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David Josephs

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Everything posted by David Josephs

  1. One of the things that most bother me about the USMC records is the conflict between "Aircraft Control and Warning Operator" school (Radar operator) and the recommendation as well as preference of duty in his records as a "Aircraft Maintenance and Repair"... With as poor hearing as he had, I fail to see how he gets into a Air Traffic Control. Felde tells us that his Oswald did not go to Biloxi but was in Florida thru July when they go to "Aviation Electronics School" in Memphis TN which as I understand it would be for Aircraft Maintenance and Repair, not Air traffic controller... http://www.marines.com/being-a-marin...ement/avionics Marines in the Avionics field install, remove, inspect, test, maintain and repair all aviation weapons and electrical systems. They also support communications, radar and navigation systems. http://maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?...eId=2&tab=page On the next page in that WCD with the Landes info WCD131, we are told yet another little white lie by the FBI who, when necessary, couldn't find their bum with two hands and a flashlight... "The records fail to name any personnel assigned or attending above school with Oswald" When in reality the records could not be more clear... and later on, Powers produces the orders for these six men at his testimony.. Mr. POWERS. I have the travel orders, and if you want them----- Mr. JENNER. Fine. If you have anything from which you may refresh your recollection so that we can have the exact date, I appreciate it. Mr. POWERS. This would be, 2 May 1957 is on the date of these orders. Mr. POWERS. Yes. "Effective 3 May 1957, the below listed marines are directed to report to the 3380th Technical Training Group, 3383d Student Squadron, Block 21, Building 17, Shipping and Receiving Section, Keesler Air Force Base, Biloxi, Miss., for duty under instruction, USNAC&W Operators Course No. AB27037, Class 08057, for a period of about 6 weeks. Upon arrival thereat, they will report to the Commanding Officer for duty." And then it lists six marines with Lee H. Oswald as one of these marines. Mr. POWERS. (1Pfc. Edward J. Bandoni.) 551427. Pfc. James N. Brereton, 1644586; Pfc. Donald P. Camarata, 1632342. Mr. JENNER. Excuse me. Would you check that number again as against mine? I had 1653230, am I in error? Mr. POWERS. You're in error, sir. It's 1632342. The next name that appears is Lee H. Oswald, private, first class, 1653230. And the next name is my name, Powers, Daniel P., 1497089. And the next name that appears is Schrand, Martin E., private, first class, 1639694 Mr. POWERS. Up to--you could say that's true to a certain extent. We did attend school there. Then from Mississippi we were assigned orders to go overseas, and report to El Toro, Calif. Here, while we were at Mississippi, it was parallel. We attended the same classes, and in the same particular group as far as the initial starting of training and graduation, if you would like to call it that. Mr. JENNER Yes. Mr. POWERS. And then once we got to California, they changed somewhat because some of the people reported in early to California and some of them reported later, so this getting into an overseas draft meant that some were leaving out of California earlier than others, of course, which would mean their assignments as far as orders, were different. I would say that four of the names mentioned previously, Camarata, Oswald, Powers, and Schrand, went to the Far East; Bandoni and Brereton, I'm not sure where they went. I think they went to the east coast, as I recall Mr. JENNER. Did he ever express any sympathy toward the Communist Party? Mr. POWERS. None that I recall. Mr. JENNER. Toward Communist principles? Mr. POWERS. None that I recall. Mr. JENNER. Or Marxist doctrines? Mr. POWERS. None that I recall; no, sir. HARVEY was said to be spouting off on Communism and Marxism a great deal of the time... This is NOT Harvey Mr. Powers here is talking about... but LEE and helps to illustrate the existence of these two separate men seen and traveling with different Marines. Add this to the Ping Tung duplicity, the Gorsky duplicity, and a significantly large number of other conflicts AS OFFERED BY THE WCR which supports the existence of two Oswalds at the same time and I'm sure the H&L critics will have plenty to work on in their attempt to find other answers for these conflicts... I see noone has addressed the HSCA, Blakey and the DoD lying about where Oswald was... maybe instead of claiming an application is a driver's license with no sources and nothing but pure speculation you biys can address the actual meat of the situation... The EVIDENCE IS THE CONSPIRACY... How can Donovan be with Oswald in the Phillipines if he was never there, or how he can be with Oswald thru the Summer and Fall of 1959 when Gorsky has him discharged in March 1959...
