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Kroth and his 2018 book

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I was wondering if anyone would comment on the reasons why an author may spend six months and read 50,000+ documents researching and writing a book. Publish it for 3 months from July 2018 to Oct. 9, 2018, remove it from sale, put it back up in July 28, 2019 and then remove it again Nov. 8, 2019.

Jerry Kroth made a video to promote the book: 

And had a 38-page book sample on Amazon Kindle:  https://drive.google.com/open?id=1UJWjG9ffrZZ2oUG7gK5xzZ6nCzjzcc6a

I can get access to the book, but do not want to publish it due to copyright.

He claims to have discovered 80 NEW insights from these 50,000+ documents. Here are the first 9 from the video:

1. An FBI informant was keeping track of Ruby. 3 hours before the JFK hit, Ruby called the guy, and asked if he would like to meet him at Dealey Plaza and "watch the fireworks". They met and were standing together across from the Texas School book depository (TSBD) at the time of the shooting. So, Jack Ruby knew that JFK was going to be shot in Dealey Plaza at 9am. Ruby was all Mafia.

2. Eugene Hale Brading arrest record from 1953 was released. He was found inside the Dal-Tex building, across from the TSBD, just after the shooting, arrested, and then released. 2 months before he legally changed his name to Jim Braden, and that name had a clean record. He was connected with the Mafia. The story before was he was an innocent passerby who was looking for a telephone.

3. New memos: Eugene Dinkin and David Christensen. Two men with Army Intelligence. One in Germany and the other in Scotland. One is a cryptographer, the other decrypts coded messages. Both discover in the first week of Nov. 1963 that there is "chatter" on CIA channels about the killing of JFK in coded messages. Dinkin flees to Geneva and was about to talk with the media at the U.N., was arrested and put in a mental hospital for 6 months. Christensen mentions it to a friend, was also arrested and put in another mental hospital for 6 months. The names "william harvey" and "guy bannister" were mentioned. Dinkin later says that he wrote to the Attorney General, Robert Kennedy, as soon as he knew in early Nov. 1963. And that he did everything possible to stop the assassination.

4. Oswalds letter. Nov. 8, 1963. (not a new document) "Dear Mr. Hunt, I would like information concerting my position. I am asking only for information. I am suggesting that we discuss the matter fully before any steps are taken by me or anyone else. Thanks You, Lee Harvey Oswald" This letter was mailed anonymously to 3 journalists in 1975 from Mexico. It was handwritten. Maria Oswald says it was her husband's (Harvey) handwriting. He was dyslexic, and wrote "concerting" in another letter. Thus, it is very likely written by Harvey Oswald. "Hunt" was likely E. Howard Hunt, the guy arrested at Watergate, and who had a deathbed confession of the CIA operatives involved in the JFK hit. Oswald was planted in a job, and was in the dark about what was going on. He didn't want to work at $1.25/hr for nothing. He wanted more information.

5. New Orleans bar owner. Says that Oswald met with FBI agent Warren de Breuys. Said that after Oswald left Oct. 3, de Breuys followed him to Dallas. Was threatened by de Breuys to not testtify. de Breuys testifies that he went to Dallas after JFK was shot, not before. A new FBI document states that de Breuys leaves for Dallas soon after Oct. 25. (The bar owner is telling the truth)

6. The anti-Castro cuban named Antonio Veciana ran guns into Cuba and organized small raids. He met with David Phillips of the CIA (Western Hemisphere contact) in Dallas regularly. At one of these meetings, Sept. 6, 1963, in the lobby of a hotel (Southland Center), Oswald was there with Phillips when he arrived. Oswald acted shy and didn't say anything. There was a birthday party for a teenager named Wynne Johnson. When they were leaving, they met this guy at the door. He also remembers meeting the 3 men at the door. (Oswald (Harvey) was in contact with a high CIA official) Phillips paid Veciana $273,000 in cash (another document released)

7. Hoover's call to LBJ after Nov. 1963. The voice and the pictures of Oswald in Mexico in Sept. 1963 are not of Oswald. Someone is impersonating him. (why? someone is trying to make Oswald a pro-communist)

8. A new memo: David Phillips asks Veciana to bribe a couple in Mexico to say they saw Oswald. It didn't work.

9. French anti-degaulle terrorist/assassin entered US in NYC Nov. 19, and leaves at Laredo, Texas Dec. 6. A memo from French Intelligence. Kept secret for 54 years. (A man has come forward who claims to have run the safe house in Dallas at the time, and that he saw the French assassin arrive for the JFK hit. His story was that he was a low level mafia person, and that a U.S. intelligence agency sent him for training to make fake ID. He then made fake ID for people sneaking into Cuba. He also ran the "safe house" in Dallas, and trained to work assisting doctors in the operating room. After the JFK hit, he noticed people around him getting murdered, so he made several fake ID for himself, and then slipped out of town quietly and worked for a circus in California. Then went to Canada, Europe and South Africa and stayed there for 10 years. He came back to the US, under an alias, and went public with his story only in 2006.)


Edited by Ken Martinson
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I think I saw his JFK book on Amazon at one point, and noted that he was one of the very few self-published JFK authors who was making an effort to look at new documents, but I didn't investigate his work any further.

Here's his homepage.


He has multiple books to his name, including one on 9/11 - Implosion - which has this note on his home page


If you are looking for Duped!  this 2014 text has been updated and replaced by Implosion (2016). 

So maybe he's thinking of revisiting his JFK book. The page for his JFK volume has some commentary noting 'important revelations since the book was published', so possibly he'll revise that text. Though those revelations are mostly various strangers - plus James Files - getting in touch with him and telling him dramatic stories.

His most recent book, ECOCIDE, is about global warming and was published a week ago. I'm guessing if you contacted him at his home page he'd probably respond.

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Without being negative I'd have to say that most of the things that he "discovered" in the documents are not terribly new and have been circulating in JFK literature for years, decades even.  In fact several of them go back to first generation researchers and their various books. I don't see anything there that was not known and being discussed when I first entered the fray back in the early 90's? 

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1 hour ago, Anthony Thorne said:

So maybe he's thinking of revisiting his JFK book. The page for his JFK volume has some commentary noting 'important revelations since the book was published', so possibly he'll revise that text. Though those revelations are mostly various strangers - plus James Files - getting in touch with him and telling him dramatic stories.

Yes, he may be looking at a revised book. He may have been threatened with a lawsuit. Or James Files wanted his name out of the book, and live a normal life now that he is out of prison.

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1 hour ago, Larry Hancock said:

Without being negative I'd have to say that most of the things that he "discovered" in the documents are not terribly new and have been circulating in JFK literature for years, decades even.  In fact several of them go back to first generation researchers and their various books. I don't see anything there that was not known and being discussed when I first entered the fray back in the early 90's? 

Still, it is good to have someone review all these documents and try to summarize any new information they contain.

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Nothing at all wrong with looking at documents....well nothing other than potential eye strain and spousal objections.  "New" is just a relative term, those things might be new to some of his potential readers, it would just be a stretch to claim that he was the first one to find and report on the items listed.  Another point might be that his sales were simply so low that he dropped out; depends on his publishing arrangement.  Someone entering this arena now and expecting massive sales had best have something truly new and pretty sensational...

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