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David Josephs

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Everything posted by David Josephs

  1. Thank you Joseph. I don't see how any sane person can fail to realize the difference in the quality of those images. What is more important however, is that in spite of the goofy claims that there are boxes or a little man in the window, we see in BOTH images, clear evidence that the cord on the left side has been cut, and an irregularly shaped section of the blinds in that corner is missing. Robert... What each of us actually sees (resolution, detail, color, etc) is very subjective imo. Some people claim the softness of the Sony TVs provides better detail than of more "sharper" manufacturers... a matter of preference. I've added some arrows to try and understand your point. First off some common ground: - the "cord" of a blind, venetian in this case I believe, is always on the inside of the room, not between the blind and the window (I would ask if you know on those specific blinds whether the cord(s) is/are on the left or right facing the window from the inside... if usually on the left then obviously your conclusions are incorrect at face value. If on the right, and potentially in the altgens image, were they within the frame of the blinds or at the very end of the window... again, matters as to you conclusions. I see a cord hanging down in the image on the left, 1st arrow on the left - the blinds themselves have cloth guides (top right arrow) that we see stops... the blinds are not completely down or are they even down at all? If one looks at the 3rd floor window to the left of the fire-escape we can see the overhead light and it's obvious that the blinds are up in the window full of people - the middle arrow is the one pointing to the cut cord YOU are referring to - the bottoms of all these windows DO NOT HAVE PANES - YOU know for a fact that each window had blinds the spliced in window on the left seems to show the overhead lights thru the top part of the window... there are no blinds there or they are completely up. Seems the same everywhere. Without conceding one way or the other Robert... you'd have to admit it POSSIBLE that the blinds are completely open and there are items within that room that can cause lighter and darker areas to be noticed. The bottom left of the window with the people also seems discolored at the bottom left... darker at least. And this Dillard blow-up... the darkened areas within the windows, foloowing your presentation, should be broken windows and not contrasting areas casued by items behind the window. I don't think your concept is completely far-fetched - I've read in a number of places that a shooting lane created by a hole in a wall, window or whatever is a perfect place for a sniper yet there are a number of other bits of data we should know about the blinds, window, room behind the window, etc... before we conclude THAT specific window was broken when opening the window slightly and stepping back into the room would have accomplished the same thing, I'd like to know the answer to some of these other questions.
  2. David, You have been fooled by the Harris composite of the two images. He has turned the Thomson PNG image ( my crop of the window ) in to a low quality JPEG image, hence creating JPEG artifacts on the Thomson window before uploading. Duncan Thanks for the explanation Duncan.... yet as you can see from this overlay... the Thomson image I have is just over 2Meg btw... even the dust and artifacts line up.... Now yours is smoother, no doubt, but in the process a little resolution is sacrificed. Can we have a quick discussion on the tools and techniques used to enhance/enlarge digital images? What do you feel is the best way to enlarge, enhance and improve Altgens6 regardless of the original file size and resolution? thx DJ
  3. There will be obvious differences in photographic quality as viewed on a monitor and thru video cards. Quality of the card, the computer, the monitor, resolution settings, etc.... And doesn't what matter is our ability to use things like Photoshop to zoom, enhance, etc... to bring out detail in whatever quality image we have to work with. Good, bad or indifference, Harris' image has more pixels, more data than the ONLINE version of Josiah's so at 200%, side by side, we wind up seeing in Josaih's, the little squares that become apparent when the digital image runs out of data. Green as it may be, there is some compelling "data" there. To that end... I've blown up the area inwhich the bullet hole is supposed to be seen in Alt6... read where some thought this is the apron folds yet there does seem to be a hole at the center and some radiant cracks... Still don't know why the gif's dont just run... please click. thoughts?
