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Dark complected man

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Well, well...look what computer enhancement brings out....

a black mark over the Cuban's face, covering all except his

ear. So the Bronson slide is added to the growing list of

pictures retouched.


There are 62 postings in the DCM thread. But nobody

seems interested in addressing the significant discovery

that the Bronson slide image has HIS FACE CRUDELY

BLACKED OUT. Trivial speculations abound, but a

MAJOR DISCOVERY is not even noted by anyone.



Jack I am a little confused here. If this fellow can be blacked out for whatever reasons as well as other photos which are tampered with, then if there were two people in the shadows on the south knoll and a picture was taken and the two were operational and caught on film, then would'nt they be blacked out on blended into the background also? I have been told that there was nobody there in the picture, so therefore I am lying and there is no need to look at the picture futher. However, even that Cancellare picture is said to be tampered with. Seems we have it each way. Some see things that are not there when they in fact were there. And things that were there are not there now.

I have been told many things about these pictures and shadows. It seems some want these pictures to say things they do not say and others want these pictures to say things they want said and we go round and round year after year tickling eachothers ears with our expertise trying to prove some things are there and other things are not there. Seems like an exercise in Bull xxxx to me.

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I recieved an email from Gary Mack suggesting I consider that this man had a transistor radio under his jacket and not a walkie-talkie. Gary, 'ya gotta be kidding!...this guy was operational and not listening to the baseball game!....and no transistor radio was that big or that square!

I found this on ebay - a transistor radio from 1963:

This auction is for a vintage General Electric two band AM/SW transistor radio. Model P925. Was made in 1963. This is the First GE transistorized shortwave portable. Dimensions: 9” X 5.5” X3”.



The ideal size transistor radio to carry around under one's jacket. Not.

And by the way, the dimensions of the bulge under DCM'm jacket look significantly bigger than 9" X 5.5" X 3", IMHO.



I'm old enough to remember the introduction of battery powered transistor radios and, yes, there were two sizes..hand held and ones you could bring to the beach party [larger]. No one would take the later and put them under one's jacket....and I won't even consider that this guy and TUM were not operational or operational diversion. Add to that the very strange thing he has over his shoulders under his jacket...either an antenna or some very awkward and large object....as was suggested like a sled. EVERYTHING about these guys was suspicious. The items they took to DP, the items they USED and gestured with in DP, how they reacted during and after the shooting and the fact they have never been identified. Most suspicous is that they were never ID'd by the official 'investigations' - no operatives were...and that was NO coincidence.



I totally agree with you on everything you say on this issue. If ever any evidence were needed to prove a conspiracy, it's the photos taken of DCM and TUM. It's so darn obvious...



Jack or someone, anyone - would be helpfull to have DCM's photo showing the lumps in his clothes next to the 'radio man' usually also referred to as 'Hicks' and his similar lumps. Plumlee FWIW said Sergio next to him has a similar [communication device] object he was using - there were no doubt others...something about the size of these objects with a long antenna were state of the art then, as far as we know. The safe houses of Dallas were full to bursting just before and just after noon on 11/22/63 and then all melted away out of town and out of history.....leaving the only 'player' identified by the authorities, one Lee Harvey Oswald, the patsy as having done all of the 'doins' and even masterminding the coverup, killing the witnesses etc after his death...hell with the magic bullet..that Lee was a master magician to have done that!....

I can not find where I mentioned communications that we had, but from what I can remember I first told Senator Church's investigators in Phoenix Arizona, that we had 'Walkie Talkies" for communication with people on the north side of the plaza and communications were spotty at best. ( we had to keep pointing and facing toward the direction to receive and transmitt ) People were not where they were suppose to be and everything was all f'ed as to timing. I again told and Id theis fellow to those investigators and to Peter Lemkin and Jim Marrs in San Dieago and Texas in 1990.

We had communications and I think they were Motorola (new top of the line, small about 8" or 10"x 2" with telescoping ant.) Some of the team also carried side arms. (38 holstered, side arm shoulder mounted) I have ID this man as "Gator" and we have tried to see if he has fingers missing on one hand (not sure if it was left or right; can't remember, but I think right) I have always said he was part of the abort team, but everyone wants him to be a Cuban assassin. If there were Cubans and CIA higher up there that day, then could they have been there to help Stop the assassination? I know this is not popular, but I speculate; like others speculate. We all left the area very quitely and slowly after we had failed in the attempt to stop the assassination.

