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Dealy Plaza Survey Data

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The "New Math" program in which 207 or 208 can be 210.

"Mr. FRAZIER - On Commission Exhibit No. 892, also marked frame No. 207, the car was moved forward under the tree to the point where the spot on the Presidential stand-in's back just became visible beyond the foliage of the tree. I had the car stopped at that point so that this photograph could be made there.

On Commission Exhibit No. 893, also marked frame 210, we have the photograph made at the adjusted position to accommodate the 10-inch difference in height between the stand-in and the actual position of the wound above the street and on the President's body. "


"Adjusted Position"

"Fudge Factor"

In order to determine what would be the true position of JFK at the time that the first shot was fired, which plots/plats in the approximate vicinity of what would actually be Z-204/205, one would have to have in their possession the survey notes and data from the Time/Life survey work, which establishes SCP points, and thereafter gives directions and distances from these points, to this position on Elm St.

One would also have to know, as well as fully understand, the relationship of the "Adjusted Position" and how the WC manipulations of the facts, ultimately, "carried forward" erroneous information in order to place, during their re-enactment, Z-207/208 (actually it is Z208) to the position of what is in reality shown in the actual Z-film as being Z-210.

In addition to these items, the "Jiggle Analysis" (for those who wish to do the math) will demonstrate an approximate 5 to six frame delay from the time that a shot is fired, until sound of shot reaches Zapruder.

This can be checked out with the headshot impact at Z-313. Thereafter, at Z-318, through 329 & 320, one can observe a relatively distinctive 3-frame blurring of the film.

Z-210/Z-211/Z-212 also contain this virtually identical 3-frame blurring, and for those who have done all of their homework, they would also know that the WC conveniently neglected to provide us with these frames of the film.

Therefore, it one "backs up" five to six frames from the Z-210 blur, they arrive at a shot fired in the Z-204, to Z-204 time frame.

HOWEVER, one must also take into consideration bullet "Time-of-Flight" as a correlation of exposed frames of the Z-film, which is only approximately one single frame of the film.

Therefore, a shot fired at Z-312, impacts at Z-313, with the first "jiggle" beginning at Z-318.

With this, the determination that the first shot was made in the Z-203 to Z-206 timeframe, with the mid-point being approximately Z-204/205 being the point/position on Elm St. of JFK at the time that the first shot was fired.

It should also be noted, that when this, the "Jiggle Analsyis" is compared with the Time/Life position on Elm St. for JFK at the first shot fired, "K", that they correlate almost exactly in position.

Finally, one should note that the drawing on which someone has made notes purportedly written in 1978, contains ONLY two lines imminating from the TSDB.

The first being that line which terminates on a point on Elm St. which would be in the true/approximate position of Z- 204/205.

The second line ultimately terminates at the Z-313 position.

So, Where is the Third Shot?

The answer again is quite simple!

Until the past year, I have never informed anyone of the location of the third/last/final shot fired in the assassination. That being the one which impacted directly in front of Mr. James Altgens.

So, many persons over the years in the mid-1990's were given "pieces" of the puzzle.------Never allowed to see the "Big Picture" in what the puzzle actually looked like though.

This is why Chuck Marler could not explain the significance of the "Altered Survey Data" when he contributed this information to "ASSASSINATION SCIENCE", as he did not know or understand what it was all relative too in relationship to the "Adjusted Position".

Just as they (any who received the information) were not told the reasoning as to why the WC went through this circular logic re-enactment of the assassination.

Of course, one would always want to insure that the "provenance" of such information would also be assured of being traceable back directly to the person responsible for having discovered the items, therefore an extremely safe "repository" would be the Department of Justice. (despite what many would think).

Therefore, one just might want to send them some information, as a matter of record.

And, in order to INSURE that this information is not "accidentally lost/made to disappear", one should place down the names of others who may (or may not) have received portions of the evidence.

(If at any time the Department of Justice/FBI operates under the assumption that others may have received the information, it is considerably less likely to disappear from the historical record.)

Edited by Thomas H. Purvis
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Thank you very much for this, Tom.

(initial thought)

It's hard to be accurate. Considering a not upright posture, forward tilt of camera, location of film frame in camera, the film frame itself could be as much as 1 foot below 5' 10" height? Unlikely though, perhaps about 7"?

Perhaps an elevation of 435.85 + - .3 for frame in camera at this point? And this would progressively change in elevation as Zapruder pans west (and increase if panning east).

I wonder what errors did you factor in, and across the whole pan, how important would you consider them to be?

EDIT:: just noticed last post. will read.

As one of those "short people", I stand 5' 10" in height. I therefore utilized my own exact figure determination, in establishment of the elevation for Mr. Zapruder's "eye" and thus the camera, with a slight drop for camera lense angle.

therefore, the camera elevation of 436.05 as posted.

(436.05 - 435.85 = 0.2 foot difference between out calculations.)

As to the "whole pan", my concern was ONLY with why the US Secret Service, during their re-enactment of 12/5/63, could determine an impact to JFK/reaction by JFK when he was in fact behind the sign.

Obviously, if the sign completely blocked JFK from view, then this would not have been possible.

Therefore, the work was only for the stated street elevation point of 423.48, which is in all reality the location of JFK at what we are shown as being Z-210.

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The "New Math" program in which 207 or 208 can be 210.

"Mr. FRAZIER - On Commission Exhibit No. 892, also marked frame No. 207, the car was moved forward under the tree to the point where the spot on the Presidential stand-in's back just became visible beyond the foliage of the tree. I had the car stopped at that point so that this photograph could be made there.

On Commission Exhibit No. 893, also marked frame 210, we have the photograph made at the adjusted position to accommodate the 10-inch difference in height between the stand-in and the actual position of the wound above the street and on the President's body. "


"Adjusted Position"

"Fudge Factor"

In order to determine what would be the true position of JFK at the time that the first shot was fired, which plots/plats in the approximate vicinity of what would actually be Z-204/205, one would have to have in their possession the survey notes and data from the Time/Life survey work, which establishes SCP points, and thereafter gives directions and distances from these points, to this position on Elm St.