  4. Appreciated Jim.... btw - I believe one of the 2 cops who went up with Sawyer was Harkness with the other possibly Haygood... Harkness was the one who drives his motorcycle back up Elm the wrong way, finda Amos who tells him about the 6th floor window (yet when he does go up with Sawyer they do NOT bother going to the 6th floor window Amos describes - wonder why? If fact, as noted elsewhere, a number of DPD knew about the 6th floor window, upper right hand corner window.. yet they are running all over, not evacuating the building, with a potential assassin running around... whatever.... Goes behind TSBD: Mr. HAYGOOD. At that time I talked to the colored male (negro) who was standing at the door and asked him how long he had been there, and he said he had been there some 5 minutes or so. And I asked him if anyone had came out that door, and he said that they had not. Another amazing bit of Dallas police work. Turns out that negro man was also there 20 mins later: Mr. SORRELS - I don't believe it could have been more than 20 or 25 minutes at the very most.[/b] Mr. STERN - Then you arrived at the Book Depository Building, and did you see any police officers outside the building? Mr. SORRELS - Yes; there were officers. I recall seeing officers. I could not say any specific one. Now, as I came into the back of the building, there was a colored man standing on the rear platform, a loading platform. And he was just standing there looking off into the distance. I don't think he knew what happened. And I said to him, ""Did you see anyone run out the back?"" He said, ""No, sir."" ""Did you see anyone leave the back way?"" ""No, sir."" Mr. STERN - Did you get his name? Mr. SORRELS - No, sir; I did not. I did not stop to do that, because I figured he was an employee of the building. Enters TSBD from rear and is directed to Truly [Truly] Continues up stairs [with Baker] to 5th floor gets on the EAST elevator… West elevator was not there. Mr. BELIN. What about the west elevator? Was that on the fifth floor? Mr. TRULY. No, sir. I am sure it wasn't, or I could not have seen the east elevator. --- yet another elevator coming from upper floors to lower that isnot accounted for. The replica bag, K52, was supposedly made from the paper and tape taken on Dec 1 since the "original" bag was so badly discolored from testing. Again, amazingly absurd - "this is where the bag WAS" & "this is what the bag looked like, but this is not the same paper or tape".... wow. Have been reading the other package thread as well... simply amazing how many of the littlest details have such deep implications. Spook world where black is white, up is down. A few thoughts: - whoever made the bag KNEW Oswald would not have made one himself, would not have been in contact with the rifle... the bag, rifle and hulls had to be placed there - if Oswald or anyone else did not fire that gun that afternoon - why NOT take a photo of the bag where it lay? folded over once it should have been about 21" long and 8 inches wide... if it was laid perfectly flat, as it appears to have the capability to be, that may have caused more problems than not.... - WHAT is Montgomery using inside the bag to keep it extended? whatever it is it MUST be affecting the evidence that would have been lining tyhe inside of that bag... Bag can't stay up by itself - a 48" bag would NOT require Oswald to break down the rifle, so why would he? DJ
  5. The bag is folded in half along it's 3.5'-4' length ALL the paper at the TSBD is 24" wide, the "bag" is 8" wide yet there does not appear to be 3 folds vertically. Where is the excess paper from folding a 24" wide paper into an 8" width while having enough left over to either fold over either one of the ends and then tape it (still leaves excess paper since the vertical taped part does not reach the end of the paper - 3 8" folds) Exhibit 14 and 4 from FBI's 12-9-93 report, CD1 (per Pat Speer) shows the bag split open with what only appears to be a single fold yet we can also see from the split image, the tape from the reverse side showing thru the paper.... or is it? As we see, there's only the one strip of tape yet the way the bag is split open is very confusing. As I write in the image, the inside view of the bag could not show the tape in the same position as its mirror image from the outside. Something is up. The way it looks, the LEFT side of the bag is split since when opened, the tape is still at the center, yet if split at the left, the tape would be on the right side of the opened bag. Strange. Finally, I found this instructional drawing on how to make a Paper bag from a single sheet of paper. It shows the extra fold in the first step that matches the FBI bag's taped, overlap fold (yet at 24" wide there should have been quite a bit of excess paper, 8" folded once, 16" and then a bit extra for the taped flap... not 24" of paper and the "flap" is perfectly straight, like the sides of the 24" roll. http://chestofbooks.com/crafts/children/Paper-Cardboard-Construction/V-Envelope-Problems-Part-3.html How exactly was this bag made with 24" wide paper, and more importantly when was it