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Zapruder frame of unknown origin

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I am puzzled by this Zapruder image. Ideas?


Jack, that frame comes from the Peter Jennings special that aired nearly THREE YEARS AGO. You are just now finding out about their version of the Zapruder film? And you call yourself an expert on the Z film???????????? How can this be? Have you written a letter to ABC? Placed a phone call? Have you done anything but act baffled?

Bill Miller

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I am puzzled by this Zapruder image. Ideas?


Jack, that frame comes from the Peter Jennings special that aired nearly THREE YEARS AGO. You are just now finding out about their version of the Zapruder film? And you call yourself an expert on the Z film???????????? How can this be? Have you written a letter to ABC? Placed a phone call? Have you done anything but act baffled?

Bill Miller

Mr Miller: (which ever "Mr Miller" your are)

I do not know what Jack has done re. ABC but well before this trash aired I emailed Peter Jennings a full page letter, begging him to remove himself from this sort of filth and disinformation.

I and many others, in a campaign initiated by Jim Di Eugenio, raised money to run press adds to alert as much of the viewing public possible that they would be-again- lied to.

Having cencored "The Men Who Killed Kennedy"- (TMWKK)- 40th anniversary 3 hours, History Channel now sees fit to re-run this trash on a regular basis. Calling it "Beyond Conspiracy". In fact a member here, who is a friend of mine, emailed me about two weeks ago that it was on and he was going to watch it. I alerted him, but too late.

Dale Meyers and his little cartoon annimation - "proving the SBT true" is probably the most disgusting piece of disinformation filth I have ever seen.

Dawn Meredith

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Dale Meyers and his little cartoon annimation - "proving the SBT true" is probably the most disgusting piece of disinformation filth I have ever seen.

Dawn Meredith

It was no more disgusting, silly, or misleading than your average Dawn Meredith post, which is saying something. You sure you're a lawyer? Your grammatical mistakes are routine and plentiful.

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Mr Miller: (which ever "Mr Miller" your are)

I do not know what Jack has done re. ABC but well before this trash aired I emailed Peter Jennings a full page letter, begging him to remove himself from this sort of filth and disinformation.

Dale Meyers and his little cartoon annimation - "proving the SBT true" is probably the most disgusting piece of disinformation filth I have ever seen.

Dawn Meredith

Dawn, I'd be the Mr. Miller who first checked Dale Myers animation against the Zapruder film and discovered that he didn't have his animation perfectly scaled. I am the same Mr. Miller who then posted my findings debunking Dales animation on Lancer's JFK forum. I am the same Mr. Miller who discovered that Connally's right wrist was too high to have had the same bullet wound it at the time Dale Myers claimed Connally was hit in the back by the single bullet.

So now maybe you might remember which Mr. Miller I am.

Bill Miller

It was no more disgusting, silly, or misleading than your average Dawn Meredith post, which is saying something. You sure you're a lawyer? Your grammatical mistakes are routine and plentiful.

Brendan, while many of the CT's claims being made do deserve to be exposed as a result of poor research, you should consider being more thorough in your explanations or else it might make you appear to be merely trolling and not here for educational purposes whether it be teaching others or learning things for yourself.

Bill Miller

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I am puzzled by this Zapruder image. Ideas?


Jack, that frame comes from the Peter Jennings special that aired nearly THREE YEARS AGO. You are just now finding out about their version of the Zapruder film? And you call yourself an expert on the Z film???????????? How can this be? Have you written a letter to ABC? Placed a phone call? Have you done anything but act baffled?

Bill Miller

not sure Jack claimed he's a expert in the Z-film, not sure ANYONE has claimed that expertise, you're not are you? Only one I can conceive as expert in the camera original Zapruder film, is Abe himself. Unless he left something for posterity (other than a 16 million dollar bill for the American taxpayer) we're in the dark when it comes to Z-film experts -- As the new and improved, forthcoming Zavada report is displaying -- 6 months to assure the American public the Z-film isn't altered (so far)....

