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Denis Morissette

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Everything posted by Denis Morissette

  1. When did Craig say they brought the rifle down? Turn around and tell people!
  2. I hope people will have enough sense to check out Sandy's claims.
  3. JAMA article signed by Drs. Humes and Boswell. Had I know Dr. Fink was living in Dallas in the last part of his life, I would have had him sign it too. https://postimg.cc/0rYv3whV
  4. "The film clip showing police officers bringing a rifle down the fire escape from the TSBD roof" False. Show us the frames. I would not rely on anything Ira David Woods. I don't know about the Mentesana film, but the most important one of the DCA film, the John Martin original film was in the hands of the Martin film the last I heard.
  5. Information from Italy. Ok. Not an Italian rifle. Desperate to deflect bad reputation to Italy? The author was probably writing this report while eating pasta.
  6. The Mauser on the roof mistake comes from Fort Worth Star-Telegram reporter Thayor Waldo. He apologized to the WC for it. Other than what he saw and heard that day, I don't think Craig was much informed on the works of the WC.
  7. Again on the CIA document, remember the CIA was involved in the conspiracy and cover-up. The document states that Lee killed JFK and Tippit, which cannot be true!
  8. Mauser: Craig in this video added the Mauser stamp detail. He did not mention that crucial point in his 1971 manuscript. The Weitzman report was seen and published by the WC. The WC members did not see all the reports, but their staff members did. The CIA document: Who wrote it? And was the author on the 6th floor on 11/22 or did he just read newspapers? What is his source? The author also states that a Selective card was found, which is untrue. Selective cards don't have a photo, it was an obvious fake.
  9. Some lists that officers made and kept in their pockets VS photo negatives… Have CTers inquired with the DPD, NARA, 6FM if they there is an inventory of these photos. Are the images on the negatives numbered? I know that no Mauser was photographed, so I didn’t waste my time inquiring about them. But I had believed Craig, I would have been on the hot trail of that photo. Are you claiming that Day was lying when he said that only one rifle was photographed?
  10. Just three more claims made by Craig. Anyone of you believe them? 1) The Tall Tramp met Craig when he came out of a radio interview in L.A. 2) The cab drive who drove Oswald to his place was given a blank statement by the DPD. He signed it, and it was filled out by the DPD. Craig said, "I know it because I was there!" 3) He claimed he's in a photograph taken of the Homicide Bureau. But it turned out it is NOT him. For more details on these claims, see my blog. https://jfkassassinationfiles.wordpress.com/2018/03/29/roger-craig/
  11. Can you prove his testimony was altered? Are you accusing the person in charge of writing down his testimony of lying?
  12. Funny the manuscript does not mention his accusation that deputy sheriff Harry Weatherford was on a roof with rifle during the assassination. Weatherford was actually watching the parade from in front of the sheriff's office.
  13. In addition, all the Mausers in that picture has this extra thing. See on the right of the rifles.
  14. The first four are all Mausers. They have that V-shape whereas Carcanno don't. The one laying on the floor does not have that V-shape.
  15. Never saw that one. I did not ask Day anything other than how many rifles and what types they were. He said Carcanno. He would remember finding a second rifle, unless you're going to claim he is part of the conspiracy.
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