I could spend years answering these questions, and have... but they are always trying to convience me that I flew in the attack team or a mixture of both. I have always said "Could Be.. BUT. I NOT NOT BELIEVE THAT". AND from there we go to speculation and I am not allowed to voice what I believe even tho I was there. This Radio issue has been brought up every few years. Yes there was comunication devises used between personal in the Plaza that day. Its in my sworn testimony to the Senate and to researchers ITS THERE TO SEE in the photo's. However, keep in mind before these photos were released I was saying to the authorites that WE DID HAVE RADIOS and Side ARMS. AND I KNEW THIS MAN AS "GATOR" (1964; 1974' 1978; 1990; 1997; 2003; and NOW. What does it take?

Some ask this and then say I am lying. Again. THE MANS REAL NAME I DO NOT KNOW. HE WAS CALLED "GATOR". Anyone in military OPS used phoney names and never their real names while attatched to any operation and numbers when writen in reports. I had known him and of him before Dallas. He is NOT who everyone wants him to be.... TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT. In the past some have decided, with NO evidence, to LEAVE it and continue to miss lead as they SPECULATE and sensationalize as to who this person is and what he is holding. secretly, ITS A DAMN RADIO. Sorry to bust a few bubbles. But that is the way it is.

Edited by William Plumlee
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I recieved an email from Gary Mack suggesting I consider that this man had a transistor radio under his jacket and not a walkie-talkie. Gary, 'ya gotta be kidding!...this guy was operational and not listening to the baseball game!....and no transistor radio was that big or that square!

I found this on ebay - a transistor radio from 1963:

This auction is for a vintage General Electric two band AM/SW transistor radio. Model P925. Was made in 1963. This is the First GE transistorized shortwave portable. Dimensions: 9” X 5.5” X3”.



The ideal size transistor radio to carry around under one's jacket. Not.

And by the way, the dimensions of the bulge under DCM'm jacket look significantly bigger than 9" X 5.5" X 3", IMHO.



I'm old enough to remember the introduction of battery powered transistor radios and, yes, there were two sizes..hand held and ones you could bring to the beach party [larger]. No one would take the later and put them under one's jacket....and I won't even consider that this guy and TUM were not operational or operational diversion. Add to that the very strange thing he has over his shoulders under his jacket...either an antenna or some very awkward and large object....as was suggested like a sled. EVERYTHING about these guys was suspicious. The items they took to DP, the items they USED and gestured with in DP, how they reacted during and after the shooting and the fact they have never been identified. Most suspicous is that they were never ID'd by the official 'investigations' - no operatives were...and that was NO coincidence.



I totally agree with you on everything you say on this issue. If ever any evidence were needed to prove a conspiracy, it's the photos taken of DCM and TUM. It's so darn obvious...



Jack or someone, anyone - would be helpfull to have DCM's photo showing the lumps in his clothes next to the 'radio man' usually also referred to as 'Hicks' and his similar lumps. Plumlee FWIW said Sergio next to him has a similar [communication device] object he was using - there were no doubt others...something about the size of these objects with a long antenna were state of the art then, as far as we know. The safe houses of Dallas were full to bursting just before and just after noon on 11/22/63 and then all melted away out of town and out of history.....leaving the only 'player' identified by the authorities, one Lee Harvey Oswald, the patsy as having done all of the 'doins' and even masterminding the coverup, killing the witnesses etc after his death...hell with the magic bullet..that Lee was a master magician to have done that!....

I can not find where I mentioned communications that we had, but from what I can remember I first told Senator Church's investigators in Phoenix Arizona, that we had 'Walkie Talkies" for communication with people on the north side of the plaza and communications were spotty at best. ( we had to keep pointing and facing toward the direction to receive and transmitt ) People were not where they were suppose to be and everything was all f'ed as to timing. I again told and Id theis fellow to those investigators and to Peter Lemkin and Jim Marrs in San Dieago and Texas in 1990.

We had communications and I think they were Motorola (new top of the line, small about 8"or 10"x 2" hand held with telescoping ant.) Some of the team also carried side arms. (38 holstered, side arm shoulder mounted) I have ID this man as "Gator" and we have tried to see if he has fingers missing on one hand (not sure if it was left or right; can't remember, but I think right) I have always said he was part of the abort team, but everyone wants him to be a Cuban assassin. If there were Cubans and CIA higher up there that day, then could they have been there to help Stop the assassination? I know this is not popular, but I speculate; like others speculate. We all left the area very quitely and slowly after we had failed in the attempt to stop the assassination.