made and how did it get into the TSBD? I offer this: Mr. BELIN. Where did you park your car? Mr. SAWYER. In front of the Texas School Book Depository. Mr. BELIN. In front of the main entrance there? Mr. SAWYER. In front of the main entrance. Mr. BELIN. What did you do then? Mr. SAWYER. Immediately went into---well, talked to some of the officers around there who told me the story that they had thought some shots had come from one of the floors in the building, and I think the fifth floor was mentioned, but nobody seemed to know who the shots were directed at or what had actually happened, except there had been a shooting there at the time the President's motorcade had gone by. And I went with a couple of officers and a man who I believed worked in the building. The elevator was just to the right of the main entrance, and we went to the top floor, which was pointed out to me by this other man as being the floor that we were talking about. We had talked about the fifth floor. And we went back to the storage area and looked around and didn't see anything. Mr. BELIN. Now you took an elevator up, is that correct? Mr. SAWYER. That's right. Mr. BELIN. The route that you took to the elevator, you went to the front door? Mr. SAWYER. Right. Mr. BELIN. Then what did you do? Mr. SAWYER. We got into the elevator. We run into this man. ...we NEVER again hear about this “man” who immediately after the assassination is exiting the elevator from the 4th or 5th floor.... Mr. BELIN. Well, when you say you got into the elevator, where was the elevator as you walked in the front door? Mr. SAWYER. It was to the right. Mr. BELIN. To the right? Mr. SAWYER. Yes, sir. Mr. BELIN. Was it a freight elevator or a passenger elevator? Mr. SAWYER. The best of my recollection, it was a passenger elevator. Mr. BELIN. Did you push for the top button in that elevator? Mr. SAWYER. Well, I don't know who pushed it, but we went up to the top floor. Mr. BELIN. You went up to the top floor that the elevator would go to? Mr. SAWYER. That's right. Mr. BELIN. You got off, and were there officers there? Mr. SAWYER. There was one or two other officers with me. ...These two do NOT return to ground level with Sawyer – wonder what they’re doing? Mr. BELIN. Now when you got off, you say you went into the back there into a warehouse area? Mr. SAWYER. Storage area; what appeared to be a storage area. Mr. BELIN. Did you go into any place other than a warehouse or storage area? Mr. SAWYER. No. Mr. BELIN. Was there anything other than a warehouse or storage area there? Mr. SAWYER. Well, to one side I could see an office over there with people in it. Some women that apparently were office workers. Mr. BELIN. Now Inspector, what did you do then? Mr. SAWYER. Well, I didn't see anything that was out of the ordinary, so I immediately came back downstairs to check the security on the building. Mr. BELIN. When you say check the security on the building, what do you mean by that? Mr. SAWYER. Well, to be sure it was covered off properly, and then posted two men on the front entrance with instructions not to let anyone in or out. Mr. BELIN. What about the rear entrance? Mr. SAWYER. We'll, I also had the sergeant go around and check to be sure that all of those were covered, although he told me that they were already covered. Mr. BELIN. When was the order given to cover the front entrance of the building? Mr. SAWYER. Well, they had it covered when I got there. There were officers all around the front. The only thing I don't think had been done by the time I got there, was the instructions not to let anybody in or out. Mr. BELIN. All right, now, did you give the instructions not to let anyone in or out? Mr. SAWYER. I did. Mr. BELIN. Did you give those instructions before or after you came down from the fourth floor or top floor? Mr. SAWYER. After I got down. Mr. BELIN. So your procedure, if I understand it, was this. You were driving on Main Street when you heard Sheriff Decker on the radio? Mr. SAWYER. Yes. Mr. BELIN. You got to the elevator, went up, looked around back there. How long did you spend up there at the top floor that the elevator took you to? Mr. SAWYER. Just took a quick look around and made sure there was nobody hiding on that floor. I doubt if it took over a minute at the most. this has to be one of the more absurd answers and lack of followup there is.... not only do they not ask about the man coming off the elevator but a 1 minute "Search" by 3 DP officerss and then leaves 2 DP officers behind. We have Baker's guy on the stairs between the 3rd and 4th floors, the man getting off the elevator and 2 officers roaming the upper floors of the TSBD before ANYONE else gets there Mr. BELIN. To go up and look around and come down? Mr. SAWYER. To look around on the floor. How long it took to go up, it couldn't have been over 3 minutes at the most from the time we left, got up and back down. Mr. BELIN. Then that would put it around no sooner than 12:37, if you heard the call at 12:34? Mr. SAWYER. Yes, sir. After Baker, this seems to be the first batch of Dallas Police in the building... Where DID that bag come from??