One would also have to know, as well as fully understand, the relationship of the "Adjusted Position" and how the WC manipulations of the facts, ultimately, "carried forward" erroneous information in order to place, during their re-enactment, Z-207/208 (actually it is Z208) to the position of what is in reality shown in the actual Z-film as being Z-210.

In addition to these items, the "Jiggle Analysis" (for those who wish to do the math) will demonstrate an approximate 5 to six frame delay from the time that a shot is fired, until sound of shot reaches Zapruder.

This can be checked out with the headshot impact at Z-313. Thereafter, at Z-318, through 329 & 320, one can observe a relatively distinctive 3-frame blurring of the film.

Z-210/Z-211/Z-212 also contain this virtually identical 3-frame blurring, and for those who have done all of their homework, they would also know that the WC conveniently neglected to provide us with these frames of the film.

Therefore, it one "backs up" five to six frames from the Z-210 blur, they arrive at a shot fired in the Z-204, to Z-204 time frame.

HOWEVER, one must also take into consideration bullet "Time-of-Flight" as a correlation of exposed frames of the Z-film, which is only approximately one single frame of the film.

Therefore, a shot fired at Z-312, impacts at Z-313, with the first "jiggle" beginning at Z-318.

With this, the determination that the first shot was made in the Z-203 to Z-206 timeframe, with the mid-point being approximately Z-204/205 being the point/position on Elm St. of JFK at the time that the first shot was fired.

It should also be noted, that when this, the "Jiggle Analsyis" is compared with the Time/Life position on Elm St. for JFK at the first shot fired, "K", that they correlate almost exactly in position.

Finally, one should note that the drawing on which someone has made notes purportedly written in 1978, contains ONLY two lines imminating from the TSDB.

The first being that line which terminates on a point on Elm St. which would be in the true/approximate position of Z- 204/205.

The second line ultimately terminates at the Z-313 position.

So, Where is the Third Shot?

The answer again is quite simple!

Until the past year, I have never informed anyone of the location of the third/last/final shot fired in the assassination. That being the one which impacted directly in front of Mr. James Altgens.

So, many persons over the years in the mid-1990's were given "pieces" of the puzzle.------Never allowed to see the "Big Picture" in what the puzzle actually looked like though.

This is why Chuck Marler could not explain the significance of the "Altered Survey Data" when he contributed this information to "ASSASSINATION SCIENCE", as he did not know or understand what it was all relative too in relationship to the "Adjusted Position".

Just as they (any who received the information) were not told the reasoning as to why the WC went through this circular logic re-enactment of the assassination.

Of course, one would always want to insure that the "provenance" of such information would also be assured of being traceable back directly to the person responsible for having discovered the items, therefore an extremely safe "repository" would be the Department of Justice. (despite what many would think).

Therefore, one just might want to send them some information, as a matter of record.

And, in order to INSURE that this information is not "accidentally lost/made to disappear", one should place down the names of others who may (or may not) have received portions of the evidence.

(If at any time the Department of Justice/FBI operates under the assumption that others may have received the information, it is considerably less likely to disappear from the historical record.)

Even in the case of "Correspondence Course's of Instruction" which have been sent to the Federal Government, if one is to determine their learned knowledge, then an adequate testing device must be provided.

And, as any "good" instructor should know, a "Test" is merely a portion of the learning experience and Course of Instruction, as well as a means of evaluating learning.

(not to mention the "Provenance" which such a test may provide)

The "New Math" program in which 207 or 208 can be 210.

"Mr. FRAZIER - On Commission Exhibit No. 892, also marked frame No. 207, the car was moved forward under the tree to the point where the spot on the Presidential stand-in's back just became visible beyond the foliage of the tree. I had the car stopped at that point so that this photograph could be made there.

On Commission Exhibit No. 893, also marked frame 210, we have the photograph made at the adjusted position to accommodate the 10-inch difference in height between the stand-in and the actual position of the wound above the street and on the President's body. "


"Adjusted Position"

"Fudge Factor"

In order to determine what would be the true position of JFK at the time that the first shot was fired, which plots/plats in the approximate vicinity of what would actually be Z-204/205, one would have to have in their possession the survey notes and data from the Time/Life survey work, which establishes SCP points, and thereafter gives directions and distances from these points, to this position on Elm St.

One would also have to know, as well as fully understand, the relationship of the "Adjusted Position" and how the WC manipulations of the facts, ultimately, "carried forward" erroneous information in order to place, during their re-enactment, Z-207/208 (actually it is Z208) to the position of what is in reality shown in the actual Z-film as being Z-210.

In addition to these items, the "Jiggle Analysis" (for those who wish to do the math) will demonstrate an approximate 5 to six frame delay from the time that a shot is fired, until sound of shot reaches Zapruder.

This can be checked out with the headshot impact at Z-313. Thereafter, at Z-318, through 329 & 320, one can observe a relatively distinctive 3-frame blurring of the film.

Z-210/Z-211/Z-212 also contain this virtually identical 3-frame blurring, and for those who have done all of their homework, they would also know that the WC conveniently neglected to provide us with these frames of the film.

Therefore, it one "backs up" five to six frames from the Z-210 blur, they arrive at a shot fired in the Z-204, to Z-204 time frame.

HOWEVER, one must also take into consideration bullet "Time-of-Flight" as a correlation of exposed frames of the Z-film, which is only approximately one single frame of the film.

Therefore, a shot fired at Z-312, impacts at Z-313, with the first "jiggle" beginning at Z-318.

With this, the determination that the first shot was made in the Z-203 to Z-206 timeframe, with the mid-point being approximately Z-204/205 being the point/position on Elm St. of JFK at the time that the first shot was fired.

It should also be noted, that when this, the "Jiggle Analsyis" is compared with the Time/Life position on Elm St. for JFK at the first shot fired, "K", that they correlate almost exactly in position.

Finally, one should note that the drawing on which someone has made notes purportedly written in 1978, contains ONLY two lines imminating from the TSDB.

The first being that line which terminates on a point on Elm St. which would be in the true/approximate position of Z- 204/205.

The second line ultimately terminates at the Z-313 position.

So, Where is the Third Shot?

The answer again is quite simple!

