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Harry J.Dean

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Everything posted by Harry J.Dean

  1. It was and is a religio-politic combine, as now more-openly exposed, by the national 2016 election.
  2. Re; JFK assassination records release 26 October 2017 expectations. The "New Americanist" scheme 22 November 1963 moved quickly to consolidate and hold perpetual power over a bewildered government and a confused nation. " Who then can be tried or convicted when the guilty control, all legal and moral judgments, and dictate their own version of history". CROSSTRAILS 1990, Pg 23 Chap. 2
  3. Jason, here are some excerpts from the 1990 manuscript/book CROSSTRAILS (until more copies are available). Page(s) 19 Chap.2. When the name of a Fair Play For Cuba Committee Communist was broadcast throughout the rightist circuit after the airing of an August, 1963 radio program from station WDSU, New Orleans, Louisiana, Lee Oswald was "selected" by another of our JBS associates, retired U.S. Army General E.A. Walker of Dallas, Texas. The subject was then chosen by Guy Gabaldon as "the fall guy" in that secretive plot against Kennedy. None of us objected, and found it humorous to frame a Communist. I quietly considered it as goofy as the weird, but hazy, arrangements to kill the president.
  4. Jason, re; Note to Hoover 19 Nov. 1963 on page 21. reason for it the Los Angeles office said they could do nothing about my FPCC/Senate exposure so wrote to Hoover that it was being overlooked at this level, and requesting his possible help. As then I was involved with the LA office in both pro and anti-Castro efforts, e g; JURE, Alpha 66 FPCC, Erquiaga Arms Co, Minutemen, and related rightest political activities. Below some examples will show up inFBI reports. JURE re; arms purchase request, Pasadena, CA. ALPHA 66, re; it's LA leadership LA FPCC re; it's activities LA. these contacts netted Castro G2 agent. Others. Am out of CROSSTRAILS, will have more copies soon.
  5. The John Birch Society( JBS) rebellion Dec.1958 - Nov. 1963 was the all-inclusive umbrella of rightist movements (sadly) resulting in it's now overt 1963 coup d' e tat via the 2016 Presidential election. Could any real JFK assassination information result from this source. Will not Robert Welch JBS Founder who I met with rest well in the eternal .
  6. George dude, Castro was not a Communist, but upon learning U.S. plans against the Revolution was unwillingly convinced by the hate filled anti-American Che Guevara to respond. Castro then betrayed his own commitment to the original Revolution. It is so Castro was trapped evermore into his Guevara stance, there was no turning back. The true Revolution never really had an opportunity to survive even though the U.S. had favored and aided it until 3 Jan. 1961.
  7. Jason Ward, in further answer your question " re: why joined FPCC. It is likely you will locate reports of original phone calls to FBI about my fearful self concern, of being caught between Castro and President Eisenhower's 3 Jan 1961 diplomatic break with The Cuban Revolutionary Government. Those calls will expose our (FBI & I) in depth details and worry of being charged as an unregistered- agent-of-a- foreign Government, ie; member of 26 July Movement and officer of Castro's Network in U.S. Fair Play Play For Cuba Committee. It was determined then that I was to willingly serve the Bureau (Chicago) while remaining in position.
  8. re; Why FPCC member/officer 1960. Soon on learnd my fellow Fair play for Cuba Committee officers were Illinois Communist Party leaders, Richard Criley and John Rossen, so decided to sink them, even though Havana ordered all 26 July members to join FPCC. re; Agent-in-Charge, Los Angeles, Wes Grapp and I meeting of March 1964, to confirm earlier JFK information mentioned to my usual in-person and telephone agent contacts .
  9. Re; phone billing, the 1964 wash calls were likely to Mrs. Lincoln, JFK's Secretary.The unclear notations if possible could confirm, not likely any call made to Washington Bureau. Re; joining FPCC. In spite of Guevara's firing squad death threatening interrogation, I remained emotionally attached to the great Revolution and was briefly convinced FPCC would actually be of great assistance to us.