While we're at it, what's the source of the Z-frames used in Jenning's docu (I suspect this was Jack's intention)? Rumor has it, Josiah Thompson had/has access to 35mm version of the Z-film. If Myers did in fact do a 2d conversion to 3D for *source* portions of his cartoon, it makes sense he'd want the highest quality Z-frames available.

Edited by David G. Healy
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Brendan, while many of the CT's claims being made do deserve to be exposed as a result of poor research, you should consider being more thorough in your explanations or else it might make you appear to be merely trolling and not here for educational purposes whether it be teaching others or learning things for yourself.

Bill Miller

Dawn's ad hominem didn't deserve a serious response. She imperiously declared Dale's efforts to be worthless and left it at that. On the other hand, she positively adores TMWKK. That speaks volumes.

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She imperiously declared Dale's efforts to be worthless and left it at that.

Anyone who has seen Myers's animation and is at all familiar with JFK's wounds would know that his work is worthless. This link to his site shows you where he placed the back wound:


It is almost identical to the placement of the wound in the Rydberg drawing for the WC, drawn with the wound too high, based on Humes's verbal instructions to Rydberg:


That Rydberg (per Humes) and Myers have the wound too high is clear from the autopsy photo, in spite of the head being tilted back (see creases in the neck) as if to make the wound look as close to the head as possible.


Any animation that starts with the wound in the wrong place is worthless.

Edited by Ron Ecker
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Dale Meyers and his little cartoon annimation - "proving the SBT true" is probably the most disgusting piece of disinformation filth I have ever seen.

Dawn Meredith

It was no more disgusting, silly, or misleading than your average Dawn Meredith post, which is saying something. You sure you're a lawyer? Your grammatical mistakes are routine and plentiful.

BS- I type rather quickly here, so sure I make some errors. Unlike you- a mere "PR" xxxxx for the CIA- I have an extremely complicated life. I actually have three time consuming "jobs", only one for which I earn a living. I am excellent attorney in fact, while I doubt you could pass a GED test. I consider my work on these conspiracy cases very important and have been at this- actively- since about 1972. I am also a musician, wife, mother and grandmother.

So how "silly" you may find me is amusing to me, especially since you were just on "forum probation" for your abuse of this forum.

So take a long walk off a short peer.



Dawn Meredith

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I am puzzled by this Zapruder image. Ideas?


Jack, that frame comes from the Peter Jennings special that aired nearly THREE YEARS AGO. You are just now finding out about their version of the Zapruder film? And you call yourself an expert on the Z film???????????? How can this be? Have you written a letter to ABC? Placed a phone call? Have you done anything but act baffled?

Bill Miller

I did not see the Jennings special. I do not have a copy of it. Why should I

write letters and make phone calls? I now spend most of my time on more

important things, like the mass murders of 911 and the deceitful moon photos.

Few are as "dedicated" to JFK as "Bill Miller", who spends FULL TIME on it. I do

many other things that are more important. Has "Miller" phoned or written

to ABC? Absurd.

I have spent more than 40 years on JFK. That is sufficient.


Edited by Jack White
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In the Old Crone and Midget Analysis section of the Single-Bullet Theory section of my online presentation, I use actual images from Beyond Conspiracy and Beyond the Magic Bullet to prove Mr. Myers' work is deliberately misleading. He moves the wounds from angle to angle to sell his fraudulent representation of what happened. On the overhead view, he shrinks Connally's body size so his right shoulder will be further from the side of the car and in line with a bullet from the sniper's nest going through Kennedy.

If he'd only said "some adjustments were made to show what we believe happened" or something like that I might let him off the hook. But he represented his animation as being as accurate as humanly possible, and ABC presented his animation as being as accurate as humanly possible, to millions and millions of people. Most have no idea how much damage the disniformation in Beyond Conspiracy and Beyond the Magic Bullet has done. I meet people all the time who tell me they were skeptical about the single-bullet theory until they saw it PROVED on TV! And what kills me is that many of the same people who revile Oliver Stone over the inaccuracies in his admittedly semi-fictional movie, JFK, completely excuse Jennings and Myers for their deliberate distortions in a DOCUMENTARY.

