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25th Anniv of Lennon Murder

Tim Gratz

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John Lennon, in my estimation, was an incredibly talented singer, songwriter and musician...and one who just happened to be in the right place at the right time with the right bandmates to gain fame and fortune. Nothing mystical there...just another man who used his talents, and was rewarded by the public.

While SOME of the "Beatlemania" generation might have followed him anywhere, many of us had moved on in our lives. What that means is, that in 1980, it was entirely possible that his 1980 "Double Fantasy" album just might have crashed and burned like his '72 effort...so there was no guarantee of a "Pied Piper" effect, and therefore Nixon et al had little reason--aside from Nixon's terminal paranoia--to "snuff" Lennon.

While I think it's worthwhile to recognize Lennon's life and death, I see no more need to idolize him in 2005 than I did in 1980...or 1976, or at any other time in his career.

You wanna idolize someone based on record sales? Try Garth Brooks. You wanna idolize someone based upon song lyrics? Try the artist formerly known as Cat Stevens, for "Peace Train." Personally, while I concede that Lennon and the others deserve recognition, they are, after all, only mortals doing what they do. And I don't think there's a pedestal reserved for any of them...at least not in MY home. But following the hype of society, it would be terribly easy to make John Lennon more in death than he actually was in life.

Speaking of Cat Steven's n/k/a Yousef Islam. Peace Train is a great song, and while I admit I did not follow the story closely, I did find the fact that he was 'denied access to the United States awhile back' a little disconcerting to say the least. The man as far as I know, is not affiliated with "Al-Qaeda" (if anyone has CREDIBLE information to the contrary, please let me know) and not allowed to come to the "land of the brave, and home of the free."

What is one to make of this 'move' by the Bush administration?

A sincere desire to protect our country from 'terrorists?' or something entirely different.

As an aside; last night while posting on the forum (with the T.V. on, which I was not watching, but could hear) there was a commerical for some new medication.

I didn't catch the name of it, but at the end of the spot, you know the 'disclaimer part,' I heard the words,

"may be harmful to unborn children."

Is it just me or are we entering a 'brave new world' where any medication that has a remotely useful purpose can be approved by the F.D.A. as long as the disclaimer 'doesent say.'

'Side effects may include instantaneous death?'

Just wondering.


Unfortunately, one of my four daughters took my CD collection up north when she moved. Cat was an all time favorite, and getting his work wasn't easy at all. However, I miss my stacks of "Black Lady, ec." South African music also, and can't really do without "Bobby's" Reggae !!

I was in a safe-house [next to the U.S. Consul's, which got shot up] up in "Armour Heights", Kingston -- the day Bobby died. Berry Seal had left two days previous.

So, I just might take the "Music Clubs" up on their offers, and rebuild my collection ?!




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As an aside; last night while posting on the forum (with the T.V. on, which I was not watching, but) there was a commerical for some new medication.

I didn't catch the name of it, but at the end of the spot, you know the 'disclaimer part,' I heard the words,

"may be harmful to unborn children."

Is it just me or are we entering a 'brave new world' where any medication that has a remotely useful purpose can be approved by the F.D.A. as long as the disclaimer 'doesent say.'

'Side effects may include instantaneous death?'

Just wondering.

Actually the US is one of the toughest countries to get medication approved

Robert - That warning was directed at women who are or might be pregnant. Obviously any medication taken by a pregnant woman will reach the fetus. Such warnings are common. Doctors normally ask women of childbearing age if they are [or might be] prenant before perscribing medication.

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As an aside; last night while posting on the forum (with the T.V. on, which I was not watching, but) there was a commerical for some new medication.

I didn't catch the name of it, but at the end of the spot, you know the 'disclaimer part,' I heard the words,

"may be harmful to unborn children."

Is it just me or are we entering a 'brave new world' where any medication that has a remotely useful purpose can be approved by the F.D.A. as long as the disclaimer 'doesent say.'

'Side effects may include instantaneous death?'

Just wondering.

Actually the US is one of the toughest countries to get medication approved

Robert - That warning was directed at women who are or might be pregnant. Obviously any medication taken by a pregnant woman will reach the fetus. Such warnings are common. Doctors normally ask women of childbearing age if they are [or might be] prenant before perscribing medication.

I accept your premise, but what I am getting at is that the disclaimers in general (to me, and other people I have spoken with about this, (who by the way are generally not that interested in conspiracy theories, in general,) have a consensus that "who would want to take this stuff, when the 'potential?' side effects seem practically as bad as what they are ostensibly supposed to treat?"

It presents the concept that maybe the main premise to it all is more about making a buck, as opposed to doing what was formerly known as the 'common good'

What is your view?

Edited by Robert Howard
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Just out of curiosity lynne/Matt: Do you have an occupation? Someplace where you go and get paid to actually work?

Most of us here state what we do for a living in our bios. As an attorney I am in court a lot, but this week has been blissfully quiet, thus my ability to come to the forum a lot more than usual and just chill, after an overly hectic two months prior. So I have noticed that you are able to come her all day long. Thus my question.

If you bother to answer I shall ask someone else. You'd think tho you'd post it in your bio.

Maybe coming to this forum IS your job. Justa thought.


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A Surprise for LIttle Bobby

by John Lennon

It was Little Bobby's birthmark today and he got a surprise. His very fist was jobbed off, (The War), and he got a birthday hook!

All his life Bobby had wanted his very own hook; and now on his 39th birthday his pwayers had been answered. Tho only trouble was that they had sent him a left hoock and ebery dobby knows that it was Bobby's right fist that was missing as it were.

What to do was not the only problem: Anyway he jobbed off his lest hand and it fitted like a glove. Maybe next year he will get a right hook, who knows?

(From "In His Own Write", 1964)

too funny!!

I had to post this today, after all John was about a lot of things, laughter not the least of them.


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Guest Stephen Turner

OH MY GOD SHE'S SPAMMING HERE NOW....A question, do you have one original thought in your head, or is it,as oscar Wilde said.."Your book is both original, and well written, unfortunately, whats original is not well written, and whats well written is not original"....

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