  6. Let me see if I follow: - a sack is pulled from the TSBD by Montgomery on 11/22/63 - samples of paper are taken from the TSBD wrapping table and sent with the bag to Washington 11/22/63 ?? These supposedly match (based on which report/source?) - FBI takes TSBD materials from the wrapping table and makes a replica bag 11/29/63 ?? - 11/30/63 Day tells Drain, as quoted in the "changed" FBI report.... paper Truly gave then on 11-22 "is found to be not identical" to the paper gun case found at the scene. THE PAPER/TAPE FROM THE "ORIGINAL" BAG DOES NOT MATCH THE PAPER SAMPLE GIVEN BY TRULY ON 11-22 (from the same linked article you offered) - Paper and Tape from the TSBD wrapping table as of 11-22-63 had been replaced with different tape and paper... this change would be of paper and tape that is significantly different from the paper and tape available on 11-22? How can this be Pat? An entirely new supply of tape and paper was opened? Wasn't there an existing stock of both that would have been the same as those being replaced? BOTH items are completely different? - The replica Sack DOES NOT MATCH the paper and tape sample taken with the ORIGINAL BAG on 11-22 Again, the replacement paper and tape was NOT the same as what was replaced because ???? - The replica Sack DOES NOT MATCH the paper and tape of the "original" bag in evidence 12/27/63 Changing a roll of paper does not change the type of tape used nor SHOULD it materially change the type of paper. Reading further in Gemberling's report we find that Studebaker was ordered by Day to take the samples and that there were 4 rolls of paper at the station at the time. a 25% chance of getting the right one and yet somehow, the same person who supposedly finds the bag and photos everything but the bag - guess correctly since Truly later says that all 4 rolls COULD have been expended and replaced since the fall is such a busy time. The sample the FBI takes on Dec 1 is still from the same lot of paper and tape yet is so different from the "original" bag it is very obvious. Are you comfortable with Studebaker picking exactly the right roll and tape dispenser as to MATCH the bag when any other roll would NOT match? http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?docId=11293&relPageId=186
  7. Since the Warren Commission report states the FBI made a replica bag from TSBD supplies and that the paper and tape used for their bag "IS DIFFERENT" than the Q10 paper bag taken supposedly taken from the TSBD, Why are we still having this discussion? DVP - is the WC wrong here? Was Oswald now supposed to have made it elsewhere? Probably when he was replacing the rope sling/strap on the rifle? So not only does he not make the bag, nor is it the same as the bag he brings to work, but wherever this bag came from it somehow gets photographed begin removed from the TSBD. A number of Dallas' finest are in the TSBD well before anyone else.... Sawyer comes to mind first... DJ
  8. Hi Dixie... (if still around) My girlfriend in 1985 worked at Camarillo (which I visited often) so when you said the Eagles Hotel California was of that facility I was a bit suprised. I had lived in the So Cal area from 13 to 26 and had driven by the BH Hotel many times. http://hotelcaliforniameaning.com/ Quote: The hotel in the album cover is the Beverly Hills Hotel which is frequented by Hollywood stars. minor thing at best but as I read thru the thread and had lived in these areas I felt it right to post. DJ
  9. Fair enough BK.... There are no photos of course showing the rifle between the time of the backyard photo and the assassination yet there were witnesses at the shooting range as well as when "a" rifle had a scope mounted on it. Maybe a description of the strap from one of them? my next order of biz. Found this... https://www.libertytreecollectors.com/productcart/pc/viewPrd.asp?idproduct=513&idcategory=
  10. Good to be on the same path with you BK.... maybe we can get some comments from the LNers?? Maybe you could post the link to your earlier attempts - or were they met with silence from the DVP crowd? The one in the backyard photo looks homemade from some rope.... even looks tied in a knot at the barrel end. I assume you've determined that Oswald never bought a strap or owned an Air Force pistol holder? Is this HUGE??? Jim? DJ
  11. Wandering thru the TX History archives I find this nice large version of one of the Backyard photos. I do not remember ever reading that Oswald switched out the shoulder strap. These two straps are nowhere NEAR the same. Craig Lamson, Mike Williams, T. Purvis, DVP.... please explain. You'll need to click the image a few time to get to full size. The strap in the BY photo is basically a piece of rope and is attached to the underside of the rifle. The thick leather strap with wide shoulder pad is connected to the side sling mount. How again are these the same rifle?
