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Bashing Garrison and Joan Mellen's book

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So if someone does not agree with Dawn's view of Garrison, he or she must be a conspirator? Holy cow! Seek help.

My point is that I see here a concerted attempt at undermining Joan Mellen's new book.

I also believe that there will soon be proof of this. NOT by me, but by others who also have this belief.

I am not trying to be coy.

Gratz, you're the poster here who is the minority of one who believes Castor did it. And Purv is a LN guy....

Not exactly sound thinking, reasoning or intelligent conclusions, based on the evidence.


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Jim Garrison was, in New orleans, what Jack Ruby was in Dallas.

David Ferrie proved to be, in New Orleans, what Lee Harvey Oswald proved to be in Dallas.

In 1963, Lee Harvey Oswald and David Ferrie were arrested for the same reason.

The arrest records of Howard Hunt and Sturgis have disappeared.

If you want to know the truth about Jim Garrison, try the first post on this thread.

Did Joan Mellen mention all this in her book aboiut Jim Garrison?

Mellen gives the full story on the pedophilia accusation and shows why it isn't all that credible. Doubtless, this will not stop those who already have it in for Garrison from using it, but what can you do?

Dawn: You're right of course, but you do realize this thread will become "Jim Garrison and Oliver Stone" part II, don't you?

If Garrison is a pedophile, then a cross-dresser was a perfect fit.

Are you here to discuss the Kennedy assassination or are you here to facilitate this circus you encourage?

The above question is directed to Owen Parsons who makes the STUPID accusation:

"Mellen gives the full story on the pedophilia accusation and shows why it isn't all that credible. Doubtless, this will not stop those who already have it in for Garrison from using it, but what can you do?"

Let me make one thing clear to you Owen, because I don't have time for your bullxxxx. You or one of your 'spam proxies' have claimed that I introduced the allegation that Jim garrison was a pedophile

on this thread.

Don't you ever misrepresent ANYTHING I say again.

Edited by Lynne Foster
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So if someone does not agree with Dawn's view of Garrison, he or she must be a conspirator? Holy cow! Seek help.

My point is that I see here a concerted attempt at undermining Joan Mellen's new book.

I also believe that there will soon be proof of this. NOT by me, but by others who also have this belief.

I am not trying to be coy.

Gratz, you're the poster here who is the minority of one who believes Castor did it. And Purv is a LN guy....

Not exactly sound thinking, reasoning or intelligent conclusions, based on the evidence.


Anybody who knows anything about the Kennedy Assasination takes Jim Garrison as serious as they take Gerald Posner.

Who published Joan Mellen's book and why was it published?

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You are building a straw man. I never said Shaw knew everything, as you seem to be implying. This is beside the point, in any case. The point is that being cleared for an operational project is quite a bit above and beyond being a mere contact.

And yes, I did know what "need to know" is, thank you. You can stop being condescending any time you feel like it.

Well, when one attempts to demonstrate that the wording "cleared" carries with it some connotation of CIA Agent status, one must question the understandings of those who attempt to portray it.

I was once "cleared" to go to the Soviet Union and oversee construction of the New US Embassy Bldg., after all the "bugs" were found in the one being constructed.

After being "cleared", the State Dept. contacted me and asked if I wanted the job.

To which I declined.

However, even though I was "cleared", I personally have no idea as to where the bldg is or even what it looks like.

But I was "cleared" to know, in event I wanted to visit the USSR and take the position.


P.S. Was also "cleared" to escort Nuclear Weapons throughout the US, and also "cleared" to oversee installation of surveillance devices which monitor and film Federal Buildings.

Does not mean that I took these positions either.

But I was "cleared"!

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Lynne: Excuse me, I never accused you of saying this, I was just addressing the pedophilia issue because Ron Ecker brought it up. Look in my post, where do I say you introduced the allegation? Jeez. I don't have time for you.

Purvis: I did not say that the word "cleared" carries with it connotations of being a CIA agent, it is what he was cleared for. Again, you build a strawman.

Edited by Owen Parsons
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Garrison did look into Marcello/Cosa Nostra connection to the assassination, Mellen shows this and I have cited a few examples in Lynne Foster's thread.

Mr. Purvis won't help you re: Garrison and Marcello. He apparently believes that Garrison was covering for some New Orleans law firm (he calls it the "Law Firm") of which one of Oswald's uncles was a member (just about the only connection between Oswald and the "Law Firm" that he has). He also believes that Oswald was the lone assassin.

"Mr. Dunbar" of the "Law Firm"

1. Attorney for United Fruit

2. Met with Colonel Barrios in reference to securing 1 million dollars for overthrow of the government of guatemala.

3. Presbyterian: (Chamberlain-Hunt Military Academy) at Port Gibson, MS (where LHO & brothers attended) is run by the Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, of Austin, TX. One does not normally gain admission to this school unless one (a.) is of the Presbyterian faith (b.) has money (c.) knows someone of the Presbyterian faith who has money. (the correct answer is "C".)

4. After LHO left school and joind the Marine Corps, Charles E. Dunbar, bequeathed two separate scholarship funds to the Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Austin, TX. (note: I am also fully aware of his daughter's presbyterian association as a possible reason for these donations)

5. Virtually every employment position which Marguerite Oswald (& LHO) had in New Orleans, came about due to the association of members of the "Law Firm" with these employers.

