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Shanet Clark

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Everything posted by Shanet Clark

  1. Let me elucidate. Clarence Douglas Dillon had a similar background to Prescott Bush and Allen Dulles. International banking with plenty of contact with German corporate interests, intelligence and highest level financial privateering, war profiteering. I introduced him as a possible conspirator based on his STRUCTURAL location in the chain of command, and because of the outlandish failures of his employees in the Secret Service. I have named THOMAS KARAMESSINES, MARSHALL CARTER, MAXWELL TAYLOR and RICHARD HELMS for similar reasons. The executive sanction model, based on incapacity or loss of clearance, is a common sense approach and should be viewed as a synthesis of reasonable difficulties with the AUTOPSY, WARREN REPORT, HSCA 1978 REPORT, etc. The theory that Castro and the KGB murdered Kennedy is based on the statements of ALEXANDER HAIG, RICHARD HELMS and JAMES JESUS ANGLETON. Tim Gratz theory is not credible by any stretch of the imagination. It is not coherent, coherent or compelling. It is false and in fact, disinformation. While I believe John Simkins, Larry Hancock and James Richards have identified the TACTICAL agents responsible for the assassination, I have reason to believe my theory of EXECUTIVE SANCTION is the STRATEGIC and closely held source of the tactical ambush. When Barr McClellan gained notoriety for his theory implicating Lyndon Johnson, I decided (at great personal risk) to disclose my conclusions concerning the intelligence findings, incapacity findings and removal of JFK by Cabinet Level executives within the government. Tim Gratz presence on the FORUM is disruptive and comically inept. His point of view is typical of the Neoconservative and right wing mindless authoritarians who are now in power in Washington. Tim Gratz failure to engage critical thinking or use rational approaches is obvious. He is in fact a simple foil, and a straw man. He is like the simpleton who writes angry patriotic letters to the local paper. Those of us who have broken through our indoctrination and socialization to question authority see Tim Gratz's material for what it is: Right wing propaganda which shows a laughable lack of critical thinking. It is obvious that this individual is out-numbered and pathetically incompetent in pushing his outlandish and unsatisfactory hypothesis. I saw G. Gordon Liddy give a speech once, and he defended the burglary of the Democratic Headquarters because the McGovern people were "Communists" Gratz is fatuous and intellectually impotent, and his disinformation campaign should be heartily ignored as the work of an amusing reactionary...........
  2. Let me elucidate. Clarence Douglas Dillon had a similar background to Prescott Bush and Allen Dulles. International banking with plenty of contact with German corporate interests, intelligence and highest level financial privateering, war profiteering. I introduced him as a possible conspirator based on his STRUCTURAL location in the chain of command, and because of the outlandish failures of his employees in the Secret Service. I have named THOMAS KARAMESSINES, MARSHALL CARTER, MAXWELL TAYLOR and RICHARD HELMS for similar reasons. The executive sanction model, based on incapacity or loss of clearance, is a common sense approach and should be viewed as a synthesis of reasonable difficulties with the AUTOPSY, WARREN REPORT, HSCA 1978 REPORT, etc. The theory that Castro and the KGB murdered Kennedy is based on the statements of ALEXANDER HAIG, RICHARD HELMS and JAMES JESUS ANGLETON. Tim Gratz theory is not credible by any stretch of the imagination. It is not coherent, coherent or compelling. It is false and in fact, disinformation. While I believe John Simkins, Larry Hancock and James Richards have identified the TACTICAL agents responsible for the assassination, I have reason to believe my theory of EXECUTIVE SANCTION is the STRATEGIC and closely held source of the tactical ambush. When Barr McClellan gained notoriety for his theory implicating Lyndon Johnson, I decided (at great personal risk) to disclose my conclusions concerning the intelligence findings, incapacity findings and removal of JFK by Cabinet Level executives within the government. Tim Gratz presence on the FORUM is disruptive and comically inept. His point of view is typical of the Neoconservative and right wing mindless authoritarians who are now in power in Washington. Tim Gratz failure to engage critical thinking or use rational approaches is obvious. He is in fact a simple foil, and a straw man. He is like the simpleton who writes angry patriotic letters to the local paper. Those of us who have broken through our indoctrination and socialization to question authority see Tim Gratz's material for what it is: Right wing propaganda which shows a laughable lack of critical thinking. It is obvious that this individual is out-numbered and pathetically incompetent in pushing his outlandish and unsatisfactory hypothesis. I saw G. Gordon Liddy give a speech once, and he defended the burglary of the Democratic Headquarters because the McGovern people were "Communists" Gratz is fatuous and intellectually impotent, and his disinformation campaign should be heartily ignored as the work of an amusing reactionary...........
