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Dawn Meredith

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Everything posted by Dawn Meredith

  1. Cliff: do you think you could locate that "sweet spot behind the fence" for me? (Don't get rude, Cliff. This ain't a D.C. lawyer you're talking to here.) I'd like to aim my virtual camera from this alleged "sweet spot." So far, I'm having a lot of trouble finding any spot behind that fence that doesn't have a motorcycle cop and/or spectator in the line of fire. You seem to know where it is, though. Help me out. Ashton The eastern corner of the fence. As you wish. I've even turned off the foliage to make the shot easier: I'm wondering how no motorcycle cop got hit. I'm also wondering how anybody could get a scope bead drawn on a moving target from there with the inconvenient corner tree-shrub, shown here in Moorman: And while I have that up there, I also don't see anybody there at the corner of the fence drawing such a bead—just an instant before the headshot. Must have been "Queeksdraw McGraw." Whaddaya think? Quoting now from your other message above: Well, since your designated fence-corner "sweet spot" is just a few feet from the alleged—but always fun—"Black Dog Man" position, while I was there I thought I ought to set up the motorcade where it was at the time of the throat shot, and take a peek. Here ya' go: I don't know about you, but I was having a bit of trouble picking the target out of the crowd, so I made him a bright sort of [G.W. BUSH] nyewkyuhler[/G.W. BUSH] green for you. Hope it helps. And now here's what I think in general: I think it's time we all snap out of over 40 years of mass shock and mass hypnosis, and get a reality check. Ashton Wonderful graphics Ashton. On all the threads where you have done them. Great work. Dawn
  2. [quote name='Richard Bittikofer' date='Dec 1 2006, 01:56 PM' post='83314'] You can not trust the zapruder film! This may be a stupid question, but why on earth did you insert Ashton Gray's photo here? Is this supposed to be funny? If so it is not. Ashton is often very funny and I love his sarcasam so much that Pat Speer says I am drinking his kool-aid. But this is just dumb. If you have anything relevent to add to this debate bring it on. Dawn
  3. I agree with most of this (except for the last bit on the mob). Lisa Pease has her own agenda. She is more concerned with protecting the Kennedy image than in exposing the people who killed them. John, I have not had much time to look at the forum these days as I have had Terry Mauro here since 11/22 and another music JFK assassination pal, Scott Myers- we had a fabulous time! So am playing catch -up here , tho I must confess I have been REALLY enjoying the "who were the shooters " thread! Plan to read thru that entire thread again tomorrow after court and will likely have some comments. Great graphics too. Thanx all. Oh, btw, Ashton, I am running out of kool-aid But John, I cannot believe what you posted about Lisa Pease. She is one of the most honest researchers on this area of political discourse. Of course she has an agenda: the TRUTH. The agenda I would really love to believe we all hold here, tho I know better. I challenge you to cite me one example where Lisa has abandoned the truth in favor of anyone's reputation. This comes as a real surprise to me from you, John. Dawn
  4. Pat: Carl's book is being scanned here on the forum. Soon all lthe world will be able to read Oglesby's brilliant words. Dawn
  5. So John are you going to tell us who said this? Inquiring minds MUST know. I truly doubt it was Ashton Gray. That would very much surprise me. He defends you not defames you. Who ever it is is just trying to get yor goat perhaps? Dawn
  6. Bill: Richard Bartholomew told me on Tuesday that he thought that something was going to be happening with the Grand Jury petition...anything up? I had court so could not go to the conference this year. Terry and I plan to attend next year. Dawn Thanx for the PDS video. Gotta do some cleanaing up then will watch it.
  7. ************************************************************** Don't worry, John. I think any of us who've been independent thinkers over the years have been accused, at one point or another, of possibly being assets, if not agents, ourselves. Have you gotten our pictures, yet? You can post them if you'd like, and let the members view some of your American contingency in the U.S. Terry [posting from Dawn's rig, again]
  8. John: Who said this absurd thing about you? Anyone who thinks you are CIA is in need of meds. Dawn
  9. *************************************************************** Purely speculation on my part, but according to the major wounds on the body, the ones that disabled JFK, setting him up for the head shot, Hemming and/or Robertson from Houston and Main, and Wilson on the Grassy Knoll, dealing the final, fatal blow. The fleshette, that entered the throat area, between the cricoid cartilage and the suprasternal notch, if it was indeed a fleshette melting upon being exposed to 98.6 degree body temperature, and purported to have had poisonous or paralysis capabilities, would have come from Santiago or Hargraves, with the umbrella not so much as the firing device, but as a distractive diversionary tactic for the deployment of the fleshette by a smaller caliber [as witnessed by the size of the wound, and described by the Parkland physicians], weapon. Terry Mauro replying from Dawn Meredith's rig.
