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Shanet Clark

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Everything posted by Shanet Clark

  1. New Study: Marijuana Users Less Depressed Largest-Ever Study of Marijuana, Depression Finds Fewer Depressive Symptoms, Better Mood ALBANY, NEW YORK—In the largest-ever study of marijuana and depression, to be published in the journal Addictive Behaviors, daily or weekly marijuana users had fewer symptoms of depression than non-users. Marijuana users were also more likely to report positive moods and fewer somatic complaints such as sleeplessness. Noteworthy differences were also found between those using marijuana for medical purposes and non-medical or "recreational" users. The new research appears to contradict statements by some government officials suggesting that marijuana is a cause of depression. For example, in a May 3, 2005, press release from the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, ONDCP Director John Walters said, "Marijuana use, particularly during the teen years, can lead to depression, thoughts of suicide and schizophrenia." "Not only does marijuana not cause depression, it looks like it may actually alleviate it," said Mitch Earleywine, co-author of the new study and associate professor of psychology at the University at Albany, State University of New York. Earleywine and co-investigator Thomas F. Denson of the University of Southern California used an Internet questionnaire that allowed them to survey a very large sample of marijuana users and non-users, totaling over 4,400 participants. Use of the Internet also made it possible to include highly depressed or marijuana-involved participants who might be unable or unwilling to participate in in-person or telephone surveys. Participants were asked to report their use of marijuana and were divided into three categories: daily users, those who used marijuana within the last month but no more than once per week (weekly users) and those who had never used marijuana in their lifetime (non-users). Depression and related issues were assessed using the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression scale, a standard tool for researching depression and associated symptoms. Both daily and weekly marijuana users had significantly lower levels of depression and higher levels of positive mood than non-users. Weekly users also had lower levels of somatic complaints such as sleeplessness. Effects were generally large, with marijuana users approximately 30% less depressed than non-users. The study is the first to specifically look at depression in medical marijuana users as compared to non-medical users. The most common complaints listed by medical users surveyed were nausea, vomiting, cancer, attention deficit and poor appetite. Medical users generally were more depressed and had more somatic complaints than non-medical users, but still reported fewer such symptoms than non-users. "Those who use marijuana to battle the symptoms of illness may be depressed because of their illness, not because of marijuana," Earleywine said. "Studies that do not identify medical use might falsely implicate marijuana, rather than sickness, as the cause of depressed feelings." The new study adds to a growing body of knowledge suggesting that marijuana's active components, called cannabinoids, may be beneficial in certain psychological disorders. In a review published this May in the Journal of Psychopharmacology, researchers form the University of Newcastle upon Tyne in Great Britain noted, "Patient reports and observations, backed by known pharmacology, suggest that the cannabis derivatives delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) may have mood stabilizing properties," including anti-depressant and anti-anxiety effects. "Drug Czar John Walters has tried to frighten Americans about marijuana, using exaggerated and incomplete data cherry-picked to support his ideology," said Rob Kampia, executive director of the Marijuana Policy Project in Washington, D.C. "Science should be used to inform policy, not manipulated to scare the public." With more than 18,000 members and 120,000 e-mail subscribers nationwide, the Marijuana Policy Project is the largest marijuana policy reform organization in the United States. MPP works to minimize the harm associated with marijuana—both the consumption of marijuana and the laws that are intended to prohibit such use. MPP believes that the greatest harm associated with marijuana is imprisonment. For more information, please visit http://www.MarijuanaPolicy.org. REFERENCE: Denson, Thomas F. and Earleywine, Mitchell, "Decreased Depression in Marijuana Users," Addictive Behaviors, in press, available at http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/03064603. (via drugwar.com)
  2. My opinion is that I should not offer a platform to Nazis. "....for a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people" JFK He was posting his insane ravings under an alias...........
  3. Come to think of it, Bamford's source here could very well have been Valerie Plame herself.....................
  4. I think Shackley and Bill Harvey and the whole JM/WAVE ZERO RIFLE squad were in this thing ... and they sent the supposed Abort Team with pilot Tosh Plumlee to Dallas to cover their ashcan...............