  2. 1) you answered your own question Michael... "I did not" 2) If you write what you mean then isn't this your position? "My personal opinion is that these are clearly the same man, taken at different points in his life. Lighting, head tilt, pursing of the lips in the marine photo (edit: I mean photo on the right, I mistook that for a photo of Oswald in the marines) can easily account for many of the subtle differences between photos. I think there is some interesting evidence suggesting there were sightings of "Oswald" in more than one place at once, but this set of photos doesn't convince me we are looking at two different men" So these two are the same man, to you. The evidence which I've been discussing which Tracy nor anyone else cannot refute other than the reality of the situation "will never be known".. what an amazing cop out this is... we know EXACTLY what the WCR and DoD says about the situation - THEY provided the evidence. thing is I'm asking him or you to explain the DoD conflicts with the Marines who were with the man in Taiwan while his records claim he is in Japan being treated for a STD... How can he both never go, and be there at the same time? (The Unit Diaries which show his leaving and returning are NOT in the WCR or exhibits... wonder why) Forget for a second what you see... what does the evidence the WCR offers say about the records of this man other than it is in conflict with those who were with one versus the other man? Stick to the evidence offered... CE1961 conflicts with CE1962 and the Folsom/Donabedian Exhibits... and then the DoD lies about it... How can Lee Oswald be in both Ping Tung and Atsugi at the same time?
  3. I'm guessing that this is not your correct head size? The lobotomy scars appear smaller than I imagined they would.. I am willing to stand corrected, however... So says the man using an image from 35 years ago... Something about stones and glass houses Parker... did you have a nice little break? Doesn't seem to have helped much though as you are right back to insults... lobotomy scars? what are you, 5 years old?
  4. Well, David, if I'm wrong about it, then so was Jack White when he first announced it in 1991. Jack White, you may recall, was the original source of the "Harvey & Lee" theory. You now admit he was wrong? Besides, anybody can tell that both of those photos were RETOUCHED. Regards, --Paul Trejo Not exactly sure how you get up each morning and try to be this incorrect about things... but there you go anyway. Jack White was under the impression that many of the faces in his poster where the composite of two people... he was aware of Palmer as was Armstrong. White supported John's work which sprung from both White's work and Palmer's statement. H&L was the result of looking at the evidence. H&L p.9 I telephoned Jack, in Fort Worth, and suggested that we gather all of our photos of Lee Harvey Oswald and put them together, chronologically, in a poster. Jack thought it was a good idea and the result was a poster that contains 77 photographs of both Oswald's, Harvey and Lee. JFK101-13 As I continued to gather documents from the Dallas Public Library, the JFK collections at UTA and TCU, the Warren Volumes, the 33 rolls of microfilm, the New Orleans Historic Collection, the National Archives in Washington, DC, and other locations, I arranged them in chronological order in 4-5 inch wide, 3-ring notebook binders (after 10 y ears of gathering documents, I have over 100 binders). I placed the "official" (Warren Commission, FBI, Dallas Police, Secret Service, etc.) documents relating to Oswald's whereabouts in one set of binders and documents relating to a 2nd "Oswald" in a different binder. By comparing documents year by year I was able to follow, and reconstruct, the lives of both "Oswald's." This is NOT what Jack said about these images at all... from his "faces of Oswald" poster he states that the "Misnk" photo is a composite, while the 1959 passport photo is not questioned or presented as a composite. Get your facts straight FIRST Paul... or will that request always fall on deaf ears?