  10. Thanx Richard. I was going to post about Coast to coast. Groody was just riveting. It will be re-broadcast tonight earlier. Check it out folks. Dawn. with Terry!
  11. I love it!!! Pat Speer official theory of Watergate. I just cannot stop laughing. Thanks Ashton. Great post too...will be interested in hearing more on this. After I recover from your Kool-Aid that is. Hey maybe that is what got me so ill yesterday Dawn
  12. God, even after all these years it still hurts to look at those images. Coast to Coast will be on JFK assassination issues tonight. Dawn
  13. Since I've never said any such thing, and only you have, the following will be known henceforth and forevermore as "The Official Pat Speer Theory of Watergate": "CIA overthrew Nixon because he was gonna blow the whistle on their scientology research" —Pat Speer I've added it to my sig properly attributed to you. Thank you for the contribution. It will remain there until you answer this question, which you keep evading: Do you claim that there was one "forged Diem cable," or that there was more than one "forged Diem cable"? Ashton Gray Pat: Do you not answer this question because you do not know the answer? Or because you're merely being evasive? I trust you saw what Ashton posted about Nixon and know that Ashton is no lover of the trickster? Dawn
  14. Thanks very much Dawn. Wonder if the SDS was Operation CHAOSed. Wasn't that Johnson's baby? Friggen thug. Ya they were definately inflitrated, in fact Carl believes that the violence was a result of this infiltration. Works all the time. The scum. BTW, I checked on the seminars page and Tim Carroll's paper is still there. You just have to page thru to get it. I advanced it for you a couple of days ago. Dawn I saw the Carroll material you kicked up Dawn, thank you. Hey, interesting that you mention SDS. I just read this: "The voices the Kennedys symbolized are now squelched. Collier and Horowitz are intent on never letting the ghost of the sixties reappear. The poor, the weak, minorities, and the left’s intelligentsia must not be unsheathed again. (As Todd Gitlin notes in his book The Sixties, on occasion, the Kennedy administration actually had SDS members in the White House to discuss foreign policy issues.)" http://www.copi.com/articles/probe/pr1197_jfk.html Amazing. We could have had great leaders. 'Cept the CIA didn't want us to. Myra: I would not read anything by Collier and Horowitz. They are just pigs in my opinion. They did a book on the young Kennedy's in 1984 that was partially serialized in Playboy. They did a total number on Robert Kennedy's young son David. Horrible. He ended up dead in a hotal room in Miami on 4/25/84. Drug overdose, but I balme them. I stopped reading Playboy as a result. No, the CIA never wanted anything good for this country. Crack dealers- (and worse)- that they are. Pond scum. "Only in America" Dawn
  15. Great song. Does that bring back memories. Terry Mauro is coming in tomorrow night and we are gonna paint this town-and one of my walls- red. Wish you all could be here. It's gonna just rock. Dawn Happy Thanksgiving to all. I have sooo much to be thankful for this year. I echo what Myra wrote: "I love this forum". Thanks John, and Andy. I have made some wonderful friendships here.