Mr. "Rosen" of the Law Firm at which she began work at approximately 17 years of age was a close personal friend of Mr. Dunbar, along with being a member of about a dozen various organizations with one another.

Mr. Rosen, thereafter also being the "Registered Agent" for Dolly Show, for whom Marguerite and LHO later worked, and on and on and on, this employment history continues. Mr. Rosen was also of course the Registered Agent for a New Orleans firm owned by Mr. Joseph Bernstein. When Marguerite Claverie Oswald moved to NYC, she immediately went to work for the brother of Mr. Bernstein.

6. Mr. Dunbar, according to geneological records, is descended from the sister of General P.G. T. Beauregard of New Orleans, LA, and Commander of Troops at the first engagement of the Civil War at Ft. Sumter, SC.

7. A great-aunt of LHO was married into the same "Beauregard" family, and LHO in fact had a distant cousin who was about his age, whose name was P.G.T. Beauregard.

8. Mr. Dunbar was one of "Tulane"'s most recognized and distinguished graduates, and as a member of the "Boston Club"; REX: etc;, he was one of the most important and politically important attornies in New Orleans. He was an active member of virtually every organization of Tulane University, the alma mata of Mr. James Garrison/aka Carruthers.

9. The "Law Firm" of which Mr. Dunbar was now a full partner, was a direct-line descendent of the law firm of which Mr. Charles Fenner, in whose home President Jefferson Davis of the Confederate States of America died.

10. Mr. Charles Fenner, was a Civil War Officer and Commander of Fenner's Battery of Artillery, which fell under the "Washington Artillery", which later had it's own building constructed in the French Quarter for meetings of members of this famous Confederate Unit.

11. Mr. Charles Fenner was also father to the "Fenner" of the New Orleans Stock Brokerage firm of Pierce, Fenner, & Beane, which ultimately merged with Merrill Lynch to form Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner, & Beane.

12. The law firm of Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner, & Beane had to close their Havana, Cuba office with the assumption of power of Fidel Castro. And, not unlike many other organizations, lost considerable monies when Castro nationalized all foreign owned property in Cuba.

13. William Wirt Howe, Louisiana Supreme Court, was also a former member of the "Law Firm"

14. Along with Mr. Marks and Mr. Claverie, of the "Law Firm", Mr. Dunbar and these two other members, formed "For America" which happens to have been one of the most right-wing political entities which existed.

15. Formation of this "Front" corportion was accomplished out of a building on LaSalle St. in Chicago, ILL.

16. When LHO returned from the Soviet Union and required financial aid, he received this aid through the "Travellers Aide Society" which operated out of the exact same building in Chicago, IL as the "For America" Corporation.

17. The financial aid provided to LHO was done so a result of an "unofficial request", for whom the name of the requestee has never been made public.

18. New Orleans, LA was a major home for the "Travellers Aide Society". *

*In event one would like to know the name of the head of the New Orleans branch and the potential association with Charles E. Dunbar & the Oswald family, this information too is available.


Tom neither resides in New Orleans, LA, or even comes close to knowing what Jim Garrison (Local resident; politician; Tulane Graduate & Alumni; District Attorney; member of various Social Organizations with these persons; etc; etc; etc; and ex-FBI Agent, should have known.

"It is an impossible task to win an argument with an ignorant and uneducated person"

Tom Purvis

P.S. The provide information is for those who at least have the capability to rationally determine for themselves as to whether the "Garrison/Clay Shaw" circus, was or was not a bona-fide search for the facts and truth.

Edited by Thomas H. Purvis
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Guest Stephen Turner
Let me make one thing clear to you Owen, because I don't have time for your bullxxxx. You or one of your 'spam proxies' have claimed that I introduced the allegation that Jim garrison was a pedophile

on this thread.

Don't you ever misrepresent ANYTHING I say again.

Ms Foster let me make one thing clear to you, Because of the nature of this Forum (education) the use of swear words is not tolerated. If you can not make your case without resorting to gutter language, then you do not have a case. The same goes for Mr Hemming, although I guess his potty mouth is over looked because people believe he may just "cough" up something immportant. I hope you are all blessed with the patience of Saints, your going to need it.

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[quote name='Lynne Foster' date='Nov 12 2005, 03:14 PM' post='44974']


My point is that I see here a concerted attempt at undermining Joan Mellen's new book. ]

Anybody who knows anything about the Kennedy Assasination takes Jim Garrison as serious as they take Gerald Posner.

Who published Joan Mellen's book and why was it published?

As I said, there are people on this forum who are trying to undermine this book.

Ms. Foster's above statement makes my case.

I have nothing further to say on this subject and do hope that Ms Mellen will join the forum and

defend herself from these disinformation attacks.


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Let me make one thing clear to you Owen, because I don't have time for your bullxxxx. You or one of your 'spam proxies' have claimed that I introduced the allegation that Jim garrison was a pedophile

on this thread.

Don't you ever misrepresent ANYTHING I say again.

Ms Foster let me make one thing clear to you, Because of the nature of this Forum (education) the use of swear words is not tolerated. If you can not make your case without resorting to gutter language, then you do not have a case. The same goes for Mr Hemming, although I guess his potty mouth is over looked because people believe he may just "cough" up something immportant. I hope you are all blessed with the patience of Saints, your going to need it.