Until the past year, I have never informed anyone of the location of the third/last/final shot fired in the assassination. That being the one which impacted directly in front of Mr. James Altgens.

So, many persons over the years in the mid-1990's were given "pieces" of the puzzle.------Never allowed to see the "Big Picture" in what the puzzle actually looked like though.

This is why Chuck Marler could not explain the significance of the "Altered Survey Data" when he contributed this information to "ASSASSINATION SCIENCE", as he did not know or understand what it was all relative too in relationship to the "Adjusted Position".

Just as they (any who received the information) were not told the reasoning as to why the WC went through this circular logic re-enactment of the assassination.

Of course, one would always want to insure that the "provenance" of such information would also be assured of being traceable back directly to the person responsible for having discovered the items, therefore an extremely safe "repository" would be the Department of Justice. (despite what many would think).

Therefore, one just might want to send them some information, as a matter of record.

And, in order to INSURE that this information is not "accidentally lost/made to disappear", one should place down the names of others who may (or may not) have received portions of the evidence.

(If at any time the Department of Justice/FBI operates under the assumption that others may have received the information, it is considerably less likely to disappear from the historical record.)

Even in the case of "Correspondence Course's of Instruction" which have been sent to the Federal Government, if one is to determine their learned knowledge, then an adequate testing device must be provided.

And, as any "good" instructor should know, a "Test" is merely a portion of the learning experience and Course of Instruction, as well as a means of evaluating learning.

(not to mention the "Provenance" which such a test may provide)

The "New Math" program in which 207 or 208 can be 210.

"Mr. FRAZIER - On Commission Exhibit No. 892, also marked frame No. 207, the car was moved forward under the tree to the point where the spot on the Presidential stand-in's back just became visible beyond the foliage of the tree. I had the car stopped at that point so that this photograph could be made there.

On Commission Exhibit No. 893, also marked frame 210, we have the photograph made at the adjusted position to accommodate the 10-inch difference in height between the stand-in and the actual position of the wound above the street and on the President's body. "


"Adjusted Position"

"Fudge Factor"

In order to determine what would be the true position of JFK at the time that the first shot was fired, which plots/plats in the approximate vicinity of what would actually be Z-204/205, one would have to have in their possession the survey notes and data from the Time/Life survey work, which establishes SCP points, and thereafter gives directions and distances from these points, to this position on Elm St.

One would also have to know, as well as fully understand, the relationship of the "Adjusted Position" and how the WC manipulations of the facts, ultimately, "carried forward" erroneous information in order to place, during their re-enactment, Z-207/208 (actually it is Z208) to the position of what is in reality shown in the actual Z-film as being Z-210.

In addition to these items, the "Jiggle Analysis" (for those who wish to do the math) will demonstrate an approximate 5 to six frame delay from the time that a shot is fired, until sound of shot reaches Zapruder.

This can be checked out with the headshot impact at Z-313. Thereafter, at Z-318, through 329 & 320, one can observe a relatively distinctive 3-frame blurring of the film.

Z-210/Z-211/Z-212 also contain this virtually identical 3-frame blurring, and for those who have done all of their homework, they would also know that the WC conveniently neglected to provide us with these frames of the film.

Therefore, it one "backs up" five to six frames from the Z-210 blur, they arrive at a shot fired in the Z-204, to Z-204 time frame.

HOWEVER, one must also take into consideration bullet "Time-of-Flight" as a correlation of exposed frames of the Z-film, which is only approximately one single frame of the film.

Therefore, a shot fired at Z-312, impacts at Z-313, with the first "jiggle" beginning at Z-318.

With this, the determination that the first shot was made in the Z-203 to Z-206 timeframe, with the mid-point being approximately Z-204/205 being the point/position on Elm St. of JFK at the time that the first shot was fired.

It should also be noted, that when this, the "Jiggle Analsyis" is compared with the Time/Life position on Elm St. for JFK at the first shot fired, "K", that they correlate almost exactly in position.

Finally, one should note that the drawing on which someone has made notes purportedly written in 1978, contains ONLY two lines imminating from the TSDB.

The first being that line which terminates on a point on Elm St. which would be in the true/approximate position of Z- 204/205.

The second line ultimately terminates at the Z-313 position.

So, Where is the Third Shot?

The answer again is quite simple!

Until the past year, I have never informed anyone of the location of the third/last/final shot fired in the assassination. That being the one which impacted directly in front of Mr. James Altgens.

So, many persons over the years in the mid-1990's were given "pieces" of the puzzle.------Never allowed to see the "Big Picture" in what the puzzle actually looked like though.

This is why Chuck Marler could not explain the significance of the "Altered Survey Data" when he contributed this information to "ASSASSINATION SCIENCE", as he did not know or understand what it was all relative too in relationship to the "Adjusted Position".

Just as they (any who received the information) were not told the reasoning as to why the WC went through this circular logic re-enactment of the assassination.

Of course, one would always want to insure that the "provenance" of such information would also be assured of being traceable back directly to the person responsible for having discovered the items, therefore an extremely safe "repository" would be the Department of Justice. (despite what many would think).

Therefore, one just might want to send them some information, as a matter of record.

And, in order to INSURE that this information is not "accidentally lost/made to disappear", one should place down the names of others who may (or may not) have received portions of the evidence.

(If at any time the Department of Justice/FBI operates under the assumption that others may have received the information, it is considerably less likely to disappear from the historical record.)

Even in the case of "Correspondence Course's of Instruction" which have been sent to the Federal Government, if one is to determine their learned knowledge, then an adequate testing device must be provided.

And, as any "good" instructor should know, a "Test" is merely a portion of the learning experience and Course of Instruction, as well as a means of evaluating learning.

(not to mention the "Provenance" which such a test may provide)

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Back to the Curb Marks!

A drawing/copy of survey plat, purportedly marked/written on by Paul Hardin, has been submitted into evidence as representing actual items related to survey work conducted at some point and time in Dealy Plaza by the Robert West Survey Company.

Among those items written onto the drawing/plat, is included comments which indicate that at what would be Z233, that according to "Life Connally Here", represents a point at which the Time/Life survey work of 11/26/63 would indicate that JBC was hit at some point shortly after having exited from behind the road sign.

