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The inevitable end result of our last 56 years

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Ben:Mar 26, 2565 BE — President Joe Biden said Russian leader Vladimir Putin “cannot remain in power” over his invasion of Ukraine. In a sweeping speech in Poland ...
I live in the U.S. You're the only one who fixates on that statement anymore. It was a gaffe. But Trump has established that a President can say anything one day and something different the next, and no one will remember. I don't think Biden was aware of that and played it brilliantly, but he got over to the public and his allies that he cares, which is important for a politician. It's also important that  he hasn't hammered "Regime Change" as a war aim, because that would harden Russian resolve. All those words are chosen carefully.
Ben: It was Rolling Stone that published a pretty solid article (as I recall) that the GOP swiped Ohio in 2004,
If you glean your own writing, you were making a statement to Matthew concerning a hegemony of consensus among people on this thread. I answered all 3 of your assertions, and regarding 2004, I did read the RS article way back. I'm telling you I don't fit into that category, which disproves your theory that we all think the same. I'll go even further and say I opened your link and the only substance offered in your link was that RFK Jr., Jesse Jackson and Howard Dean are believers. Of those 3 , Howard Dean, in my judgment is the most credible. Not that RFK Jr. is incredible.  Now how does that play into your thread hegemony theory?

Ben: Very few of the problems concerning the hacking or manipulation of voting machines and counts, detailed in the 2018 NYT cover-story article, have been fixed. 

The popular vote, in the national election, does not count. Gaming a few key close states is what counts. 

The first sentence goes into the category of "I answered you precisely why that continues to happen,  but you're not listening." The second sentence no one disagrees with, we attain thread hegemony!
Ben:It is also fair for any citizen to ask, "What is the goal of this war?"  Is it regime change, or a stable peace, an armistice, or complete elimination of Russia troops from Ukraine, including Crimea?
This also goes into that category. I've already told you this as well. Biden and the U.S. are playing a waiting game right now. There's no political pressure to defund, which you can disagree with. They'll continue and see how their NATO allies react to fuel shortages this winter.They'll continue monitoring and  they'll take what they can get as the situations arise. What don't you understand about that? *
Ben:The US spent 20 years in Afcrapitsan, and never had a goal. Some say it was only the unorthodox, mercurial Trump who got the US out of Afcrapistan. 
"Afcrapistan", that's very clever. I expect to hear it 1000 more times. That's even more clever than the "donks and the phants".  So that officially admits Afcrapistan into the  Trump category of sh-thole countries? Ok
*We both agree on a goal to cut U.S, military spending. Unfortunately that's not going go happen soon.And it doesn't help when there are many more voices like yours who seem to forget our long term goal and chide Biden for not being macho.
Biden/NATO are flatfooted? Seems so. No new plans, no initiatives, no means to deliver some real losses to Russians. 
Biden may not be a Putin-stooge, but the results are the same.
But the US invents reasons to not enforce a No Fly Zone in Ukraine, bowing to Putin threats.
I happen to be hawkish on Ukraine, and would prefer going to No Fly Zones.
I now advocate a No Fly Zone for Ukraine, and possibly even NATO boots on the ground. 
Times change and so yes, I have moved to a more-hawkish position on Ukraine.
 Since there were only 2 old east bloc NATO admissions since 2005. Why now? Sure there was some chicanery in 2014, but it was a popular  uprising against a corrupt elected government. And Putin seized Crimea and that was 7 years ago!  No one's completely blameless, But Putin bears responsibility for his actions.
In the final analysis, Ukraine  is a sovereign country. Do these people have the right to decide what government. they want to have?
Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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33 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

Well, it's a shame to see this interesting thread suddenly covered with Fox/GOP elephant dung.

Cleaning up the Fox/GOP elephant dung in the U.S. mainstream and social media is an onerous, never-ending job.


See William..  I shared the Cliche Guevara song because you use cliche's in every post. Fox News all republicans are the same lol! Yeah there's no difference between Maga and Neo cons like John McCain Liz Cheny and Willard Romney (Hard eye roll) 
You can continue to post junk statistics if you want but I'm a "Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics" type person who understands they are squeed to frame the debate.. 

I'm guessing you get your news from Dan Rather


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Just pondering my new surroundings...

The difference between Matthew and Ben is that Matthew is all-in Trump, whereas Ben is all-in what he wants Trump to be. Matthew believes all MAGAverse alternative facts, whereas Ben believes only the ones he can fit with his True Trump.


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15 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

Ben, I am a reluctant Putin fan.

I understand he's not a good guy. I am anti NWO and it is pretty obvious the NWO Deep State is very anti Russia. So, I like how he stands up to them. Also, I really enjoyed how Putin was out played Obama in Syria when he sent the Russian Army to blow up the Al Queda and Isis terrorists "Rebels" the CIA was arming in Syria. I thought that was pretty hilarious to do that and because W Bush declared war on Al Queada and Terrorism they couldn't do anything about it. And then they took John Kerry's gaffe about destroying the Chemical Weapons arsenal and got the US to agree to not invade if the outdated chemical weapons were destroyed. And they did it to basically show that the rocket in the chemical attack came from the rebels, that was also pretty awesome also!  Also Knowing the history in Ukraine in real time during the sniper attack that cause the coup de tat of the Russian back Ukrainian president. I have supported the Russians in the conflict since then. Remember there was a passenger plane that was shot down in an attempt to create an international incident and make war with Russia.