  16. Thanks very much Dawn. Wonder if the SDS was Operation CHAOSed. Wasn't that Johnson's baby? Friggen thug. Ya they were definately inflitrated, in fact Carl believes that the violence was a result of this infiltration. Works all the time. The scum. BTW, I checked on the seminars page and Tim Carroll's paper is still there. You just have to page thru to get it. I advanced it for you a couple of days ago. Dawn
  17. I missed this show but I agree that it is new twist for Greta. A trend maybe? Grace grilling Ruth Paine. Now there's one damn good idea. Bill why don't you contact her with this idea. Nancy is so unrelenting she'd likey get Paine to confess all. Dawn
  18. On my page on George Bush I quote a passage from Paul Kangas (The Realist, 1990). He is the one who mentions the George Bush book. I have done a search for the book at Abebooks and discovered that the book was written by Fitzhugh Green (ISBN: 0870529420). In fact, I have just purchased a copy. You will find it avaliable here: http://www.abebooks.co.uk/servlet/SearchRe...39&sortby=3 Thank you John! I'm really looking for evidence that Prescott assembled the Nixon-Eisenhower ticket. I've ordered the book at my library. If this is true this would make the Bush crime family quite powerful long before we knew it. Dawn
  19. James, I don't know the name of the guy. I'm familiar with House's story but I don't know if he's the man in the brief film clip taken at Dallas PD headquarters. Mark, This is a still from that film. James James: You just astound me with your photo collection! Is there anything you can't lay your hands on?? Dawn
  20. So Pat....I am curious as to your answer , too. Why won't ya just tell us, pleeeeeease? Dawn
  21. John: You've got that right. This guy IS the new Tim Gratz. Only Tim also had a brain and did not believe the WC got it correct. This guy's gotta do some reading. And lose the caps. Dawn
  22. Pat: yes I believe Watergate was as CIA plot. I believe I have said this so many times that I sound like a damn broken record. And Ford was part and parcel of it. Nixon was a criminal who deserved exactly what he got and far worse. He was a mass murderer. (Vietnam etc). I know nothing about stolen Scientology secrets except what I have read here on the forum. Dawn
  23. I'll take that as your acknowledgment that the Diem cables actually existed, as the fabrication of their existence by dishonorable men whose reputations suffered as a result makes no sense. Welcome to the light. Pat: Read my lips: there were no cables. Nada. Carefull, your "light" is blinding . Dawn Dawn, if you, as a lawyer, can't see that the creation of a fake cable in order to implicate the Democrats in the murder of Diem was 1) acknowledged by a number of men as a goal of the Nixon Administration, 2) admitted to by the man in the position to fake the cable, and 3) verified by a number of other men who admitted seeing the cable, and that these men gained little if anything from their admitting they knew of or saw this cable, makes the cable a legal and historical fact, then you, as a lawyer, have no business in a court of law. I don't know what Kool-aid Ashton's been sending you via e-mail, but it's mighty potent. Most puzzling of all is why Ashton should make-up such nonsense--that there was no cable--and include it as part of his scientology-based scenario. It seems obvious that he finds it necessary, in order to build up Watergate as an incredibly EVIL act set up by incredibly EVIL men, that Nixon was innocent of impeachable offenses. Thus, his refusal to admit that Nixon was guilty of anything. You should be wary of false prophets, particularly those using fake names and wearing tinfoil hats. [/color] Pat; Until I began to read Ashton's post in July I had believed in the cable fable, for the very reasons you cite above. There was no good reason to dispute it. Then I began reading Ashton's posts and I found that there was so much I already knew and agreed with that I had to re-examine some others thoughts I had . Like did Nixon kill Dorothy Hunt? Or did the CIA? And same with Hoover. Before Ashton began posting I had believed Nixon had both those murders done. Of course I also knew by 73 that Watergate was a CIA coup. So much in Mr. Gray's posts was stuff I long knew. Koolaid in email? Pat I don't know what you are smoking. So, you're telling me that if I happen to agree with Aston and not you then I should be disbarred or something? Well I understand how you have a high opinion of yourself and your own view, but let me clue you: I am far from the only person on this forum who has found Ashton's rersearch to be a breath of fresh air. I am here as a student, to learn more about the evil that occupies and runs our nation. And to try to educate others whom I enoucnter in life, people who are blinded by Operation Mockingbird. No kool-aid Pat. Just a different set of beliefs than you appear to hold. How this could possibly disqualify me in my occupation in any manner is hard to fathom. But I have found here on the forum when someone disagrees with my political view the first thing they always attack is me in my profession. I take it for what it's worth: very little. Dawn
  24. Pat, let me make a suggestion: You get yourself some nice big 8 x 10 glossies of E. Howard Hunt and John "Pinnochio" Dean and Chucky "Come to Jesus" Colson and L. Patrick "I Burned 'Em Three Times!" Gray—plus any other proven and entirely impeached liars you feel warm and fuzzy about—and forge yourself some Diem cables, and get some candles and some goat skulls, and make yourself a little shrine to The Diem Cables Religion. Then every time you feel the urge to annoy me about it, just kneel down in front of your little shrine, bow your head, and thank your enshrined gods for having given you this faith that you so fervently cling to. And then leave me the F#%$! ALONE about it! There. Then we'll all be happy. Deal? Ashton Gray I'll take that as your acknowledgment that the Diem cables actually existed, as the fabrication of their existence by dishonorable men whose reputations suffered as a result makes no sense. Welcome to the light. Pat: Read my lips: there were no cables. Nada. Carefull, your "light" is blinding . Dawn
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