First off, and a point to which I will address later, the Time/Life Survey of 11/26/63, makes ABSOLUTELY NO reference to any shot striking JBC.

And, even were one not to have in their possession the survey plats & survey notes, they should be aware of the simple fact that it was the FBI/JEH who later claimed that JBC was hit just as he exited from behind the road sign.

This complete LIE by the FBI is a part of the "Genesis" of the multiple assassin scenario,s which ultimately culminated in the SBT theory.

The US Secret Service completed their survey and assassination re-enactment on 12/5/63, as previously referenced.

This, is the single most accurate representation of the facts which exists in relationship to the assassination.

Nevertheless, it left OPEN many questions which someone obviously did not want to have to answer.

Therefore, on February 7, 1964, the FBI had Mr. West do some simple measurement work in Dealy Plaza, and thereafter create "NEW" survey plat.

The US Secret Service work of 12/5/63, was made to disappear, and Hoover let it be known that the assassination was now resolved.

1. First shot--------JFK behind sign.

2. Second shot-----To JBC shortly after exit from behind sign.

3. Third shot-------To JFK at Z-313.

With this scenario, the disappearance of the true final and third shot, down by Mr. Altgens's position, began to disappear.

However, JEH sent his "kite" up to see how it would fly, and the AA (anti-aircraft) fire, immediately filled it full of holes.

ERGO! If JFK was hit just behind the sign, and then JBC was hit shortly after emerging from behind the sign, then there must have been two assassins, as the distance from Z-210 to Z-233/235 is only 22 to 25 frames of the Z-film, which @ 18.3 frames per second = 1.4 seconds maximum elapsed time between shots.

With this survey plat now slightly "full of holes" and the JBC lie of the Z-233/235 Connally hit now exposed, this survey plat too went into hiding along with the relatively accurate SS Survey Plat and the 66% accurate Time/Life Survey Plat.

So, the "JBC Hit Here" has absolutely nothing to do with the Time/Life Survey work and resulting survey plat.

It has to do with Mr. West leaving his office and going down to Elm St. and measuring off some distances which the FBI gave to him, and thereafter generation of a new Survey Plat dated 2/7/64, in which the Third/Last/Final shot which struck JFK directly in front of James Altgens, as surveyed in during the SS work of 12/5/63, was made to disappear.

Then suddenly, on this new survey plat, Z-313 was the impact point for the last shot fired, and a shot impact point was moved back between the road sign and the Z-313 impact point.

Lastly, I might add that this was not the end of the FBI work!

After the May 1964 work done by the WC, the FBI approached Mr. West and thereafter had him again make corrections to the previously corrected (2/7/64) change to the SS Survey plat of (12/5/63).

In this correction, which was done on June 25, 1964, no survey work was conducted.

The FBI now merely had Mr. West eliminate the mythological " in between shot" which had been made to disappear from the SS Plat and which had re-appeared in the 2/7/64 FBI plat, in between the Z-210 (sign) shot and Z-313.

The full intent of this later and subsequent modification for the FBI, which now left only the two shots platted, is not fully known.

It would appear that in some manner or another, JEH/the FBI was making an attempt to "cover it's tracks" and make the 2/7/64 survey plat also disappear as well.

Which, until now, it has.

Obviously, it too is not that "Magic", in that although it managed to disappear for some 40-plus years, it's hiding place was actually found in the early 1990's.

Edited by Thomas H. Purvis
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LEE: In the meanwhile, I will also ask Don Roberdeau the 2 questions

at hand, as relate to where the reference info came from on his plat - the

yellow marks, and the alleged 'curb strike' on Elm.

....Good Day Lee.... Please view the following ROBERT WEST

surveyed map (one of several different surveyed maps he did for the

warrenatti from 1963-64), in case it does not appear here. If I recall

correctly, I received and enlarged that ROBERT WEST surveyed map

and read where it was written "AREA OF BULLET SHOT ON CURB"

about 4 or 5 years before I started posting publicly on the internet in




The first time I read "AREA OF BULLET SHOT ON CURB" that appears

on the ROBERT WEST map I first wondered--and still do--from where

and/or who WEST obtained the information(s) to document that on his

surveyed street contour map. Then I immediately recalled the often

overlooked warrenatti 1964 testimony of JEAN HILL, in which she

testified that she was told by an "agent" that another "agent"--WHO WAS

IN DEALEY PLAZA DURING THE ATTACK--had seen an attack bullet

strike and kick up debris near JEAN. (of course, there, "officially," was no

other "agents" stationed in Dealey Plaza, so, the warrenatti have

*forgotten* about JEAN testifying to any "agents" and a bullet striking

near her)

Recall also that in 1966 CHARLES BREHM is documented on film stating

to LANE that he watched something traject away leftward and behind President KENNEDY

and landed at the Elm Street south curb near BREHM.... As documented, the oval

"AREA OF BULLET SHOT ON CURB" spreads to BREHM's front left

and his right.... A bullet, barely tangentially striking President KENNEDY,

source-triggered from the HSCA determined GK picket fence assassin, or,

triggered from a north triple overpass vertical sewer assassin, could very well

have exited and, carrying with it observed head debris, trajected behind

and to the left of the president into the "AREA OF BULLET SHOT ON

CURB" zone, exactly as WWII U.S. Army Ranger, D-Day and battles

experienced BREHM was attracted to watch.

Perhaps one of the reasons (or the very reason) that specific ROBERT

WEST surveyed map was originally re-printed small enough to make it

hard to read the annotated "AREA OF BULLET SHOT ON CURB" was

BECAUSE it does detail the oval with "AREA OF BULLET SHOT ON CURB,"

and the warrenatti, again, deliberately, tried (but failed, yet again) to

conceal even more information from We, The People.