Stephen, Lynne, Cough ! Hack ! Cough ! I have just got a message from ---Cough ! ---the grave --Cough !

through Jim Marrs' UFO channeling sources --Wheez ! Cough ! --- and Jim -- Hack ! ---Garrison has just revealed the *%^@$ ---the Prisoner's secret number ---Wheez ! --- it is ---Cough ! BA2506 -- did you copy the 5 X 5 Stephen ????

More importantly ---Cough ! --Wheez ! -- Hack ! I sent a @^$&* verified photo of a serious &$*#$ Dealey

Plaza shooter---to James --Cough ! --You won't "bleeed dis" --Hack --Grunt ! it is --Wheez ! GUY FAWKES !!

Up Yours -- "Potty-Mouth" !!




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Ms Foster let me make one thing clear to you, Because of the nature of this Forum (education) the use of swear words is not tolerated. If you can not make your case without resorting to gutter language, then you do not have a case. The same goes for Mr Hemming, although I guess his potty mouth is over looked because people believe he may just "cough" up something immportant. I hope you are all blessed with the patience of Saints, your going to need it.

Give me a break. If Harold Weisberg can say that Garrison could not find a pubic hair in a whorehouse, the word "bullxxxx" is too kind.

You can call that a swear word, if it makes you happy, but your "bullxxxx" amuses me.

In the meantime, those who are genuinely interested in advancing the truth about the assassination of a beloved President, which is in fact, what education is about, ought to keep these salient facts in mind:

Jim Garrison was, in New orleans, what Jack Ruby was in Dallas.

David Ferrie proved to be, in New Orleans, what Lee Harvey Oswald proved to be in Dallas.

In 1963, Lee Harvey Oswald and David Ferrie were arrested for the same reason.

The arrest records of Howard Hunt and Sturgis have disappeared.

When it comes to understanding the assassination of John F. Kennedy, a "legitimate" arrest is about covering up the truth, and "enforcers" like Jack Ruby and Jim Garrison, sound like their apologists.

Edited by Lynne Foster
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Garrison did look into Marcello/Cosa Nostra connection to the assassination, Mellen shows this and I have cited a few examples in Lynne Foster's thread.

Mr. Purvis won't help you re: Garrison and Marcello. He apparently believes that Garrison was covering for some New Orleans law firm (he calls it the "Law Firm") of which one of Oswald's uncles was a member (just about the only connection between Oswald and the "Law Firm" that he has). He also believes that Oswald was the lone assassin.

"Mr. Dunbar" of the "Law Firm"

1. Attorney for United Fruit

2. Met with Colonel Barrios in reference to securing 1 million dollars for overthrow of the government of guatemala.

3. Presbyterian: (Chamberlain-Hunt Military Academy) at Port Gibson, MS (where LHO & brothers attended) is run by the Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, of Austin, TX. One does not normally gain admission to this school unless one (a.) is of the Presbyterian faith (b.) has money (c.) knows someone of the Presbyterian faith who has money. (the correct answer is "C".)

4. After LHO left school and joind the Marine Corps, Charles E. Dunbar, bequeathed two separate scholarship funds to the Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Austin, TX. (note: I am also fully aware of his daughter's presbyterian association as a possible reason for these donations)

5. Virtually every employment position which Marguerite Oswald (& LHO) had in New Orleans, came about due to the association of members of the "Law Firm" with these employers.

Mr. "Rosen" of the Law Firm at which she began work at approximately 17 years of age was a close personal friend of Mr. Dunbar, along with being a member of about a dozen various organizations with one another.

Mr. Rosen, thereafter also being the "Registered Agent" for Dolly Show, for whom Marguerite and LHO later worked, and on and on and on, this employment history continues. Mr. Rosen was also of course the Registered Agent for a New Orleans firm owned by Mr. Joseph Bernstein. When Marguerite Claverie Oswald moved to NYC, she immediately went to work for the brother of Mr. Bernstein.

6. Mr. Dunbar, according to geneological records, is descended from the sister of General P.G. T. Beauregard of New Orleans, LA, and Commander of Troops at the first engagement of the Civil War at Ft. Sumter, SC.

7. A great-aunt of LHO was married into the same "Beauregard" family, and LHO in fact had a distant cousin who was about his age, whose name was P.G.T. Beauregard.

8. Mr. Dunbar was one of "Tulane"'s most recognized and distinguished graduates, and as a member of the "Boston Club"; REX: etc;, he was one of the most important and politically important attornies in New Orleans. He was an active member of virtually every organization of Tulane University, the alma mata of Mr. James Garrison/aka Carruthers.

9. The "Law Firm" of which Mr. Dunbar was now a full partner, was a direct-line descendent of the law firm of which Mr. Charles Fenner, in whose home President Jefferson Davis of the Confederate States of America died.

10. Mr. Charles Fenner, was a Civil War Officer and Commander of Fenner's Battery of Artillery, which fell under the "Washington Artillery", which later had it's own building constructed in the French Quarter for meetings of members of this famous Confederate Unit.

11. Mr. Charles Fenner was also father to the "Fenner" of the New Orleans Stock Brokerage firm of Pierce, Fenner, & Beane, which ultimately merged with Merrill Lynch to form Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner, & Beane.