  5. My opinion is that I should not offer a platform to Nazis. I don't think there was ever any baby in that bathwater we threw out ..............
  6. Readers The author James Bamford, in "Pretext for War" (NY:Doubleday, 2004) makes it clear that the CIA did indeed twist the evidence against Saddam Hussein's Iraq in the political buildup for the war. A Directorate of Operations case officer in the Counter Proliferation Division stated that a superior officer at Langley CIA headquarters "called a meeting and gave them their marching orders. 'And he said, "You know what--if Bush wants to go to war, it's your job to give him a reason to do so,"' according to the official. It was the first time the official had ever heard anyone order employees to slant their analysis for political purposes." "another longtime DO officer...heard directly from a colleague about the outside pressure on agency personnel, 'he was saying to me, well the administration pressured us to saythings that probably weren't true'" (page 333 and 336) So that is pretty clear. The British Cabinet memo from the Head of Intelligence confirms James Bamford's view of Bush's illegal politicizing of the intelligence effort.........
  7. Lee The writer you are posting re-produced a photo of me and my bio on his website and now I am painted as a Zionist for all his Nazi friends to take note of... this is a little intimidating. Astucia, posting under an alias, tried to paint LBJ as a Jewish cabalist - and he also claimed that Isreal set off a nuclear weapon in the Indian Ocean to trigger the great Tsunami. So he was banned from this group................... shanet
  8. Jim and Ron I tend to agree with Ron, that the Walker window shooting was a frame job by MI/ONI to get ready to frame Oswald....... He was either a double or a triple agent, and since he could be painted as a "communist" and could be logically seen to be a Manchurian Candidate assassin for the USSR, certain parties knew that the whole truth would not get out and the story would end with the Communist Russia connec tion and the Walker shooting "proving" he was a volatile communist.... What really went on? We will never know but he was manipulated ten ways to tuesday by Atsugi US sponsors, Baron George DeMorenschildt and others, like David Phillips and agent Hosty ........
  9. Jim, Do you have the book "The Ultra Americans" by Thomas Parrish/Stein & Day/1986? It contains a significant (actually four pages of information) about a John Hurt from "Wytheville, VA." It is undoubtedly the man. I found the book today and bought it at a bookstore here in Dallas, I have always been fascinated about the "Raleigh Call and Lee Harvey Oswald" as well. Let me know, I will post the pertinent sections on this thread, if you wish. Just respond to this post, if you don't already have the book. Readers: This thread ties the American Japanese language NSA code breaker John Hurt to the John Hurt that Lee Oswald is known to have been attempting to call from jail. I have always said that John Hurt was one of Oswald's core recruiters from Atsugi Air Base circa 1959, and that Oswald was calling his sponsor, who would help him. Patsy to the bitter end, Oswald was really a victim of the Cold War counter intelligence double and triple agent game.........