I could spend years answering these questions, and have... but they are always trying to convience me that I flew in the attack team or a mixture of both. I have always said "Could Be.. BUT. I NOT NOT BELIEVE THAT". AND from there we go to speculation and I am not allowed to voice what I believe even tho I was there. This Radio issue has been brought up every few years. Yes there was comunication devises used between personal in the Plaza that day. Its in my sworn testimony to the Senate and to researchers ITS THERE TO SEE in the photo's. However, keep in mind before these photos were released I was saying to the authorites that WE DID HAVE RADIOS and Side ARMS. AND I KNEW THIS MAN AS "GATOR" (1964; 1974' 1978; 1990; 1997; 2003; and NOW. What does it take?

Some ask this and then say I am lying. Again. THE MANS REAL NAME I DO NOT KNOW. HE WAS CALLED "GATOR". Anyone in military OPS used phoney names and never their real names while attatched to any operation and numbers when writen in reports. I had known him and of him before Dallas. He is NOT who everyone wants him to be.... TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT. In the past some have decided, with NO evidence, to LEAVE it and continue to miss lead as they SPECULATE and sensationalize as to who this person is and what he is holding. secretly, ITS A DAMN RADIO. Sorry to bust a few bubbles. But that is the way it is.

".... While on the south knoll, Sergio and I were attempting to evaluate the most logical places where shooters might be located, but everything was confused, the timing was off, team members were late getting into position. They were not where they were supposed to be and the limited radio contacts that we had with them were not working, or spotty at best. ...". (recap of 2004 testimony)

Edited by William Plumlee
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Well, well...look what computer enhancement brings out....

a black mark over the Cuban's face, covering all except his

ear. So the Bronson slide is added to the growing list of

pictures retouched.


There are 62 postings in the DCM thread. But nobody

seems interested in addressing the significant discovery

that the Bronson slide image has HIS FACE CRUDELY

BLACKED OUT. Trivial speculations abound, but a

MAJOR DISCOVERY is not even noted by anyone.



Jack, I note it is interesting, but would like some idea of what technique you used on the computer to discern this.....

Peter...a very useful tool is adjustment of the chroma range

of the three primary colors (red, green, blue). By decreasing

the MIN and increasing the MAX, color intensity is brightened

and made more contrasty. Lighter tones drop out (white)

and darker tones (such as the mark across the face) become

darker and more sharply defined. This achieves a pseudo color

effect not possible by contrast and brightness controls. It takes

only a few minutes, and can be viewed live during the process.

It is very good at bringing out detail in dark areas, much like

dodging in the darkroom.


I haven't tried it yet myself, but the area in your 'adjusted chroma range' image is interesting...a stroke over the face and thinner around back of head........you are implying that a different or altered face is there now? Does this same 'effect' happen with all images of his face?...as they would likely have had to alter all that showed his face in similar ways.

Peter...here is some additional adjustment of the color levels

clearly showing his ear and neck, but with face blacked out.


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Well, well...look what computer enhancement brings out....

a black mark over the Cuban's face, covering all except his

ear. So the Bronson slide is added to the growing list of

pictures retouched.


There are 62 postings in the DCM thread. But nobody

seems interested in addressing the significant discovery

that the Bronson slide image has HIS FACE CRUDELY

BLACKED OUT. Trivial speculations abound, but a

MAJOR DISCOVERY is not even noted by anyone.



Jack, I note it is interesting, but would like some idea of what technique you used on the computer to discern this.....

Peter...a very useful tool is adjustment of the chroma range

of the three primary colors (red, green, blue). By decreasing

the MIN and increasing the MAX, color intensity is brightened

and made more contrasty. Lighter tones drop out (white)

and darker tones (such as the mark across the face) become

darker and more sharply defined. This achieves a pseudo color

effect not possible by contrast and brightness controls. It takes

only a few minutes, and can be viewed live during the process.

It is very good at bringing out detail in dark areas, much like

dodging in the darkroom.


I haven't tried it yet myself, but the area in your 'adjusted chroma range' image is interesting...a stroke over the face and thinner around back of head........you are implying that a different or altered face is there now? Does this same 'effect' happen with all images of his face?...as they would likely have had to alter all that showed his face in similar ways.

Peter...here is some additional adjustment of the color levels

clearly showing his ear and neck, but with face blacked out.