12. The law firm of Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner, & Beane had to close their Havana, Cuba office with the assumption of power of Fidel Castro. And, not unlike many other organizations, lost considerable monies when Castro nationalized all foreign owned property in Cuba.

13. William Wirt Howe, Louisiana Supreme Court, was also a former member of the "Law Firm"

14. Along with Mr. Marks and Mr. Claverie, of the "Law Firm", Mr. Dunbar and these two other members, formed "For America" which happens to have been one of the most right-wing political entities which existed.

15. Formation of this "Front" corportion was accomplished out of a building on LaSalle St. in Chicago, ILL.

16. When LHO returned from the Soviet Union and required financial aid, he received this aid through the "Travellers Aide Society" which operated out of the exact same building in Chicago, IL as the "For America" Corporation.

17. The financial aid provided to LHO was done so a result of an "unofficial request", for whom the name of the requestee has never been made public.

18. New Orleans, LA was a major home for the "Travellers Aide Society". *

*In event one would like to know the name of the head of the New Orleans branch and the potential association with Charles E. Dunbar & the Oswald family, this information too is available.


Tom neither resides in New Orleans, LA, or even comes close to knowing what Jim Garrison (Local resident; politician; Tulane Graduate & Alumni; District Attorney; member of various Social Organizations with these persons; etc; etc; etc; and ex-FBI Agent, should have known.

"It is an impossible task to win an argument with an ignorant and uneducated person"

Tom Purvis

P.S. The provide information is for those who at least have the capability to rationally determine for themselves as to whether the "Garrison/Clay Shaw" circus, was or was not a bona-fide search for the facts and truth.

Shall we now move forward with Mr. Marks?

From one of the most prominent "Jewish" families in America, as well as New Orlean, LA.

From a family that lost most of their wealth and possessions during the Civil War at Charleston, SC.

From a family of Confederate Veterans who were co- founders of "Twiggs Rifles" of the CSA.

From a family who repeatedly named their children after famous Confederate Battles of the Civil War'

(A) Sumter D. Marks (b.) Sumter D. Marks, Jr (c.) Malvern Hill Marks*

*named after the Battle of Malvern Hill in which the first of the Marks family of the CSA was killed.

From a family which included the President of the New Orleans, Florida, & Havana Steamship Company.

From a family which included the "Dispatcher" for the New Orleans Transit System (streetcar system)*

*Lucius Albert Marks, Sr. Lucius Marks worked for the New Orleans Transportation Department (Streetcar System) for a total of 59 years during which he worked from dispatcher to Manager** It would be an assumption that anyone serious about this subject would know that the grandfather (Claverie) of LHO was a streetcar driver in New Orleans, LA.

Lucius Marks, Jr, (1st Cousin to Sumter D. Marks, Jr) worked as an electrical engineer for the Standard Fruit and Steamship Company (aka United Fruit) (Florida and Havana Steamship Company)

From a family who was married into the "Butler" family and resided at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin.

From a family who resided on "LaSalle St." in New Orleans, LA

From a family of whom one member was a supervisor (civillian) at the Biloxi, MS Aircraft Maintenance School

during WWII.

From a family who had direct relatives (1st Cousin Malvern Hill Marks) of which the entire family resided in the Ft. Worth/Dallas, TX area at the exact same time as LHO was there.

From a family of whom one of the "Texas" Marks, ultimately married into the Van Landingham family of Texas which had direct kinship to the "Van Landingham" who was the Head Investigator for the Mississippi Soverignty Commission, as well as being a retired FBI Agent.

From a family of whom the Sumter D. Marks, Jr, member of the Law Firm, was also one of the founding members of the "Front" organization "For America" which was incorporated out of Louisiana with an address at 308 La Salle St. Chicago, ILL.*

*Charles E. Dunbar; Sumter D. Marks, Jr.; & Louis B. Claverie were the founding "Registered Agents" for this right-wing organization of which even today, little is known.

In addition to the "For America Corporation", the same three are the founding "Registered Agents" of another somewhat "right-wing" corporation which was known as "Vigilence Inforporated" which was formed in 1951.

Sumter D. Marks, Jr was also the "Registered Agent" for the Hudson Hoisery, for whom Marguerite Claverie Oswald was once employed. With him as Registered Agent, was Louis B. Claverie as well as J. Barnwell Phelps.


"I am a Marxist" or was it "I am a Marksist" ?---------------------------Lee Harvey Oswald


May as well include in "Mr. Sims" of the "Law Firm" as well.

Especially since Mr. Sims was a member of one of the most single elite societies to exist in the United States, and of which the wife of David Harold Byrd, owner of the TSDB, was also a member.



Now, one would have thought that Mr. Jim Garrison, as DA of New Orleans, LA, and as co-owner of the "Garrison-Intelligence Agency", could have at least found some of these connections of LHO in New Orleans.

Had of course he wanted to, or otherwise been so stupid to have pointed it out.

Which by the way, he was not!

Especially since "Mr. Phelps" of the "Law Firm" also became Director of the Times-Picayune Publishing Company, and the Times-Picayune Media Foundation.

That is after his father's long career with the "Law Firm" and Mr. Ashton Phelps, Jr, tour of duty there.

Not to mention a prior member of the "Law Firm" by the name of Esmond Phelps, who also just so happened to be the "Registered Agent" for DIXIE PARKING, where non-driving LHO also applied for a job parking cars.



