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David Von Pein

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About David Von Pein

  • Birthday 12/27/1961

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    Indiana, USA

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  1. Here's a somewhat rare interview with former Chief Justice Earl Warren. In this excerpt, Mr. Warren engages in a discussion about the Warren Commission: To hear the complete 56-minute interview, Click Here.
  2. Indeed. It's just one outrageous and ridiculous theory after another. It's really quite humorous to see. https://www.youtube.com/playlist/David Lifton
  3. Yes, that's right. I've been a Cincinnati Reds fan since about 1970. Unfortunately, however, I never had a chance to watch a game at Crosley Field. My first in-person game (at age 9) came in 1971 at Riverfront Stadium, which many people hated, but I loved it. I knew every inch of that ballpark. My brother and I had season tickets for 2 straight years (1977 and '78). We went to tons of games in those days. And I even made a visit to Candlestick Park in 1975 to watch the Reds play the Giants in 2 games. George Foster hit a grand-slam in one of those games off Randy Moffitt (I'm sure you remember him, the brother of Billie Jean King). One of the first games I ever attended (in 1971) was also against your Giants, Kirk (you are a big Giants fan, right?). The S.F. pitcher that day was Gaylord Perry, and I think he was ejected for throwing the spitter in that game. I don't have a specific memory of seeing Willie Mays play for the Giants in that '71 game, but I would have to think that Willie probably was in the lineup. That was his last full season as a Giant. http://dvp-video-audio-archive.blogspot.com/2017/09/Legends Of Baseball: Willie Mays My greatest baseball memory came on July 4, 1972 (Reds vs. Cardinals at Riverfront). After the game in the parking garage under the stadium, I managed to get 13 members of the Cincinnati Reds to sign my scorebook, including All-Stars Johnny Bench and Tony Perez [Photo Here]. That's over half the roster in just one single autograph session! Hard to beat that! Kirk, you might enjoy the Giants game linked below, which I added to one of my websites in 2017 after I found it online. It's a dandy game, featuring Harry Caray in the radio booth and back-to-back homers by the 2 "Willies" (Mays and McCovey).... __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ---------------- I want to say Thanks to the EF mods for permitting us to go off-topic for a while to talk about the grand ol' game of baseball. I like to reminisce about old baseball memories once in a while. My heyday for such Major League Baseball memories is circa 1972 to 1986. You wouldn't believe the number of hours I used up while compiling and typing up hundreds of homemade Cincinnati Reds scorebooks in the early '80s. I've taken screen captures of 8 of my scorebooks here: http://dvp-potpourri.blogspot.com/2019/04/DVP's Cincinnati Reds Scorebooks I kept track of some stats in the '80s that I don't think they even keep track of today. Also see my Cincinnati baseball collection below.... (Many Giants games here too!)....
  4. He did indeed. At least this once anyhow. At the first 1962 All-Star Game (when JFK threw out the 1st pitch). Sorry for this awful video quality, but that was beyond my control....
  5. David Lifton's 14-part video series (recorded in November 2013 and put on YouTube in October 2022)....
  6. As the Charles Bronson photograph shown below illustrates, "directly behind" Bill Newman would have put a shooter a little to the EAST of Abraham Zapruder in the pergola area. And nobody I've ever encountered thinks any shots came from there: Obviously, Bill Newman was confused and was wrong about two major things: The number of shots that were fired and the location of the gunman who was firing those shots that he heard. In addition, both Bill and Gayle Newman are very good witnesses when it comes to supporting the truth about the location of where the large exit wound was located on President Kennedy's head. And as far as I am aware, Bill and Gayle Newman are the only witnesses who ever provided this much first-hand detail about the key issue of WHERE on JFK's head the large wound was located. Both Bill and Gayle stated on live WFAA-TV on 11/22/63 (within literally minutes of the assassination) that they both saw blood coming from the RIGHT SIDE of JFK's head, with Gayle Newman providing even more graphic details during the second of her two interviews with WFAA's Jay Watson: "President Kennedy reached up and grabbed--looked like grabbed his ear--and blood just started gushing out." -- Gayle Newman; 11/22/63 Abraham Zapruder was another witness who, on the day of the assassination, clearly indicated that the President had a big hole in the right SIDE portion of his head, and not the right REAR part of his head.
  7. Exactly correct. --- https://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2010/11/bill-and-gayle-newman.html
  8. Thanks for your answer, Denise. Let me remind you where Abe Zapruder and Gayle Newman (two of the closest witnesses to JFK when he was shot) placed the blowout wound....
  9. Liars, liars everywhere. And fake evidence in even more places. (Geez Louise.) In your opinion, Denise, is there any "legit" (i.e., not tampered with) evidence to be found in the JFK/Tippit murder cases? And if so, what is that evidence? Thanks.
  10. QUESTION: What were the top headlines in The Boston Daily Globe ["Extra" edition] newspaper on the day of JFK's birth (May 29, 1917)? (Answer in next post.)
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