The eight (8) Elm Street south curb yellow painted strips are all visible--some

easier to see than others--within the ZAPRUDER film, and, they are also

visible in post-attack aerial and ground sourced films and photos captured

within weeks of 22NOV63. I was told the reason for the yellow strips was

to provide them on a car driver side of the road so the car driver would be

alerted to Elm Street curving to the right before reaching the cement

vertical supports of the triple overpass, and being so alerted a driver (and

a driver who had never driven down the street and/or a drunk driver) would

not drive straight into the cement supports, as had actually occured prior

to 22NOV63. The reason the yellow strips were closer together the closer

a driver approached the vertical cement supports was to alert the driver

more frequently.... which makes sense, especially if the yellow strips

reflected car lights at night to a driver/drunk driver.... A driver located on

the east end of Elm Street (e.g. viewed from adjacent to the warrenatti-posnerian-"magic-limbed-ricochet-tree" :tomatoes )

could/would have been attracted to see the yellow strips from that

distance and line of sight, as appearing very close together.

If I can ever help, Please feel free to contact me directly, Anytime.

Best Regards in Research. Honored to be yours in the pursuit of The Truth,


Don Roberdeau

U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John," Plank Walker

Sooner or later, The Truth emerges Clearly

Dealey Plaza Professionally-surveyed Map, Witnesses, Evidence, Info, etc.

ROSEMARY WILLIS Headsnap Westward Towards "Grassy Knoll" Discovery

BOND Photos Do Not Support GORDON ARNOLD's Presence

President Kennedy.... "4 Principles" speech & Don Roberdeau research/discoveries

T ogether

E veryone

A chieves

M ore



"It's exactly as it was. Part of the irony is it's just a

beautiful place, and for it to happen here — that sort of

fracture between beauty and terror,"

----DAVID HEATH, 22NOV63, standing in Dealey Plaza

Just perhaps one should take a look at this drawing which was allowed to be posted in JFK Lancer, some time ago, as well as having been provided to other persons some years ago.

Of particular note, one should observe:

1. The concrete steps which run North from the Zapruder pedestal to ultimately "end" at the boundary of the drawing.

Then, they should compare same this "phantom" ending with the purported 1978 drawing in order to determine if there would appear to be some point of comparison.

And since I (it would appear as obvious) have the original (two original full size copies) of the WC Drawing in my possession, I also happen to know that any copy, which is made directly from the full sized original, should demonstrate that the concrete steps continue, as well as including the Northernmost concrete pedastal.

Amazing that, in 1978, someone made a copy of the WC Survey Plat, which EXACTLY cut off the remaining portion of the concrete steps and second concrete pedestal, in the exact same location, as did my old "Slight-of-Hand" drawing which appeared in Lancer as well as being in possession of others.

What a "coincidence".

Not to mention all of the other items which will progressively be discussed and presented.

I have also included that portion of the drawing which is not shown, and includes the other concrete pedestal.

I just made this from my "working copy" of the full size survey plat.

And, I would pay extremely "close" attention to the squiggley lones over on the concrete steps and walkway.

Rest assured that there is NO squiggle in the original Survey Plat.

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Nothing amazing really. The plat Don posted is clearly the one

posted by ME about ten years ago on ALT.CONSPIRACY.JFK.

It has certain distinctive characteristics which show that it is

from the xerox copy made by Jim Marrs from a plat which

Surveyor Breneman allowed Jim to copy. Because of the large

size of the plat and the limited 11x14 copy area, Jim had to

move the original around and make three different copies to

include all of Elm Street. There is nothing SINISTER in the

fact that certain areas of the drawing may have been left

out. Jim gave me copies of the three 11x14s, and I taped

them together into a single image.

Jim gave me the copies at least 15 years ago, and I cannot

understand Tom thinking there is some sinister conspiracy

involved. I am puzzled.


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Time/Life Missing Shot

Over the past period of time, copies of the WC Survey Plat, as well as from the US Secret Service Survey Plat of 12/5/63 have been provided.

All of these copies were made directly from originals which I received directly from Mr. Robert West, and absolutely none of these survey plats address or have anything in them as relates to some purported "AREA OF BULLET SHOT ON CURB" for any location on Elm St.

In addition, there is absolutely nothing which addresses any such purported item in any of the numerous pages of survey notes from all of the various survey's which West Survey completed in Dealy Plaza.

The ABSOLUTE & ONLY reference to any curb damage is that which appears on the WC Survey Plat for the location of the Tague "hit" as has been posted.

Now to the "missing" shot of the Time/Life Survey.

During this survey work, West Survey was pointed to a spot/position on Elm St. and directed to survey it in, with the explanation that a bullet had struck the pavement at this point.

This position is directly in front of the location of the first shot/"K" position on Elm St, and slightly farther to the left side of the road, in the direction of the limousine travel.

Yet, the position is still located "behind" the view of the road sign which stood between Mr. Zapruder & his line of sight to JFK.

With the scale of the Time/Life survey plat, this would place the PAVEMENT strike/2nd shot as having occurred approximately 17.5 feet past the position identified as "K"/first shot fired.

Obviously, from what we now know of the Carcano, a second shot could not have occurred at this point, fired from this rifle.

In fact, with the known speed of the presidential limousine through this area, it would have been difficult to acquire the target and get off a second shot this quickly even with a semi-automatic rifle.

Rest assured that the PAVEMENT strike on Elm St., as demonstrated by the Time/Life Survey Plat, was thoroughly discussed with Mr. West.

Basically, Mr. West stated that they were told to survey in this point. That's it! Other than this, Mr. West adamantly stated that there was absolutely no indications in/on the Elm St. asphalt that any bullet had struck anywhere, and they the street was thoroughtly searched for any indications of such a strike.

Nevertheless, they (West Survey) was directed to survey in this "Pavement Strike" point and classify it as the second shot fired.

Other than this, Mr. West had no knowledge of any other potential pavement and/or Curb Strike of any bullet and/or bullet fragment at any point in Dealy Plaza, other than the referenced Tague hit position over on the Main St. Curb.

Mr. West informed me of the "rumors" of some bullet/fragment strike down at the manhole cover and the concrete inlet, however he also stated that no verification could be found that any bullet/fragment had struck in that vicinity either.

In fact, it was during this conversation that Mr. West volunteered that he had some photo's from some newspaper's which showed plainclothes Dallas Police down at the curb inlet, supposedly looking at damage caused here as well as one of these persons purportedly picking up a bullet out of the grass.

Mr. West volunteered to send me a copy of this photo when he could find it. Which he ultimately did.