  10. He's a Doctor - he knows that the jawbone has been broken. The man is unconscious. SA Vince Drain http://karws.gso.uri.edu/JFK/history/the_d...need/Drain.html ... DeBrueys is sent up from Dallas, but doesn't seem to be the same as the 'fellow' Drain speaks of above in the Parkland incident. But Drain also doesn't seem to realize that the 'fellow' is a fellow FBI agent? Torbitt Strong stuff. Debrueys, as an FBI Agent, is stationed in New Orleans. He has no reason for being in Dallas, and it is not possible for him to be there at this time, unless he arrived earlier in the day - which would really be suspicious. Gary Mack Gary Mack informed me that this was Dallas field agent Doyle Williams. Wiliiams wrote an official report of the incident which can be found at NARA, and was interviewed in JFK: The Torch Is Passed. I couldn't find the report - unless it is the one on Agent Hosty? That was the only report on file for 11/22. Out of 12 hits at NARA for Doyle Williams - none are classified, and all are reports by Doyle [as opposed to addressed to Doyle]. Notes from Shackelford on Hosty's book, Assignment: Oswald. http://spot.acorn.net/jfkplace/03/MS/1book.html ...'Decked' sounds like Crenshaw's account. Maybe that's the reason Doyle only wrote a single report that day. As opposed to being close to Kennedy, Hosty places him by where LBJ is located. Shackelford again...Databitz 3 http://spot.acorn.net/jfkplace/03/MS/3data.html Weberman Nodule #17: Fetzer's Murder in Dealey Plaza, Catfeet press, Chicago, 2000, p70: There has to be more information on this incident, I am vaguely familiar with it. Namebase.org DeBrueys, Warren http://www.namebase.org/cgi-bin/nb01?_DE%20BRUEYS_WARREN_C couldn't find Doyle Williams on namebase.org unless discrepancy of some kind or went by another first name and Doyle is/was middle name? maryferrell.org - Doyle Williams http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...ancedResults.do maryferrell.org - Warren DeBrueys http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...ancedResults.do maryferrell.org - Operation Seal http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...ancedResults.do Good thread -- what was going on? Looks like the SS was using force to keep the FBI out of the trauma room............ This was probably ordered by Emory Roberts and CD Dillon.......... The FBI was not in the loop and had to be kept at bay and away from the REAL evidence as long as possible
  11. Wrong. What she should have said is, "He did the worst thing an elected official can do _ he GOT CAUGHT enriching himself through his position and violating the trust of those who put him there." So when are they going to investigate Hastert for all the bribe money he reportedly may have taken from the Turks? (Probably never, since FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds, who came up with this info in the course of doing her now lost job, is considered by the mainstream media to be a non-person.) Ron Ron Sibel Edmonds lost her appeal to the US Supreme Court this week. The Supreme Court agreed that if National Security information was going to be needed for her to win in court, then TOO BAD -- she loses automatically............... and that is the 'soft fascism' that skews the legal system in favor of the secret police against the citizen..........................
  12. Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham pleaded guilty Monday to conspiracy and tax charges and tearfully resigned from office, admitting he took $2.4 million in bribes to steer defense contracts to conspirators. Cunningham, 63, entered pleas in U.S. District Court to charges of conspiracy to commit bribery, mail fraud and wire fraud, and tax evasion for underreporting his income in 2004. Cunningham answered "yes, Your Honor" when asked by U.S. District Judge Larry Burns if he had accepted bribes from someone in exchange for his performance of official duties. Later, at a news conference, he wiped away tears as he announced his resignation. "I can't undo what I have done but I can atone," he said. Cunningham, an eight-term Republican congressman, had already announced in July that he would not seek re-election next year. House Ethics rules say that any lawmaker convicted of a felony no longer should vote or participate in committee work. Under Republican caucus rules, Cunningham also would have lost his chairmanship of the House Intelligence subcommittee on terrorism and human intelligence. The former Vietnam War flying ace was known on Capitol Hill for his interest in defense issues and his occasional temperamental outbursts. After the hearing, Cunningham was taken away for fingerprinting and released on his own recognizance until a Feb. 27 sentencing hearing. He could receive up to 10 years in prison. He also agreed to forfeit to the government his Rancho Santa Fe home, more than $1.8 million in cash and antiques and rugs. In a statement, prosecutors said Cunningham admitted to receiving at least $2.4 million in bribes paid to him by several conspirators through a variety of methods, including checks totaling over $1 million, cash, rugs, antiques, furniture, yacht club fees and vacations. "He did the worst thing an elected official can do _ he enriched himself through his position and violated the trust of those who put him there," U.S. Attorney Carol Lam said. The statement did not identify the conspirators. The case began when authorities started investigating whether Cunningham and his wife, Nancy, used the proceeds from the $1,675,000 sale to defense contractor Mitchell Wade to buy the $2.55 million mansion in Rancho Santa Fe. Wade put the Del Mar house back on the market and sold it after nearly a year for $975,000 _ a loss of $700,000. He drew little notice outside his San Diego-area district before the San Diego Union-Tribune reported last June that he'd sold the home to Wade. Cunningham's pleas came amid a series of GOP scandals. Rep. Tom DeLay of Texas had to step down as majority leader after he was indicted in a campaign finance case; a stock sale by Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist is being looked at by regulators; and Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff was indicted in the CIA leak case. ___
  13. Howard Hunt, Bernard Barker, Euginio Martinez and Frank Sturgis .... When the Watergate team bungled the burglary, the stakes were very high for Nixon because he knew these Miami/CIA/Bay of Pigs veterans were involved in the assassination of President Kennedy ..........
