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Carl Jenkins

John Simkin

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Thank you Pat...I'll try to work that word into the day's conversation in order to claim it...grin.

I'll have to admit it does "bug" me a bit that Mr. Bubliosi doesn't seem to be familiar

with some of the credible people whose remarks have surfaced only in the last decade.

Then again I'm not reading his book at present so perhaps those who are will tell us differently as the

progress through his 1,900 pages....

-- Larry

I'd love to be able to help you there but even a free copy wouldn't persuade me to to waste my time :)

Re: Jenkins, I came across this memo mentioning him in relation to 'Project JMATE'. Was this something to do with the Bay of Pigs?


(Jenkins is mentioned on page 3)

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Francesca, yes you are correct...Phillips is forwarding a list of personnel recommendation for commendation in regard to the

BOP project and Jenkins is on the list (note, either Morales is not or his name is redacted, would ge interesting to know

the reason for either).

This again is independent confirmation for Wheaton's background information provided to the ARRB which described Jenkins

role as part of the BOP project.

I do have a copy of this from Phillips file but as the other document Pat located, the name meant nothing to me when I first

read it years ago.

-- Larry

Thank you Pat...I'll try to work that word into the day's conversation in order to claim it...grin.

I'll have to admit it does "bug" me a bit that Mr. Bubliosi doesn't seem to be familiar

with some of the credible people whose remarks have surfaced only in the last decade.

Then again I'm not reading his book at present so perhaps those who are will tell us differently as the

progress through his 1,900 pages....

-- Larry

I'd love to be able to help you there but even a free copy wouldn't persuade me to to waste my time :blink:

Re: Jenkins, I came across this memo mentioning him in relation to 'Project JMATE'. Was this something to do with the Bay of Pigs?


(Jenkins is mentioned on page 3)

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Francesca, yes you are correct...Phillips is forwarding a list of personnel recommendation for commendation in regard to the

BOP project and Jenkins is on the list (note, either Morales is not or his name is redacted, would ge interesting to know

the reason for either).

This again is independent confirmation for Wheaton's background information provided to the ARRB which described Jenkins

role as part of the BOP project.

I do have a copy of this from Phillips file but as the other document Pat located, the name meant nothing to me when I first

read it years ago.

-- Larry

Hi Larry,

thanks for filling me in. Yes I thought it odd Morales name was not on the list. Perhaps his name was indeed redacted as I note from page 1 of the document that under restrictions it has: '1A' (I don't know what that means) and under status it has: 'released with deletions', the date of it's last review being 2998.

Incidentally, is there any way of finding out when a document might be up for review again?

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I was just reading the 1978 HSCA testimony of Carlos Hernandez on Larry Hancock's

cd rom (which I recently re-found). (Chapter 5, Exhibit 2) On page 42 and

43, he identifies Carl Jenkins as the agent in charge of an infiltration

training camp based on Usepa Island, off the coast of New Orleans. He

adds that Jenkins was using the name Carl James.

This supports Gene Wheaton's statements about Jenkins' connections to the anti-Castro community and New Orleans..

Larry Hancock has confirmed that he hadn't read Hernandez' testimony since the recent interest in Jenkins (had any of us?). He will be adding this information to his website..

I have been away and unable to respond to this information. Thank you Pat for this. I will be adding this to my page on Jenkins.

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Francesca, I don't know of any way of knowing when they may be reviewed again....perhaps more importantly, we are now finding

new versions of the same document but from other sources (say an FBI copy of a CIA document) showing up with no redactions

when the other version is highly redacted. Stu Wexler just finished obtaining some Martino related documents from us and

we had to get three or four different versions of each just on the off chance some would be less redacted...which some were. But

it gets pretty expensive covering all the bases.

-- Larry

..........under status it has: 'released with deletions', the date of it's last review being 2998.

obviously I meant 1998! Although we will probably still be waiting for records to be released come 2998 if the CIA et al have their way..... :)

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  • 3 months later...

Larry Hancock, Someone Would Have Talked (2006) on Carl Jenkins:

On May 16, 1996, Buttimer followed up the telephone call with a letter to Wheaton in which she offered to meet with Wheaton should he find himself in the Washington D.C. area. We have also a copy of another letter from Buttimer to Wheaton in which she refers to a personal meeting with him in July 1996, at which time Wheaton delivered additional reference material to Buttimer. Unfortunately no contact report has been found for this meeting.