So, during the Time/Life Survey, West Survey was directed to survey in a position on Elm Street, which was purportedly the impact point of shot# 2, to which they assigned the letter "P" for PAVEMENT impact

point. Yet, according to Mr. West, there was not damage to the asphalt of Elm St. at thisj point, and in fact Elm St. was thoroughly searched throughout, and no indications of a bullet strike could be found.

And, that there was absolutely no mention/indications of any "Curb Strike" other than the Tague hit over on the Main St. Curb which they surveyed in, and the "claimed" bullet/fragment strike down at the curb drain inlet.

Now! I currently have in my possession five seperate survey plats from the West Survey Work done in Dealy Plaza. Each of which was made for me directly from the original survey plat, by Mr. Robert West.

In addiltion to this, I also have copies of each and every survey note which Mr. West could locate for this various survey work, and I might add, this includes the survey notes from the Time/Life Survey as well, and I can state categorically, THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO REFERENCE TO ANY BULLET STRIKE ONTO THE ELM ST CURB in any of this documentation.

But then of course, I probably work for the CIA and am merely another "disinformation agent" here to decieve and misdirect you.

Under the assumption that Mr. Paul Hardin, in his letter of 1978, was recalling to the best of his ability certain aspects of which he absolutely participated, and others of which he may heard, then it is easily understandable as to how certain aspects of the Time/Life Survey could have become intermingled with the Tague curb strike of the WC Survey.

Considering how many times my own memory tends to be somewhat "out of focus", and giving benefit of doubt, then this is quite understandable, that some 15 years later, the events may have begun to "blend" together.

Mr. Breneman may have remembered things this way, just as he may have marked up some copy of a survey plat to demonstrate it.

HOWEVER! There is nothing in any survey plat or in any of the survey notes to substantiate that this claim has any basis in fact.

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Although the determined position of JFK for the first shot fired differs slightly from the Time/Life Survey work of 11/26/63, to the US Secret Service survey work of 12/5/63, this difference is quite minimal.

The Time/Life work plats the first shot at what would be approximately Z-204, which also correlates with the "jiggle analysis" comparison of the film.

The SS work plats the first shot at what would be approximately Z-210, at which time the motorcycle policemen are quite obviously looking directly at JFK.

So, we have a 6-frame/ 1/3 of a second difference between the two entities.

My educated (or uneducated) guess on this would be that Time/Life utilized the available information to determine the point at which it could be identified that a shot was actually fired, and that the US Secret Service utilized a point at which they determined that a physical reaction could actually be observed in JFK's movements.


Mr. FRAZIER - Either the President or the Governor. Because I do not know the reaction time which would exist from the time a bullet struck until someone made a move. It may be a half second, it may be a full second. It may be a tenth of a second. It depends upon the intensity of the pain, and actually what happened.

And therefore, in looking at the film you can't say a bullet struck right here because he started to move his hands here. It may have been a full second, a half second behind that shot.


Mr. SPECTER. What is the latest frame count where, to your eye, it appears that he is showing no reaction to any possible shot?

Mr. SHANEYFELT. Approximately--I would like to explain a little bit, that at frames in the vicinity of 200 to 210 he is obviously still waving, and there is no marked change.

In the area from approximately 200 to 205 he is still, his hand is still in a waving position, he is still turned slightly toward the crowd, and there has been no change in his position that would signify anything occurring unusual. I see nothing in the frames to arouse my suspicion about his movements, up through in the areas from 200 on and as he disappears behind the signboard, there is no change.

Now, 205 is the last frame, 205 and 206 are the last frames where we see any of his, where we see the cuff of his coat showing above the signboard indicating his hand is still up generally in a wave.

From there on the frames are too blurry as his head disappears you can't really see any expression on his face. You can't see any change. It is all consistent as he moves in behind the signboard.


Based upon the evidence, it would appear that ONLY the WC had difficulty with the first shot.

Time/Life, whatever their reasoning for positioning, had no difficulty.

The US Secret Service, with a first generation copy of the Z-film obviously had no difficult in their positioning of the first shot.

The FBI, who completed their own separate work on 2/7/64, obviously concurred with the US Secret Service as they also utilized the approximate Z-210 position for impact of the first shot.

Therefore, one must, in all good faith and honesty, ask,: Exactly why is it that those who have not gone out of their way to lie and misrepresent the facts and truth of the assassination had little if any difficulty in determination of the position of JFK at the time of the first shot, yet the WC with all of their investigative power could not accurately determine this position.

Could they not have at least asked Time/Life? The US Secret Service?, or how about the FBI who on June 25, 1964, virtually one month after completion of the WC re-enactment of the assassination, had Mr. Robert West generate a final survey plat which still maintained the impact point of the first shot to JFK at the Z-210 position on Elm St.

Makes one get the feeling that he is being lied to by someone.


P.S. Still only a lone assassin!

Edited by Thomas H. Purvis
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Although the determined position of JFK for the first shot fired differs slightly from the Time/Life Survey work of 11/26/63, to the US Secret Service survey work of 12/5/63, this difference is quite minimal.

The Time/Life work plats the first shot at what would be approximately Z-204, which also correlates with the "jiggle analysis" comparison of the film.

The SS work plats the first shot at what would be approximately Z-210, at which time the motorcycle policemen are quite obviously looking directly at JFK.

So, we have a 6-frame/ 1/3 of a second difference between the two entities.

My educated (or uneducated) guess on this would be that Time/Life utilized the available information to determine the point at which it could be identified that a shot was actually fired, and that the US Secret Service utilized a point at which they determined that a physical reaction could actually be observed in JFK's movements.


Mr. FRAZIER - Either the President or the Governor. Because I do not know the reaction time which would exist from the time a bullet struck until someone made a move. It may be a half second, it may be a full second. It may be a tenth of a second. It depends upon the intensity of the pain, and actually what happened.

And therefore, in looking at the film you can't say a bullet struck right here because he started to move his hands here. It may have been a full second, a half second behind that shot.


Mr. SPECTER. What is the latest frame count where, to your eye, it appears that he is showing no reaction to any possible shot?

Mr. SHANEYFELT. Approximately--I would like to explain a little bit, that at frames in the vicinity of 200 to 210 he is obviously still waving, and there is no marked change.