A sure way to identify the Umbrellaman: I just discovered that

Bronson show him to have a TRANSPARENT LEFT LEG! The

concrete curb can be seen through his left leg and his right

leg has been outlined in bright blue.


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Great thread.

Bill Plumlee, aka

Tosh is intent on giving us CIA abort team details after he was dispatched by air

to Dallas in November 1963...the cuban guy waving at the nearest salient to the

ambuscade was also undercover as GATOR and is now known as Dark Complected Man

he stands uniquely located to signal the good opportunity for spaotters after JFK clutched

his throat in an upright position.

As a CIA abort and prevention team member, FORUM member Tosh testified to the CHURCH

SENATE COMMITTE on INTELLIGENCE in the late 1970s as to the existence of the CIA ZR/RIFLE

Dallas 11/63 "abort team"

and if he says the assassins were on the south side across from the grassy knoll, the TBSD and

Abraham Zapruder, then

I tend to believe him...........

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Well, well...look what computer enhancement brings out....

a black mark over the Cuban's face, covering all except his

ear. So the Bronson slide is added to the growing list of

pictures retouched.


There are 62 postings in the DCM thread. But nobody

seems interested in addressing the significant discovery

that the Bronson slide image has HIS FACE CRUDELY

BLACKED OUT. Trivial speculations abound, but a

MAJOR DISCOVERY is not even noted by anyone.



Jack I am a little confused here. If this fellow can be blacked out for whatever reasons as well as other photos which are tampered with, then if there were two people in the shadows on the south knoll and a picture was taken and the two were operational and caught on film, then would'nt they be blacked out on blended into the background also? I have been told that there was nobody there in the picture, so therefore I am lying and there is no need to look at the picture futher. However, even that Cancellare picture is said to be tampered with. Seems we have it each way. Some see things that are not there when they in fact were there. And things that were there are not there now.

I have been told many things about these pictures and shadows. It seems some want these pictures to say things they do not say and others want these pictures to say things they want said and we go round and round year after year tickling eachothers ears with our expertise trying to prove some things are there and other things are not there. Seems like an exercise in Bull xxxx to me.

Tosh...I don't know how to answer your question. Some if not most photos were tampered

with ACCORDING TO WHAT CAN BE SEEN. I just report WHAT I SEE. I cannot speculate on

anything I do not see. I have never seen tampering to the Cancellare photo...MAINLY BECAUSE

IT WAS "LOCKED IN" BY BEING PUBLISHED VERY EARLY. We are not privy to the thinking of

those doing the retouching, so we do not know for sure what they did. All we can go by are

the extant photos of record. Many are altered, including the Z film. Many are not altered,

like Cancellare and Altgens, because they were published very early. My area of study is

photos; that is why I report on photos instead of other subjects.

It is important that SOMEONE DID NOT WANT A CLEAR VIEW SEEN of the Cuban's face.

Maybe there were people who could ID him if this was a clear mug shot.


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I think you make a pretty strong case that DCM was marked out in the photo.

There are some very strong interpretations to this, i.e. he got to live, etc..........

[\quote Jack White/

Tosh...I don't know how to answer your question. Some if not most photos were tampered

with ACCORDING TO WHAT CAN BE SEEN. I just report WHAT I SEE. I cannot speculate on

anything I do not see. I have never seen tampering to the Cancellare photo...MAINLY BECAUSE

IT WAS "LOCKED IN" BY BEING PUBLISHED VERY EARLY. We are not privy to the thinking of

those doing the retouching, so we do not know for sure what they did. All we can go by are

the extant photos of record. Many are altered, including the Z film. Many are not altered,

like Cancellare and Altgens, because they were published very early. My area of study is

photos; that is why I report on photos instead of other subjects.

It is important that SOMEONE DID NOT WANT A CLEAR VIEW SEEN of the Cuban's face.

Maybe there were people who could ID him if this was a clear mug shot.


Edited by Shanet Clark
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Well, well...look what computer enhancement brings out....

a black mark over the Cuban's face, covering all except his

ear. So the Bronson slide is added to the growing list of

pictures retouched.


There are 62 postings in the DCM thread. But nobody

seems interested in addressing the significant discovery

that the Bronson slide image has HIS FACE CRUDELY

BLACKED OUT. Trivial speculations abound, but a

MAJOR DISCOVERY is not even noted by anyone.



