level of research which is frequently carried out on this forum.

Unfortunately, when one sees the "Education Forum", they are often misguided in assumption that those who post here have taken the time and effort to "educate" themselves on the respective subject matter.

Tom, I am already not liking you very much. Your tone towards other posters on here is one that indicates that you are the ONLY EDUCATED individual who posts here.

Try to remember that some people join a thread much later than the original posting, and can't find the time to scroll through most of the crap that is posted and re-posted and re-quoted over and over again. (You know you can delete part of the QUOTES - when you respond to a posting - that are not relevent to the material you are responding to). This way we don't have to re-read your entire posting over and over and over again. This elimanates precious time not having to scroll past all the useless information time and time again.

P.S. - How about a photo of you more recent than 30+ years ago.

Edited by Cash Pawley
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** Castro never took the cuban bus company (Autobuses Modernos) from Pawley. He had already sold it back to Batista years earlier.

Thank you for this information. Have you a date for this sale?

Autobuses Modernos was originally created in the late 40's by William D. Pawley using English built Leyland buses which were fleet named "Royal Tigers" (in commemoration of "The Flying Tigers" of course). Pawley (as he did with many foreign contracts) obligated the government of Cuba to "buy back" the bus company in 1953. It was the first time in Cuban History that the government had to nationalize a private service.

Pawley used contracts like these on several occassions (in several different countries). He would draw the contract up to state that he would take a run-down service (bus company, etc.) and vitalize it into a profitable business with a guaranteed buy-back from the government after a stated amount of time. He even did it in Miami-Dade County (formerly Metropolitan Dade County) with the Miami Transit Company (1948), Miami Beach Railway (1941), South Miami Coach Line (1956), and Keys Transit Company (The Florida Keys)(1956).


1941 Miami Beach Railway was purchased by William D. Pawley, increasing the local bus fleet from 18 to 43 buses.

1948 Pawley bought Miami Transit Company upon the death of George Dunn, taking the significant step toward solving some of Greater Miami's transportation problems.

1956 Pawley bought South Miami Coach Line and the Keys Transit Company.

1957 July 21: The Metropolitan Dade County government was officially established.

1960 The County Commission passed an ordinance (after purchasing back the bus companies from Pawley under the contract) - creating the Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA) to unify the different transit operations into one countywide service. This ordinance provided for the purchase, development, and operation of an adequate mass transit system by the County. These companies included the Miami Transit Company, Miami Beach Railway Company, South Miami Coach Lines, and Keys Transit Company on Key Biscayne and would be managed by National City Management Co.


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Sheffield Edwards, Director of Security, generated this report on July 13, 1954:

1. Forwarded herewith are the Security Office files concerning the captioned individual.

2. In January 1952, the Subject (deleted) information to be given information classified up to and including Secret provided discretion were exercised in his development as a source. At that time National Agency name checks were conducted which disclosed no unfavorable information regarding the Subject's loyalty, although some allegations were disclosed regarding his honesty. The Subject's investigative file at the State Department was not available for review at that time.

3. In July 1952 (deleted) which request was then canceled on December 30, 1952. At that time the Subject's State Department Security File was made available and contained derogatory information alleging black market activities, income tax difficulties, possible misuse of lend lease material, and questionable money transactions. It was also shown the Subject's wife had written the President of the United States questioning the legality of Subject's Cuban divorce from her, after which he married his secretary.

4. In March 1953, the Subject's Treasury Department file was reviewed and reflected the Subject was investigated for income tax evasion for the years 1934 to 1944 and found to have been a non-resident citizen during that period and not guilty of tax evasion.

The Secret Service had conducted an investigation of Subject's first wife, following her letter of complaint to the President, and found her sane, although suffering from severe mental strain. Considerable derogatory information was contained in this file relative to Subject's business reputation and ethics." [CIA Sheffield Edward to D/CI 7.13.54]

5. Pawley's PW Efforts: Pawley is not in agreement with the Administration of President Kennedy on matters effecting the U.S. position relative to Cuba and the Caribbean. As a result, Pawley occasionally engages in propaganda activities of his own which are designed to bring the Cuban issue and Pawley's disagreement with President Kennedy's Administration to the attention of the U.S. public. [CIA 18460]


One just may want to read the FBI File on William Pawley, which also references his ethics/honesty, as well as read up on his "back stabbing/back door" method of doing business in obtaining the CAMCO contract with China.