  3. Good stuff, keep it rolling ........ Was he the Umbrella Man? Or just a crazy man interposing in an historical event? Here is John Simkin's file on GORDON NOVEL: Gordon Novel came from New Orleans. According to Alan J. Weberman: "In his youth, Gordon Novel belonged to a neo-Nazi group and was arrested and charged with bombing a Metairie, Louisiana, theater that admitted blacks". In the early 1960s Novel ran an electronics firm which specialized in selling equipment used for bugging. It was claimed by Jim Garrison that Novel was formerly a member of the Central Intelligence Agency and was an associate of Sergio Arcacha Smith, David Ferrie and Guy Banister. It was also reported that Novel worked with the Cuban Revolutionary Front during the Bay of Pigs operation via the CIA proprietary, the Evergreen Advertising Agency. According to William Torbitt Novel had been seen by a Dallas attorney having meetings with Jack Ruby and William Seymour in the Carousel Club during October and November, 1963. Another author, Paris Flammonde (The Kennedy Conspiracy), claims that Novel was questioned on five separate occasions following the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Jim Garrison discovered that Sergio Arcacha Smith, David Ferrie and Guy Banister had been involved in a CIA operation to pick up "war material" for the Bay of Pigs attack at from the Schlumberger Well Company. Garrison subpoenaed Novel but he fled to Ohio. However, the James Rhodes, the Governor of Ohio, refused to extradite him unless Garrison agreed not to question him on the assassination. A few weeks after Novel fled from New Orleans a woman cleaning his old apartment found a penciled draft of a letter wedged under a plastic cover alongside the kitchen. The letter was addressed to a Mr. Weiss. This letter was passed to Jim Garrison who concluded that it was a letter to Novel's CIA contact. "I took the liberty of writing you direct and apprising you of current situation, expecting you to forward this through appropriate channels. Our connection and activity of that period involves individuals presently about to be indicted as conspirators in Garrison's investigation." Novel also said in the letter: "We have temporarily avoided one subpoena not to reveal Double Chek activities or associate them with this mess. We want out of this thing before Thursday 3/67. Our attorneys have been told to expect another subpoena to appear and testify on this matter. The fifth amendment and/or immunity (and) legal tactics will not suffice." Alan J. Weberman has pointed out that E. Howard Hunt worked for Double Chek in Miami. In an article in Ramparts Magazine, William Turner claims that Novel admitted that the pick up at the Schlumberger Well Company was one of "the most patriotic burglaries in history." Novel is also said to have confessed that on the day the munitions were picked up, he "was called by his CIA contact and told to join a group which was ordered to transport munitions from the bunker to New Orleans." In 1974 Jack Anderson reported that as a result of Watergate Charles Colson asked Novel to build a "degaussing gun" to erase tapes stored at the CIA and the White House that would incriminate Richard Nixon. GORDON NOVEL now goes by the alias "General Maximo Overkill" Vanity Fair, July 2005: page 82
  4. Deniability for the executives would have prevented them from this operational exposure in Dealey. I still think the man in the photo is Lansdale. The fact that a civilian got between the fence and the tramps and into the middle of the police escort shows that some guys in suits Dallas outranked uniformed cops that day, and were allowed to breach normal arrest security protocols. The sweep teams, Rip Robertson, James McCord, Jim Hicks, and Edwin Wilson were typical of the rank present at the ambush. The Executives were held at a full remove from the action.....