  12. you mean there is no giant conspiracy.... no multiple shooters??? Thanks Tom... must have been Mrs. White with the Rope in the Study. and by the way... those Diebold voting machines.... very reliable and safe. What world do you live in ??
  13. Duncan... looks like someone moving boxes at Dal Tex as well That's a much better image and clean up of Alt6 than I've seen... thanks. It really doesn't look like broken glass plus you'd think with the zillions of eyes all over that place, someone would have said something about broken glass. I too feel a shot was very possible during Towner - not from the broken-glass window but from one of the other 2 windows or from the roof. That it did miss (other speak of a shot hitting the pavement and kicking up debris) and there may have been a reaction by JFK seems very plausible given other testimony and other reactions... yet that wasn't the killzone, so for a pro to take a shot prior to his reaching the best triangulation risks giving away his position. I offer these enhancements... Seems the fire-escape column of windows is more likely the culprit. Even the 3rd floor window there looks open with someone standing there.... yet it does not appear that way in the full image. and next to that is the 2nd story fireescape window that definitely looks as if someone is there. Yet another prime example of not having the largest and best images available. After all these years and research how is it we do not have a repository of the very best images for analysis? with free FTP clients all over, file size should no longer matter. soapbox sermon over..... DJ
  14. In order to bring this full circle I'd like to focus on the timing of Altgens, Yarborough's reaction, and if Rufus is indeed turning around to ultmiately jump over the seat and protect the VP... why does Yarborough completely neglect to mention any of that activity. The desire of the thread was to determine which shot and when Yarborough connects to the soldier hitting the dirt and to tie that to GA's account. The fact is that both men claim there were shots fired after GA hits the ground. If Nix and Muchmoore show a tan-clothed soldier diving to his left (and why would he dive TOWARD or INTO the sound of gunshots as opposed to his right and AWAY from the shots??) at this point we have to take your word for it. Why wouldn't Groden publish such great still frames showing this then? Waiting for the 50 year celebration?? Any reason Bowers does not mention this soldier wandering around the RR yard and all the other activities/encounters GA claims?? Bowers seemed very observant in that area and was able to describe in great detail the men he did see... How does GA look so incredibly BLACK in both Betzner and Willis when the lightness of his clothes are seen in the films and in Moorman? He steps back into DEEPER DARKNESS than would be at BDM's position.... Am still not convinced GA was BDM. Until we can place the black couple somewhere at the that time, and there is no reason to believe they did not move around by the bench, enough to catch the eye of Sitzman. GA needs to be north and west of BDM according to his own description... no one else is seen in Willis or Betzner other than BDM, no GA and no black couple.... an imo no Hudson either... Guess there really is no evidence of Rufus in the back seat... no clear images after z255 at least... DJ
  15. Saw this before and its been on my mind... This is both Dillard's overpass photo, and Cancellare's. One seems to show something and then a slight bit later, nothing. Any thoughts? DJ
  16. From the way one reads Phil's post one could assume he thinks LBJ is really not there... This is not what I was asserting in starting the thread... he is of course there. I assume he meant that the photo may have been altered... on that I prefer not to comment. Are you implying that Rufus claims he did these things at the urging of LBJ??? Even though he'd know the record and witnesses would not support the story? That too makes little sense... Rufus was very specific about what he says he did. I heard an explosion--I was not sure whether it was a firecracker, bomb, bullet, or other explosion. I looked at whatever I could quickly survey, and could not see anything which would indicate the origin of this noise. I noticed that the movements in the Presidential car were very abnormal and, at practically the same time, the movements in the Presidential follow-up car were abnormal. I turned in my seat and with my left arm grasped and shoved the Vice President, at his right shoulder, down and toward Mrs. Johnson and Senator Yarborough. At the same time, I shouted "get down!" I believe I said this more than once and directed it to the Vice President and the other occupants of the rear seat. They all responded very rapidly. I quickly looked all around again and could see nothing to shoot at, so I stepped over into the back