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Shanet Clark

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Everything posted by Shanet Clark

  1. Hello everyone: I want to thank Andy Walker and John Simkin for all their hard work. This site is presently the cutting edge of international political dialogue and historical discourse. Best wishes to all. Shanet Clark in Atlanta. November 2005.
  2. GREETINGS My home software was wiped out in the recent Virus/Worm, so I have not been posting, but I am still around and will post more soon. My take on the tramps: Chauncey Holt Charles Harrelson Unknown OAS assassin Best wishes Shanet Clark
  3. Lee Yours is the best post here in a long time. Researcher in fact concerning death of Commander in Chief and PT 109 Pilot. His profile is amazingly similar to many of the other suspects. Vaganov could probably tell a similar tale about why he shoved his clothes into the Telephone booth. White male. Ex-Military. Original Pro-Castro leanings, later allegedly Anti-Communist. Possibly a member of the Minutemen. Allegedly a racist. In Dallas one month before the operation. Leaves Dallas the day after the operation. New Orleans connection. Sam Giancana knows his name and associates him with Marcello. Allegedly used an alias. Mixed up with the 'Oswald' test drive. Just coincidence. - lee <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  4. What did Sam and Chuck Giancana have to say about Jack Lawrence? Jack Lawrence being best known as the Dallas car salesman who had contact with an "Oswald" before the shooting, and wretched in a wild eyed state immediately after 12:30 Dallas time on the day of John Kennedy's murder. Ron: The Lawrence material adds body and shape to what we know, but isn't that all a pretty pat and predictable denial by the accused? I mean, its a first hand rebuttal of the case against him. This stuff about the Air Force colonel and the location of the car, the suicides....it shows a lot of manipulation...... Lawrence looks like a potential patsy, which is just that close to a potential team member, capiche? MATE feel free to post more on MRS MCGANN...........start threaad w/photo? (((((The West Virginia preacher is also in DUFFY and RICCI (1992) anyone able to summarize the citations on this PERSON OF INTEREST?))) Shanet/clark
  5. Interesting thread. I knew Lou Russell was the "lost" burglar, but most of this other material is totally new to me. The staid and positivist political historians have no problem with the prostitution angle, I have noticed. GEMSTONE plans that Gordon Liddy floated were hooker/blackmail set-ups....... That and the burglaries, the bugs all made the agency nervous, since they were using the Sheraton girls, and the Plumbers GGEMSTONE plan was on their turf. Who ever knew too much got whacked..............
  6. ""You have chosen to ignore JOHN DOE View this post · Un-ignore JOHN DOE"" It is so SWEET !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. What Board was this, the Clinton era DE-CLASSIFICATION FOIA hearings? What is the context and who is Osborn? Does anyone have anything more on this DESILU approach ??? Lee Forman, have you heard of this leak before ? Great evidence, but not entirely convincing, yet.........
  8. That account reads like Carlos Castaneda and Don Juan...... What a weirdo !!! Nosenko was probably telling the truth, and either way, he got a really raw deal, similar to the stuff going on at Abu Graib and Guantanano today........
  9. Many of you have seen this piece, The Mannlicher problems are all discussed......... Highly recommended piece on the rifle, rings, serial numbers, archives, etc............ http://jfkresearch.freehomepage.com/c2766.html
  10. John D Big John Connally got shot up pretty bad. He really was "spazzing" in the Zapruder film, as you know, very frantic, he was grimacing, etc. and seemed to be reacting to a number of shots. It really looks to me in Zapruder that Connally is struck repeatedly between the Kennedy throat shot / paralysis and the Kennedy fatal headshot...... The high angle seemed to correllate with leg and wrist wounds for a man in the center jump seat of the GG 300.
  11. If you go to My Controls and then "click" on Manage Ignored Users, you can write in the name of a member. Then that member's posts will all read only : ""You have chosen to ignore JOHN DOE View this post · Un-ignore JOHN DOE"" I have saved a lot of time today, and the make-up of this fine group has a much better balance from this new perspective. Hijacked threads, inane frustrating argumentation and escalating difficulties are all now A THING OF THE PAST and the ED FORUM is a joy to work with again. SHANET CLARK
  12. Interesting thread. I would like to hear more about the multiple wallets. I always thought the cops retrieved the wallet after the struggle at the theatre, but I now understand that the jacket near the Tippitt scene had a wallet as well. HARVEY AND LEE point to two more wallets, according to Jack White.... Does anyone have any testimony or police reports handy to confirm this line of FRAMOLOGY ?????????
  13. This angle would match the Connally wounds, ballistically, yes? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hey Shanet - John's thread, but my 2 cents. Depends upon whether or not Connally sustained the wound - chest entry or back entry. Either way, the trajectory appears flat, IMO - suggesting a shot from ground level. Unless of course it was indeed a chest entry, and the round glance off the rib, and deflected the round on it's flight path. This could explain why the 'entry' wound in the back was determined to have been from a 'tumbling' round. SBT had an unfortunate consequence on the record. There's multiple references to Connally having sustained a shot to the chest. Plus I can draw up a few 'inferences.' It's human nature to assume that the information we receive first is valid - it's very difficult to 'unseat the incumbent.' [film is going to undergo extensive...uh...alteration]. - lee <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I was talking more about the wrist and leg wounds. If you have time could you go over the Connally wounds and the debate over them. I am hazy on the details........ Shanet
  14. This angle would match the Connally wounds, ballistically, yes?
  15. Greg Yes indeed this is the way God intended.......... (His lips move but I can't hear what he is saying)
  16. John I still get the threads but the content of the IGNORED USED is deleted. That is the way I like it. This Forum is for the Member's individual enjoyment, and this editing helps me enjoy the FORUM Thanks to all........ Shanet
  17. This is much cooler -------- Life is Good !!!!!!
  18. Tom Pappas and CIA honcho Thomas Karamessines............? The Greek Connection included Onassis, HRH Prince Philip and Lord Louis Mountbatten, and these aristos were rabid 'anti-communists' in Post-War Europe. The cache of IL DUCE Mannlichers (with no serial numbers) that Maxwell Taylor got in Rome in 1943 are often cited......... A few of them (with new serial numbers) are in LIFE and the National Archives, these were rifles similar to "Alek Hidell's" mail order gun, but WERE actually capable of firing accurate sniper shots..........
  19. Who are these guys? I call these characters part of the SWEEP TEAM. Note the shiny shoes.........
  20. I have seen these before. The body is slumped to the right, slumped to the left and sitting up. There is no blast detritus behind and above the chair. The wounds do not correlate to the cause of death (shotgun blast). Thanks for the file. shanet
  21. I have found it useful to employ the device called "Ignore Users" Go to "My Controls", then "Manage Ignored Users" KEY IN THE NAME OF ANYONE YOU WISH This is a very good way to limit your interaction with questionable and provocative members. It will lower the Volume in more ways than one........
  22. Lee Great research. Are all these verified personal correspondents of De Mo? If they are it certainly adds some mystery to his interaction with Oswald, yes? LEGEND by Epstein follows the Oswald / Demorenschildt relationship. In summary, it appears that DeMorenschildt was the handler of Marina Oswald, and his primary interest was Marina, who was of a GRU/KGB family and defected into the US when Oswald counter-defected out of the USSR. His murder (suicide?) was the turning point of the House investigation. If anyone fails to see the hand of the CIA in JFK's Assassination, they should look at the White Russian, who befriended the lone nut........
  23. In the past I made some references to Tim Gratz. I disavow all of them and apologize to Mr. Gratz. He is a scholar and a gentleman and I meant him no harm. This will be my final posting in the forum. Shanet Clark.
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