Anyone besides me recall the saying: "Mr. Phelps, I presume"?


A proper ending would be:

1. All, descendents of Confederate Veterans

2. All, graduates of Tulane University

3. All, members of various social organizations which include:

a. Tulane Organizations

b. Boston Club

c. REX

As stated, Jim Garrison most assuredly was not a "stupid" man.

Edited by Thomas H. Purvis
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Garrison did look into Marcello/Cosa Nostra connection to the assassination, Mellen shows this and I have cited a few examples in Lynne Foster's thread.

Mr. Purvis won't help you re: Garrison and Marcello. He apparently believes that Garrison was covering for some New Orleans law firm (he calls it the "Law Firm") of which one of Oswald's uncles was a member (just about the only connection between Oswald and the "Law Firm" that he has). He also believes that Oswald was the lone assassin.

"Mr. Dunbar" of the "Law Firm"

1. Attorney for United Fruit

2. Met with Colonel Barrios in reference to securing 1 million dollars for overthrow of the government of guatemala.

3. Presbyterian: (Chamberlain-Hunt Military Academy) at Port Gibson, MS (where LHO & brothers attended) is run by the Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, of Austin, TX. One does not normally gain admission to this school unless one (a.) is of the Presbyterian faith (b.) has money (c.) knows someone of the Presbyterian faith who has money. (the correct answer is "C".)

4. After LHO left school and joind the Marine Corps, Charles E. Dunbar, bequeathed two separate scholarship funds to the Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Austin, TX. (note: I am also fully aware of his daughter's presbyterian association as a possible reason for these donations)

5. Virtually every employment position which Marguerite Oswald (& LHO) had in New Orleans, came about due to the association of members of the "Law Firm" with these employers.

Mr. "Rosen" of the Law Firm at which she began work at approximately 17 years of age was a close personal friend of Mr. Dunbar, along with being a member of about a dozen various organizations with one another.

Mr. Rosen, thereafter also being the "Registered Agent" for Dolly Show, for whom Marguerite and LHO later worked, and on and on and on, this employment history continues. Mr. Rosen was also of course the Registered Agent for a New Orleans firm owned by Mr. Joseph Bernstein. When Marguerite Claverie Oswald moved to NYC, she immediately went to work for the brother of Mr. Bernstein.

6. Mr. Dunbar, according to geneological records, is descended from the sister of General P.G. T. Beauregard of New Orleans, LA, and Commander of Troops at the first engagement of the Civil War at Ft. Sumter, SC.

7. A great-aunt of LHO was married into the same "Beauregard" family, and LHO in fact had a distant cousin who was about his age, whose name was P.G.T. Beauregard.

8. Mr. Dunbar was one of "Tulane"'s most recognized and distinguished graduates, and as a member of the "Boston Club"; REX: etc;, he was one of the most important and politically important attornies in New Orleans. He was an active member of virtually every organization of Tulane University, the alma mata of Mr. James Garrison/aka Carruthers.

9. The "Law Firm" of which Mr. Dunbar was now a full partner, was a direct-line descendent of the law firm of which Mr. Charles Fenner, in whose home President Jefferson Davis of the Confederate States of America died.

10. Mr. Charles Fenner, was a Civil War Officer and Commander of Fenner's Battery of Artillery, which fell under the "Washington Artillery", which later had it's own building constructed in the French Quarter for meetings of members of this famous Confederate Unit.

11. Mr. Charles Fenner was also father to the "Fenner" of the New Orleans Stock Brokerage firm of Pierce, Fenner, & Beane, which ultimately merged with Merrill Lynch to form Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner, & Beane.

12. The law firm of Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner, & Beane had to close their Havana, Cuba office with the assumption of power of Fidel Castro. And, not unlike many other organizations, lost considerable monies when Castro nationalized all foreign owned property in Cuba.

13. William Wirt Howe, Louisiana Supreme Court, was also a former member of the "Law Firm"

14. Along with Mr. Marks and Mr. Claverie, of the "Law Firm", Mr. Dunbar and these two other members, formed "For America" which happens to have been one of the most right-wing political entities which existed.

15. Formation of this "Front" corportion was accomplished out of a building on LaSalle St. in Chicago, ILL.

16. When LHO returned from the Soviet Union and required financial aid, he received this aid through the "Travellers Aide Society" which operated out of the exact same building in Chicago, IL as the "For America" Corporation.

17. The financial aid provided to LHO was done so a result of an "unofficial request", for whom the name of the requestee has never been made public.

18. New Orleans, LA was a major home for the "Travellers Aide Society". *

*In event one would like to know the name of the head of the New Orleans branch and the potential association with Charles E. Dunbar & the Oswald family, this information too is available.


Tom neither resides in New Orleans, LA, or even comes close to knowing what Jim Garrison (Local resident; politician; Tulane Graduate & Alumni; District Attorney; member of various Social Organizations with these persons; etc; etc; etc; and ex-FBI Agent, should have known.

"It is an impossible task to win an argument with an ignorant and uneducated person"

Tom Purvis

P.S. The provide information is for those who at least have the capability to rationally determine for themselves as to whether the "Garrison/Clay Shaw" circus, was or was not a bona-fide search for the facts and truth.

Shall we now move forward with Mr. Marks?