Jack I am a little confused here. If this fellow can be blacked out for whatever reasons as well as other photos which are tampered with, then if there were two people in the shadows on the south knoll and a picture was taken and the two were operational and caught on film, then would'nt they be blacked out on blended into the background also? I have been told that there was nobody there in the picture, so therefore I am lying and there is no need to look at the picture futher. However, even that Cancellare picture is said to be tampered with. Seems we have it each way. Some see things that are not there when they in fact were there. And things that were there are not there now.

I have been told many things about these pictures and shadows. It seems some want these pictures to say things they do not say and others want these pictures to say things they want said and we go round and round year after year tickling eachothers ears with our expertise trying to prove some things are there and other things are not there. Seems like an exercise in Bull xxxx to me.

Tosh...I don't know how to answer your question. Some if not most photos were tampered

with ACCORDING TO WHAT CAN BE SEEN. I just report WHAT I SEE. I cannot speculate on

anything I do not see. I have never seen tampering to the Cancellare photo...MAINLY BECAUSE

IT WAS "LOCKED IN" BY BEING PUBLISHED VERY EARLY. We are not privy to the thinking of

those doing the retouching, so we do not know for sure what they did. All we can go by are

the extant photos of record. Many are altered, including the Z film. Many are not altered,

like Cancellare and Altgens, because they were published very early. My area of study is

photos; that is why I report on photos instead of other subjects.

It is important that SOMEONE DID NOT WANT A CLEAR VIEW SEEN of the Cuban's face.

Maybe there were people who could ID him if this was a clear mug shot.


Thanks Jack for the up date. However, keep in mind.., I was told by Bernard Finsterwald Jr. and Gary Shaw in 1980 that the picture negative in question went to life Magazine and also to SS before it was ever published. It appeared in Gary Shaws early book, can't remember the name, before it appeared anywhere else. Thanks again. Tosh . Thanks again

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Well, well...look what computer enhancement brings out....

a black mark over the Cuban's face, covering all except his

ear. So the Bronson slide is added to the growing list of

pictures retouched.


There are 62 postings in the DCM thread. But nobody

seems interested in addressing the significant discovery

that the Bronson slide image has HIS FACE CRUDELY

BLACKED OUT. Trivial speculations abound, but a

MAJOR DISCOVERY is not even noted by anyone.



Jack I am a little confused here. If this fellow can be blacked out for whatever reasons as well as other photos which are tampered with, then if there were two people in the shadows on the south knoll and a picture was taken and the two were operational and caught on film, then would'nt they be blacked out on blended into the background also? I have been told that there was nobody there in the picture, so therefore I am lying and there is no need to look at the picture futher. However, even that Cancellare picture is said to be tampered with. Seems we have it each way. Some see things that are not there when they in fact were there. And things that were there are not there now.

I have been told many things about these pictures and shadows. It seems some want these pictures to say things they do not say and others want these pictures to say things they want said and we go round and round year after year tickling eachothers ears with our expertise trying to prove some things are there and other things are not there. Seems like an exercise in Bull xxxx to me.

Tosh...I don't know how to answer your question. Some if not most photos were tampered

with ACCORDING TO WHAT CAN BE SEEN. I just report WHAT I SEE. I cannot speculate on

anything I do not see. I have never seen tampering to the Cancellare photo...MAINLY BECAUSE

IT WAS "LOCKED IN" BY BEING PUBLISHED VERY EARLY. We are not privy to the thinking of

those doing the retouching, so we do not know for sure what they did. All we can go by are

the extant photos of record. Many are altered, including the Z film. Many are not altered,

like Cancellare and Altgens, because they were published very early. My area of study is

photos; that is why I report on photos instead of other subjects.

It is important that SOMEONE DID NOT WANT A CLEAR VIEW SEEN of the Cuban's face.

Maybe there were people who could ID him if this was a clear mug shot.


Thanks Jack for the up date. However, keep in mind.., I was told by Bernard Finsterwald Jr. and Gary Shaw in 1980 that the picture negative in question went to life Magazine and also to SS before it was ever published. It appeared in Gary Shaws early book, can't remember the name, before it appeared anywhere else. Thanks again. Tosh . Thanks again

Cancellare was an employee of Life Magazine on 11-22. His negatives and slides went to

them immediately. Trask probably has the full story. I would have to do lots of checking,

but my recollection is that it was first published soon after the assassination. It is possible

that the govt had access to it before it was published.