In the area from approximately 200 to 205 he is still, his hand is still in a waving position, he is still turned slightly toward the crowd, and there has been no change in his position that would signify anything occurring unusual. I see nothing in the frames to arouse my suspicion about his movements, up through in the areas from 200 on and as he disappears behind the signboard, there is no change.

Now, 205 is the last frame, 205 and 206 are the last frames where we see any of his, where we see the cuff of his coat showing above the signboard indicating his hand is still up generally in a wave.

From there on the frames are too blurry as his head disappears you can't really see any expression on his face. You can't see any change. It is all consistent as he moves in behind the signboard.


Based upon the evidence, it would appear that ONLY the WC had difficulty with the first shot.

Time/Life, whatever their reasoning for positioning, had no difficulty.

The US Secret Service, with a first generation copy of the Z-film obviously had no difficult in their positioning of the first shot.

The FBI, who completed their own separate work on 2/7/64, obviously concurred with the US Secret Service as they also utilized the approximate Z-210 position for impact of the first shot.

Therefore, one must, in all good faith and honesty, ask,: Exactly why is it that those who have not gone out of their way to lie and misrepresent the facts and truth of the assassination had little if any difficulty in determination of the position of JFK at the time of the first shot, yet the WC with all of their investigative power could not accurately determine this position.

Could they not have at least asked Time/Life? The US Secret Service?, or how about the FBI who on June 25, 1964, virtually one month after completion of the WC re-enactment of the assassination, had Mr. Robert West generate a final survey plat which still maintained the impact point of the first shot to JFK at the Z-210 position on Elm St.

Makes one get the feeling that he is being lied to by someone.


P.S. Still only a lone assassin!


Were I to want to find the "TRUE/ONE & ONLY MAGIC BULLET" (the one that has disappeared), then in all probability, I would look for the one of which I had never been informed of.



Since the WC quite obviously made the "impact point/location" of this bullet disappear, even with all of the witnesses to it's location, there certainly could not be that much difficulty in making the actual bullet become somewhat "lost" into history as well.

BUT, not unlike survey notes, one who has little knowledge of how all things operate, just may in fact overlook the documentation trail necessary to determine how the disappearing act was accomplished.


Politicians, not unlike Magicians, can make things disappear!

P.S. The SBT has considerably more basis in fact than most realize or recognize!

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Although the determined position of JFK for the first shot fired differs slightly from the Time/Life Survey work of 11/26/63, to the US Secret Service survey work of 12/5/63, this difference is quite minimal.

The Time/Life work plats the first shot at what would be approximately Z-204, which also correlates with the "jiggle analysis" comparison of the film.

The SS work plats the first shot at what would be approximately Z-210, at which time the motorcycle policemen are quite obviously looking directly at JFK.

So, we have a 6-frame/ 1/3 of a second difference between the two entities.

My educated (or uneducated) guess on this would be that Time/Life utilized the available information to determine the point at which it could be identified that a shot was actually fired, and that the US Secret Service utilized a point at which they determined that a physical reaction could actually be observed in JFK's movements.


Mr. FRAZIER - Either the President or the Governor. Because I do not know the reaction time which would exist from the time a bullet struck until someone made a move. It may be a half second, it may be a full second. It may be a tenth of a second. It depends upon the intensity of the pain, and actually what happened.

And therefore, in looking at the film you can't say a bullet struck right here because he started to move his hands here. It may have been a full second, a half second behind that shot.


Mr. SPECTER. What is the latest frame count where, to your eye, it appears that he is showing no reaction to any possible shot?

Mr. SHANEYFELT. Approximately--I would like to explain a little bit, that at frames in the vicinity of 200 to 210 he is obviously still waving, and there is no marked change.

In the area from approximately 200 to 205 he is still, his hand is still in a waving position, he is still turned slightly toward the crowd, and there has been no change in his position that would signify anything occurring unusual. I see nothing in the frames to arouse my suspicion about his movements, up through in the areas from 200 on and as he disappears behind the signboard, there is no change.

Now, 205 is the last frame, 205 and 206 are the last frames where we see any of his, where we see the cuff of his coat showing above the signboard indicating his hand is still up generally in a wave.

From there on the frames are too blurry as his head disappears you can't really see any expression on his face. You can't see any change. It is all consistent as he moves in behind the signboard.


Based upon the evidence, it would appear that ONLY the WC had difficulty with the first shot.

Time/Life, whatever their reasoning for positioning, had no difficulty.

The US Secret Service, with a first generation copy of the Z-film obviously had no difficult in their positioning of the first shot.

The FBI, who completed their own separate work on 2/7/64, obviously concurred with the US Secret Service as they also utilized the approximate Z-210 position for impact of the first shot.

Therefore, one must, in all good faith and honesty, ask,: Exactly why is it that those who have not gone out of their way to lie and misrepresent the facts and truth of the assassination had little if any difficulty in determination of the position of JFK at the time of the first shot, yet the WC with all of their investigative power could not accurately determine this position.

Could they not have at least asked Time/Life? The US Secret Service?, or how about the FBI who on June 25, 1964, virtually one month after completion of the WC re-enactment of the assassination, had Mr. Robert West generate a final survey plat which still maintained the impact point of the first shot to JFK at the Z-210 position on Elm St.

Makes one get the feeling that he is being lied to by someone.


P.S. Still only a lone assassin!


Were I to want to find the "TRUE/ONE & ONLY MAGIC BULLET" (the one that has disappeared), then in all probability, I would look for the one of which I had never been informed of.



Since the WC quite obviously made the "impact point/location" of this bullet disappear, even with all of the witnesses to it's location, there certainly could not be that much difficulty in making the actual bullet become somewhat "lost" into history as well.

BUT, not unlike survey notes, one who has little knowledge of how all things operate, just may in fact overlook the documentation trail necessary to determine how the disappearing act was accomplished.


Politicians, not unlike Magicians, can make things disappear!

P.S. The SBT has considerably more basis in fact than most realize or recognize!

Dedicated to the personal integrity & honor of Mr. Robert West.

The visits to your home and discussions of the WC re-enactment of the JFK Assassination will always remain a most cherished memory.