  5. Mr. Morrow, You prove what I said to begin with here... these computer models are identical - the same distance, same focal length, same everything EXCEPT for the head tilt... does your program allow you to move the distance from the subject while keeping everything else the same? Move back 3 feet and to the right 6 inches... then compare them.... As basic photography and perspective teaches, regardless of the lens, a photo taken from the exact same spot and distance CAN be compared and of course if there is movement in the subject it will change the perspective... but this model representation is not of the two different images you posted and then drew lines upon... There was another pseudo photo expert who used to do the same things with perspective and images to illustrate his points yet in every case we found that he used these subtle differences to his advantage. All you've shown with that terrible composite and measurement is that two images from different sources cannot be measured in 2 dimensional space to determine 3 dimensional distances... Your conclusions and text notwithstanding - we can try and resize one to match the other - but cannot do it accurately due to basic photographic problems That you used these two images and disregarded everything about photography to reach your conclusion is almost as bad as whoever did this comparion to claim they are two different men... That they are is not proven by this image or gif... that they are two different men comes from the evidence provided the WC by the Dept of Defense... Why would they claim he was in one place when their same evidence proves he wasn't?
  6. I'm sorry you can't see that they are not the same person... if you want to post the HSCA process please do... In the entirety of the Photographic section of the HSCA reference to Photogrammetry appears here in one paragaph: (376) Finally, in addition to these methods of visual inspection, the materials were studied photogrammetrically. "Photogrammetry is the science of ascertaining the positions and dimensions of objects from measurements of photographs of these objects." (162) In the Oswald backyard pictures, photogrammetry was given particular emphasis in studying critical shadow areas. When you have a chance, post the process and results of this photogrammterical analysis the HSCA panel did... as you read thru Vol 6 section B you find over and over the HSCA expert panel using lines and measurements directly from the photos... sorry, but this is not photogrammetry... Tracy - Can you refute the Department of Defense evidence which suggests the existence two different men? Stay with the DoD letter that Oswald did not go to Taiwan... Please explain who then was in Taiwan described as "Lee Harvey Oswald" while the same man is in Japan getting medical treatment... Can we all stop dicking around with any other topic you can find that means virtually nothing to the conclusion... and focus on the official evidence of duplicity? Why is there a full list of Marines who claimed they were with Harvey which the WC ignored, while those who knew Lee were included? https://books.google.com/books?id=SC-wBAAAQBAJ&pg=PA59&lpg=PA59&dq=fbi+interview+of+Major+Gorsky+about+Oswald&source=bl&ots=eeXPZyMJSz&sig=W7_vGrtETy7NXgtzNv5siOZlXxM&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CDkQ6AEwBGoVChMIjKyk0azgxgIVhIuSCh0QVgAK#v=onepage&q=fbi%20interview%20of%20Major%20Gorsky%20about%20Oswald&f=false John Ely was supposedly given all the Oswald military records - 100 photostated pages - by Allison Folsom who got originals from William Odom Tracy - it was in these photostats that the Evidence of Oswald in Taiwan and Atsugi simultaneously is found... Armstrong did not create these docs, did not invent Gorsky, Oswald's STD or treatment, the ship which sailed to Ping Tung and back with Oswald on it's manifest, the men listed below stationed with Harvey as well as Felde's conflicts with the record and the FBI's attempt to bury them by using a different Felde.... ...the records of the USMC as offered in the Folsom and Donabedian exhibits presents this all on its own. El Toro and Santa Ana are two separate facilities. So take a little time and address these conflcits as offered by the Dept of Defense thru it's Deptuty Asst Director of Public Affairs... The Landesberg situation simply provides more corroboration for the existence of two seperate Oswalds... but the core of the case comes from the WCR evidence itself... The Evidence IS the Conspiracy... John and many others understand this... maybe you too, after some more digging into the actual meat of the evidence, will see this to be true as well. DJ
  7. In case some readers here don't know it -- this discovery was first announced in 1991 by Photographer Jack White from Texas. It seems that some of y'all don't remember his first discoveries about this. Both of these photographs were made in the USSR, using a tried-and-true KGB trick for concealing identities, namely, the left-half of a face is duplicated and reversed, then pasted over the right-side of the face. Or, as in the second photo, the right-half of the face is duplicated and reversed, then pasted over the left-side of the face. That is why these two photos of Lee Harvey Oswald remind us of Oswald, and yet differ significantly. That is also why the two halves of these faces are so SYMMETRIC, which is not really natural. You can try this yourself with your own photograph sometime. It's fun to see that the left-half and right-half of our faces are actually a little bit different! Regards, --Paul Trejo Paul - you are so incredibly wrong about this it's embarassing. You speak with authority as if you've actually done something to support your opinions when we come to find you;ve done nothing FIRST but decalre your conclusions and THEN you go look for support. Still looking for that Hoover evidence or gave up the ghost on that one? The photo on the right was taken for his 1959 passport in Santa Ana - can you not read? The image on the left is CLAIMED to be from Minsk, yet there is not proof of the origin of the photo... If you have sources for your conclusions, post them...otherwise maybe an ouce of prevention would be worth not having to listen to you guess on every post.