  5. This stinks. A Marine with U-2 radar codes and Atsugi Air Base classification decided to go to Soviet Russia. He goes over, spends two years in the heart of Minsk industrial center, then COUNTER - DEFECTS back to the United States. He is never debriefed and never watched as a possible Soviet spy? This reeks of a counter intelligence program. Lee Harvey Oswald was a noisy self proclaimed Communist, but when he supposedly kills the President of the United States, he denies it until he dies. A communist radical militant would have claimed the "glory" .... An effective US security force would have monitored him and prevented him being at an open window over a Presidential motorcade. I believe Oswald was a Marine Intelligence / ONI asset, who was manipulated to go to Russia, controlled after he came back and used as a handy "burncard" when a patsy with COmmunist credentials was needed by the agencies. He was served up to public consumption with the backyard photos and the crime was "solved" Then he was murdered and thus became a "lost" assassin, in the jargon of the 1953 CIA assassination manual. Poor bastard, I feel sorry for him, his wife Marina and his girlfriend Judyth. He probably thought he was serving his country.............
  6. This month's VANITY FAIR has an interesting piece on the Michael Jackson child molestation and conspiracy trial. It seems Gordon Novel is working closely with the Jacksons on the "conspiracy" against Michael Jackson, i.e., the mob and SONY are out to get Michael Jackson for his money. I thought this would be a good place to post some anecdotes on JFK assassination figure GORDON NOVEL, and comment on his claims. Does anyone believe he was at the grassy knoll with a camera and had it taken away from him?
  7. Thank you Dawn. Ignore the disinformation. Salandria is one of the greatest critical thinkers in the field.
  8. Tim, First of all, the term "renegade CIA Agents" is rediculous. It is a term that has been used in this investigation for the past forty years to get the monkey off the back of the government. "shadow or invisible government" is also a term that should be utilized in fictional books and not for investigative purposes. Compartmentalization is the key to truely well planned covert operations and this compartmentalization is used an excuse to eliminate blame for whatever is proven to be true. To believe a group of Sicilian thugs or agitated refugees were utilized in this is challenged by simply showing that this operation did not end in a goat screw attempt. It succeeded and has been hidden for the past forty-two years with only speculation flying in all directions. Some of the speculation has some merit and is realistic, while most is in left field and should be made into a James Bond fiction. Your proof is making connections to events that are as far a stretch as it comes to what we see in this assassination. For those viewing this thread, keep in mind that Kennedy's protectors were aware of the two planned hits earlier in the month of November '63 and still were powerless to prevent the event from taking place in DP. They were able to quickly override the facts and cover it up. If this was the mafia or anti-Castro Cubans or combination of both, would we not hesitate to at least eliminate the players and planners? If it was Castro's Cuba, would it not be nothing more than a uninhabital stretch of land in the Carribean? Sorry Tim, but I was doctrinated into the real world through fear and forced performance at the age of 18. I have since spent 22 years in law enforcement and see the world in a very clear and frightening light. Al <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Great point, Al. Some are still actively denying the role of these fascists, even here on the FORUM.
  9. So now TIM GRATZ is defending FELIX RODRIGUEZ. Anyone notice a pattern here ?
  10. I have seen that photo. Joe Kennedy is on one side. Ernest Hemingway is on the other. The big stinky fish in the middle is ........
  11. The DeGaulle 1962 assassination attempt directly impacts the dallas murder. 1) DeGaulles security ACCELERATED and saved the President of France's life. Any serious attempt after that would try to slow and/or halt the limousine. This points to GREER, EMORY and DILLON. 2) The relationship of OAS paramilitary and US indochinese paramilitary points to a FRENCH assassin.......they had similar goals in Vietnam, and were fascist right wing militarists.........
  12. Is John Paisley a possibility? Ron <{POST_SNAPBACK}> These are what I call the Sweep teams. The Rip Robertson character is a strong match. Are these the two guys walking by the EMMETT HUDSON position as the crowd gathered on the curb?
  13. The frame of the patsy. The halting of the limousine. The forgery of the autopsy. Shall we go on???
  14. In Tim's world the good guys are always good and gentlemen speak the truth, friends don't plot against friends and the red white and blue is always clean and pristine. Of course that thinking has no usefulness in understanding the Cold War, MK ULTRA, the Kennedy assassinations or the Vietnam War. Fond nostalgia from a sentimental naif. Smathers wouldn't lie, he was a US SENATOR !
  15. So it is not really "Castro did it" but rather "anyone but the government agencies did it" ....... Am I the only one who finds this material very tiresome?
