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Dawn Meredith

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Everything posted by Dawn Meredith

  1. ______________________ J had nothing to do with the Judyth episode, it was the other two he was involved with, the Texas stuff. We have not ever discussed her, so I have no idea what he thought of her relevations. Dawn
  2. ___________________________________ Thanks Shanet, Larry and John. In the days ahead I will learn more and more of projects J was involved in. Tho in the last 8 years the Wallace and related story was at the heart of his work, tho it spanned past Tx. too. Whenever we talked of "Did LBJ kill JFK?" J was fond of saying "yes, but he was not at the top of the pyramid". He sent me his obit back in January that is still on my computer...says very little about his JFK research, only that he began while a reserve cop for DPD. He was proud of his work in Dallas and solving this crime would become his life's work. Yes any trip to Dallas with J would be complete with a tour of the relevent spots. Last time we were there together we were all to meet that Friday evening at some restaurant. My husband Erick and I arrived but could not find J anywhere. We went to the conference then returned to our room, where J had an adjoining room. Hours passed that night, still no J. I was quite worried, it was not like him to say he'd be someplace and just not show. At bedtime he still had not shown up. When we got up that morning his car was there, so I called the room. He'd been out dancing with Judge Joe Brown the night before! Much of the rest of that conference we all were treated to the stories that the good Judge was famed for telling. I have not seen the Remond video, wonder if it will ever be shown in the US. He is also mentioned in Barr McClellan's book twice, p xv1, one of J's fondest truisms: "There are people...that have answers to questions and don't even know the questions exist" J. Harrison, researcher, former Dallas police officer, genealogist. And 338 where Barr writes: "Through these contacts I was put in touch with outstanding deep researchers on the assassination including J Harrison of Austin, who owns one of the most complete liabraries on the assassination. He enlisted Nathan Darby, a certified latent print examiner, who made the important match. He also introduced me to other key researchers, many with works in progress." J was very involved in assisting Nigel turner in the last two segments of TMWKK, two of the three cencored hours. Dawn
  3. Friends, Long-time JFK researcher John F. Harrison ("Jay" to those who knew him) died in his sleep this morning at approximately 1:30 a.m. at his home in Austin, Texas. He had been fighting battles with cancer since 1998, and the most recent battle was one that simply was not winnable. For those of you who had the good fortune to have met Jay at a COPA event, or at Pittsburgh, (the last conference he attended), you know that he possessed a wealth of data that went back well before November 22, 1963. He was extremely careful about his materials, as he was well acquainted with people who met odd/unusual ends. I flew to Texas some days ago, to be with him one last time. He had his wits about him only days ago, but several of us who gathered watched, with deepest regret, as he passed from the ability to communicate, from the ability to move, and finally, a few hours ago, from the ability to sustain life. He left to me a prodigious archive (more on it in the upcoming JFK/DPQ), which is being shipped to a storage location not too distant from my home in NJ. It is my hope that his last wishes be met in that I am able to use the vast amount of documents to bring us closer to the ultimate truth which Jay, in my belief system, now knows. I have written a number of "grant" requests in the hopes that I can establish some kind of "Jay Harrison Research Center" either at the college where I teach or in some similar venue. More about that also--and how I may ask for your help--in the future. Researcher that he was, Jay willed his body to research on the disease which killed him, a rare form of blood cancer which also took the life of Cardinal Cushing of Boston, the Kennedy family religious leader for many years. In a final irony, when a priest was called for the last sacraments of the Roman Catholic church, they were given to Jay at 11:22 p.m. Fitting. I will miss my friend for all of my remaining days. My own personal losses since Christmas of 2003 have been many, and hopefully there will be a respite in the near future. Please remember Jay in your prayers, and let us all rededicate ourselves to getting to the heart of what happened in Dealey Plaza. I apologize for e mails that may have gone unanswered, but it has been extremely difficult to go from prayers, weeping, and sadness to being my predictably obnoxious self, so I have fallen behind. Friends, make the most of each and every day. I have spent many days watching what happens when the final grains of sand ebb from the hour glass of life. Jay, via con Dios, amigo walt brown jfk/deep politics quarterly
  4. Today at 3 a.m a much loved and admired "deep cover" researcher passed away. J Harrison- and this is the first time I have ever publicly said his name- had been suffering from cancer since 2000, but in spite of this this never gave up his 42 year search for "who killed JFK". J focussed on the "Tx. connection" during the past 8 years that I have been privileged to be his friend. When the Mac Wallace story first broke in 5/1998 it was associated with a "Tx. research group". Very few people knew that this "group" was primarily J. I am told that some knew him on the net as "Silver Glasses". J never wanted his name associated with any of his work, helped many others along the way, taking no credit for himself. Tho he was behind the scenes in many a project. Since 5/19/ 05, J had been with his good friend and work partner, Walt Brown, who will be "outing" J as the hero and brilliant researcher that he was in Walt's magazine Deep Politics Quarterly. (J's friend Lynn Gipson was also with him this past week, never leaving his side until the end). J' s voice and work will be sorely missed. I will miss his humor and mind and most of all his friendship. Dawn