  14. George This is a good scenario and explains alot. The various witnesses place people other than Oswald and a police car, and a man confirming the murder at the site of tippits death. Tippetts murder was part of the frame. It made Oswald "guilty" of the murder, if the evidence wasn't strong for Kennedy, the cumulative evidence of both were more convincing. WHy was Tippett killed? He may have tried to prevent the murder of JFK, the escape of Lee Oswald, or both. We really don't know where he was at 12.30 do we? He was looking for someone (Oswald? Roscoe White?) and the spare uniform points to the whole "two cops drive out to Redbird airfield and David Ferrie flies one of them to Mexico" scenario. This is a great thread, thanks for reviving it.................
  15. John and Ed Forum members: This is pretty important material, the kind of political intelligence that takes a generation to digest. Louis Russell was the "lost" burglar and McCord and Sturgis were acting strangely. the carmine Bellino democratic party counter agent scenario brings the national committee chairman George Bush into the picture, and Lou Russell's heart attack and safe house existence was evidence of a "large program" What you have published here is consistent with my understanding of the Watergate/DNC/Callgirl/Russell/McCord scenario. Thanks for the update and synthetic analyses
  16. Scooter Libby is a [redacted under legal threat] HOW do you discredit someone by outing his wife as a CIA counterproliferation AGENT? THAT is A SLUR? THAT somehow compromises MR WILSON??? HIS WIFE is a COUNTER PROLIFERATION INTERNATIONAL AGENT? I. Scooter Libby is a bloody... [classified material] *available after 10/10/2066]........... .........................................
  17. Nosenko and the Orchid runner need a history book about them. Cram wrote one but it is classified. OF COURSE EPSTEIN has a conventional spin, we all know that READ BETWEEN THE LINES IF LEGEND:OSWALD is even halfway true, then DeMorenschildt was running Marina as an Agent, and Oswald was a counterdefector in touch with his wifes counterintelligence handlers................ Oswald was a MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE and if the Russians weren't running him, then the NAVY was
  18. WAY WAY WAY TOO HARSH Garrison used his office to go after the Claw Shaw crowd and folllowed up on David Ferrie Nobody knew the whole story and because his trial didn't prove everything down pat, he still stood up and said "wait something is very wrong here" He knew about Bannister, Clay Shaw, David Ferrie, 544 Camp street, the flights in and out And what did you ever do? slagging garrison
  19. Here is the Simkins / Spartacus file on Antonio Veciana: Antonio Veciana was born in Cuba. He worked as an accountant in a Cuban bank owned by Julio Lobo. A strong opponent of Fidel Castro, Veciana established Alpha 66 after the communists gained power in 1959. This anti-Castro group received considerable funding from the Central Intelligence Agency. Veciana claimed that his CIA contact was an agent named Maurice Bishop. Over the next few years Veciana received $253,000 from Bishop. In 1961 Veciana worked with Bishop on a plan to assassinate Fidel Castro. In March 1963, the Alpha 66 group attacked Russian ships docked in Cuba. This was seen as an attempt to undermine the improving relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union that had followed the Cuban Missile Crisis. The Department of State made it clear that this attack did not have the support of President John F. Kennedy. On 26th March 1963 Alpha 66 attacked another Soviet ship. Members of Alpha 66 held a press conference suggesting the American government supported their actions. Kennedy was furious and ordered that Veciana and other leaders of Alpha 66 should be arrested and placed in a confined area in Florida. After the assassination of President John F. Kennedy Veciana began work for the International Development Agency under the State Department in Bolivia. Although officially an advisor to Bolivian banks, he actually spent most of his time in anti-Communist activities. In 1971 he was again involved in another failed attempt to assassinate Fidel Castro. In 1976 Veciana was interviewed by the House Select Committee on Assassinations. He told the committee about his relationship with Maurice Bishop. He also claimed that in August, 1963, he saw Bishop and Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas. Veciana admitted that Bishop and the Central Intelligence Agency had organized and funded the Alpha 66 attacks on the Soviet ships