  16. Some material on the relationship between IG Farben, Dupont, Dillon and the Bush family............ Walter S. Carpenter, Jr. had been chairman of the finance committee of the Du Pont Corporation (1930-40). In 1933, Carpenter oversaw Du Pont's purchase of Remington Arms from Sam Pryor and the Rockefellers, and led Du Pont into partnership with the Nazi I.G. Farben Company for the manufacture of explosives. Carpenter became Du Pont's president in 1940. His cartel with the Nazis was broken up by the U.S. government. Nevertheless, Carpenter remained Du Pont's president as the company's technicians participated massively in the Manhattan Project to produce the first atomic bomb. He was chairman of Du Pont from 1948 to 1962, retaining high-level access to U.S. strategic activities. Walter Carpenter and Prescott Bush were fellow activists in the Mental Hygiene Society. Originating at Yale University in 1908, the movement had been organized into the World Federation of Mental Health by Montagu Norman, himself a frequent mental patient, former Brown Brothers partner and Bank of England Governor. Norman had appointed as the federation's chairman, Brigadier John Rawlings Rees, director of the Tavistock Psychiatric Clinic, chief psychiatrist and psychological warfare expert for the British intelligence services. Prescott was a director of the society in Connecticut; Carpenter was a director in Delaware. Paul Mellon was the leading heir to the Mellon fortune, and a long-time neighbor of Averell Harriman's in Middleburg, Virginia, as well as Jupiter Island, Florida. Paul's father, Andrew Mellon, U.S. Treasury Secretary 1921-32, had approved the transactions of Harriman, Pryor and Bush with the Warburgs and the Nazis. Paul Mellon's son-in-law, David K.E. Bruce, worked in Prescott Bush's W.A. Harriman & Co. during the late 1920s; was head of the London branch of U.S. intelligence during World War II; and was Averell Harriman's Assistant Secretary of Commerce in 1947-48. Mellon family money and participation would be instrumental in many domestic U.S. projects of the new Central Intelligence Agency. Carl Tucker manufactured electronic guidance equipment for the Navy. With the Mellons, Tucker was an owner of South American oil properties. Mrs. Tucker was the great aunt of Nicholas Brady, later George Bush's Iran-Contra partner and U.S. Treasury Secretary. Their son Carll Tucker, Jr. (Skull and Bones 1947), was among the 15 Bonesmen who selected George Bush for induction in the class of 1948. C.Douglas Dillon was the boss of William H. Draper, Jr. in the Draper-Prescott Bush-Fritz Thyssen Nazi banking scheme of the 1930s and 40s. His father, Clarence Dillon, created the Vereinigte Stahlwerke (Thyssen's German Steel Trust) in 1926. C. Douglas Dillon made Nicholas Brady the chairman of the Dillon Read firm in 1971 and himself continued as chairman of the executive committee. C. Douglas Dillon would be a vital ally of his neighbor Prescott Bush during the Eisenhower administration. Publisher Nelson Doubleday headed his family's publishing firm, founded under the auspices of J.P. Morgan and other British Empire representatives. When George Bush's `` Uncle Herbie '' died, Doubleday took over as majority owner and chief executive of the New York Mets baseball team. George W. Merck,chairman of Merck & Co., drug and chemical manufacturers, was director of the War Research Service: Merck was the official chief of all U.S. research into biological warfare from 1942 until at least the end of World War II. After 1944, Merck's organization was placed under the U.S. Chemical Warfare Service. His family firm in Germany and the U.S. was famous for its manufacture of morphine. A.L. Cole was useful to the Jupiter Islanders as an executive of Readers Digest. In 1965, just after performing a rather dirty favor for George Bush (see Chapter 9), Cole became chairman of the executive committee of the Digest, the world's largest-circulation periodical. From the late 1940s, Jupiter Island has served as a center for the direction of covert action by the U.S. government and, indeed, for the covert management of the government. Jupiter Island will reappear later on, in our account of George Bush in the Iran-Contra affair.
  17. I still think it was Lansdale. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, General Maxwell Taylor, was not poking around the TBSD with the boxcar arrestees. But Colonel Lansdale, the Big Indian Dave Morales and Rip Robertson would have been in the midst. Taylor's deniability was more important than on-the-ground control, he was probably away from the site.