seat and sat on top of the Vice President. I sat in a crouched position and issued orders to the driver. During this time, I heard two more explosion noises and observed SA Hickey in the Presidential follow-up car poised on the car with the AR-15 rifle looking toward the buildings. The second and third explosions made the same type of sound that the first one did as far as I could tell, but by this time I was of the belief that they definitely were shots--not bombs or firecrackers. I am not sure that I was on top of the Vice President before the second shot--he says I was. All of the above related events, from the beginning at the sound of the first shot to the sound of the third shot, happened within a few seconds. I have to disagree with you here Phil. A Zfilm shows the 2 agents nearest the TSBD slightly scan the area but do not react as they are photographed in Alt6, turning their heads completely around, nor do the others "not" react differently than simply scanning the crowd. There is most definitely a reaction recorded by z255 that is outside the ordinary. The zfilm frame is 200, the last with the agents visible. And I maintain that some of the timing/BDM/GA issues can begin to resolve themselves. If Yarborough remembers a man hitting the dirt at the first shot HE hears, and he hears 2 more shots.... GA, if the man he refers to as Bill asserts, must already be on the ground by Moorman. If this was a different person referred to, then GA has one less supporter for his story. Either way, the mystery of BDM and GA and the black couple and the coke remains intact.... for now. DJ btw Phil... just receieved your book along with Douglass' and Manchester's.... quite an interesting threesome of perspectives. Now I just need the time to read...
  17. If you're talking about the Willis 02 posted by Martin Hinrichs above, it would have to be. I don't believe Jackie rode with JFK while wearing that now iconic pink outfit other than on the 22nd. Thanks... was actually speaking of the photo where LBJ has the dark glasses on. That one doesn't seem to be from 11-22-63 DJ
  18. "It is impossible to win in argument with an ignorant man" (William G. McAdoo) http://www.quotationspage.com/quote/23566.html Very poetic Mr Purvis. I for one am not arguing with anyone. Simply asking that you explain how you can take both sides of an issue in the same thread and expect to be taken seriously. And we all wonder why you keep avoiding the simple question arising from your conclusions How do you prove THAT rifle was fired THAT day? Since you can't by any stretch of the imagination come up with a way to prove it, your conclusions are erroneous at best. The transparency of your non-answer responses is amusing as well. If you can't answer, ignore. "You ain't gonna learn, what you don't want to know" - Robert Hunter
  19. Thanks Martin, I began to think the other photo was not from that motorcade, but I'm not sure. And agree completely, the way Altgens6 looks, the driver seems to be behind Ladybird and the Senator. Best to you as well... DJ
  20. Robert, I've always enjoyed reading your posts and discussing with you... I'm a bit confused though about the bolded portion of your recent post. Since Altgens 6 is approx z255... what then are three of these men turning around to see and why is Flyod on the radio? The SS behind the VP's car are reacting as well. Even Yarborough discusses how their reactions were slower than they should have been after the first gunshot he hears, but reactions there were and well before z285.... Hill does not leap to the pavement until just about z313 Robert... Here he is in Muchmoore just as he stepped off... So I am more than a bit perplexed by these statements from you. Can you help me understand? Thx DJ
  21. Working on a response Thomas, to your no-response response.... You still provide no reference, no example, no link to support any of your opinions. One simple example of Purvis logic: on the one hand: (note: of course there also exists absolutely no factual proof that it is the weapon which was utilized to shoot JFK with either) on the other - and earlier in this same thread: All that can be stated as fact is that JFK was assassinated by a 6.5mm Model 91/38 Short Rifle, which weapon was found on the sixth floor of the TSDB. Which is it Thomas? And you are saying THAT rifle was fired on THAT day. Prove it. Thanks