docked in Cuba in 1963. Veciana explained the policy: "It was my case officer, Maurice Bishop, who had the idea to attack the Soviet ships. The intention was to cause trouble between Kennedy and Russia. Bishop believed that Kennedy and Khrushchev had made a secret agreement that the USA would do nothing more to help in the fight against Castro. Bishop felt - he told me many times - that President Kennedy was a man without experience surrounded by a group of young men who were also inexperienced with mistaken ideas on how to manage this country. He said you had to put Kennedy against the wall in order to force him to make decisions that would remove Castro's regime." Richard Schweiker, a member of the committee, speculated that Bishop was David Atlee Phillips. Schweiker arranged for Veciana and Phillips to be introduced at a meeting of the Association of Retired Intelligence Officers in Reston. Phillips denied knowing Veciana. After the meeting Veciana told Schweiker that Phillips was not the man known to him as Bishop. Schweiker was unconvinced by this evidence. He found it difficult to believe Phillips would not have known the leader of Alpha 66. Especially as Phillips had been in charge of covert action in Cuba when Alpha 66 was established. Another CIA agent who worked in Cuba during this period, claimed that Phillips used the code name, Maurice Bishop. David Atlee Phillips testified before the House Select Committee on Assassinations on 25th April, 1978. He denied he ever used the name Maurice Bishop. He also insisted that he had never met Veciana. Soon after testifying Veciana was ambushed on the way home from work. Four shots were fired and one bullet hit him in the head. Veciana survived the attack but now refuses to talk about his work with Alpha 66. In February, 2005, Gerry P. Hemming claimed that it was Jake Esterline and not David Atlee Phillips who was Maurice Bishop, the man who met with Antonio Veciana and Lee Harvey Oswald in August, 1963, in the building that housed the office of Haroldson L. Hunt in Dallas. Open Debate on the Kennedy Assassination (1) Antonio Veciana, interviewed by the House Select Committee on Assassinations in 1976. It was my case officer, Maurice Bishop, who had the idea to attack the Soviet ships. The intention was to cause trouble between Kennedy and Russia. Bishop believed that Kennedy and Khrushchev had made a secret agreement that the USA would do nothing more to help in the fight against Castro. Bishop felt - he told me many times - that President Kennedy was a man without experience surrounded by a group of young men who were also inexperienced with mistaken ideas on how to manage this country. He said you had to put Kennedy against the wall in order to force him to make decisions that would remove Castro's regime. (2) Jonathan Vankin and John Whalen, 70 Greatest Conspiracies of All Time (2001) David Philips suspected by the House Select Committee on Assassinations of doubling as the shadowy "Maurice Bishop" CIA overseer of the Cuban Alpha 66 anti-Castro brigade. The same David Philips in charge of spinning the Oswald-Mexico City incident in the CIA's favor may have engineered the "Mexico City scenario" in the first place. Lane, who has made a legal and literary career out of blaming the CIA for JFK's death, says he did. Alpha 66's Cuban leader Antonio Veciana claimed that at one of his hundred or so meetings with Bishop, Oswald was there not saying anything, just acting odd. "I always thought Bishop was working with Oswald during the assassination," Veciana told Russell. Veciana's cousin worked for Castro's intelligence service and after the assassination Bishop wanted Veciana to bribe his cousin into saying that he met with Oswald, in order to fabricate an Oswald-Castro connection. Investigators never established for sure that Bishop and Philips were one and the same, but descriptions of Bishop's appearance and mannerisms mirrored Philips'. Veciana drew a sketch of his old controller and Senator Richard Schweiker, a member of the assassination committee, recognized it as Philips. When the select committee's star investigator Gaeton Fonzi finally brought Veciana and Philips together, the two started acting weird around each other. After a short conversation in Spanish, Philips bolted. Witnesses to the encounter swear that a look of recognition swept Veciana's visage, but Veciana denied that Philips was his case officer of more than a decade earlier. (3) Lisa Pease, Probe Magazine (March-April, 1996) During the Church committee hearings, Senator Richard Schweiker's independent investigator Gaeton