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Paul Brancato

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    Classical musician and author of several sets of trading cards including Iran-Contra Scandal, Bush League, and Coup D'etat JFK assassination.

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  1. Robert - what is the evidence on Joseph Kennedy supporting Hitler?
  2. Agree. And earlier when I said I thought much the same I was referring to your earlier post questioning why, if JFK could be blackmailed, would he be assassinated? So many books and movies smear him and besmirch his legacy. They seem to be part of a concerted effort. And it has by and large worked. I’m thinking of my baby boomer friends. After years of talking about JFK with them there is only one out of a few hundred that opened his mind enough to read a book I recommended, and it had a profound effect on him. It’s some kind of massive brainwashing, and these hit pieces are part of it. Headlines stick, and then everyday life intrudes and they are too busy dealing with hosts of problems. They remain unsuspecting of the true extent to which their lives today were impacted by events 60 years ago.
  3. I would have liked to have been a fly on the wall when the Kennedy family sat down together and discussed the assassination of JFK, and perhaps even more so after RFK. What responses did they consider?
  4. You literally never miss a chance to share your LBJ theory. I would love to see Jackie Kennedy’s personal papers, but whatever she is reported to have said to her friend it’s fair to call it her opinion. I’m not dismissive of the LBJ did it theory per se.
  5. Ben - I didn’t see your original post. Is it your point that you think this theory isn’t worth exploring, and you just wanted to show the kind of crap that floats around on X?
  6. A little trip down my memory lane. In 1962 (maybe ‘61) I played a youth concert in Carnegie Hall, all city JHS orchestra. Javitz was guest speaker, and us kids were made to sit on stage during his presentation at intermission. Mid way through his speech about the glories of American children and education, a voice from the upper balcony interrupted him - ‘what about the kids in Vietnam’? Twice. I knew instantly it was my father.
  7. It doesn’t belong, but that is the reason I chose to post it here
  8. Great interview. If only I could get anyone among my friends and family to view it.
  9. Bill - one of our members - Matt Allison - says the Joannides files are not among the unreleased documents that the suit pertains to. Is that true?
  10. America first was not isolationist it was pro German. This is not my fantasy Matt.
  11. Didn’t Gary Underhill work in a Luce connected job before his strange death?
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