There is no further record of any contact by Buttimer or anyone else from the ARRB with Wheaton. In March, 1998 he again faxed the Board and noted that Buttimer seemed to have departed from the Board. He was never contacted again and only received generic Board news releases. The only response to his effort at follow-up is a very general reply from Eileen Sullivan, Press and Public Affairs Officer. In this "form letter" response, she refers to the Board as having received thousands of leads and suggestions and not being able to link any document releases to information provided by a particular individual.

Apart from this generic "thank you," there is no expression of further interest from the Board. And there was no further record of any comment from Gene Wheaton on the subject until Malcolm Blunt located the Wheaton ARRB files and brought them to the attention of this author, who then pursued the matter with the help of William Law. Law contacted and interviewed Wheaton in 2005, where he confirmed what was in the ARRB records.

A good deal of background research has been done on the Wheaton documents and on the names which Wheaton eventually disclosed to the ARRB in the documents submitted to Buttermer. These include the CV which Wheaton eventually identified as that of Carl Elmer Jenkins; a copy of Jenkin's passport circa 1983; and business cards for Carl Jenkins (ECM Corporation - International Security Assistance Specialists, New York, Washington DC, California, PO Box in Falls Church Va., Consultants for Human Development, Falls Church Va., identified as a mail drop and National Air, Liaison Officer). The National Air card has a note on it indicating that Jenkins had connected Wheaton to Raphael "Chi Chi" Quintero, Nestor Sanchez, Nestor Pino, Bill Bode, Rob Owen, and Vaughn Forrest.

Research confirms that beyond a doubt, Carl Jenkins was indeed a senior CIA officer who worked on paramilitary activities in support of the Bay of Pigs project and that by 1963-64 he was indeed directly involved with the AM/WORLD project, with Artime (AM/BIDDY) and Quintero (AM/JAVA-4).

In September, 1963 Jenkins wrote a general memo describing Artime's operational philosophy and concepts. This summarized his views about commando teams, infiltration teams, and guerrilla actions. The memo addresses military operations as Artime conceives them to be organized and conducted under a single organization (AM/WORLD) in which the Cubans can have faith. In a section on Commandos, there is discussion of the use of abductions and assassinations targeted against Cuban G-2 intelligence informants, agents, officers, and foreign Communists to raise the morale of people inside Cuba.'

In December, 1964, Jenkins prepared a summary report of Quintero's visit to Europe for a dialogue with Rolando Cubela in preparation for further meetings with Artime. The goal of this meeting was to develop contacts with a group inside Cuba which was capable of "eliminating Fidel Castro and of seizing and holding Havana, at least for an appreciable time that would be sufficient to justify recognition."'

There seems to be no doubt that Jenkins was indeed involved in a very special project in 1963-64 just as the CV Wheaton provided to the ARRB indicates. It should be noted that these AM/ WORLD activities were completely segmented from JM/WAVE and communications from Jenkins and Hecksher were not run through JM/WAVE. In fact ' the AM/ WORLD group operated its own facility in Miami (cryptonym "LORK")...

There seems some reason to at least speculate that both Quintero (who became second in command to Artime) and Rodriguez (who also joined Artime's offshore autonomous effort in 1963) may have been associated with CIA paramilitary officer Carl Jenkins before the Bay of Pigs. It also seems possible that Rodriguez may have been involved with the assassination project described in the NPIC memo and that the project was overseen by Carl Jenkins-this being the operation described by the NPIC personnel.

It appears that Carl Jenkins' paramilitary activities in support of Cuban operations were exactly as described to Gene Wheaton and exactly as summarized in the Jenkins CV submitted to the ARRB. There is also no doubt that Jenkins was very closely associated with Quintero in this period, as described by Wheaton. There are two books in print that also confirm these descriptions of Jenkins.

In The Death Merchant: The Rise and Fall of Edwin P. Wilson, author Joseph Goulden presents information from the CIA officer whom Quintero went to when he became suspicious of an assassination assignment being promoted to Quintero and other exiles by Ed Wilson. The officer (given the pseudonym "Brad Rockford") talks about entering the CIA on detached duty from the Marines, being career paramilitary, and running CIA paramilitaries out of JM/WAVE. It seems clear that Rockford was in fact Carl Jenkins.