Your intrusting to me of the knowledge gained from the various survey's, has hopefully now, in your name, been passed on to others.

And, true to your word, you apparantly never revealed our conversations and the many laughs we had when the rationale for the WC shenanigan's and their purpose were explained.

It is highly regretful that I did not have the foresight to tape record these conversations, as well as the fact that you also apparantly never placed them into verbal record for future historians.

The entire world should know the facts and truth as to all of the items which the WC did to manipulate the facts of the actual assassination during their "Re-enactment", and you were truly the repository of this knowledge.

The World will ultimately "owe" you a debt, and hopefully your name will someday stand on a Plaque located in Dealy Plaza, as a true representation of the honesty and integrity of many other Dallas citizens.

Tom Purvis

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Although the determined position of JFK for the first shot fired differs slightly from the Time/Life Survey work of 11/26/63, to the US Secret Service survey work of 12/5/63, this difference is quite minimal.

The Time/Life work plats the first shot at what would be approximately Z-204, which also correlates with the "jiggle analysis" comparison of the film.

The SS work plats the first shot at what would be approximately Z-210, at which time the motorcycle policemen are quite obviously looking directly at JFK.

So, we have a 6-frame/ 1/3 of a second difference between the two entities.

My educated (or uneducated) guess on this would be that Time/Life utilized the available information to determine the point at which it could be identified that a shot was actually fired, and that the US Secret Service utilized a point at which they determined that a physical reaction could actually be observed in JFK's movements.


Mr. FRAZIER - Either the President or the Governor. Because I do not know the reaction time which would exist from the time a bullet struck until someone made a move. It may be a half second, it may be a full second. It may be a tenth of a second. It depends upon the intensity of the pain, and actually what happened.

And therefore, in looking at the film you can't say a bullet struck right here because he started to move his hands here. It may have been a full second, a half second behind that shot.


Mr. SPECTER. What is the latest frame count where, to your eye, it appears that he is showing no reaction to any possible shot?

Mr. SHANEYFELT. Approximately--I would like to explain a little bit, that at frames in the vicinity of 200 to 210 he is obviously still waving, and there is no marked change.

In the area from approximately 200 to 205 he is still, his hand is still in a waving position, he is still turned slightly toward the crowd, and there has been no change in his position that would signify anything occurring unusual. I see nothing in the frames to arouse my suspicion about his movements, up through in the areas from 200 on and as he disappears behind the signboard, there is no change.

Now, 205 is the last frame, 205 and 206 are the last frames where we see any of his, where we see the cuff of his coat showing above the signboard indicating his hand is still up generally in a wave.

From there on the frames are too blurry as his head disappears you can't really see any expression on his face. You can't see any change. It is all consistent as he moves in behind the signboard.


Based upon the evidence, it would appear that ONLY the WC had difficulty with the first shot.

Time/Life, whatever their reasoning for positioning, had no difficulty.

The US Secret Service, with a first generation copy of the Z-film obviously had no difficult in their positioning of the first shot.

The FBI, who completed their own separate work on 2/7/64, obviously concurred with the US Secret Service as they also utilized the approximate Z-210 position for impact of the first shot.

Therefore, one must, in all good faith and honesty, ask,: Exactly why is it that those who have not gone out of their way to lie and misrepresent the facts and truth of the assassination had little if any difficulty in determination of the position of JFK at the time of the first shot, yet the WC with all of their investigative power could not accurately determine this position.

Could they not have at least asked Time/Life? The US Secret Service?, or how about the FBI who on June 25, 1964, virtually one month after completion of the WC re-enactment of the assassination, had Mr. Robert West generate a final survey plat which still maintained the impact point of the first shot to JFK at the Z-210 position on Elm St.

Makes one get the feeling that he is being lied to by someone.


P.S. Still only a lone assassin!


Were I to want to find the "TRUE/ONE & ONLY MAGIC BULLET" (the one that has disappeared), then in all probability, I would look for the one of which I had never been informed of.



Since the WC quite obviously made the "impact point/location" of this bullet disappear, even with all of the witnesses to it's location, there certainly could not be that much difficulty in making the actual bullet become somewhat "lost" into history as well.

BUT, not unlike survey notes, one who has little knowledge of how all things operate, just may in fact overlook the documentation trail necessary to determine how the disappearing act was accomplished.


Politicians, not unlike Magicians, can make things disappear!

P.S. The SBT has considerably more basis in fact than most realize or recognize!

Dedicated to the personal integrity & honor of Mr. Robert West.

The visits to your home and discussions of the WC re-enactment of the JFK Assassination will always remain a most cherished memory.

Your intrusting to me of the knowledge gained from the various survey's, has hopefully now, in your name, been passed on to others.

And, true to your word, you apparantly never revealed our conversations and the many laughs we had when the rationale for the WC shenanigan's and their purpose were explained.

It is highly regretful that I did not have the foresight to tape record these conversations, as well as the fact that you also apparantly never placed them into verbal record for future historians.

The entire world should know the facts and truth as to all of the items which the WC did to manipulate the facts of the actual assassination during their "Re-enactment", and you were truly the repository of this knowledge.

The World will ultimately "owe" you a debt, and hopefully your name will someday stand on a Plaque located in Dealy Plaza, as a true representation of the honesty and integrity of many other Dallas citizens.

Tom Purvis

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  • 3 years later...
So Mr. West and his associate Mr. B.? were hired to survey Dealey Plaza first by Life Mag, especially in regards to Z-film and then by the Warren Commission, but when the WC Report was published, they changed the figures?


As I understand what Tom Purvis writes, the TIME/LIFE survey came on 11/26/63; the Secret Service survey on 12/5/63; the "survey" of positons provided by the FBI on 2/7/64...and in the WCR, the cardboard "representation" of the survey was introduced as evidence, but the actual survey was not unsealed, IIRC, so the WC never got to see it...they only got to hear what FBI agent Shaneyfelt TOLD them was in the survey.

And the data block in the WC Report does NOT have the same figures as the one on the original SS survey of 12/5/63...although it putports to be a "copy" of the actual survey.

Hopefully, Tom will post and correct whatever misinterpretations I have made of his work.

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