  18. I have an inclusive and sweeping theory, one that articulates and limits the general proposition that "the government did it". John Kennedy, because of his Addison's disease and treatments (including steroids and amphetamines) his relationship with back channel couriers like LISA HOWARD and back channel communications with Kruschev in the KREMLIN, his affairs with numerous high and low born women, including possible foreign assets, his affair with Timothy Leary's close friend, the artist MARY PINCHOT MEYER, his resistance to an invasion of CUBA and his insistence on a TEST BAN TREATY, was eliminated. The use of NSA CIA and MILITARY INTELLIGENCE files on Kennedy presented proof of these breaches. Somewhere in the national security apparatus their are bureaucratic protocols for the investigation of the President's fitness and capacity to serve. The Twenty Fifth amendment makes it clear that a small group of cabinet level advisers are authorized to remove a President. Whether this is to be publicized or denied is not stated in the 1963-1967 amendment. General Taylor may well have brought the ultra rich and internationally soiled Secretary of the Treasury into a use of force, called an executive sanction. The executives who arranged the security, autopsy, burial and film/ Xray record of the Kennedy assassination, the executives who removed Washington DC from phone service and removed the Football's sender and the WH CODE book from the Cabinet ploane over the Pacific, they killed Kennedy and framed Oswald, via cut outs like right wing Cubans.......the responsibility falls back on DULLES, MCCLOY, MCCONE, WALKER and DILLON. What was done, to the evidence and to Oswald, may be explained by working backward from tactics to strategy, keeping the COLD WAR trilateral (US JAPAN GERMANY) settlement in mind. One executives "friendship" with another plays very little into this secret bureacratic and deniable chain of events. The secret service allowed Kennedy to be murdered, and I place the responsibility where it belongs, on this suspect figure, Clarence Douglas Dillon, as part of a joint agency EXECUTIVE SANCTION. Time will prove this out.
  19. BALLAST AND BILGE HAS SUNK MY THREAD ! THE MOCKINGBIRD KNOWS SEVENTEEN SONGS ! Everyone in the virtual conference knows when I say Principle figure, that I mean Douglas Dillon. The palace guard bent over backward to give a number of good shots at Kennedy. I say orders came down from the top, and Taylor, Walker, Dullles and Dillon's past fascism support this, Admiral Forrestal and DILLON READ.
  20. Tim, You're a slippery little rodent. My post was in response to your claim in Post#50 that there were posts on this thread which were garbage. Aghast at the thought that this thread might go places other than Trafficante/Castro/Pro-Castro Cubans, Tim thinks "how do I get my material onto centre stage?". Answer: just say those posts are garbage--someone's bound to respond 'cause I've got more garbage than anyone there. True genius. Then claims that this often happens, which translates as "I use this strategy lots". Despite all that, this has turned into a very interesting thread, covering a good range of controversial issues. It's been fascinating to watch Robert clinically dispose of most of your assertions. Have you responded yet ? You see, I don't know as much as you on the Castro/Mob theory on the assassination. I doubt if I ever will as you've obviously devoted thousands of hours to it. Trouble is, those who do know what they're talking about on your theory don't appear to back you up. Robert Charles-Dunne and Mark Knight seem to know what they're talking about but still no backers. What conclusion do I draw? The funny thing is that if anything new comes out of this thread, it might be some research into the background of C. Douglas Dillon. I've never seen such a tantrum about the naming of a suspect and there's been many patriotic Americans named as suspects including 2 Presidents and the joint chiefs. Fascinating. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *********************** Mark..... There may be some information pertaining...to C.Douglas Dillon..in these links that you will find interesting... Sorry I have not had the time to take it any further.... B.. Clarence Dillon and his son C. Douglas Dillon were directors of USIS, which was spotlighted when Clarence Dillon was hauled before the Senate Banking Committee's famous "Pecora" hearings in 1933. USIS was shown to be one of the great speculative pyramid schemes which had swindled stockholders of hundreds of millions of dollars. These investment policies had rotted the U.S. economy to the core, and led to the Great Depression of the 1930s. Note #b|"C. Douglas Dillon" was the boss of William H. Draper, Jr. in the Draper-Prescott Bush-Fritz Thyssen Nazi banking scheme