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Shanet Clark

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Everything posted by Shanet Clark

  1. For all the sloppy, reprehensible and obstructive work the FBI did in the investigation and liasson with the Warren Commission, I also fail to see direct FBI sponsorship of the assassination itself. I believe Hoover's surprise and anger about being kept in the dark about Oswald was real. Although they came together in a united front to properly cover the whole thing up along LN lines, the fact is that the FBI was a legitimate domestic law enforcement organ that was sidestepped regularly by the civilian and joint paramilitary programs operating on domestic soil. Keepin the FBI and "clean" police well away from the plot, the team and the patsy was the function of the illegal paramilitary joint force in Dallas and Miami. "The Left Hand doesn't know what the Right Hand is doing." Sam Giancana, circa 1963.
  2. Yes. Aside from the company Helms kept, read Bob Haldeman's account (The Ends of Power, pp. 37-39) of Helms's "violent reaction" to "the Bay of Pigs may be blown" message that Haldeman conveyed to Helms from President Nixon during Watergate, and what Haldeman thought that it meant. Ron <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I think Richard Helms, like his associate Marshall Carter, were structurally indicted in the assassination, due to their positions. They were responsible for the agencies various mafia mercenary and domestic operations, and Hunt's boss, Fitzgerald, Shackley, Harvey, Karamessines, etc. Helms probably knew more about the Kennedy assassination than any man alive when he ran the CIA in the late 1960's and early 1970's. Like other issues of the day, whether his culpability was limited to the cover up or involved foreknowledge, is unclear, but he is STRUCTURALLY a suspect in the events of 1963. AGAIN, I am not Piling On, or participating in the right wing aspersions on JFK I am only illustrating the various pretexts the AGENCIES may have used to DECLARE JOHN KENNEDY UNFIT FOR HIS SECURITY CLEARANCES. I believe the secret intercepts and files developed on JFK led to his downfall, and that "Honest Men" could be pressured to participate in the event because of the INCAPACITY pretext, which is set out in the 25th Amendment.
  3. My basic take on this - When taken into custody for the murders, Oswald turned to his core recruiter from the old days, someone who he idealized as impartial and patriotic, with both the US and Oswalds best interests at heart and who could intervene to explain Oswalds allegiance. The joint defense/civilian signals agent from Atsugi, Japan, John Hurt.
  4. Dawn Don't get me wrong, I am just placing the various scandals that may have led to incapacity or instability or unfitness findings to have been laid on Kennedy by the joint agencies. My list is an understatement (except for the VD) and I think Seymour Hersh is pretty accurate. More accurate than say Oliver Stone's "Nixon"... My point is to expand on the potential leads a hostile clandestine agency might have had against JFK---and that list is not all of it by any means!
  5. Interesting anecdote from Katie Graham: it is apropos that John Mitchell (husband of Martha Mitchell) warned that Katie Graham at the Washington Post would get her "TEAT IN A WRINGER" if she pursued the Watergate story. However this thread can look into many other JFK Security Risks, some are aspersions the right wing has cast on him, most have some basis in fact: A very short rundown, based on memory, to start, and I will look into Dark Camelot by Seymour Hersh and other sources, (OVID DEMARIS) Security Risks of John Kennedy (potentially) 1. Venereal Disease 2. LSD or Mescaline use with Mary Meyer 3. Addison's Disease (denied) 4. Inga Arvad (warime ONI/Navy and FBI files) 5. Ellen Romesch 6. Ambassador's Wife #1 Patricia .... 7. Judith Exner 8. Marilyn Monroe 9. Sam Giancana 10. Costello via Joseph P. Kennedy 11. Orgies 12. Backchannel Communications with leftists 13. Incriminating electronic intercepts (underage, married, leftist, substances) of course I could go on, and I am not at all hostile to Kennedy or believe that he violated his oath of office. But in the context of the Cold War secret joint civilian agency ascendency, their was no room for this freedom and human joie d'vivre...........
  6. This material supports my theory, not only in its general content "what Bobby said" but also by the implications of the back channel. In other words, Kruschev, the KGB and probably the US joint agencies had prior knowledge of all this and circulated memos concerning these security violations, lapses, breaches, what have you. When Americans in the Cold War even communicated with Soviets, the REACTION was often greater than the INITIAL ACTION.