From one of the most prominent "Jewish" families in America, as well as New Orlean, LA.

From a family that lost most of their wealth and possessions during the Civil War at Charleston, SC.

From a family of Confederate Veterans who were co- founders of "Twiggs Rifles" of the CSA.

From a family who repeatedly named their children after famous Confederate Battles of the Civil War'

(A) Sumter D. Marks (b.) Sumter D. Marks, Jr (c.) Malvern Hill Marks*

*named after the Battle of Malvern Hill in which the first of the Marks family of the CSA was killed.

From a family which included the President of the New Orleans, Florida, & Havana Steamship Company.

From a family which included the "Dispatcher" for the New Orleans Transit System (streetcar system)*

*Lucius Albert Marks, Sr. Lucius Marks worked for the New Orleans Transportation Department (Streetcar System) for a total of 59 years during which he worked from dispatcher to Manager** It would be an assumption that anyone serious about this subject would know that the grandfather (Claverie) of LHO was a streetcar driver in New Orleans, LA.

Lucius Marks, Jr, (1st Cousin to Sumter D. Marks, Jr) worked as an electrical engineer for the Standard Fruit and Steamship Company (aka United Fruit) (Florida and Havana Steamship Company)

From a family who was married into the "Butler" family and resided at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin.

From a family who resided on "LaSalle St." in New Orleans, LA

From a family of whom one member was a supervisor (civillian) at the Biloxi, MS Aircraft Maintenance School

during WWII.

From a family who had direct relatives (1st Cousin Malvern Hill Marks) of which the entire family resided in the Ft. Worth/Dallas, TX area at the exact same time as LHO was there.

From a family of whom one of the "Texas" Marks, ultimately married into the Van Landingham family of Texas which had direct kinship to the "Van Landingham" who was the Head Investigator for the Mississippi Soverignty Commission, as well as being a retired FBI Agent.

From a family of whom the Sumter D. Marks, Jr, member of the Law Firm, was also one of the founding members of the "Front" organization "For America" which was incorporated out of Louisiana with an address at 308 La Salle St. Chicago, ILL.*

*Charles E. Dunbar; Sumter D. Marks, Jr.; & Louis B. Claverie were the founding "Registered Agents" for this right-wing organization of which even today, little is known.

In addition to the "For America Corporation", the same three are the founding "Registered Agents" of another somewhat "right-wing" corporation which was known as "Vigilence Inforporated" which was formed in 1951.

Sumter D. Marks, Jr was also the "Registered Agent" for the Hudson Hoisery, for whom Marguerite Claverie Oswald was once employed. With him as Registered Agent, was Louis B. Claverie as well as J. Barnwell Phelps.


"I am a Marxist" or was it "I am a Marksist" ?---------------------------Lee Harvey Oswald


May as well include in "Mr. Sims" of the "Law Firm" as well.

Especially since Mr. Sims was a member of one of the most single elite societies to exist in the United States, and of which the wife of David Harold Byrd, owner of the TSDB, was also a member.



Now, one would have thought that Mr. Jim Garrison, as DA of New Orleans, LA, and as co-owner of the "Garrison-Intelligence Agency", could have at least found some of these connections of LHO in New Orleans.

Had of course he wanted to, or otherwise been so stupid to have pointed it out.

Which by the way, he was not!

Especially since "Mr. Phelps" of the "Law Firm" also became Director of the Times-Picayune Publishing Company, and the Times-Picayune Media Foundation.

That is after his father's long career with the "Law Firm" and Mr. Ashton Phelps, Jr, tour of duty there.

Not to mention a prior member of the "Law Firm" by the name of Esmond Phelps, who also just so happened to be the "Registered Agent" for DIXIE PARKING, where non-driving LHO also applied for a job parking cars.



Anyone besides me recall the saying: "Mr. Phelps, I presume"?


A proper ending would be:

1. All, descendents of Confederate Veterans

2. All, graduates of Tulane University

3. All, members of various social organizations which include:

a. Tulane Organizations

b. Boston Club

c. REX

As stated, Jim Garrison most assuredly was not a "stupid" man.


The Distinguished Colonel Charles Fenner, C.S.A., also owned a plantation on the banks of the "Peace River", Bradenton County [Gulf Coast] Florida during the mid-1800s.

The beloved President of the C.S.A., The Honorable Jefferson Davis -- died after moving from said Peace River Plantation.

Are there ANY of you "bookreaders" out there who might just have any solid "Intel" to add to the above- mentioned data just presented by Capt. Purvis, or are you ALL watching "JFK" on Fox TV right now ??!!

Cough ! Hack ! Cough !

Chairs, GPH


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Garrison did look into Marcello/Cosa Nostra connection to the assassination, Mellen shows this and I have cited a few examples in Lynne Foster's thread.

Mr. Purvis won't help you re: Garrison and Marcello. He apparently believes that Garrison was covering for some New Orleans law firm (he calls it the "Law Firm") of which one of Oswald's uncles was a member (just about the only connection between Oswald and the "Law Firm" that he has). He also believes that Oswald was the lone assassin.