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Well, well...look what computer enhancement brings out....

a black mark over the Cuban's face, covering all except his

ear. So the Bronson slide is added to the growing list of

pictures retouched.


There are 62 postings in the DCM thread. But nobody

seems interested in addressing the significant discovery

that the Bronson slide image has HIS FACE CRUDELY

BLACKED OUT. Trivial speculations abound, but a

MAJOR DISCOVERY is not even noted by anyone.



Jack I am a little confused here. If this fellow can be blacked out for whatever reasons as well as other photos which are tampered with, then if there were two people in the shadows on the south knoll and a picture was taken and the two were operational and caught on film, then would'nt they be blacked out on blended into the background also? I have been told that there was nobody there in the picture, so therefore I am lying and there is no need to look at the picture futher. However, even that Cancellare picture is said to be tampered with. Seems we have it each way. Some see things that are not there when they in fact were there. And things that were there are not there now.

I have been told many things about these pictures and shadows. It seems some want these pictures to say things they do not say and others want these pictures to say things they want said and we go round and round year after year tickling eachothers ears with our expertise trying to prove some things are there and other things are not there. Seems like an exercise in Bull xxxx to me.

Tosh...I don't know how to answer your question. Some if not most photos were tampered

with ACCORDING TO WHAT CAN BE SEEN. I just report WHAT I SEE. I cannot speculate on

anything I do not see. I have never seen tampering to the Cancellare photo...MAINLY BECAUSE

IT WAS "LOCKED IN" BY BEING PUBLISHED VERY EARLY. We are not privy to the thinking of

those doing the retouching, so we do not know for sure what they did. All we can go by are

the extant photos of record. Many are altered, including the Z film. Many are not altered,

like Cancellare and Altgens, because they were published very early. My area of study is

photos; that is why I report on photos instead of other subjects.

It is important that SOMEONE DID NOT WANT A CLEAR VIEW SEEN of the Cuban's face.

Maybe there were people who could ID him if this was a clear mug shot.


Thanks Jack for the up date. However, keep in mind.., I was told by Bernard Finsterwald Jr. and Gary Shaw in 1980 that the picture negative in question went to life Magazine and also to SS before it was ever published. It appeared in Gary Shaws early book, can't remember the name, before it appeared anywhere else. Thanks again. Tosh . Thanks again

Cancellare was an employee of Life Magazine on 11-22. His negatives and slides went to

them immediately. Trask probably has the full story. I would have to do lots of checking,

but my recollection is that it was first published soon after the assassination. It is possible

that the govt had access to it before it was published.


Jack. Perhaps you know. Did Life Magazine publish that picture? If so what date? I am not aware that Life Magazine published that particular Cancellare photo shortly after the assassination. What publication in Life did it appear and when? If there was a cover up and pictures were doctored by Life, as some have claimed over the years, then it seems to me to be very important that two people on the south knoll photographed would have to be removed or brushed out if they were operational and too if shoots were fired around that south location. Could you provide information to support your statement, "Many are not altered,

like Cancellare...". How do we know this? Have you done extensive work on this photo and that particular location in the past? I was told you had NOT done work on that Photo or that location. Tom Wilson, I was told did do work on that photo and told many the photo had been tampered with and he found two people at that location as well as a possible third person in the south parking lot. Tom is now dead but his signed statements live on.

This is not meant to challenge you. I ask you some years ago if you would do work on that photo for me. Remember? Did you do any work on that photo? I think Jim Marrs was there in your office when we asked if you would do the work. Its been awhile. Do you have any results of the work you did on that photo, if any? If you did not, then how can you say the above. I think and always have that this is a very important photo for true researchers. If it proves that people have been brushed out... my point is made. If it proves nothing was there 30 seconds after the fatal shot then it proves we were not at that location at the time of the picture. It does not prove I am lying. Again I thank you for all your fine work, but I would like to know about this picture and ITS Negatives chain of custody. Thanks Tosh

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Well, well...look what computer enhancement brings out....

a black mark over the Cuban's face, covering all except his

ear. So the Bronson slide is added to the growing list of

pictures retouched.


There are 62 postings in the DCM thread. But nobody

seems interested in addressing the significant discovery

that the Bronson slide image has HIS FACE CRUDELY

BLACKED OUT. Trivial speculations abound, but a

MAJOR DISCOVERY is not even noted by anyone.