  7. Again, all this points to a joint paramilitary (civilian and military intelligence agencies) effort. The complex interrelationship of the Army (max taylor, ed walker) the Air Force (Lansdale) the Navy (JFK Bethesda, marine oswald, Navy Secretary issues) the civilian agency one (desmond fitzgerald, harvey, the cubans, hunt, phillips) and now these gentlemen, MCCLENDON and JOHN HURT from the second civilian agency, or better the agency most submerged in the grey area between military and civil (and domestic and foreign) responsibilities. This second agency enters the picture as a Japanese Cryptological group, circa 1959 in Atsugi, and the photos show the civilian/military hybrid nature. This John Hurt call, linked to Ruby's call to a similarly placed crypto-analyst from the joint civilian intelligence agency, are quite important and instructive. Very serious events occur under the veil of TOP SECRET CLASSIFIED EYES ONLY. Things never intended by the founding fathers of 1787, but known to the authors of the WARREN REPORT and the TWENTY FIFTH AMENDMENT. SHANET CLARK
  8. Lee and Jim Great stuff, why was Oswald's FBI contact, who burned the note from Oswald, running around Dallas with a Military Intelligence agent November 22, 1963? Why? Because Hosty was being handled? To make sure there was no FBI-Oswald contact around the morning of 11/22/63? Cord Meyer and Mary Meyer, now these point back to my theory. John F. Kennedy taped, tapped and photographed with a 1960's artist and friend of Timothy Leary. This 1960's artist and psychedelic apostle was also married to a top CIA honcho while sleeping with and otherwise expanding the President's perceptions. Angleton and the notebook of Mary Meyer, after her murder, point to this - Jack Kennedy lost his security clearance by being declared incapacitated by Mary Meyer's LSD. Speculative, but within the limits of the logic of the classified cold war records. Jim, In Latin America I believe they call it 'an affair of the skirt.' The skirt in question had a CIA file on her since 12/8/1953. 98% redacted. - lee <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  9. I.E., Maxwell Taylor. Yes, but my point is that the effort enjoyed large political support, assent and acquiescence, because of this quasi-legal security clearance issue and incapacity rationale. Johnson, Hoover, Nixon and the joint agencies seemed to conspire as if were legal. Nixon was in Dallas, and his soft drink multinational had lost property in Cuba. He had connections with Jack Ruby, secret Bahamian and Swiss banks, Miami financial concerns via Bebe Rebozo and 10-20 million dollar slush funds during his later election cycles...
  10. I don't know that much about the origins of these paramilitary civilian intelligence agencies. I read the first and third James Bamford books (Puzzle Palace/Pretext for War) on the NSA. I am interested in the Maxwell Taylor angle and it includes shedding light on the role of various military programs for counter espionage and psychological mind control, truth serums, hypnosis, LSD and what have you. Another character, a protege of General George C. Marshall, was the highly decorated Marshall Carter. As DDC for Intelligence and head of the ultra-sensitive NSA agency, he would have been privy to the various electronic and photographic evidence in the case: this would include the cover-up, any overseas phone traffic, Mexico City and Havana materials, and especially, military and civilian agency files on the medical and mental health aspects of John F. Kennedy, illicitly gained. I really think the grey area of IRRESPONSIBILITY was formed, the joint civilian paramilitary intelligence agency was in the ascendant in 1963, and, like Mark Lane and many others, believe the Vietnam War and the military industrial congressional complex as outlined by John Simkin stood to gain and shed light on the causes of the coup detat. But it certainly was a coup detat triggered from deep in the militant reac tionary opposition to Kennedy, from people in power to remain in power. Connally, as former Secretary of the Navy, was probably witting. Kennedy, as a Naval Officer, probably had a mixed file, and the use of naval (marine) counter-defector, either as a sniper or as a "lost" patsy for public consumption, all these Naval interests come together in the idea of Incapacity, or Unfitness, being secretly levied on Kennedy, and the cliche Executive Sanction being used to strip him of his security clearance as presiding officer. I think the agencies knew of his drug usage and declared him legally insane in secret paperwork, and the exposte facto rationale, legitimization and essential political cover is found in the 25th amendment, exonerating Johnson, Dillon and the Cabinet level advisors in power in the mid 1960s.....
  11. Don't discount the Pepsi Bottlers, they were an important corporate group, especially where sugar and the Caribean were concerned. Pepsi had many international bottling centers, capitol city locations and a national US presence. Mr. Nixon was very close to a DONALD KENDALL who is implicated in much of the reactionary and corrupt politics of the WATERGATE, the NIXON IMPEACHMENT and the NIXON RESIGNATION AUGUST 1974. His conference at the Center, his party with the pricipals and his shady exit from Dallas Texas around 9 a.m. 11/22/63 are grotesque, and point to a joint paramilitary sanctioned inside job with bipartisan support, ala the 25th Amendment..