"Mr. Dunbar" of the "Law Firm"

1. Attorney for United Fruit

2. Met with Colonel Barrios in reference to securing 1 million dollars for overthrow of the government of guatemala.

3. Presbyterian: (Chamberlain-Hunt Military Academy) at Port Gibson, MS (where LHO & brothers attended) is run by the Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, of Austin, TX. One does not normally gain admission to this school unless one (a.) is of the Presbyterian faith (b.) has money (c.) knows someone of the Presbyterian faith who has money. (the correct answer is "C".)

4. After LHO left school and joind the Marine Corps, Charles E. Dunbar, bequeathed two separate scholarship funds to the Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Austin, TX. (note: I am also fully aware of his daughter's presbyterian association as a possible reason for these donations)

5. Virtually every employment position which Marguerite Oswald (& LHO) had in New Orleans, came about due to the association of members of the "Law Firm" with these employers.

Mr. "Rosen" of the Law Firm at which she began work at approximately 17 years of age was a close personal friend of Mr. Dunbar, along with being a member of about a dozen various organizations with one another.

Mr. Rosen, thereafter also being the "Registered Agent" for Dolly Show, for whom Marguerite and LHO later worked, and on and on and on, this employment history continues. Mr. Rosen was also of course the Registered Agent for a New Orleans firm owned by Mr. Joseph Bernstein. When Marguerite Claverie Oswald moved to NYC, she immediately went to work for the brother of Mr. Bernstein.

6. Mr. Dunbar, according to geneological records, is descended from the sister of General P.G. T. Beauregard of New Orleans, LA, and Commander of Troops at the first engagement of the Civil War at Ft. Sumter, SC.

7. A great-aunt of LHO was married into the same "Beauregard" family, and LHO in fact had a distant cousin who was about his age, whose name was P.G.T. Beauregard.

8. Mr. Dunbar was one of "Tulane"'s most recognized and distinguished graduates, and as a member of the "Boston Club"; REX: etc;, he was one of the most important and politically important attornies in New Orleans. He was an active member of virtually every organization of Tulane University, the alma mata of Mr. James Garrison/aka Carruthers.

9. The "Law Firm" of which Mr. Dunbar was now a full partner, was a direct-line descendent of the law firm of which Mr. Charles Fenner, in whose home President Jefferson Davis of the Confederate States of America died.

10. Mr. Charles Fenner, was a Civil War Officer and Commander of Fenner's Battery of Artillery, which fell under the "Washington Artillery", which later had it's own building constructed in the French Quarter for meetings of members of this famous Confederate Unit.

11. Mr. Charles Fenner was also father to the "Fenner" of the New Orleans Stock Brokerage firm of Pierce, Fenner, & Beane, which ultimately merged with Merrill Lynch to form Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner, & Beane.

12. The law firm of Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner, & Beane had to close their Havana, Cuba office with the assumption of power of Fidel Castro. And, not unlike many other organizations, lost considerable monies when Castro nationalized all foreign owned property in Cuba.

13. William Wirt Howe, Louisiana Supreme Court, was also a former member of the "Law Firm"

14. Along with Mr. Marks and Mr. Claverie, of the "Law Firm", Mr. Dunbar and these two other members, formed "For America" which happens to have been one of the most right-wing political entities which existed.

15. Formation of this "Front" corportion was accomplished out of a building on LaSalle St. in Chicago, ILL.

16. When LHO returned from the Soviet Union and required financial aid, he received this aid through the "Travellers Aide Society" which operated out of the exact same building in Chicago, IL as the "For America" Corporation.

17. The financial aid provided to LHO was done so a result of an "unofficial request", for whom the name of the requestee has never been made public.

18. New Orleans, LA was a major home for the "Travellers Aide Society". *

*In event one would like to know the name of the head of the New Orleans branch and the potential association with Charles E. Dunbar & the Oswald family, this information too is available.


Tom neither resides in New Orleans, LA, or even comes close to knowing what Jim Garrison (Local resident; politician; Tulane Graduate & Alumni; District Attorney; member of various Social Organizations with these persons; etc; etc; etc; and ex-FBI Agent, should have known.

"It is an impossible task to win an argument with an ignorant and uneducated person"

Tom Purvis

P.S. The provide information is for those who at least have the capability to rationally determine for themselves as to whether the "Garrison/Clay Shaw" circus, was or was not a bona-fide search for the facts and truth.

Shall we now move forward with Mr. Marks?

From one of the most prominent "Jewish" families in America, as well as New Orlean, LA.

From a family that lost most of their wealth and possessions during the Civil War at Charleston, SC.

From a family of Confederate Veterans who were co- founders of "Twiggs Rifles" of the CSA.

From a family who repeatedly named their children after famous Confederate Battles of the Civil War'

(A) Sumter D. Marks (b.) Sumter D. Marks, Jr (c.) Malvern Hill Marks*

*named after the Battle of Malvern Hill in which the first of the Marks family of the CSA was killed.

From a family which included the President of the New Orleans, Florida, & Havana Steamship Company.

From a family which included the "Dispatcher" for the New Orleans Transit System (streetcar system)*

*Lucius Albert Marks, Sr. Lucius Marks worked for the New Orleans Transportation Department (Streetcar System) for a total of 59 years during which he worked from dispatcher to Manager** It would be an assumption that anyone serious about this subject would know that the grandfather (Claverie) of LHO was a streetcar driver in New Orleans, LA.

