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Dawn Meredith

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About Dawn Meredith

  • Birthday 10/24/1949

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    Austin, Tx.
  • Interests
    political justice, conspiracy/truth, music, law, Bible prophecy

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  1. I hope that we can soon see it here in the US where the powers that be continue to deny the truth. Dawn
  2. The juvenile Court here in Austin is called "Gardner- Betts" after him. Power lives on.
  3. Very curious as to what Peoples intended to show at his press conference. I did not know that the fingerprint had been matched by anyone before my dear friend Nathan Darby.
  4. So RCD. You have made it quite clear that you do not support the H&L position. I have a question. The photos of "Harvey" and "Lee" do not look at all alike, to me. To what do you attribute this? If not two different people, then what? Thanks. Nice to see you round these parts. I am rarely on forums these days myself. Best, Dawn
  5. I have been saying that for decades Doug. Nothing else makes sense. Dawn
  6. How many clients have now said he acted against them? He's clearly a power broker or else he'd be disbarred. Dawn
  7. Of course McCord brought down Nixon, as he was likely told to do by higher ups. The tape was the clue- twice. No real burglar would make that error. He was trying to get caught. As for Trump he may be involved in some Russian dealings, but the Russians did not hack the DNC. This impeachment is a waste of time and shows how little the Democrats have. Except Tulsi Gabbard. You know that "Russian asset" Who wants to end all the wars. Dawn a/k/a Russian asset.
  8. No they won't Jim because then they would have to acknowledge Douglass' book.
  9. Just because those of us who can spot a Deep State coup when we see one does not mean we are Trump supporters. Hardly. My candidate is Tulsi and not because she called out Clinton for what she is but because she is the only anti war candidate running.
  10. Sadly Jim I usually sign my email to most of my long time friends back in MA "Your Russian asset" because they- all liberal Democrats who blindly believe MSM-fully believe in RG. Even Harvey- Yes- that one (Yazijian).
  11. WOW- I was stunned when I saw that. I knew that weekend it was conspiracy. I was 14.
  12. I saw it several days ago on facebook and was just thrilled. I have long been a huge Tulsi supporter. Dawn
  13. OMG yes. Let's all bring back Tommy too so we can have more Russia bashing. Former NSA head Bill BInney explained why it was NOT a hack, but that the emails were sent to Assange by an insider with the DNC. He also sued under FOIA for records between Assange and Seth Rich. They were denied of course but he did learn that there were hundreds of pages of such records. (WHY???) But, of course, Seth's murder was a simple robbery (where nothing was taken) and they FBI was not permitted to examine the computers in question.... and some "intelligence agencies" have told us it was the Russians. Of course, we can always trust our intel. agencies.
  14. I continue to be amazed by JFK assassination savvy folks who fell for the phony Russia gate story. I suppose Cliff believes Tulsi Gabbard to be a Russian asset too. (And I am NOT a Trump supporter). But I saw Russia gate for what it was from the start. Dawn
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