Fonzi stumbled onto a vital lead in the Kennedy assassination. An anti-Castro Cuban exile leader named Antonio Veciana was bitter about what he felt had been a government setup leading to his recent imprisonment, and he wanted to talk. Fonzi asked him about his activities, and without any prompting from Fonzi, Veciana volunteered the fact that his CIA handler, known to him only as "Maurice Bishop," had been with Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas not long before the assassination of Kennedy. Veciana gave a description of Bishop to a police artist, who drew a sketch. One notable characteristic Veciana mentioned were the dark patches on the skin under the eyes. When Senator Schweiker first saw the picture, he thought it strongly resembled the CIA's former Chief of the Western Hemisphere Division-one of the highest positions in the Agency - and the head of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers (AFIO): David Atlee Phillips. (4) Anthony Summers, The Kennedy Conspiracy (1980) In 1978, exile leader Antonio Veciana added a disturbing postscript to his account of meeting "Bishop" in Oswald's company shortly before the Mexico episode. After the assassination, Veciana told me "Bishop" made a strange request. "He asked me to get in touch with a cousin of mine who worked in the Cuban embassy in Mexico City, Guillermo Ruiz. Bishop asked me to see if Ruiz would, for money, make statements stating that Lee Harvey Oswald had been at the embassy a few weeks before the assassination. I asked him whether it was true that Oswald had been there, and Bishop replied that it did not matter whether he had or not - what was important was that my cousin, a member of the Cuban diplomatic service, should confirm that he had been." Veciana did have a cousin by marriage called Ruiz, and he worked, fronting as a diplomat, in Castro's intelligence service. Veciana says, though, that he could not immediately contact Ruiz following "Bishop's" request. Before he could do so, "Bishop" told him to "forget the whole thing and not to comment or ask any questions about Lee Harvey Oswald." It must be stressed that, for all the imponderables about the "Bishop" allegation. Committee staff were able to make this report on Veciana's character: "Generally, Veciana's reputation for honesty and integrity was excellent." A former associate who worked with him when Veciana was chief of sabotage for the MRP in Havana said, "Veciana was the straightest, absolutely trustworthy, most honest person I ever met. I would trust him implicitly." "Bishop," Veciana has said, "did work for an intelligence agency of this country, and I am convinced that it was the CIA... The impression I have is that the Mexico City episode was a device. By using it, 'Maurice Bishop' wanted to lay the blame for President Kennedy's death fairly and squarely on Castro and the Cuban government." (5) Interview with the Assassination (2002) Alpha 66's Cuban leader Antonio Veciana claimed that at one of his hundred or so meetings with Bishop, Oswald was there. "I always thought Bishop was working with Oswald during the assassination," Veciana told Russell. Veciana's cousin worked for Castro's intelligence service and after the assassination Bishop wanted Veciana to bribe his cousin into saying that he met with Oswald, in order to fabricate an Oswald-Castro connection. Investigators never established for sure that Bishop and Phillips were one and the same, but descriptions of Bishop's appearance and mannerisms mirrored Phillips'. Veciana drew a sketch of his old controller and Senator Richard Schweiker, a member of the assassination committee, recognized it as Phillips. When the select committee's star investigator Gaeton Fonzi finally brought Veciana and Phillips together, the two started acting weird around each other. After a short conversation in Spanish, Phillips bolted. Witnesses to the encounter swear that a look of recognition swept Veciana's visage, but Veciana denied that Phillips was his case officer of more than a decade earlier. Veciana's reluctance to make the ID, Fonzi theorized, was related to two unfortunate events that had befallen him of late: one, he was convicted of running drugs and suspected that Bishop set him up to silence him; two, he was shot in the head. Veciana's desire to clear his drug rap and avoid absorbing another bullet may have had something to do with the fact that he would not rat on his old benefactor. (6) Michael Dorman, Newsday (1995) A long-secret government document released this week lends credence to a favorite theory of conspiracy advocates