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James DiEugenio

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    Los Angeles, CA
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    Retired teacher, MA in American History, editor and publisher at Kennedys and King.com, author and/or co-editor of Destiny Betrayed, The Assassinations anthology, The JFK Assassination: The Evidence Today, and JFK Revisited: Through The Looking Glass. Wrote screenplays for Oliver Stone's JFK Revisited and JFK: Destiny Betrayed.

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  1. This is nutty, she was in office for like 17 years. DA in Frisco, AG in California, and then senator.
  2. Trump wants to change the venue on the second debate. To Fox. Harris did pretty well against Pence, and she insisted he not talk over her more than once. Trump will not like that.
  3. That 81 million I think is a leftover from those reluctant to contribute to Biden. But whatever, its money. That is too bad if Whitmer pulls out. She would have been a good one. Personally, I like Cooper. North Carolina is a key state.
  4. BTW, if it was hazy why not put the plane on auto pilot?
  5. I was talking to Lisa Pease about this and she said the same thing. She said, Jim, I was watching it almost from the start and at the beginning the weather was clear. Then a few hours later that was changed to hazy, and that is the way it stayed.
  6. The person who smashes Trump is Michelle Obama. She beats him in a landslide But I doubt if she wants to go back to the White House.
  7. Well, we know from Gillon that he once said Bobby knew everything. But Gillon did not follow up on that. I could smack him one for not doing so.
  8. I just talked to my little sister tonight. I told her about JFK Jr and his study of his father's assassination before he died. She gave me a nice slap. You didn't know that Jim? My little sister one upped me.
  9. Peter: If you have a hood covering your face how can you reference the instruments?
  10. Greg: Can you describe your experience, training and flying time? I might write something on this, and I need something about that if I quote you.
  11. Thanks for replying Don. Man is that interesting. I was completely unaware of that aspect.
  12. For the record, JFK Jr was going to run for governor of New York in 2002. That is in JFK Jr: The Final Year, the A and E documentary.
  13. Can you contact him Ron? Like I said, I never saw this anywhere before. Has anyone else?
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