  8. Kathy... you of all people should understand the difference between a theory and the evidence which repeatedly suggests something is up. We all know that the evidence proves Oswald was in Ping Tung - there are witnesses, guard duty stories and recaps of his USMC time which all includes time in Taiwan yet the DoD wrote the HSCA to let them know that Oswald did NOT go to Ping Tung. Why would the DoD lie about what occurred with Oswald in Taiwan given the Atsugi medical records have Oswald being treated for an STD during this entire time? Why would Gorsky claim he signed the discharge of Oswald in March 1959 and all the Oswald records were ordered to Washing DC? Who is it that Anna Lewis sees in Feb 1962 in New Orleans while Harvey is in Minsk? She repeats Jan-Apr 1962 a number of time yet Oswald was not in New Orleans until Apr 24, 1963 The bottom line Kathy is that while it is possible that these sightings are of some other Oswald impersonator, the USMC records, Taiwan, Felde, Donovan, Gorsky and on and on - JA came to find that there were two different sets of witnesses - those who knew Lee and those who knew Harvey... with precious little cross-over... I know that John appreciates the digging and clarification of the minute details... I also know that in each and every case there are arguments which can support both sides of the debate. I hope they continue to dig deeper yet start to focus their time and effort on the evidence which shows the duplicity... why would the DoD deny where Oswald was while their own confirms he was in Taiwan ?
  9. My personal opinion is that these are clearly the same man, taken at different points in his life. Lighting, head tilt, pursing of the lips in the marine photo (edit: I mean photo on the right, I mistook that for a photo of Oswald in the marines) can easily account for many of the subtle differences between photos. I think there is some interesting evidence suggesting there were sightings of "Oswald" in more than one place at once, but this set of photos doesn't convince me we are looking at two different men. When did his ears drop? Puberty? His head is clearly tilted more downward in the right photo, which would make his ears appear higher. If you don't understand how perspective works, I'm afraid there is no helping you. Mr Morrow, you berate Ray here about perspective and you claim authority while measuring a 3d dimension on a 2d image by drawing some line... there is something called photogrammetry which is a complex method for measuring objects on a 2d space which results in 3d analysis. What you did can best be called "eye-balling" it... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photogrammetry Photogrammetry is the science of making measurements from photographs, especially for recovering the exact positions of surface points. What you've actually done above, frankly, is a joke in relation to the comparison of two different images... personal opinions aside, this work doesn't prove your opinion, it only proves how little you know about measuring distance in photographs... Knowing something about perspective you'd also know your comment about why the ears appear "higher" is complete gibberish. (your pick line even proves the opposite of what your opinion is - it shows these people's faces are NOT the same at all... why exactly do you ignore the results of this work in the first place? You basically prove the images do not match at all, and then state the opposite as an opinion... and then get on Ray related to perspective which you completely fubar. http://commonsensephotography.com/what_is_camera_perspective/index.php Below are examples of a 24mm lens and a 200mm lens taken from the same position. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perspective_distortion_(photography) gives you a walkthru example of different focal lengths and photographer distances to the same object... You'd also know you'd need to know much more about the taking of these images to be able to compare them at all.... How far from each camera were these images taken? With what lens do you think each was taken - 35mm, 50mm, zoomed or not - the same for each or not? What is the scale of each image to the original negative? If the two images were taken with different settings or distances of any kind it is impossible to use lines, pixels or anything else for that matter to compare or measure what is seen on the images. Maybe read up alittle about measuring distance on a 2d representation of 3d space... It's nice you think it is so easy as to just draw a few lines... sadly, that's not at all how it works. By sizing and lining up the right ear we can at least see how the two images work with each other... no measurements, just starting with a feature that is sized to match each other which SHOULD result in the faces matching each other... What we also find is that no matter what we do we cannot get LEE's dropped shoulders to match Harvey's more straight shoulders But if there is something you can do to make them match... let's see what you got. There is that fact as well that the 1959 Passport image and the image of Harvey from a week or so later do not appear too similar
  10. deleted Smartest thing you've posted in years Tommy... Why exactly do you need to be such a to others when at the slightest provocation you whine to the moderators? Hume has some ideas which are obviously so over your head as to make you dizzy.. but you being you MUST try some witless comment to let others know how lost you are in so many areas. I don't have to agree with him to be courteous... obviously you do. As for you being a lawyer... ... obviously you have trouble enough putting on briefs let alone writing one.. thanks for staying out of the law... Regarding my post, the sheet places the taking of this test in April 1962...the "62" even looks exactly like the 10/10/"62" next to it.. Without Greg here to have your back, not so interested in posting actual thoughts on a topic - are ya mate? Better off keeping at that "wit" thing you fail so miserably at each and every time... Much love and affection Tommy.. you know it's all in fun...
  11. That may too much of a blanket statement for me to make, yet I do believe the FBI/Klein's chose Waldman for his cooperation skills rather than his knowledge of the business. I believe him when he says it was Westra and others who were responsible for the order Mr. BELIN. And that is who? Mr. WALDMAN. Mitchell W. Westra. Mr. BELIN. At that time was he an employee of your company? Mr. WALDMAN. He was. Mr. BELIN. Was he under your jurisdiction and supervision? Mr. WALDMAN. He was not under my direct supervision, no. He was under the supervision of Sam Kasper ---- Mr. WALDMAN. He is the vice president of our company. Mr. BELIN. He is the other vice president of the company? Mr. WALDMAN. Correct. If Kasper is the VP of let's say OPERATIONS... one wonders what Waldman was VP of... that he would not be involved with shipping or inventory? And who was the President and/or Owner of Klein's? I can't seem to find any detailed info on "Klein's" the business. He makes a jumble of the 10 packing slips which he claims were sent as memos instead of with the Feb 22 shipment as Rupp states his procedures are... Waldman 3, per WCD881 p10, was provided on March 12, 1964 by Waldman. Yet, what makes this even more suspect is that FELDSOTT is credited with supplying these same 10 slips on Nov 22 - WCD 790 p3... while the report itself connects these 10 slips to this Feb Order it fails to mention that the only documents Feldsott offered - as mentioned in his affidavit were related to a JUNE 1962 shipment. http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh11/html/WC_Vol11_0108a.htm And finally is the greatest contradiction of them all related to Waldman - the Microfilm. He repeated claims that he gave the film to FBI SA DOLAN and got a receipt... of course we don't have the receipt and in fact what we do have is anotehr FBIreport under DOLAN's name whcih states that Waldman KEEPS THE FILM IN HIS SAFE to be subpoenaed if need be... https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10408#relPageId=195&tab=page is the link to page 2 of the first report with DOLAN and 2 other FBI SAs... the page prior is the beginning of this doc while the following page is the DOLAN REWRITE of this memo... Here they are side by side - this is primae facia evidence that the FBI created reports that said what they needed them to as well as creating other reports after the fact and back dating them as needed. The report with the taking of the film only has DOLAN, with TOEDT & MAHAN not listed.