In his book Manhunt: The Incredible Pursuit of a CIA Agent Turned Terrorist, Peter Maas mentions Carl Jenkins by name as the case officer for Quintero prior to the Bay of Pigs. Quintero was part of an advance team sent in before the invasion by Jenkins. After the landing failed, he hid out in Cuba for six weeks before making his way back to Florida. Afterwards Clines would assume a case officer role for Quintero, who would go on make to a number of sabotage and assassination missions into Cuba."

It seems worth pointing out that Jenkins' name has never been mentioned in any of the numerous works on the Bay of Pigs, the Miami station, or the secret war against Castro. Prior to this investigation of Wheaton's ARRB communications, Carl Jenkins had a far lower profile than even David Morales.

Interestingly, Gene Wheaton recommended that William Law read these books in a 2005 interview. Wheaton suggested that they would describe the individuals he had been associating with or had source information on from what has become known as Iran-Contra.

Additionally, it is of interest that Ted Shackley and Tom Clines (who was to succeed Jenkins as Quintero's case officer) would be familiar names from both JM/WAVE and the Wilson affair. It is also of interest that David Morales's long time friend Ruben independently mentioned that Morales had introduced him to Shackley, Clines and Wilson on a trip to Virginia-and later, to Artime...

Carl Jerkins was a senior CIA officer with exactly the background described by Wheaton to the ARRB. Rafael Quintero was a well respected, covert operations activist associated with anti-Castro and anti-Communist activities over several decades. He was taken seriously at the highest levels of the Kennedy administration. Indeed, DDP Richard Helms himself once commented on an Operational Plan drafted by Quintero to Thomas Parrott, Executive Assistant to the Military Representative of the President in June of 1962."

Quintero had presented the plan to Attorney General Robert Kennedy and General Maxwell Taylor. Beyond that, Quintero was one of only a handful of exiles to be brought into both the AM/ WORLD and AM/LASH (Cubela) projects, initiated by Fitzgerald and eventually turned over the Artime autonomous group project. Quintero was well enough respected to be brought into the secret "extra-governmental" Contra effort, and was eventually solicited by Edward Wilson for an assassination project. In both cases Quintero eventually determined that improper activities were going on and informed on them, in the case of Wilson through his old friend Carl Jenkins.

Gene Wheaton claims that he heard discussions of the conspiracy that killed John Kennedy in Dallas during the time when he was in close personal touch with both Jenkins and Quintero. He never raised this issue when he himself attempted to blow the whistle on various aspects of the Contra supply project. He only raised it confidentially to the ARRB-and was quite surprised to find that his correspondence had been released to public view.

However when interviewed in 2005, he continued to stand by his story that he heard from people involved in the "secret war," who knew that Cuban exiles were incited to execute President Kennedy. These individuals had their own agendas. The exile shooters considered themselves above all as patriots. They had been trained to assassinate Fidel Castro, but in the end they turned their guns on John Kennedy.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Sorry that I have not returned to add my 2 cents to the Forum since I discovered it this past spring. Health problems have consumed me in the past few years. To start with I had met Carl Jenkins at a party thrown by a magazine editor. I met both Carl and his wife. I knew him as a retired Military ops. Guy and his wife as a current psychologist at the company. Being from Minnesota I got along with her because of her Wisconsin birth and upbringing. I was surprised at Carl’s acceptance of my working at the Project of Military Procurement and working with the Military Reform Movement. While most conservatives were not crazy about anyone attacking the Pentagon, not only did it not bother Carl he was very encouraging. After meeting Jenkins I found out that he knew a friend of mine retired Lt. Col. Carl Bernard from service in Laos and possibly further back in Indonesia.

As it turned out I lived close to Carl and spent time visiting at night at a safe house he ran close to his town house. Like many of us conservatives he was not crazy about George Bush for President. I remember one night at Otoole’s Bar ( Agency hang out in Langley) Carl showing me a picture on the wall where George Bush and Agency people had held the first meeting for his Presidential Bid. Sometime later the picture disappeared before the bar closed (Jenkins was not in the picture).