  12. Yes to all these, the GREEK situation was very touchy throughout this period, as they bordered the iron curtain, and had nationalist and royalist interests. Apparently Nixon was compromised, or very sensitive, about the GREEK political situation in our time period. Mr. Karamessines was a witting agent of the joint paramilitary domestic agenda of the period. Guenther Lewy's book, America in Vietnam shows Colby's Counter-Intelligence political assassination "corporation" but it showed me the fundamental futility of separating civilian agency and military forces roles and agendas. In 1963 this joiint paramilitary force was operating on US soil in illegal domestic operations, ARTICHOKE< MK ULTRA < PAPERCLIP <BLUE SKY <CHAOS<COINTEL< etc....
  13. Exactly, Eugenio Martinez and the Cuban effort is heavily tinged with mixed and changing allegiances, counter-intelligence and counter-intuitive behaviors. The concept of a false effort to kill Castro (or an ongoing but blown effort) is certainly not out of the range of possibility. Trafficante was probably in a position to yeah or nay on a lot of this stuff. Anthony Summers has a lot of evidence concerning Nixon and Ruby in the Havana handover, and our Friend TOSH's memory goes back to when the CIA was behind CASTRO circa 1954, if I understand. Good Thread. {{I have found it best to NOT look for motivation, but look only at behavior and consequences, how people reacted.}}
  14. Well, Jim, I agree we are moving forward. Since Lee Oswald called a man in Raleigh North Carolina the night he was in jail in Dallas, and that man's name was John Hurt, then you are on the right track. A John Hurt in the Signal Intelligence, a Japanese linguist from the WWII era, would tend to be an interesting choice for the counter-defector, Oswald. Atsugi was not only a radio signals asia center, it was the asian center for the MK-ULTRA, and government documents show 100,000 dosages of LSD-25 in the safe at Atsugi in the period in question, 1959-1963. Maxwell Taylor and Marshall Carter became heads of the Plans and Joint paramilitary agency structures, and structurally should have been aware of OPERATION TILT and the activities of a counter defecting former Atsugi Marine. The joint agency (military and civilian) model that General Maxwell Taylor brought to bear in the OPERATION PHOENIX counter-insurgency and assassination effort was inaugurated the night of November 21, 1963 when McGeorge Bundy changed the parameters and tasking mission for US forces in Indochina. John Hurt, as is obvious from the above, was a string Oswald was trying to pull, and a solid lead for us today into the Signals and Joint Operations context of the 1959-64 period, as it points to a PROGRAM to run an AGENT via the well known and partially exposed MK ULTRA mind control and counter defector assassination directorate. So yes, a signals intelligence translator from the Cold War era in Japan, would be a very telling person for the "Communist" or patsy, to call from jail right before he died. Shanet Clark
  15. Ed Great Post, Welcome to the group. This Irving I. Davidson seems to be mixed up with quite a few suspects. Jack Anderson really appeared to be independent on many of his stories, but at the perimeter of what he knew, who he knew and what he was willing to publish, are some very serious questions, especially in light of the emerging MOCKINGBIRD program files.
  16. Well, Jim, I agree we are moving forward. Since Lee Oswald called a man in Raleigh North Carolina the night he was in jail in Dallas, and that man's name was John Hurt, then you are on the right track. A John Hurt in the Signal Intelligence, a Japanese linguist from the WWII era, would tend to be an interesting choice for the counter-defector, Oswald. Atsugi was not only a radio signals asia center, it was the asian center for the MK-ULTRA, and government documents show 100,000 dosages of LSD-25 in the safe at Atsugi in the period in question, 1959-1963. Maxwell Taylor and Marshall Carter became heads of the Plans and Joint paramilitary agency structures, and structurally should have been aware of OPERATION TILT and the activities of a counter defecting former Atsugi Marine. The joint agency (military and civilian) model that General Maxwell Taylor brought to bear in the OPERATION PHOENIX counter-insurgency and assassination effort was inaugurated the night of November 21, 1963 when McGeorge Bundy changed the parameters and tasking mission for US forces in Indochina. John Hurt, as is obvious from the above, was a string Oswald was trying to pull, and a solid lead for us today into the Signals and Joint Operations context of the 1959-64 period, as it points to a PROGRAM to run an AGENT via the well known and partially exposed MK ULTRA mind control and counter defector assassination directorate. So yes, a signals intelligence translator from the Cold War era in Japan, would be a very telling person for the "Communist" or patsy, to call from jail right before he died. Shanet Clark
  17. Colonel Lansdale was the living model for "The Ugly American" He was a counter-intelligence adviser in the Phillipines, where quite a large number were killed in the 1950's and was to use the expertise in political assassination and terror that he learned in the Phillippines in the 1950's in Vietnam and greater Southeast Asia in the 1960's. As a colonel in Air Force intelligence, he was significant in the move toward joint paramilitary operations involving multiple civilian and military agencies. It was the coldest part of the Cold War, and Colonel Lansdale was implicated in the assassination of JFK by his colleague and associate, Lt. Col. Fletcher Prouty. It would tie in with a theory of joint paramilitary agency sanction on Kennedy. Maxwell Taylor and McGeorge Bundy would escalate and greatly heighten air, land, sea and signals efforts in Vietnam in the immediate aftermath of 11/63. What Edwin Walker was to the Oswald frame, Lansdale was to the actual ambush team, or so it seems...