  12. According the the records, there were 860 rifles still at Harborside and up to 99 rifles at Klein's on 11/22 for which he have no information.. Or do we? Waldman tells us he removed the "remaining inventory" of the Oswald rifle that weekend due to the gruesomeness of selling these at all... which I find very hard to believe a gun dealer would not take advantage of the "weapon type" as a collector's item and sell them at a premium... But they simply seem to vanish by the 26th of Nov... does anyone know what happened to these and the Harborside inventory? ------------ Has Anyone EVER come forward claiming to have purchased a C20-T750 yet was shipped "the same rifle Oswald used" PRIOR to the Hidell shipment? - the rifle was advertised from Feb 62 thru Feb 63. Has any one of these Serial #'d MC rifles ever been found? The WCR records only offer info on these 100 rifles.. Has anyone ever seen a "blank order" for any one of these rifles with corresponding serial #'s? It is my theory that the FBI took Feldsott's 10 packing slips and created these two pages. So far, the only thing we've seen to corroborate that this page is "original" is the Hidell Order Blank. Does seem strange to me that the serial #'s are all written on what looks like a blanked out background, while everywhere else on the 'copy' we see the black dots of the lined paper. A bigger clearer verson of a page shows what I mean... Would it be that hard to see these VC=Serial # sheets for ANY OTHER GROUP OF RIFLES? It would seem that any and all documentation which was available and would confirm the FBI story of replacing the scoped TS rifle with an FC... was never sought.
  13. For the same reason they find the wrong Felde, claim that Hall and Howard are with Odio, fabricate and alter Mexico City evidence, create a money order while key evidence is both handed over to the FBI in one report and NOT in others, and have conflict after conflict related to evidence which "incriminates" Oswald... The FBi was not in the business of finding out WHAT happened, but only gathering and creating evidence which implicates Oswald while confusing the issues at every turn. "The FBI conducted an exhaustive investigation" - per Tracy Parnell... Here's a thought Tracy - "WAKE UP!!" The FBI was in the business of protecting the FBI, killing those who needed to be killed, and leaving a history of worthless evidence... I'm terribly sorry to have to tell you this Tracy... but there is no Santa or Easter bunny and the FBI does nothing "exhaustively" but Cover it's A$$.... They don't automatically get the benfit of the doubt Tracy, in fact, given their track record - it is terribly important that everything from the FBI is checked against the reality... It is really sad to see grown men so completely blinded to the realities of the FBI, CIA, SS and military from the late 30's to the present. Snowden didn't expose anything NEW... this has been going on for 80 years...
  14. Rose estimated him as 5'9" and 150lbs... Yet is it said he never topped 135 and was barely 5'9" if that... as opposed to his 5'11" 150 lbs as he left the USMC... Not sure how a man shrinks 2 or more inches between ages 20 and 24...
  15. Nice story... can we have a little corroboration and etail.. "accompanied the pair to Mexico City" how, when, where... thanks DJ
  16. As I look over the 1st 5 pages of threads, you haven't bothered to start a single one presenting what you think from work you've done... have you brought to light anything new or interesting? Maybe the blog you linked us to? Mission StatementI believe the evidence shows that Lee Harvey Oswald is guilty of the crime of assassinating President John F. Kennedy. The goal of this website is to present articles and other information that will refute conspiracy theories and clarify facts. oh.. {sigh} Got it. One who has Faith. A WCR apologist refutes H&L... My bad, didn't consider the source. Take care Tracy.... and good luck with that Mission of yours...