  5. . Oglesby belonged to a late 1960s radical anti - war group that advocated violence. In 1974, Charles Colson, Howard Hunt's boss at the White House, told Time Magazine: "I think they killed Dorothy Hunt." Please cite the date of that Time issue and the page number. ________________________________ Carl Oglesgy was president of SDS in the mid 60's. When they split off into the Weathermen and advocated violence he LEFT this group, never to return. I have been a close friend of Carl's since 1973 and he has NEVER "advocated violence". This is just a lie to go along with your totally flawed logic. Chuck Colson told Tme Mag. on 7/8/74: "I don't say this to my people. They'd think I'm nuts. I think the CIA killed Dorothy Hunt". As for Skolnick, when he first investigated this plane crash story in 73 he issued a very long report that was FULLY documented. He probably may still have this report and you can check his research as I did, now three decades ago. But it's a whole lot easier to just say "his credentials are dubious". Dawn
  6. _____________________________ She and Jack Valenti were behind the cencorship of TMWKK portion regarding her husband "The Guilty Men". What's wrong with them doing that? We have no concrete evidence that in 1963 the vice president murdered the president. Millions of people got a chance to watch and record TMWKK in November of 2003. Is Jack Valenti raiding people's homes to seize their DVDs? Please explain. Barr has been contemplating litigation ever since, not sure where that presently stands. You mean to tell me that the TV commentators and newspaper / magazine reporters who said Oswald did it were either crooked or stupid, that the publishers of Encyclopedia Britannica and the World Book are either crooked or stupid, and on top of this whole mess of crooked and stupid people there stands tall one person named Barr McClelland? And he waited until the assassination was forty years old before he said anything publicly? Go, Jack Valenti! Tho I think the actual litigation may be more over the HC "response" to that hour, the so-called "three historians" take a look at Barr McClellan. That was disgusting, they did not discuss the evidence in the piece at all, just slandered Barr. IMO I think she knows the truth about most of what her husband did and has kept quiet and will go to her death that way. Dawn <{POST_SNAPBACK}> <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ______________________________________ Oh no the 21 year old is back. I did not say Barr is some expert in Who killed JFk. He just wrote what he knows about and that happens to include Lyndon Johnson. I think as partner of the law firm that represented LBJ he was in a better position to judge this than are you. As for waiting 40 years, he had been trying to get his book puslished for a good 10 years before that. Since when does the age of the evidence or someone's personal story have any relation to how credible it is? Dawn Meredith
  7. Anyhow, I'm 100% convinced there are no GIANT POWERFUL EVIL MEN playing with us, just nincompoops like Gerald Posner and John McAdams. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ____________________ Do you not think Posner and McAdams are paid to distort the truth? Just curious. Dawn
  8. . I'll be the first to admit that I don't know much about Vincent Salandria. But I do know one thing, he was dead-nuts-on in those comments. _______________________ Ecellent post, Greg. Always good to be reminded of these pitfalls. Vince Salandria is probably the NICEST of all the researchers of this case. A brilliant attorney, and powerful speaker, Vince is always willing to help anyone with a genuine desire to comprehend this very complex case. He is not at all an ego-maniac like are so many of the people in this "critical community". And, in my opinion, dead on in his assessment of the forces behind this coup. Dawn
  9. _____________________________ She and Jack Valenti were behind the cencorship of TMWKK portion regarding her husband "The Guilty Men". Barr has been contemplating litigation ever since, not sure where that presently stands. Tho I think the actual litigation may be more over the HC "response" to that hour, the so-called "three historians" take a look at Barr McClellan. That was disgusting, they did not discuss the evidence in the piece at all, just slandered Barr. IMO I think she knows the truth about most of what her husband did and has kept quiet and will go to her death that way. Dawn
  10. . This may very well be one reason why RFK was not interested in an open-ended investigation of his brother's murder. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ______________________________ And when did you become privy to the thoughts, views and wishes of the former Attorney General? He was not a stupid man. After his grief subsided and he could look at the lunacy of the WC Report he set out on a campaign to set the record straight, something he only believed he would have the power to do if HE were in the WH. At least this is what was discussed by his top former campaign workers four years after RFK's murder, when they went on to campaign for Senator McGovern, for whom I worked a year as city coordinator. For months now you push Castro did it, then it's onto why he should have been impeached. I have long wondered the nature of your true agenda. You seem to have no real interest in who killed Jack Kennedy, which is what this forum IS devoted to discovering, no matter how many times you change the subject. Dawn