of the 1930s and 40s. His father, Clarence Dillon, created the Vereinigte Stahlwerke (Thyssen's German Steel Trust) in 1926. C. Douglas Dillon made "Nicholas Brady" the chairman of the Dillon Read firm in 1971 and himself continued as chairman of the Executive Committee. C. Douglas Dillon would be a vital ally of his neighbor Prescott Bush during the Eisenhower administration. Among the other team members were Bush's Hitler-era lawyer John Foster Dulles, and Jupiter Islander C. Douglas Dillon. Dillon and his father were the pivots as the Harriman-Dulles combination readied Ike for the presidency. As a friend put it: "When the Dillons ... invited [Eisenhower] to dinner it was to introduce him to Wall Street bankers and lawyers." Note #b|"C. Douglas Dillon," neighbor of Bush on Jupiter Island, became undersecretary of state in 1958 after the death of John Foster Dulles. Dillon had been John Foster Dulles's ambassador to France (1953-57), coordinating the original U.S. covert backing for the French imperial effort in Vietnam, with catastrophic results for the world. Dillon was treasury secretary for both John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson. / http://www.patrickcrusade.org/new_page_2.htm The Jupiter Island connection and father Prescott's Brown Brothers, Harriman/Skull and Bones networks are doubtless the key. Jupiter Island meant Averell Harriman, Robert Lovett, C. Douglas Dillon and other Anglophile financiers who had directed the US intelligence community long before there had been a CIA at all. And, in the back yard of the Jupiter Island Olympians, and under their direction, a powerful covert operations base was now being assembled, in which George Bush would have been present at the creation as a matter of birthright. Preparation for what was to become the Halloween massacre began in the Ford White House during the summer of 1975. The Ford Library in Ann Arbor, Michigan preserves a memo from Donald Rumsfeld to Ford dated July 10, 1975, which deals with an array of possible choices for CIA Director. Rumsfeld had polled a number of White House and administration officials and asked them to express preferences among "outsiders to the CIA." [fn 2] Among the officials polled by Cheney was Henry Kissinger, who suggested C. Douglas Dillon, Howard Baker, Galvin, and Robert Roosa. Dick Cheney of the White House staff proposed Robert Bork, followed by Bush and Lee Iacocca. Nelson Rockefeller was also for C. Douglas Dillon, followed by Howard Baker, Conner, and James R. Schlesinger. Rumsfeld himself listed Bork, Dillon, Iacoca, Stanley Resor, and Walter Wriston, but not Bush. The only officials putting Bush on their "possible" lists other than Cheney were Jack O. Marsh, a White House counselor to Ford, and David Packard. When it came time for Rumsfeld to sum up the aggregate number of times each person was mentioned, minus one point for each time a person had been recommended against, the list was as follows: Robert Bork [rejected in 1987 for the Supreme Court] White McGee Foster [John S. Foster of PFIAB, formerly of the Department of Defense] Dillon Resor Roosa Hauge http://www.tarpley.net/bush8b.htm SEVENTEEN YEARS OF BILDERBERGERS INCLUDING THE 2000 INVITEES AND ... ... Dewey BB/CFR John Diebold BB/CFR C. Douglas Dillon BB/CFR Christopher J. ... Rockefeller BB/CFR Sharon Percy Rockefeller BB Inciarte Matias Rodriquez BB ... http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/bball.htm CLARENCE DILLON (1882-1979) Born in San Antonio, Texas, son of Samuel Dillon and Bertha Lapowitz. Harvard, 1905. Married Anne Douglass of Milwaukee. His son, C. Douglas Dillon (later Secretary of the Treasury, 1961-65) was born in Geneva, Switzerland in 1909 while they were abroad. Dillon met William A. Read, founder of the Wall Street bond broker William A. Read and Company, through introduction by Harvard classmate William A. Phillips in 1912 and Dillon joined Read's Chicago office in that year. He moved to New York in 1914. Read died in 1916, and Dillon bought a majority interest in the firm. During World War 1, Bernard Baruch, chairman of the War Industries Board, (known as the Czar of American industry) asked Dillon to be assistant chairman of the War Industries Board. In 1920, William A. Read & Company name was changed to Dillon, Read & Company. Dillon was director of American Foreign Securities Corporation, which he had set up in 1915 to finance the French Government's purchases of munitions in the United States. His righthand man at Dillon Read, James Forrestal, became Secretary of the Navy, later Secretary of Defense, and died under mysterious circumstances at a Federal hospital. In 1957, Fortune Magazine listed Dillon as one of the richest men in the United States, with a fortune then estimated to be from $150 to $200 