  17. Funny thing, you being incredulous doesn't change the evidence. So how bout you Tracy... Why are the NYC school records for this crucial time period so wrong? Would you agree that a school administrator would NEVER put that kind of attendance down for that short a time period "3/23 - 6/30"... furthermore, Carro's evidence says he did not go back to school until after Youth House. The originals are gone in favor of FBI copies which do not realistically represent what occurred. I truly appreciate what you've done in finding questions and contradictions - there will always be "how'd they do that" questions - this topic like all others remains a work in progress... At the same time, I'd like to see you address the more ironclad evidence of duplicity and FBI cover-up. The DoD says he never went to Ping Tung - this is a lie. Why did they need to lie about Oswald in Ping Tung? The health record has him receiving treatment at the same time in Atsugi... If the record did not conflict, the DoD would not have needed and excuse. In their acknowledgement they prove the point. Armstrong didn't make this up Tracy... Blakey got the letter from the DoD himself to deal with the problem... and they tried to cover the fact. The problem with FELDE is that for some reason his USMC SN# is used for both Alexander D and Allen R, per Tom's work. 1 number two men? doubtful. Point being the FBI claimed he didn't exist at first, that ROBERT ALLEN FELDE was who the article was about, in Chicago... and they were wrong. No coincidence that FELDE and HARVEY are together and the FBI and their timeline contradicts Lee's... when you take the time to read the chapters, not the entire book, just the chapters related to who was where in the marine's I'd be interested in your take as a whole. For you to state anything is "impossible" regarding the CIA, Military and FBI - and throw in the Secret Service...is to me a bit naive. Fingers were in many pies, and these people were not about to have them chopped off... so everything was covered up...regardless, imo. I'm hoping you see I don't need to subscribe to White's view of H&L or John's or anyone else's yet can still see what was going on. There are those that claim composites were created... I don't know Tracy... I don't doubt it and I also don't think it matters to why the FBI confiscated Jr High records, or were so up in arms over Palmer... Or had to cover for Ping Tung, or all the Ruby/Lee sightings while they were in New Orleans... But they were. Witnesses place little Harvey at 2220 Thomas while Lee is elsewhere... Gorsky remembers Lee separating in March 1959 and DC taking his records... Anna Lewis sees Oswald while Harvey is in Minsk. And on and on ... Let me ask you... what would be most convincing to you in illustrating the existence of H&L ?
  18. Wait long enough and Parker shows up... "The lady doth protest too much, methinks"
  19. And I never said the FBI linked 200 days to a year... My quote was I refer to you knowing what a school year is so you can differentiate between Fall & Spring Semesters... and Summer School - which some kids do attend. And is highlighted in orange.. 55 days worth.
  20. School days in a school year are remarkably consistent, DJ. That number usually comes to almost exactly 180 or 181 school days per school year. No one needs to count as high as 200 for that! Does anyone here disagree with these numbers? Does anyone here not see the tactic being employed to avoid the big fat mess that may made out of the Felde documents? ps show where the FBI linked 200 days to a school year. If you add the attendance with the absences you get 200 days 3/23/53 to 1/12/54 There are a total of 210 weekdays on which a child could attend school, including ALL holidays, ALL breaks and Summer Vacation The NYC school record which supports this concurs with the report and is surely posted in this thread. I will not engage in another discussion of this. I will not engage "da man" as he is surely right and I am surely wrong as is obvious from these images and to anyone who can add or count or read. Take all the time you need Greg Publish your work whenever you get to it... cause you're in charge, you're the one who decides < genuflect >
  21. Here we go. The usual tactic.Try and change subject to something you falsely tried to claim victory for. You da man, Greg. < genuflect >
  22. Sure Greg, right after you learn what a school year looks like and to count to 200.
  23. Present YOUR work Greg and let others worry about themselves. Your concern over my place in the hierarchy is sweet and all... yet you have enough problems of your own with which to deal. I'll be fine, mate.
  24. Proof Greg... your word here means nothing. So Lee H here was NOT in the 1st battalion as listed above? And you have a listing for ALLEN R FELDE in the 2nd Battalion somewhere that's not the FBI report from June 1964? Post the USMC source for that determination Greg. Gee... One Oswald listed in the 1st Battalion with Alexander D FELDE and another Oswald in the 2nd Battalion with ALLEN FELDE according to the FBI at the same time? Congrats Greg, you're actually learning.
  25. Because - oh, deaf one - the EVIDENCE IS NOT AUTHENTIC. The BOTTOM red arrow is at the level of the throat wound location as seen from the back and somewhat accurately depicted in Ryberg The holes in the jacket and shirt are no where close to the "IN" location or Ford's change to Ryberg's "IN" location. The SBT is based on very specific things happening which includes a bullet traveling on a DOWNWARD TRAJECTORY from the back to the front and thru to John. So do us a favor David... on the bottom image on the right... place a dot where YOU blieve the bullet entered... On this image it's not hard to see how the Evidence IS the Conspiracy The EVIDENCE as offered is not representative of the evidence as collected.
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