  18. They had the unmarked stash of WWII Rome HQ rifles, it follows from there.
  19. Great thread and Line of Inquiry. I have just ordered a CD ROM of declassified Nixon Era Domestic files. These MOCKINGBIRD programs tie in with the known domestic operations CHAOS and COINTELPRO. When the CIA domestic operations and armed forces intelligence agencies come together to run highly classified programs on US soil, that is a joint agency illegal operation. I believe 11/22/63 was the capstone and centerpiece of this joint agency paramilitary program, a moment when the combined agencies of the classified secret bureaus got the upper hand over any elected official...
  20. Staged? This is a broad term, my Australian friend... Staged from scratch, for no purpose? Were individuals "found" or in need of protection at the railyards? I believe the Bum Walk was staged, in that it was a non-arrest, it was more of a security escort for these three characters. It could have been staged just for propaganda "grey" misinformation, but why? It wasn't good law enforcement, it was a staged escort for some shady characters, and "Lansdale" (not positively ID'd) was allowed to get very close to "Harrelson" (not positively ID'd) and the security of the process was very weak, as if these men were known to be know real threat. I think Howard Hunt was in it up to his ears, but I tend to believe Chauncy Holt's scenario. I think the third "Bum" is an as yet unnamed French OAS mercenary assassin, possibly an associate of the late Albert Spaggia ...
  21. Look again at greg's figures- The Tramp's "Lansdale" has a substantially longer jawline, possible glasses, and possibly older than this other photographed figure. Prouty knew Lansdale and said that his left shoulder dipped as he walked. They are not at the same point in their stride to compare this. Whether or not it is Lansdale, the whole procedure seems phony. The lax control, the slinking suited figure (a handoff may even have occured), the fact that the names were suppressed, the whole thing looks bad, after 40 years. good thread.
  22. John, I've noticed some very good posts from you recently. Could you post a short column here containing your findings, since you seem to be facing some imminent disruption? Shanet
  23. Oh thats far too dark and doomy. The Cray supercomputers xxxxx through this stuff, but no analyst spends much time on this particular forum, we are really just old crusty blowhards, spouting back theories that thirty years of underground and alternative journalism has spawned. Even John with his exhaustive database, biographies on SPARTACUS and Tosh, a minor participant, or James Richards, a crusading photo historian, I don't think all of us together rate a raised eyebrow. We go on a list and nothing happens. This is just what it is -- a speculative educational history forum and the only reasons the great ECHELON and FT MEADE computers pick us up is because it is all overseas. We ain't spit on the windshield at the agencies, a remote pinprick of public criticism.
  24. Robert Maheu's book was ghosted by Ron Laytner and it has an interesting anecdote about receiving a call from the Mormon guard surrounding the defense industrialist, Howard Hughes. It seems Mr. Maheu got a call from the inner sanctum "who did Lyndon Johnson serve under as Vice President?" "What, whats this all about?" "Well, Mr. Maheu, Mr. Hughes is here dictating a letter to President Johnson. He starts out by saying that he remembers Lyndon Johnson from when he was Vice President under Harry Truman, and that can't be right, is it, sir?" (I am paraphrasing), and Maheu says the letter to Johnson was corrected before being sent. Strange glimpse at the Hughes perception of the world... Hughes Death, like that of J. Edgar Hoover, became the source of a scramble for documents, and the notebooks (in Michael Drosnin's CITIZEN HUGHES) tell us quite a bit about Mr. Hughes empire. Certainly Richard Nixon was very concerned about the limits of Howard Hughes intelligence resources.....Harry Truman, indeed....
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