on President John F. Kennedy's assassination: the contention that Lee Harvey Oswald was seen in Dallas with a U.S. intelligence agent about two months before the murder. That issue has long been connected with unproved reports that a violent Cuban exile group - perhaps with the help of an American intelligence agency - was involved in the assassination. The House Select Committee on Assassinations investigated the reports but said in 1978 it was unable to substantiate them. However, the document obtained yesterday by Newsday provides a previously lacking measure of credibility to the reports. Those reports center on a shadowy figure called Maurice Bishop - likely a pseudonym - said to have been an intelligence agent during the early 1960s. Antonio Veciana, founder of the Alpha 66 Cuban exile group that launched repeated guerrilla raids against Fidel Castro's regime, testified before the House committee that he considered Bishop his US intelligence contact; that he met with Bishop more than 100 times over a 13-year period; that Bishop had directed him to organize Alpha 66 and had paid him $253,00. Moreover, he said, he had met briefly in Dallas with Bishop and Oswald sometime around September, 1963, two months before Kennedy's Nov. 22 assassination. G. Robert Blakey, chief counsel to the House committee, said: "After careful analysis, we decided not to credit Veciana's claim" because, among other things, there was no proof that Maurice Bishop existed. But the document, released by the US Assassination Records Review Board, supports the contention that Bishop existed and otherwise backs Veciana's story. Government sources said the document - a US Army intelligence report dated Oct. 17, 1962 - describes a man who fits the profile of Maurice Bishop. "He used a different name, but we believe this man fits Bishop's profile very closely," one official said. The document is a report from an Army intelligence officer, Col. Jeff W. Boucher, to Brig. Gen. Edward Lansdale, assistant to Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara and a controversial figure in the Vietnam War. It said the intelligence operative described as fitting Bishop's profile "has contact with the Alpha 66 group" and that Alpha 66 "was going to conduct raids against Cuba." Alpha 66 leaders, the document said, had told the operative they "desired support of the US Army in the action phase," including funds, equipment and arms. "In return the group would provide intelligence information, would furnish captured equipment, and could land agents in Cuba. The group estimated it would require $100,000 to complete the balance of its program, consisting of four more raids on Cuba." The document said a unit of Army intelligence had approved debriefing Alpha 66 frogmen who had conducted underwater operations against Castro; exploring the possibility of buying captured Soviet equipment from Alpha 66 and briefing Lansdale on the Alpha 66 proposal to furnish intelligence information and material for financial support.
  20. Mark Lane was the leader of out research society from his first work in 1964 through his trial against Howard Hunt. I think his scope and range was the most encompassing, and his standards properly exacting. We need more Mark Lanes......................
  21. As you know I am a Prouty man. So I tend to think Lansdale was part of an ONI/MI job on John Kennedy. I am familiar with Krulak and if he backs Prouty on Lansdale in the triple tramp photos, then well there you go.
  22. Wim was always a good correspondent. He believes in the Jimmy Sutton Files scenario, but.... his site has a lot of good primary evidence, photos, docs, etc.... Like AJ Weberman, his main thesis may or may not be operative but the value is there, in the evidence, the critical point of view and the willingness to question authority. I always liked Wim Dankbaar and never really thought he should have been barred, but John had his reasons.... Wim reminds me of my other radical buddies in Amsterdam and New York, aggressive hard working government critics, you know
  23. SO I AM SURE WE ALL READ THE NEW YORK TIMES LAST WEEK The Tonkin Bay attacks on US forces by the North Vietnamese were false intelligence. The analysts hid the original archives because the translations were fake. The intelligence was cooked to fit the political agenda, i.e.,' War in Vietnam THE August 1964 intelligence that the NSA provided to civilian policy makers was false. Marhall carter and other characters of interest in these chronicles are indicted again............ "C"
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