Lucius Marks, Jr, (1st Cousin to Sumter D. Marks, Jr) worked as an electrical engineer for the Standard Fruit and Steamship Company (aka United Fruit) (Florida and Havana Steamship Company)

From a family who was married into the "Butler" family and resided at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin.

From a family who resided on "LaSalle St." in New Orleans, LA

From a family of whom one member was a supervisor (civillian) at the Biloxi, MS Aircraft Maintenance School

during WWII.

From a family who had direct relatives (1st Cousin Malvern Hill Marks) of which the entire family resided in the Ft. Worth/Dallas, TX area at the exact same time as LHO was there.

From a family of whom one of the "Texas" Marks, ultimately married into the Van Landingham family of Texas which had direct kinship to the "Van Landingham" who was the Head Investigator for the Mississippi Soverignty Commission, as well as being a retired FBI Agent.

From a family of whom the Sumter D. Marks, Jr, member of the Law Firm, was also one of the founding members of the "Front" organization "For America" which was incorporated out of Louisiana with an address at 308 La Salle St. Chicago, ILL.*

*Charles E. Dunbar; Sumter D. Marks, Jr.; & Louis B. Claverie were the founding "Registered Agents" for this right-wing organization of which even today, little is known.

In addition to the "For America Corporation", the same three are the founding "Registered Agents" of another somewhat "right-wing" corporation which was known as "Vigilence Inforporated" which was formed in 1951.

Sumter D. Marks, Jr was also the "Registered Agent" for the Hudson Hoisery, for whom Marguerite Claverie Oswald was once employed. With him as Registered Agent, was Louis B. Claverie as well as J. Barnwell Phelps.


"I am a Marxist" or was it "I am a Marksist" ?---------------------------Lee Harvey Oswald


May as well include in "Mr. Sims" of the "Law Firm" as well.

Especially since Mr. Sims was a member of one of the most single elite societies to exist in the United States, and of which the wife of David Harold Byrd, owner of the TSDB, was also a member.



Now, one would have thought that Mr. Jim Garrison, as DA of New Orleans, LA, and as co-owner of the "Garrison-Intelligence Agency", could have at least found some of these connections of LHO in New Orleans.

Had of course he wanted to, or otherwise been so stupid to have pointed it out.

Which by the way, he was not!

Especially since "Mr. Phelps" of the "Law Firm" also became Director of the Times-Picayune Publishing Company, and the Times-Picayune Media Foundation.

That is after his father's long career with the "Law Firm" and Mr. Ashton Phelps, Jr, tour of duty there.

Not to mention a prior member of the "Law Firm" by the name of Esmond Phelps, who also just so happened to be the "Registered Agent" for DIXIE PARKING, where non-driving LHO also applied for a job parking cars.



Anyone besides me recall the saying: "Mr. Phelps, I presume"?


A proper ending would be:

1. All, descendents of Confederate Veterans

2. All, graduates of Tulane University

3. All, members of various social organizations which include:

a. Tulane Organizations

b. Boston Club

c. REX

As stated, Jim Garrison most assuredly was not a "stupid" man.


The Distinguished Colonel Charles Fenner, C.S.A., also owned a plantation on the banks of the "Peace River", Bradenton County [Gulf Coast] Florida during the mid-1800s.

The beloved President of the C.S.A., The Honorable Jefferson Davis -- died after moving from said Peace River Plantation.

Are there ANY of you "bookreaders" out there who might just have any solid "Intel" to add to the above- mentioned data just presented by Capt. Purvis, or are you ALL watching "JFK" on Fox TV right now ??!!

Cough ! Hack ! Cough !

Chairs, GPH



Did I neglect to tell you that James Persons, USMC associate of LHO resided here in my home county until his death in an airplane accident while on a hunting trip some years back?

Persons was the Vice-President of a local bank and was a good friend of the family.

Did you ever encounter him per chance?


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Guest Stephen Turner

Let me make one thing clear to you Owen, because I don't have time for your bullxxxx. You or one of your 'spam proxies' have claimed that I introduced the allegation that Jim garrison was a pedophile

on this thread.

Don't you ever misrepresent ANYTHING I say again.

Ms Foster let me make one thing clear to you, Because of the nature of this Forum (education) the use of swear words is not tolerated. If you can not make your case without resorting to gutter language, then you do not have a case. The same goes for Mr Hemming, although I guess his potty mouth is over looked because people believe he may just "cough" up something immportant. I hope you are all blessed with the patience of Saints, your going to need it.



Stephen, Lynne, Cough ! Hack ! Cough ! I have just got a message from ---Cough ! ---the grave --Cough !

through Jim Marrs' UFO channeling sources --Wheez ! Cough ! --- and Jim -- Hack ! ---Garrison has just revealed the *%^@$ ---the Prisoner's secret number ---Wheez ! --- it is ---Cough ! BA2506 -- did you copy the 5 X 5 Stephen ????

More importantly ---Cough ! --Wheez ! -- Hack ! I sent a @^$&* verified photo of a serious &$*#$ Dealey

Plaza shooter---to James --Cough ! --You won't "bleeed dis" --Hack --Grunt ! it is --Wheez ! GUY FAWKES !!

Up Yours -- "Potty-Mouth" !!




I rest my case. An elderly egotist in search of an audiance, and I guess he thinks he's found one. good luck people, hope youv'e brought bedding its going to be a loooooong night.

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