Along with his dislike of Bush for President he was upset that the White House NSC was being used as an active intelligence operation rather than a clearing house from other intelligence agencies for the President. In particular Lt. Col. Oliver North’s activities bothered him. To such a point that in June of 1986 I set up a meeting for him with the then Commandant of the Marine Corp. I had met the S2 of the Headquarters Marine Corp socially and he arranged the meeting in which Carl (being an ex-Marine) had tried to get Lt. Col. North transferred out of the White House. His argument was that if he stayed in his current position he would be an embarrassment to the Corp. Having been a Marine for a short time myself I understood the pride Marines had for the honor of the Corp. I believe that the Marine Corp did try to transfer North but it was thwarted. As I recall the meeting took place on a Thursday and 2 days later I suffered a major heart attack. Two ambulances from the same county showed up and had a fight over me and the second one to arrive won and took me to a hospital that was not mine and there they saved my life. Unfortunately I lost half of my heart function. I am alive today because of a heart transplant in 2005. Of the number of people involved in Iran Contra that had heart attacks I believe that I was the only one that lived.

I will try and add to the story as I have time and would address any questions that Forum members might have. A couple of heart surgeries screw up your memory a little bit. It seems that I am affected most when it comes to remembering names.

Thank you for posting this. Was it a coincidence that so many people involved in the Iran-Contra business had heart-attacks? It also happened to several CIA operatives who were due to appear before the House Select Committee on Assassinations in the late 1970s.

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John, you know how reluctant I am to debunk conspiracy theories, and I will not dismiss the possibilty that some witnesses were removed through surreptitious means, but would you agree that the stress of being involved in such events COULD lead to cardiac failure? I suspect many cardiologists would agree that severe stress can lead to drastic results. It might actually make an interesting subject. One could, for example, examine how many defendants in criminal proceedings suffer premature heart attacks. All I am saying is that the stress involved in such controversies may be a factor to be considered.

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John, you know how reluctant I am to debunk conspiracy theories, and I will not dismiss the possibilty that some witnesses were removed through surreptitious means, but would you agree that the stress of being involved in such events COULD lead to cardiac failure? I suspect many cardiologists would agree that severe stress can lead to drastic results. It might actually make an interesting subject. One could, for example, examine how many defendants in criminal proceedings suffer premature heart attacks. All I am saying is that the stress involved in such controversies may be a factor to be considered.

It is indeed possible that CIA officials who died of heart attacks like William Harvey, Sheffield Edwards, David Morales and Thomas Karamessines could have been the result of stress. After all, they had a lot to be worried about. The same could be said about FBI agents who were involved in the original investigation, Louis Nicholas, Alan H. Belmont, James Cadigan, J. M. English and Donald Kaylor, who also died of heart attacks before they could appear before the HSCA. It is interesting that whereas CIA and FBI agents died of heart attacks, people outside these organizations like Malcolm Wallace, Lucien Sarti, Thomas Davis, Richard Cain, Dave Yarras, Sam Giancana, Jimmy Hoffa, Roland Masferrer, Johnny Roselli, George De Mohrenschildt, Charlie Nicoletti, William Pawley and Carlos Prio died in more violent ways.

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And don't forget the FBI's William Sullivan, "accidentally" shot before he could testify.

I'm sure that all of these deaths are coincidences.

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John, I'll be glad, tonight, to post the dates of death and ages at death of the people you mention.

It does not seem likely they would have been killed AFTER they had testified, e.g. Harvey (and Edwards I believe also). But as the saying goes, "Anything is Possible."

Re Sullivan, this should just be a warning: If you are going to be a witness in a sensitive case, save your hunting trips until after you have testified. And of course never go hunting with---never mind!

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Sorry that I have not returned to add my 2 cents to the Forum since I discovered it this past spring. Health problems have consumed me in the past few years. To start with I had met Carl Jenkins at a party thrown by a magazine editor. I met both Carl and his wife. I knew him as a retired Military ops. Guy and his wife as a current psychologist at the company. Being from Minnesota I got along with her because of her Wisconsin birth and upbringing. I was surprised at Carl’s acceptance of my working at the Project of Military Procurement and working with the Military Reform Movement. While most conservatives were not crazy about anyone attacking the Pentagon, not only did it not bother Carl he was very encouraging. After meeting Jenkins I found out that he knew a friend of mine retired Lt. Col. Carl Bernard from service in Laos and possibly further back in Indonesia.

As it turned out I lived close to Carl and spent time visiting at night at a safe house he ran close to his town house. Like many of us conservatives he was not crazy about George Bush for President. I remember one night at Otoole’s Bar ( Agency hang out in Langley) Carl showing me a picture on the wall where George Bush and Agency people had held the first meeting for his Presidential Bid. Sometime later the picture disappeared before the bar closed (Jenkins was not in the picture).