  10. Having been regrettably involved in those times, I must say it was in the works to slay several people via Minutemen if they in anyway were targeted as socialist/communist enemies in any political positions. The death of JFK made it no longer necessary, as the JBS first five year plan 1958-1963 coup plans had seized a well influenced, almost passive political opposition. MM 28515
  11. Does anyone, or is there info. re: Richard Cain and Richard Criley secret FPCC meeting Chicago Feb. 1963 as mentioned above by Bart?
  12. There is nothing fictional about Harry Dean's narrative, the 1990 manuscript/book has documents, photos and history covering years 1957 to 1965 and later, re; Cuba, JFK assassination and more. Therefore Paul Trejo cannot be wrong.
  13. VIETNAMESE We have seen the endless blaze Emitting from your land Watched you crouch in fear Of your countrymen and mine Not French or Yank turned willing tread To slay you or to die The greed of Godless men planed your fate And our own "Our brothers" they oft proclaim it Ensnared us in that lawless horror Your fear is our fear....your death, our death We are the people. (C) H.J. Dean
  14. Jason cannot offer any person or item other than those covered in 1990 Ms/book CROSSTRAILS and or exposed by assassination researchers.
  15. Jason My (later observation) re; Oswald's connections was In the south central U.S. Was a Federal spy Lee Oswald, by name In the same job as I.
  16. Re; above post. Correction details. Just found the post in question. It appeared on E Forum 27 July, under title Principle Of Reversal, and agent mentioned by Mike was McCord.
  17. It was an answer to Mike re; FPCC asking if I knew a federal agent, I think his last name was North? when I was an officer of Chicago FPCC. My answer was that agent was no doubt working against FPCC in Latin american and Canada efforts to destroy FPCC, and that agent was not known to me. This was a post under FPCC on E. Forum recently.
  18. Excerpts from the 1990 manuscript/book CROSSTRAILS chapt 2 pages 19 & 21 Guy Gabaldon, the casual but cruel ex-Marine, WW2 hero of Saipan, was at any instant in contact with the principals and finanicers of the intrigue, When the name of a Fair Play for Cuba Committee communist was broadcast throughout the rightist circuit after the airing of an August 1963 radio program from station WDSU, New Orleans, Louisiana , Lee Oswald was "selected" by another of our JBS associates , retired U.S. Army General E.A. Walker of Dallas Texas. The subject was then chosen by Gabaldon as the "fall guy" in the secretive plot against Kennedy. None of us objected, and found it humorous to frame a communist. I quietly considered it as goofy as the weird , but hazy, arrangements to kill the President. Two other of our anti-Castro, anti-communist associates, Lawrence John "Larry" Howard - AKA Alonzo Escruido, and Loran Eugene "Skip" Hall - AKA Lorenzo Pacillo, were dispatched by Gabaldon to enlist Oswald in the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency). In late September 1963 Oswald accompanied the pair to Gabaldon's Mexico City area office. Oswald then received instructions and....funds from the impressive, but "phony CIA officer Gabaldon". The fate of both Oswald and Kennedy were there , forever sealed.
  19. did not know J. McCord, he and CIA actions re; FPCC apparently served to foul - up FPCC activities mainly in Latin America,Canada etc.
  20. The principle of reversal has long been at work even before 22 Nov. 1963. It was applied sucsessfully again before and since the 2016 national election. We as Mormons in following that official leadership via Romney were to supposedly hate Trump as an enemy but understood it religiously as the opposite tact. The 1990 manuscript/book CROSSTRAILS exposed this coup d'etat by a church/state combine of the totalitarian "New Americanist" scheme that led to it's brazen 2016 national election success. The church is now represented in several official U.S. Government offices second only to President Trump. Will we not all weep and mourn the coming fate.
  21. excerpt from 1990 manuscript/book CROSSTRAILS .." .the planned New Americanist scheme with it's framework so cunningly in place for more than a half century, moved quickly...22 Nov 1963 to consolidate and hold perpetual power over a bewildered government and confused nation ".
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