And to make matters worse, both Jennings and Myers received awards for their lies... All this would make me believe in Operation Mockingbird if I were prone to do so. Unfortunately, my estimation of the intelligence level of men like Jennings is not all that high. I think he was just STUPID enough to fall for Myers' nonsense, and just ARROGANT enough to think he was doing the world a service by exposing Myers' "truth" to an eagerly awaiting public...

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I did not see the Jennings special. I do not have a copy of it. Why should I

write letters and make phone calls? I now spend most of my time on more

important things, like the mass murders of 911 and the deceitful moon photos.

Few are as "dedicated" to JFK as "Bill Miller", who spends FULL TIME on it. I do

many other things that are more important. Has "Miller" phoned or written

to ABC? Absurd.

I have spent more than 40 years on JFK. That is sufficient.


Jack, in your opening illustration at the start of this thread, you mentioned a couple of things about ABC and the unknown origin of their film. I just assumed that you had seen it before citing data concerning it ... my mistake.

Bill Miller

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In the Old Crone and Midget Analysis section of the Single-Bullet Theory section of my online presentation, I use actual images from Beyond Conspiracy and Beyond the Magic Bullet to prove Mr. Myers' work is deliberately misleading. He moves the wounds from angle to angle to sell his fraudulent representation of what happened. On the overhead view, he shrinks Connally's body size so his right shoulder will be further from the side of the car and in line with a bullet from the sniper's nest going through Kennedy.

If he'd only said "some adjustments were made to show what we believe happened" or something like that I might let him off the hook. But he represented his animation as being as accurate as humanly possible, and ABC presented his animation as being as accurate as humanly possible, to millions and millions of people. Most have no idea how much damage the disniformation in Beyond Conspiracy and Beyond the Magic Bullet has done. I meet people all the time who tell me they were skeptical about the single-bullet theory until they saw it PROVED on TV! And what kills me is that many of the same people who revile Oliver Stone over the inaccuracies in his admittedly semi-fictional movie, JFK, completely excuse Jennings and Myers for their deliberate distortions in a DOCUMENTARY.

And to make matters worse, both Jennings and Myers received awards for their lies... All this would make me believe in Operation Mockingbird if I were prone to do so. Unfortunately, my estimation of the intelligence level of men like Jennings is not all that high. I think he was just STUPID enough to fall for Myers' nonsense, and just ARROGANT enough to think he was doing the world a service by exposing Myers' "truth" to an eagerly awaiting public...


I actually believe that Jennings was merely reading the script provided to him. In my long email I directed him to many places where he could learn some real truth, but I doubt he even saw the email. Newsmen just read. I could only watch 15 minutes of it when it first aired on ABC. I went bonkers. I have it on tape but I doubt I will ever watch it. The friend I mentioned earlier -(who recently saw it) - told me Posner was also on. Posner just makes me want to break my tv. (Kinda like the effect Ann Coulter evokes in me).

Jennings did not live long to enjoy his "award". And I never once watched him again after that 2003 airing.

Dan Rather built his "rep" lying about the assassination of JFk, from day one. Funny that he should crash and burn over forged documents that were also true -(imo)- in actual content. It just broke my heart :)


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I actually believe that Jennings was merely reading the script provided to him. In my long email I directed him to many places where he could learn some real truth, but I doubt he even saw the email. Newsmen just read. I could only watch 15 minutes of it when it first aired on ABC. I went bonkers. I have it on tape but I doubt I will ever watch it. The friend I mentioned earlier -(who recently saw it) - told me Posner was also on. Posner just makes me want to break my tv. (Kinda like the effect Ann Coulter evokes in me).

Jennings did not live long to enjoy his "award". And I never once watched him again after that 2003 airing.