Along with his dislike of Bush for President he was upset that the White House NSC was being used as an active intelligence operation rather than a clearing house from other intelligence agencies for the President. In particular Lt. Col. Oliver North’s activities bothered him. To such a point that in June of 1986 I set up a meeting for him with the then Commandant of the Marine Corp. I had met the S2 of the Headquarters Marine Corp socially and he arranged the meeting in which Carl (being an ex-Marine) had tried to get Lt. Col. North transferred out of the White House. His argument was that if he stayed in his current position he would be an embarrassment to the Corp. Having been a Marine for a short time myself I understood the pride Marines had for the honor of the Corp. I believe that the Marine Corp did try to transfer North but it was thwarted. As I recall the meeting took place on a Thursday and 2 days later I suffered a major heart attack. Two ambulances from the same county showed up and had a fight over me and the second one to arrive won and took me to a hospital that was not mine and there they saved my life. Unfortunately I lost half of my heart function. I am alive today because of a heart transplant in 2005. Of the number of people involved in Iran Contra that had heart attacks I believe that I was the only one that lived.

I will try and add to the story as I have time and would address any questions that Forum members might have. A couple of heart surgeries screw up your memory a little bit. It seems that I am affected most when it comes to remembering names.

I am sure members have questions for Paul.

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  • 9 months later...

There is a good account of Carl Jenkins' career in Larry Hancock's Someone Would Have Talked (2006):

In the area of paramilitary operations, Rip Robertson joined the former PB/SUCCESS alumni. However the officer in charge of paramilitary operations may have been an individual not found in the official (or the CIA histories) of the Cuba project, one Carl Jenkins. According to papers submitted to the ARRB, Jenkins reportedly had served in the Marine Corp in WWII, and in the early 1950's became a CIA paramilitary, survival, evasion and escape trainer for the CIA. From 1955-1958 he served as an instructor for paramilitary tactics and resistance and trained cadre for both the Thai Border Police and the Chinese Nationalist Special Forces. He was also training and operations officer for maritime infiltration and worked in Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines.

Jenkins came into the Cuba project in 1960 and served with it until the Bay of Pigs; he performed selection and training of paramilitary cadre, selected officers, and managed small teams and individual agents in maritime infiltration of Cuba.

In general terms, it appears that while Morales dealt with the development and deployment of security and intelligence forces in conjunction with the landing, Jenkins selected and prepared paramilitary cadre for small, individual missions in advance and support of the invasion force. There are also documents which connect him to at least one Castro assassination project, involving a small team using rifles. After the Bay of Pigs, Jenkins became Special Warfare Advisor to I Corps in Danang, South Vietnam prior to returning for further service with Cuban exiles in 1963...

1963 saw the inauguration of a new and highly confidential project. The CIA cryptonym for its activities in the project was AM/WORLD. In general terms the project involved a new attempt to establish an autonomous Cuban leadership which could assemble the military force and political clout to produce a coup inside Cuba and create the conditions for the United States to come to the aid of a new, non-communist Cuban leadership. Manuel Artime (AM/BIDDY-1) was a key figure in this project and a small task group was organized to support AM/WORLD; it operated out of compartmentalized facilities in the Miami Station (LORKE) and conducted activities in venues ranging from New York to Mexico City to Spain. Henry Hecksher was attached to AM/WORLD as Artime's case officer (among other responsibilities). Carl Jenkins was brought back to oversee paramilitary support and serve as case officer to Artime's second in command, Rolando Quintero (AMJAVA-4).

Jenkins and Hecksher were also involved in the Artime's initial travel to Europe for contact with Rolando Cubela (AM/LASH). These AM/WORLD activities began in mid-1963 and continued through 1964. Very few CIA station personnel were allowed knowledge of the AM/WORLD project; in Mexico City the only officer authorized for AM/WORLD was David Phillips.

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  • 3 months later...

I received this email from Carl Jenkins' granddaughter:

"How dare you print that bs about my grandfather? u dont know him, he raised me, I know exactly where he was during the 80's and what he was doing so find another theory loser."

I replied:

"Could you let me know what you object to on my page on your grandfather. He is welcome to submit a statement in his defence that I promise to add to the page."

I then received this interesting response:

"Sorry for the hysterical comment. I just love my grandfather. We honestly laugh about these stories, as far as him commenting, thats not going to happen. There are stories that will be told when the time is right but I don't think any of them will have much to do with JFK. If so, I will let you know."

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