  11. [i also agree with you that one can be a "liberal at heart" and a strong anti-communist. That I think is also a very good description of John F. Kennedy. _______________________ I have always been anti-communist and a strong liberal at the same time. Have never seen any contradiction. I also read all Ayn Rand's works as a young woman and I know that greatly influenced my views re. communism. Dawn
  12. . Segretti implied to me that he had authority from the very highest level but his sponsor would deny it. My suspicion was that he was in fact an agent provocateur for the Democrats manipulating to implicate Republicans in embarrassing situations or was working for a wealthy Nixon supporter who had not cleared his activities with either the WH or CREEP. It was only after I read Ulasewicz's memoirs did I understand that, according to him Segretti was being "run" out of the WH without the knowledge of CREEP and that CREEP only discovered the Segretti operation because of my protestations. __________________________________ Do you HONESTLY believe that Segretti was "run OUT OF THE WHITE HOUSE, without the KNOWLEDGE of the WH or CREEP"????? And that the WH "found out" about Segretti because you did not wish to engage in his dirty tricks??? How quaint, or should I say naive. Dawn I am still amazed that Nixon and his people actually called themselves "CREEP". So utterly fitting.
  13. Since 1976, I have made it my business to get to the bottom of Mary Meyer's murder. There have been three attempts by authors to write books about Mary Meyer. John Davis, a well-respected author and JFK researcher, then tried to pick up some of Damore's research and tried to write his book about Mary. He never finished it.(though I have his manuscript) When asked by a close friend why he did not finish it, he replied, "I wanted to live..." meaning that his life had been threatened. When he confronted Cord Meyer shortly before his death and asked him who he thought had actually killed his former wife Mary Meyer, Cord replied, "the same sons of bitches who killed John F. Kennedy!" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ______________________________ Peter: Welcome to the forum. Very interesting post. Do you intend to publish Damore's research? Do you think he really killed himself? Who do you think threatened John Davis' life? (Since he has written extensively about the Mob it was not a member of that organization.) Who do you think "the same sons of bitches who killed john F. Kennedy" are? (If you have an opinion on this one. I happen to agree with Cord Meyer's comment.) Anyone who has spend time studying this case believes that the murder of JFk and the murder of Mary Meyer are connected. Dawn
  14. Was Jack Kennedy's sharing a woman with a leader in the Mafia an impeachable offense? _____________________________ Except for the word of a proven xxxx- (Judith Exner)- what proof do we have that this ever occurred? For a different perspective on all this charater assassination see "The Posthumous Assassination of John F. Kennedy" Jim DiEugenio. (It's in the book "The Assassinations" but I am fairly certain it's online too. Goggle Probe or CTKA perhaps.) Dawn
  15. __________________________________ Earl does indeed live in Austin and I do know him, although not well. I will contact him and see what he thinks about doing an interview. I spoke with him a couple of months ago and he has a very quiet life these days. Spends a lot of time in bookstores with his wife. If he's agreeable it shoud be a fun project. Dawn
  16. The most disturbing thing was the way the media failed to analyse the circumstances surrounding the assassination. ____________________________________ I don't think the folks in most of the media were permitted to do such a thing. There were very FEW like Earl Golz. Back then or now. It's one of the great ironies of this country: that it's believed there is a true "free press". Hogwash. Only here, and we shall see how soon the powers that be start to stiffle conversation and research in this arena. Dawn
  17. Although I am certain that J. Timothy Gratz is our Tim Gratz, this in itself does not mean that Richard E. Sprague/William Turner is right that "Bremer received money from a group associated with Dennis Cossini, Donald Segretti and J. Timothy Gratz". We know that Tim was connected to Segretti. I will be interested to hear if he was also associated with Dennis Cossini. According to "newspaperwoman Sybil Leek and lawyer-turned-investigative-reporter Bert Sugar, while Bremer was at the Lord Elgin hotel in Ottawa, he met with a Dennis Cossini. Famed conspiracy researcher Mae Brussell and Alan Stang identified Cossini as a CIA operative. Cossini was found dead from a massive heroin overdose in July, 1972, just two months after the Wallace shooting. Cossini had no history of drug use." See: http://www.webcom.com/ctka/pr599-bremer.html <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [/quot_____________ ______________________________ Great piece, just re-read it last week, in fact. Was gonna suggest it when I first saw this post. Thanks for posting it for others to read. Dawn
  18. . As a result Charles Colson ordered Hunt to break into Bremer's apartment to see if he could find any information that the Democratic Party was involved in the assassination. ..... There are some people who believe these were never destroyed but were used to blackmail others into silence about what they knew about the assassination of JFK. ___________________________-- Oh if only someone could prevail upon Chuck Colson to tell all. Bare his "Christian" soul. I have no reason to believe he is not a Christian, but he has never been forthcoming, and certainly does not respond to people like us with questions about his FULL role in Watergate. I wrote to him two years ago and did not receive a response.