  22. Well, the only issue I was considering was the question of whether we see an upright LBJ in that photo. The Altens photo could not have been altered, because Altgens took his film directly to the AP, where it was processed and then wired out to hundreds of affiliated newspapers and magazines, before the authorities ever laid their hands on it. And four people (Youngblood, Jacks, LBJ, and Ladybird) confirmed that Youngblood pushed LBJ down then. If memory serves, most of them said that happened after the first shot though of course, most witnesses only heard one of the early shots. FWIW, I am not convinced that we are seeing an upright LBJ then, but I also fail to see why the issue is worth spending a lot of time on. Hey there Robert.... I started the thread as an tangent to the GA=BDM thread since there is some question as to when Yarborough sees "the soldier hit the dirt" which he syas over and over was after the first shot. Also after the first shot Rufus is supposed to have done his heroic deeds By Altgens6, at z255, we ALL agree at least one shot if not two have been fired. No one in that car looks as if they are reacting to anything, yet Yarborough does appear to be looking in the direction of the GK and where GA might be.... I like Martin's take on where LBJ is yet I have a concern with it... In Bernice's image LBJ is wearing sunglasses... he may have taken them off yet we do not see the glasses' arms in Altgens6. It SEEMS that is the right place for him as he is indeed hugging the side of the car. Yet he seems awfully small given how close he should have been in the back of that car and how much larger than Lady B he was.... as well as being so far over to the right... So the point of examining this issue helps determine the GA bona fides. Both GA and Yarborough speak of dropping to the ground after the first shot "heard". If GA's shot is diff from Yarborough's then GA was not the guy he sees... if it is the same shot... GA cannot be standing and filming in Moorman. I tend to discount anything Yarborough says about LBJ... just from an early reading of Manchester's book... they hated each other and I cannot think of any reason the Senator would support ANYTHING LBJ was supposed to have said. Given that... where is that lightening quick reaction on Rufus' part by z255? Does this suggest that from z205 till ?? we have no reaction at all in LBJ's car. Going now to look for any image showing what Rufus claims to have happened...
  23. Yarborough affidavit On November 22, 1963, as the President and Mrs. Kennedy rode through the streets of Dallas, I was in the second car behind them. The first car behind the Presidential car was the Secret Service car; the second car behind them was Vice-President Lyndon Johnson's car. The driver and a secret service agent were on the front seat of the Vice-President's car. Vice-President Lyndon B. Johnson sat on the right side of the rear seat of the automobile, Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson was in the center of the rear seat, while I sat on the left side of the rear seat. Rufus Youngblood's report The following persons were in the Vice Presidential vehicle when the motorcade departed from the airport at approximately 11:50 a.m., CST. In the front seat: The driver, Herschel Jacks, Texas Highway Patrol Other side front seat: ASAIC Youngblood Rear seat, behind driver: Senator Ralph W. Yarborough Rear seat, middle: Mrs. Johnson Rear seat, behind ASAIC Youngblood: The Vice President ..... I heard an explosion--I was not sure whether it was a firecracker, bomb, bullet, or other explosion. I looked at whatever I could quickly survey, and could not see anything which would indicate the origin of this noise. I noticed that the movements in the Presidential car were very abnormal and, at practically the same time, the movements in the Presidential follow-up car were abnormal. I turned in my seat and with my left arm grasped and shoved the Vice President, at his right shoulder, down and toward Mrs. Johnson and Senator Yarborough. At the same time, I shouted "get down!" I believe I said this more than once and directed it to the Vice President and the other occupants of the rear seat. They all responded very rapidly. I quickly looked all around again and could see nothing to shoot at, so I stepped over into the back seat and sat on top of the Vice President. I sat in a crouched position and issued orders to the driver. During this time, I heard two more explosion noises and observed SA Hickey in the Presidential follow-up car poised on the car with the AR-15 rifle looking toward the buildings. The second and third explosions made the same type of sound that the first one did as far as I could tell, but by this time I was of the belief that they definitely were shots--not bombs or firecrackers. I am not sure that I was on top of the Vice President before the second shot--he says I was. All of the above related events, from the beginning at the sound of the first shot to the sound of the third shot, happened within a few seconds. Sorry if this is glaringly obvious but I don't see him to the left (her right) of Lady Bird. Do not see how Lady Bird or Yarborough are reacting as Rufus describes (Altgens 6 is AFTER the first shot... we all agree on that, yes?) Bottom line - shouldn't we be seeing either LBJ, Rufus, or the movement in the back seat by then?
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