Perhaps one would also care to elaborate on Lt. John Birch, (killed in China) as well as his relationship (cousin) to Annie Hahr Dobbs Pawley, first wife of William D. Pawley.

Anyone care to take an "Education Forum" guess as to who put up the money behind the "John Birch Society"?

Pawley was investigated by the FBI at one time (and cleared of any suspicions later). The FBI and the CIA at that time were not organizations that worked together. The FBI was unaware that William Pawley was a CIA informant (operative) and conducted an investigation on him (as they did to over 15,000 other Americans at the time).

It is a common known fact that Pawley disliked (to say the least) John F. Kennedy. If anyone was a back-stabber, it was Kennedy himself. We could elaborate on Kennedy all day long, but this forum post isn't called "Kennedy: The Idiot".

As for John Birch. What about him? I know all about him, but don't see why he came into this post. Robert Welch organized the "John Birch Society". Pawley "may" have been a financial contributor (unknown), but only because of Birch's ties to the Flying Tigers, at the time. Birch was killed by a Chinese Communist Officer ---->

"When the Japanese surrendered, Birch led a routine mission to discover how far south the Chinese Communists had penetrated. His group bumped into a Chinese Communist force. As the scene has been reconstructed, Birch argued violently with the Communist officer who wanted to disarm him. Birch was seized and shot after his hands had been tied. The Communists then bayoneted him at least 15 times and tossed his body on a heap of junk and garbage".

And what would you like to know about Annie Hahr Dobbs Pawley? (Who always has been a respected and loved member of the Pawley Family (even after their Divorce).

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Signed by the President of Cuba, February 16, 1903; Signed by the President of the United States, February 23, 1903



The grant of the foregoing Article shall include the right to use and occupy the waters adjacent to said areas of land and water, and to improve and deepen the entrances thereto and the anchorages therein, and generally to do any and all things necessary to fit the premises for use as coaling or naval stations only, and for no other purpose.

Article II only refers to the "water" area surrounding what is now Guantanamo Bay. It was to eliviate the U.S. from allowing commercial fishing vessels to compete with cuban ones in those waters.

Edited by Cash Pawley
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Sheffield Edwards, Director of Security, generated this report on July 13, 1954:

1. Forwarded herewith are the Security Office files concerning the captioned individual....

.....5. Pawley's PW Efforts: Pawley is not in agreement with the Administration of President Kennedy on matters effecting the U.S. position relative to Cuba and the Caribbean. As a result, Pawley occasionally engages in propaganda activities of his own which are designed to bring the Cuban issue and Pawley's disagreement with President Kennedy's Administration to the attention of the U.S. public. [CIA 18460]


Regarding the degree of research done on this Education Forum....seems rather odd that, in a report allegedly generated in 1954, the "Administration of President Kennedy" would be discussed. Did Nostradamus ghost-write this report, since it was "generated" some 6-1/2 years before a Kennedy Administration existed?

That report came out in 1963 (not 1954)

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The Pawley/JFK comment comes from information relative to Operation Red Cross.

I just "threw" it in there, hoping that many would read the entire scenario as well as to demonstrate that Pawly & JFK had somewhat "crossed swords" in regards to Cuba.

Pawley had grown to the extent that he held in contempt the political process, and he also had the monies to fund, as well as the connections to support, about any type operation that he so desired.


However, there can be little doubt that within the Quatrains, the answers can be found to all things.

Now, if one could only make sense of some of them!

Kind of like the JFK mess, is it not?


P.S. You can go back to sleep now!

William Pawley did not hold the "political process" in contempt. Only the Kennedy administration and John F. Kennedy himself, because Kennedy had no clue what he was doing in The White House, and never should have been there to begin with.

You are right though in your accusation that Pawley had the "funds and connections to support any type operation he desired". However... you have him confused with someone that would use that power in an adverse way (like assassinating a President).

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