Then the Zelensky regime took over and backed the Azov Nazis in the war against the Dombas region of ethnic Russians. Fast forward to present day conflict where Zelensky was making provocative moves against Russia national security by saying they were wiling to host Nuclear missiles that would be too close to intercept thus making Russia susceptible to a first strike.Russia responded similar to what America did in the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Like Chris Rock famously said about OJ " Now I'm not saying he should have killed her.. but, I understand." and in this case I understand Russia. I wouldn't let someone point a gun at me I would stop them.  I wish there was not war. But from the Russian viewpoint this is a righteous war and Putin has like 85% approval in Russia. My friends wife is from Russia and she confirmed for me.

 Biden should have told Zelensky to behave but probably can't, do to Hunter. Had Biden not intervened by sending aid, the way Russia ran the beginning of the war with surgical strikes on the military. Knocking out the Air force day one sparing civilian infrastructure. Ukraine could have Surrendered and negotiated they probably would have ceded the Dombas region and the conflict would have ended. Now they will lose a lot more land and people and may end up starting WWIII. Which oddly seems to be okay with people who believe that Putin stole the 2016 election via memes on Facebook. lol 


The cognitive dissonance I'm experiencing from trying to read this is giving me a splitting headache.

Can W or Kirk possibly consonancize it for us? (That's probably too much to ask.)



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As Gates Doubles Down on Digital IDs, Critic Warns of ‘Gravest Technological Threat’ to Liberty

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation this month announced $200 million in new funding — part of an overall $1.27 billion commitment in support of “global health and development projects” that include creating a global digital ID system.



Edited by Chris Barnard
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39 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:

Just pondering my new surroundings...

The difference between Matthew and Ben is that Matthew is all-in Trump, whereas Ben is all-in what he wants Trump to be. Matthew believes all MAGAverse alternative facts, whereas Ben believes only the ones he can fit with his True Trump.


Hi Sandy, 

I wasn't originally a support of Trump, I used to believe the Libertarian cliche that Republican and Democrats were two sides of the same coin. But I now loving call him Cheeto Benito we was our benevolent that instead of putting his enemies into camps he allowed them to vote in elections and even sent them money during the pandemic.

 When I first moved to Mexico I wasn't a Trump supporter but the level of crazy hatred toward Trump around the time of the Government Shut down when he bought Mc Donalds for the NCAA visiting Football Champions. He began to gain my respect, he wasn't bombing people like the prior two administrations did. He resisted invading Syria when the left was demanding it after the alleged Assad Chemical weapons attack and only made a surgical strike. Yeah he wasn't perfect things like drone strikes continued buy he wasn't in charge of that like Obama. When Trump did his speech in front of the U.N. I for the first time since I was a kid felt pride in my country and president. I do feel that he was the first real President the country has had since JFK. Which is another reason the deep state worked like they did to prevent him from getting to that second term. 


This thread is basically a BlueAnon thread, if you don't know what BlueAnon is it is a Left generated Conspiracy theory that has continued for over six years. Every two weeks Trump will finally be brought to Justice, you just got to wait two more weeks. At this point John Gotti is not longer the teflon don The Donald is the real teflon don. He's such a diabolical 4D chess playing criminal, we just can't get him yet. Never mind the Duram probe or that Hillary Clinton campaign was behind the Steele Dossier. Trump IS a Russian Asset, that means hopefully you guys get to execute him for Treason like Matt was hoping for just like the Rosenbalms!! (Sarcasm added) 
I'm a fan of Irony and I find it Ironic that Warren Commission Critics would swallow a commission hook line and sinker that is set up very similarly to the WARREN COMMISSION! Haven't heard anyone complain about lack of cross examination or representation with that show commission. lol Ray Epps isn't a Guerrilla in the room aka a Glowing Federal Provocateur he is just an innocent man that hasn't been charged even thought he was recruiting people to go into the capital the night before, lead the charge through the barricades and directed people to the capital. (Don't believe your lying eyes!) 

Now BlueAnon is clinging to the fact that maybe we can get the government (Sounds kind of fascist to me) to get Trump with the files at Maralargo using the same law used to get Snowden and Chelsea Manning. I guessing that you guys aren't in favor of prosecuting the latter two, but are for Trump. It is that lack of Logic Continuity that I can't support the current left. 

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55 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:

Just pondering my new surroundings...

The difference between Matthew and Ben is that Matthew is all-in Trump, whereas Ben is all-in what he wants Trump to be. Matthew believes all MAGAverse alternative facts, whereas Ben believes only the ones he can fit with his True Trump.


Oh yeah... and Matthew has a good sense of humor whereas Ben is very polite.


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