  19. ________________________________________________ GREAT book and it's online for all to read. I await Mr Gratz' response with baited breath, anticipating a prompt denial. I did notice the Donald Segretti connection some time back. Gee....wonder what this means ) Dawn
  20. The article also has some bad news for Tim. Not even Orlando Bosch buys the idea that Castro was behind the assassination. ____________________ Ron: No one here "buys" this foolish idea. Except the one person pushing it and some of us wonder what his agenda really is. Dawn
  21. Thanks to Walt Brown for providing several key leads. _________________ Roger: What leads did Walt provide? I just had an email exchange with him on this subject to see if he thought Pert may have impersonated LBJ on 11/21/63 and he did not think this had occurred. thanks, Dawn
  22. ____________________________ Sadly, ever since LBJ's people and now Ligget's family have come after History Channel they have totally backed down in airing ANY truth. When they did the "three historians discuss 'The Guilty Men' " segment it was total bullcrap. Did not address the EVIDENCE in the least, only trashed Barr. None of the allegations in this hour were even alluded to. HC has joined in with the other media. Goes to show how powerful these conspiratorial bastards were and still are.
  23. ________________________________________ There are some (can't give names, sorry) who think that this one hour episode was the real reason the three hours of TMWKK were cencored. It was certainly an incredible hour. I wonder if after Lady Bird dies the HC will ever be willing to at least sell those three hours again. Probably not. Valenti is very powerful and his daughter is taking over for him, to keep the power. Dawn For what it's worth I found all three of those hours very believable. Of course I had long known most of the stuff in the LBJ did it hour. I thought Tuner did a great job.
  24. _______________________________________ I do not believe in this theory and we have seen from history this it has not happened. Richard Nixon was a lying politician who "Commie baited" every person who dared to oppose him in an election, from Jerry Vorhees (sp?) , Helen G. Douglas, all the way up to Senator Geroge McGovern in 1972. Then what does tricky do: goes to Russia and China. He was a xxxx and a political opportunist who would say anything if he felt it to be expedient to his getting elected. JFK campaiagned as a Cold Warrior, but it has been demonstrated that he changed his thinking while in office. That he was going to end the Viet Nam war and achieve peace with both Russia and Cuba can no longer even be questioned. It has been established as FACT. It lead to his murder by those who did not share his views of peaceful co-existence. Today's "leadership" does not even put forth any pretext of being desirous of peace. Bush and his neocons have advanced two wars and will no doubt not stop there. It's all about oil. War is never about what the leaders tell the foolish young men who kill for them. It is always to advance the interest of the bankers and power brokers. I have known this since I was a small child. It is why I have always been against war. ("Imagine all the people living life in peace....you may say I'm a dreamer..." ) I do not believe there are many who believe in the Domino theory today, but if W and his band of hoods begin to push it, no doubt a new generation of non-thinkers, who base their views on what Rush Limbaugh tells them to think, will buy into it. I have grave fears about his nation. I do not believe we can have an un stolen election, the rise of right wing hate radio and tv has brainwashed so many people that those Republicans who used to call themselves "fiscal conservatives" no longer even NOTICE the staggering National debt under all these Republican "leaders". It is a disgrace and terribly frightening to me. And all the lives lost in Viet Nam post 11/22/63 are murders committed by the same people who murdered JFK. JFk cared about people, about human life. These killers care only about advancing their own wealth, which is what Viet Nam was really all about. As is Iraq today. Dawn
  25. Carl Oglesby's Yankee Cowboy War does a very good job on this subject, you can get it used, but hard to find. Amazon maybe. Chicago investigator Sherman Skolnick did a very thorough job investigating this case and I believe it's all still linked at his web site. Dawn
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