Dan Rather built his "rep" lying about the assassination of JFk, from day one. Funny that he should crash and burn over forged documents that were also true -(imo)- in actual content. It just broke my heart :)


My understanding was that Jennings was the producer of the show and was personally responsible for its content. I believe he personally received the Edward R. Murrow award for its creation. As part of his deal with ABC, he was allowed to create and star in so many news specials per year. This was one of his specials. It's interesting, nevertheless, that the program has been repackaged and distributed world wide and on the history channel, without Jennings' presence.

Since you've only seen a few minutes of it, and most here have only seen it on repeats or on DVD, I'll recount a humorous anecdote. My brother taped it for me on ABC when it premiered. Towards the end of the program there is a really biased section on Oliver Stone's JFK, and how it is a damned lie and complete fiction, etc. This goes on for like ten minutes! In the middle of this segment, however, there is a commercial for a popular movie now available on DVD in a tenth anniversary edition with bonus features...Oliver Stone's JFK! I'd love to find out if someone at ABC booked the ad on purpose, to make Jennings look silly--his company hawking the very product he's denouncing--or if someone booked the ad unaware of the content of Jennings program. In any event, it's positively surreal.

I met Stone for a minute the other day. I wish I'd asked him his thoughts on the Jennings special.

Edited by Pat Speer
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I actually believe that Jennings was merely reading the script provided to him. In my long email I directed him to many places where he could learn some real truth, but I doubt he even saw the email. Newsmen just read. I could only watch 15 minutes of it when it first aired on ABC. I went bonkers. I have it on tape but I doubt I will ever watch it. The friend I mentioned earlier -(who recently saw it) - told me Posner was also on. Posner just makes me want to break my tv. (Kinda like the effect Ann Coulter evokes in me).

Jennings did not live long to enjoy his "award". And I never once watched him again after that 2003 airing.

Dan Rather built his "rep" lying about the assassination of JFk, from day one. Funny that he should crash and burn over forged documents that were also true -(imo)- in actual content. It just broke my heart :)


My understanding was that Jennings was the producer of the show and was personally responsible for its content. I believe he personally received the Edward R. Murrow award for its creation. As part of his deal with ABC, he was allowed to create and star in so many news specials per year. This was one of his specials. It's interesting, nevertheless, that the program has been repackaged and distributed world wide and on the history channel, without Jennings' presence.

Since you've only seen a few minutes of it, and most here have only seen it on DVD, I'll recount a humorous anecdote. My brother taped it for me on ABC when it premiered. Towards the end of the program there is a really biased section on Oliver Stone's JFK, and how it is a damned lie and complete fiction, etc. This goes on for like ten minutes! In the middle of this segment, however, there is a commercial for a popular movie now available on DVD in a tenth anniversary edition with bonus features...Oliver Stone's JFK! I'd love to find out if someone at ABC booked the ad on purpose, to make Jennings look silly--his company hawking the very product he's denouncing--or if someone booked the ad unaware of the content of Jennings program. In any event, it's positively surreal.

I met Stone for a minute the other day. I wish I'd asked him his thoughts on the Jennings special.

Unbelievable!!! I knew he got the award but did not realize it was for THAT. Ironic timing, in a different post I just mentioned Edward Murrow....(in Watergate section). What a sickening thing to just now read. Easier to have believed he was just reading his damn lines. I had liked him- fellow Canadian and all.

I am now tempted to watch the tape just to see the JFK ad. How funny! Co-incidence? Or planned. I bet someone did it...just snuck it in. I taped it the first night it aired, so I likely have the one you're referreing to. I was taping on three vcrs, as there was just so much on that 40th anniversary week, on multable stations.

Of course the best on the 40th was Nigel Turner's now banned TMWKK on the HC- which aired exactly twice. And I do now have it on dvd, having lent my copy to a colleague to watch, then he made me 4 dvds. In fact Terry Mauro got one from me. Happily so on my part.


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