Jack I am a little confused here. If this fellow can be blacked out for whatever reasons as well as other photos which are tampered with, then if there were two people in the shadows on the south knoll and a picture was taken and the two were operational and caught on film, then would'nt they be blacked out on blended into the background also? I have been told that there was nobody there in the picture, so therefore I am lying and there is no need to look at the picture futher. However, even that Cancellare picture is said to be tampered with. Seems we have it each way. Some see things that are not there when they in fact were there. And things that were there are not there now.

I have been told many things about these pictures and shadows. It seems some want these pictures to say things they do not say and others want these pictures to say things they want said and we go round and round year after year tickling eachothers ears with our expertise trying to prove some things are there and other things are not there. Seems like an exercise in Bull xxxx to me.

Tosh...I don't know how to answer your question. Some if not most photos were tampered

with ACCORDING TO WHAT CAN BE SEEN. I just report WHAT I SEE. I cannot speculate on

anything I do not see. I have never seen tampering to the Cancellare photo...MAINLY BECAUSE

IT WAS "LOCKED IN" BY BEING PUBLISHED VERY EARLY. We are not privy to the thinking of

those doing the retouching, so we do not know for sure what they did. All we can go by are

the extant photos of record. Many are altered, including the Z film. Many are not altered,

like Cancellare and Altgens, because they were published very early. My area of study is

photos; that is why I report on photos instead of other subjects.

It is important that SOMEONE DID NOT WANT A CLEAR VIEW SEEN of the Cuban's face.

Maybe there were people who could ID him if this was a clear mug shot.


Thanks Jack for the up date. However, keep in mind.., I was told by Bernard Finsterwald Jr. and Gary Shaw in 1980 that the picture negative in question went to life Magazine and also to SS before it was ever published. It appeared in Gary Shaws early book, can't remember the name, before it appeared anywhere else. Thanks again. Tosh . Thanks again

Cancellare was an employee of Life Magazine on 11-22. His negatives and slides went to

them immediately. Trask probably has the full story. I would have to do lots of checking,

but my recollection is that it was first published soon after the assassination. It is possible

that the govt had access to it before it was published.


Jack. Perhaps you know. Did Life Magazine publish that picture? If so what date? I am not aware that Life Magazine published that particular Cancellare photo shortly after the assassination. What publication in Life did it appear and when? If there was a cover up and pictures were doctored by Life, as some have claimed over the years, then it seems to me to be very important that two people on the south knoll photographed would have to be removed or brushed out if they were operational and too if shoots were fired around that south location. Could you provide information to support your statement, "Many are not altered,

like Cancellare...". How do we know this? Have you done extensive work on this photo and that particular location in the past? I was told you had NOT done work on that Photo or that location. Tom Wilson, I was told did do work on that photo and told many the photo had been tampered with and he found two people at that location as well as a possible third person in the south parking lot. Tom is now dead but his signed statements live on.

This is not meant to challenge you. I ask you some years ago if you would do work on that photo for me. Remember? Did you do any work on that photo? I think Jim Marrs was there in your office when we asked if you would do the work. Its been awhile. Do you have any results of the work you did on that photo, if any? If you did not, then how can you say the above. I think and always have that this is a very important photo for true researchers. If it proves that people have been brushed out... my point is made. If it proves nothing was there 30 seconds after the fatal shot then it proves we were not at that location at the time of the picture. It does not prove I am lying. Again I thank you for all your fine work, but I would like to know about this picture and ITS Negatives chain of custody. Thanks Tosh

Tosh...Peter Lemkin is the expert on the Cancellare photo. But I did spend many

hours in the darkroom making prints of many densities trying to bring out anything

of significance on the south knoll.

I WAS UNABLE TO FIND ANYTHING. I reported this to everyone I was able. I suggested

to Peter that it needed COMPUTER ENHANCEMENT, which I was unable to do at that

time. I put Peter in touch with Tom Wilson, whose work was mysterious and frustrating

to Peter (and you). Tom told me and Peter he found what seemed to him to be two

men on the south side of Commerce...BUT HE REFUSED TO SHARE HIS FINDINGS

WITH PETER, ME OR YOU. That is all I know. Peter let me copy a print he purchased

from Life for a very high cost. That is the only copy I ever had to work with. He later

gave that print to Tom, and Tom never returned it. I have never investigated

the chain of custody of the Cancellare past the print Peter gave to me. That is

everything I know about it. I have no record of its first publication. Much of my

more recent work was from an internet image superior to the one I copied from



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