million.http://www.cephas-library.com/nwo/federal_...iographies.html C. DOUGLAS DILLON http://www.ajweberman.com/nodules/nodule23.htm JFK Lancer: The Investigations http://www.jfklancer.com/Investigations.html Council on Foreign Relations http://www.mystae.com/restricted/streams/m...s/conspire.html Information by Operation CHAOS http://www.cia-on-campus.org/surveil/chaos.html Gerald R.Ford Library U.S. PRESIDENT'S COMMISSION ON CIA ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE UNITED STATES: Files, [1947-1974] 1975 http://www.ford.utexas.edu/library/guides/...20-%20Files.htm Operation Mockingbird http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=3054 Bilderberg Conference 2005 - 5-8th May, Rottach-Egern, Munich, Germany http://www.bilderberg.org/2005.htm The Modern History Project http://www.modernhistoryproject.org/mhp/EntityIDList.php <{POST_SNAPBACK}> DILLON is named in these threads for the same reason as RICHARD HELMS THOMAS KARAMESSINES and MARSHALL CARTER are named. They were principle national security executives who are repeatedly linked to the murder and cover up. Dillon's background, the security stripping, slow detour, halt during ambush, windows and railroad overpasses unchecked..........executive sanction. Thanks again Bernice........ Shanet
  21. HELP !!! HIJACKING !!!! Communication breakdown, its always the same. Telephonic communication in the nation's capital, goes out 11/22/63. Radio communication in the motorcade, goes out around 12.28 pm. Coded information in the Cabinet Plane, code book missing. Nuclear code football disconnected during ambush, finder and sender goes out. Evidence of Military Coup under cover of Executive Sanction? Great thread until the Gratz showed up. Let's split.
  22. DGH is exactly 100% right. The notorious Andrew Mellon era Republican, DILLON, an effort by Kennedy at bipartisanship, was not a close friend of Kennedys He was rather a political peer and contemporary like Smathers and Symington. Tim is so naive and he has fond nostalgia which blocks his apprehension of reality. When given the facts of an executive sanction, this man at treasury followed protocol. His was not a "hit" an act of personal hatred, he called off the Secret Service and turned over control in dallas for professional reasons, whether or not he "liked" John Kennedy. The cabinet secretary with the portfolio for protection was the domestic officer named and exonerated in the twenty fifth amendment, I have reason to believe. Dillon and his father Douglas were the devil, and nothing can be put past them. DGH is right, it is all about CROMWELL SULLIVAN, DULLES and the ROCKEFELLER DUPONT trusts in the 1925 -1965 generation, the American militant right wingers did play well with their democratic friends and used EVERY PLOY to advance their plans for a neo conservative cold war America, even murder............ and the post war trilateral settlement.
  23. QUOTE: Mr. ALTGENS - I was prepared to make a picture at the very instant the President was shot. I had refocused to 15 feet because I wanted a good closeup of the President and Mrs. Kennedy, and that's why I know that it would be right at 15 feet, because I had prefocused in that area, and I had my camera almost to my eye when it happened and that's as far as I got with my camera. Because, you see, even up to that time I didn't know that the President had been shot previously. I still thought up until that time that all I heard was fireworks and that they were giving some sort of celebration to the President by popping these fireworks. It stunned me so at what I saw that I failed to do my duty and make the picture that I was hoping to make. ALTGENS probably wouldn't have gone into detail about the 15 foot focus ring setting if he took the shot. The photo you posted Robin, it shows a white globular body. This appears in the NIX home movie film. I thought the white globular body behind and around Kennedy's head was his brain matter, but now I recognize the white body as Jackie's hand. Jackie chased a piece of skull or other cranial material back onto the rear trunk lid. This is the central fact supporting a forward shooter, by the way. All the films show her crawling topside and to the rear, following an occipital fragment, and this should never be confused with the white glove, here in Zapruder or in the doctored Nix.
  24. Thanks Mark Thanks DGH Henry Cabot Lodge was Nixon's running mate in 1960, and he was a principle agent in the DIEM SAIGON 1963 situation. He helped William Bundy Willliam Colby and Maxwell Taylor consolidate joint agency wartime power in southeast asia and domestically after the death of JFK. Pumping change into a payphone? The senior statesman and ambassador to Viertnam for the United States? Communication break down ------- its always the same
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